The Best Director

Chapter 451: happy New Year

Text] Chapter 434 Happy New Year (recommendation ticket)


Chapter 434 Happy New Year (recommendation ticket)

"Maybe-its-h--early-in-the-game, h, but-I-ught-Id-ask-u-just-the-same. What-are-u-ng-New-Years, New- Years-eve? ... "

Under the night, a bright star in the sky, the New Year is coming, and North America is in a joyful atmosphere, a burst of melodious New Year's song sounds everywhere, "What are you doing on New Year's Eve?" "," Happy New Year "," Auld-Lang-Syne "...

"Huhu" There are very lively celebrations and countdown activities in various cities. The ceremony is waiting for the beautiful blooming women's winter coat m. A concert was held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas; the crowds of people in New York Times Square, laughter and laughter merged into a happy and noisy ocean, waiting for the traditional landing giant crystal ball ceremony, and the channel ’s New Year ’s Eve and Carson-Dali ", The channel's" New Year's Eve Live "and other programs are broadcasting the lively scenes of Times Square, and countless viewers are watching the whole family.

"Ah-Happy-New-Year" channel on the TV screen, a large group of people in the square smiled brightly, waving a long balloon in the hand to the live camera; the channel over there was switched to Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, partition The host Susan Russgen and the victims of the reconstruction of the home spent the New Year; the channel, the popular music performance of "Dick Clark's New Year's Rock Night and Ryan Seacrest" also attracted a large audience ...

However, in order to make the countdown in line with the local time zone, some channel programs are delayed, which does not hinder the fun of people enjoying family moments at home; and people who go out to participate in New Year parties, celebrations, etc., the cinema is also a big hit Where is mén, what are you doing on New Year's Eve?

Time goes by one minute and one second, and the New Year bells in 2006 are getting closer and closer. When the film industry media and movie fans look back on the past year, major events, major events, major events

The film market in 2005 was in a bleak state for most of the time. The poor performance in the first half of the year worried filmmakers, cinema operators and the entire industry. Every day and night, a superhero-like bailout appeared, and then it really appeared. Now, "Firefly", the No. 1 box office in film history. In the two most important summer vacations and Christmas stalls throughout the year, Wang Yang and Flame Movies have twice rescued the market, and they have alive the movie theater, becoming the most popular among cinema line dealers and IMAX companies.

A total of 137 film companies have released films this year, which is a decrease of 17 compared to last year. 557 films have an upward trend compared to 551 last year. Among these 137 film companies, some are happy and some are worried, some are making money, some are losing money, some are failing, some are being merged and acquired, and some are further developing ...

The 137th place is temporarily at the bottom of the manufacturing film company (n-lms). It is ten minutes away from the New Year. There will be no changes. The horror film "Dark Hour" released on October 13th is screened in a theater for two weeks. For $ 423, based on the average ticket price of $ 6.45 in 2005, 65.58 people watched the movie in front of the big screen; the 50th place of the re-tures released five movies and received 1 million box office. As a watershed, the most popular one is "Balzac and the Chinese Tailor". This 02-year film received 650,000 box office at this time.

The abbreviation is also "FF", which is really the same name but different lives. Flames-lms released 9 movies / 7 new films this year, and its circulation is ranked 13th among mainstream companies with more than 100 million box office.

This year Sony / Colombia won the title with 27/24 film circulations, both ranking first; next Warner Bros. 25/19, Universal 24/19, Broadway (Disney) 23/17, 20 Century Fox 21/18, Lion mén 20/18, Miramax 17/14, Pella méng 17/12, New Line 13/10, Fox Searchlight 11/6, DreamWorks 10/9, MGM / United States 10/9, Flame 9/7, Focus 7/6, Warner Independence 7/6, Emperor Mén 7/6.

Compared with 2004, the business scale of several old giant companies has not changed. The only thing that has fallen sharply is MGM. Its circulation has dropped by almost half (19/15 last year). The debt problem of Lion Roar is becoming More and more serious. Emperor Mén and Warner independently entered the list because the former released a successful film "Sin City" this year; the latter has "Emperor Penguin Diary" and "Good Night, Good Luck".

These 16 companies accounted for more than 97 market shares in 2005, splitting more than 9.5 billion US dollars at the North American box office, and only three companies, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, and Flame Movies, exceeded 1 billion.

Last year, Flame Movies achieved the fourth place in the total box office year in North America and the first place in independent film companies; this year it created a greater miracle, an unprecedented miracle that shocked the world ’s miracle ... The big event is still a few minutes away from the new year Change? No, not to mention it has a huge advantage.

