The Best Director

Chapter 406: Stormy screen

The 2004-2005 TV fall season is turbulent. The old sitcom king "Friends" and the soap opera king "Urban" have disappeared one after another. One of CBS's trump cards "Everyone Loves Raymond" is coming to an end. Dramas such as "The Big Bang Theory", "Desperate Housewives", "Grey the Intern", "Dr. House" and so on have become the new darlings of the screen audience ...

One of the biggest winners is undoubtedly Flame Family Entertainment, as well as beneficiaries and.

For me, this is a TV season of mixed joys and sorrows, and the high expectations of "Joy" have been completely messed up. The first season of 24 episodes has an average of 10.7 million viewers per episode, and the ratings are 4.2 / 12, all ranking after the 30th place of the year! And the highest 18.55 million viewers in episode 1 began to slip back and forth, the 16th episode fell to 10 million viewers, and the 18th episode began every week, the lowest time has reached 7.5 million! What is even more chilling is that it still follows the ace show, but the audience has turned to the platform, which means it is a pile of shit.

"We are really disappointed." Kevin Rayleigh, the president of the entertainment department, once said to the TV magazine "TV Series" that he believes that everything has been done for "Joy" regardless of publicity and schedule. Now this result How unacceptable, he even said: "We don't understand where the problem is, multi-camera sitcoms are outdated? But" The Big Bang Theory "tells us that this is not the case, maybe the plan for" Joey "is too hasty , We are all responsible. "

According to the statistics of Nielsen and other organizations, both old and new audiences do not buy this drama, and even the **** fans of the "Friends" for many years have given very low ratings, thinking that this drama is boring and boring, and it is best to get early End.

Nor is it a fool, it has already announced that it will not book the full season of "Joy", but will also give the show a half-season to make a final fight. If it is not really reluctant to worship 100% of "Friends", this poor relative It was time to sweep out the door. On the other hand, it has nothing to do with the other new dramas "Proud Daddy", "Hawaii", and "Los Angeles International Airport", and it is not unrelated to the end of the game; the entertainment executives really need to thank the "Big Bang" Saved their transcripts.

Perfectly accepted the banner of TV sitcom king! "The Big Bang Theory" 24 episodes of the first season averaged 21.56 million viewers per episode, ratings 13/24, ranking sixth in the year! There were 21.28 million broadcasts, no episode fell below 20 million, and the 17th episode of "Anime Convention" even hit the highest pride of 30.16 million viewers!

Although some TV critics criticized it as "speaking the same joke every week", the show as soon as it was broadcasted captivated the global audience with a mature and confident attitude. It was both a CULT drama with a lot of **** and a A popular drama popular among the public, there is a popular saying: "The only reason you don't watch" The Big Bang Theory "is that you don't have a TV." But there is also the Internet! "TBBT" not only set the trend in North America, but also caused a "geek wind" in the world. Hundreds of millions of TBBT fans have already seen the second season.

The success of "The Big Bang Theory" is inseparable from the increasing role of electronic technology products in people's lives, the globalization of people's geeks, etc., as well as the hard work and vigorous promotion of the original team.

In any case, you can book 48 episodes of it in two seasons in one breath this summer, and you can see its current status, including the president, program manager, marketing manager, etc. Wen Ruili praised, "It's not every year that an excellent show like" The Big Bang Theory "appears. It's a kind of 'episode of the times'. The next five or six years will belong to it. Very fortunately With it, we must cherish this genius more than once. "

At least until 2007, TBBT fans do n’t have to worry about not seeing the figures of Shelton, Leonard, etc., they can rest assured that they will discuss the plot of the second season and how the relationship between Shelton and the enemy will develop ? Will he have a girlfriend? Can the relationship between Leonard and Penny be maintained? Howard said goodbye to singles? … The second season's promotional video is a lot of attention, and one of them is a "celebrity star guest". In the starry first season, a lot of people appeared, including Wang Yang, an "honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences", and now the outside world is rumored to be SE2 There will be a "Plot of Fireflies", when Magic Yang is likely to debut again.

But in the new season, the crew hopes to implement not only the guest star of the film and television star, the cartoonist Stan Lee who has loved the guest star has agreed to invite; the physicist Stephen Hawking responded very interested, but whether to appear in the role still needs to be considered; Google The two founders Brin and Page, Apple founder Jobs and other Silicon Valley legends also need time to consider ... Of course, "The Big Bang Theory" has just begun, and the producers are very confident that these people can thank each other one by one. They met.