In addition, Newmarket, which has always been disturbed by the flame movie courtship sāo, is missing. This year it has no good luck like "The Passion of Jesus". It ranks 26th in the annual box office list with 6/5 of the film circulation. The new film of the score is "The Destruction of the Empire", the origin of UTBBE's "Hitler". It will be screened from February until June, and it has received 5.5 million North American box offices.

Since August 5th, the comedy "My Way" was released in 28 North American theaters. Two weeks later, it started with 52,597 box office paintings. Newmarket's has not landed on the North American screen. It does not have any screening plans for next year. .

The mediocre results of this year told the two founders of Newmarket, William Tell and Chris Ball, that the world is difficult. They are more aware that under the impact of new technologies such as the Internet, the traditional film industry is facing a year-on-year The difficult situation of one year is definitely not easy to cheer every year, and they have the vision to invest in the production of "Memory Fragment", "The Illusion of Death" and other films, but they sell them to the flame film ... may be called For intimate cooperation, mergers and acquisitions?

Why not? Looking at the completely different appearances of the two companies, the two finally chose to nod wisely, but they were not interested in the all-cash acquisition, and hoped to use the way of cash acquisition + share swap merger to enter the flame movie.

Because both parties are sī people companies, there are not so many wordy things, the negotiating table meeting of the two companies is almost completed.

Flame Group will acquire the entire Newmarket Capital Group. After the merger, Newmarket will no longer exist. Flame will acquire the ownership of more than 200 films, including the entire future production library, video copyright, DVD distribution, theater distribution After all the business has also been transferred to Flame, as well as the copyright distribution of the films it co-invested with other film companies ("Mexican", "My Grand Greek Wedding", etc.) ... all.

In addition to the expansion and integration of various business channels, the huge movie library of Flame has swallowed a lot of good things. Some of the more than 200 movie copyrights are the main investment production and all distribution rights, and some are only North American distribution rights. They include "Whale "Knight", "nv Devil", "Crucifixion" ...

In addition, after the two parties complete the merger and acquisition, Newmarket will have a large number of layoffs, but the addition of senior personnel and talents, especially William Tell and Chris Ball will enhance the production and distribution strength of the Flame Group, and there are also network resources For more support.

The two will become a small shareholder of Flame Film, a subsidiary of Flame Group. Although they have no say in the board of directors, they basically get some valuable stocks. However, it is possible to enter the flames, embrace the magical big tuǐ, and William Tell and Chris Ball, whose ambitions have faded, are very happy to see the FF box office results. The annual dividends are enough to be coveted and the flames operate. Their ideas and production traditions are also in line with their love. The magical long-standing sāo disturbance also makes them feel very respected: "We need you." The two found it difficult not to agree.

This is the most important merger for the independent film producer after the acquisition of the artisan film. However, this contract has not been signed. Due to the low-key confidentiality of both parties, there is no reaction in the media market.

There have been enough major changes in the film industry this year. The high-level reorganization of Paraméng; the Miramax earthquake, Weinstein Films was established; IMAX technology was born; DreamWorks was acquired by Paraméng ...

"4, 3, 2, 1-Happy-New-Year"

On the TV screens of thousands of households, the Times Square is as bright as the day, the people who gathered chéng people cháo boiled, the giant crystal ball landed at the bottom of the tall building, countless streamers and paper scraps fluttered in the air, everyone cheered and cheered, and received wěn's reception wěn, the band sang and danced on the stage, the crowd that cheered for the carnival continued from Broadway to Central Park, and it was not clear how many people were celebrating the arrival of the New Year

"Ahhhhh—" The two ears were about to be deafened. Natalie cheered loudly with her hands near her mouth, glancing at the crowded person cháo in front of her, and reached for a falling ribbon, and It was a year that she looked up to the stars in the sky and continued to shout: "Oh oh oh--"

In Brooklyn, many communities have decorated their yard houses with colorful lights. Although it is at 0:00, there are many happy figures of adults and children participating in community celebrations, Heath Ledger and M. Michelle Williams laughed and walked on the road, he suddenly said: "How about we choose to get married in a few days?" Michelle stopped her footsteps unexpectedly, looking surprised: "Do you want to get married?" Heath-Leigh Jie no longer hesitated to focus on his head: "Yes, I want to see how you look in your wedding dress."

At the same time, Michael Pete and Yami-bō Chet walked in the cháo sound làng of Broadway Avenue, surrounded by this festive atmosphere, Michael could not restrain the love in his heart, and think that Yang has nv, He couldn't help saying: "Jamie, marry me." Jamie covered her mouth in surprise, and his expression collapsed again: "If you're going to marry like this? Where is the ring?" Michael Pete was suddenly nervous and irregular. Oh my god, why do n’t you ask Yang ’s advice and ask for a marriage?

"Waiting for a while" remembering that Los Angeles had not yet reached the New Year, Michael quickly took out his mobile phone to make an emergency call, and shouted at the next call from Yami's gaze: "Yang, I'm having a problem now ..." Pulling the can pull him off the phone After that, he took the nv friend's hand and walked forward, meditating on the proposal proposed by Wang Yang: "I used to be very poor, so poor that I used to sleep in the park to grab bread. Now I have money to buy diamond rings, but in my heart, The touch you gave me is like we came together. Would you like to take this pull ring first, and then accompany me until the diamond ring? "The diamond ring still needs to be replaced ...

"3,2,1-Happy-New-Year" came to Bang Bang in 2006-at the end of the deafening countdown, the dark sky of Las Vegas was illuminated by fireworks explosions The smoke of sè is dazzling in the night sky.

Among the lively crowd, Joshua and Alexis holding hands and looking up at the beautiful Taobao women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m in the sky, he turned to look at her, so cute and so mí people , "Nothing is doomed", take the initiative and he was suddenly swallowed by an impulse to propose: "Ali" Ali turned to him and smiled: "What?" Joshua smiled: "... haha "You're beautiful" changed his mouth, because he suddenly remembered that Las Vegas was his sadness ... It's better to ask Yang's opinion first, the guy is a love expert.

A similar voice of "Let's get married" is heard all over North America. After all, the New Year itself is a hot time for marriage proposal, and it has increased significantly compared with last year, all because of the influence of "500 Days with Shamo". In the theater screening hall of "500 Days", the audience ushered in a non-Hollywood ending on the occasion of the New Year. For a time, many people were sad and depressed, and decided to go home and smash it with rotten tomatoes; many people thought: " For the sake of "Firefly", let him go for a while. This is indeed a good movie. "

Since then, whoever mentioned the history of movies and social phenomena in 2005, can't help mention the "Firefly" that shocked the world, the biggest bomb after "Titanic", the biggest science fiction after "Alien ET" The bomb, as it receives one prize after another during the award season, the texts describing it in the film history book are destined to be more and more. It has arrived on January 1, 2006, everything has been finalized, the annual market share ranking of filmmakers in 2005, the box office ranking of movies ... Everything is settled, and a magical symbol is painted for this world. event

"Hoooo, woooo—" In the spacious living room with a very festive atmosphere, seeing the TV screen, the giant crystal ball in Times Square fell cheerfully, and Wang Yang and Jessica on the sofa cheered Then, wěn chún the other person's mouth, and smiled: "Happy New Year" Ke Ke, who had just finished eating nǎi, was held by her mother. At this time, she also smiled, seeming to celebrate the New Year. Wang Yang smiled to Jessica while dialing nòng her little face: "I have to say thank you." Jessica tilted her lips: "Why?"

Wang Yang gently embraced her waist, embraced his wife nv in his arms, and said with a smile: "If someone asks me what is the biggest gain in the past night? Of course it is this little angel. You took her. Bring to us, thank you, thank you for everything. "Jessica leaned on his shoulder, looking at nv's cute smile, so happy that she couldn't speak, and suddenly remembered Michael Pete's previous help call, softly Laughed: "You really can tell sweet things." Wang Yang wěn her hair, let out a sizzle, and smiled: "Do you like it?" Jessica smiled with a wink: " Not so annoying. "

The two whispered carefully for a while, and took some new year photos, such as the family portrait of each person who kissed Ke Ke's cheek, and the digital camera left a beautiful scene.

I did n’t go out to play on New Year ’s Eve ~ ~ It ’s all because I have to take care of Ke Ke. Her current eating interval is 3 hours. After eating, she has to coax to sleep for a while. I do n’t want to disturb my parents ’lives too much, and I do n’t want āo to take care of my assistant. Parents’ responsibilities must be done by myself.


In the fresh-style baby room, Ke Ke sleeps on the baby chuáng. Wang Yang and Jessica sit in the chair next to him. He gently plays the guitar and sings "What are you doing on New Year's Eve?" ". When he heard him sing, Jessica sang softly: "When-its-tly-twelve-k-that-ght." The two sang while looking at each other affectionately, Wang Yang continued to sing with laughter: "ng-in -the-New-Year. "Jessica sang with a laugh:" New-Years-eve. "

"Maybe-Im-crazy--se, Id-ever-be-the-one-u-se ...", "Out-of-a-usand-ns, u-ved ..."

Under the gentle singing and crisp guitar sound, Ke Ke gradually closed his eyes and slept sweetly in the past.

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