The reason why not a lot can hinder the weekly broadcast of "TBBT" is the strike. Seeing that the episodes are popular all over the world, the flames are collecting money at a high price of 4.8 million per episode. The lead actors continue to work with the basic salary. After becoming a popular star, even if life is not luxurious, daily expenses will naturally increase greatly, such as dresses for attending events and ceremonies, etc., all need money, and there are personal teams such as personal assistants and private makeup artists; on the other hand, Advertising endorsements, program announcements, landing magazines and other projects will also increase revenue.

In addition, the protagonists who are provoked by the agents from the side, and the happy co-operation with the flames all know that the love of knowing and the business should be separated. After all, who does not want a better living standard? And no one knows if there is any scenery in the past few years, let's see "Joy"!

Flame Family Entertainment is probably the most generous boss in Hollywood. In the summer, he just smelled the crew ’s demand for a salary increase, and took the initiative to start a detailed discussion with several starring actors. In fact, Jim Parsons did not temporarily "Thinking hard, they understand that they are really popular because of" TBBT ", where can they go for a while after leaving this series? They also like this drama. The first season's 60,000 US dollars per episode is already the best price for newcomers and new dramas.

To be reasonable, Jim Parsons didn't want to be entangled with the flames. Carreco Cuocu even told Flames that it was not too late to talk about the contract again in the third season. Flame Family Entertainment still issued a six-star episode with 80,000 episodes per episode and 100,000 episodes in the third season. This is a very reasonable and generous contract. Under the name, I participated in the shooting work of SE2 with a happy mood, and there was no conflict between the employer and the employer.

However, Flame Family Entertainment is not a big deal. The good thing is to let others know. At least from the moral reputation, the next time we talk about salary increases, Flame can still be in the upper hand.

"I'm glad this kind of thing has a good ending.", "You can't find a second company like this." ... Both the media and the audience fans agree that Flame is very kind to do, and can't see Warner treat " The mediocre crew of Friends should really be satisfied first, and don't ruin the "Big Bang".

In the previous summer's salary increase, there was also the starring of "Prison Break". Last season's "Prison Break" SE2 did not reduce the excitement. With a tight plot and a tense and exciting atmosphere, it firmly attracted the audience. Although the middle audience ratings have declined, the overall Season 24 episodes still have a gratifying performance, starting with 23.5 million broadcasts, the highest episode 24 attracted to 28.54 million, the average number of viewers is 23.04 million, the ratings are 12/26 points, continue to sit firmly in the throne of the year, and maintain the big drama Set titles.

Entering the third season of "Prison Break", he lost the lead. No matter how he kept it, Wang Yang no longer served as a producer and screenwriter, and his position became an advisory plan. First, because of the lack of avatars, he hoped to spend his energy and time. More on the company of accompanying family members and film production; secondly, he has lost his enthusiasm for "Prison Break", the story of "Prison Break" itself is over, and putting Michael Scofield into prison is just a soap opera. Continue Destiny, more opponents, bigger conspiracy ... These are all for prolonging the episode. If you don't consider the contract, crew livelihood, the reputation of the flame family entertainment, the mood of the audience, etc., he will end the episode where it should end, the first season.

But the crew can continue to maintain the suspense of "Prison Break", some TV channels are willing to broadcast, and some viewers like to watch, why not? I believe that as Michael Scofield and others set off again, the "Prison Break" SE3, which has been booked all season, is still a big monster on the screen.

"Desperate Housewives" is definitely the biggest surprise of the last TV season. Suddenly it took over the name of the "Urban" soap opera king. Suddenly, the unknown Mark-Chelly became the gold TV producer. Among the several leading stars, the word "Desperate-ves" has become a cultural phenomenon, constantly appearing in various talk shows, especially Oprah Winfrey declared himself a fan on the show; April this year On the 30th, First Lady Laura Bush humorously stated in a speech at the White House Journalists Association Dinner: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am a desperate housewife."

The "Wisteria Lane" wave has blown across the United States and the world, a super dark horse! It broadcasts the first episode of 21.3 million on the channel, the highest final episode of the 23rd episode of 30 million, SE1 has an average of 23.7 million viewers, and the ratings are 10.66 / 26. It is very popular among critics and viewers, and it dominates Sunday with the fourth place of the year!

The first "American Idol" of 27.3 million viewers on X channel; the second "Criminal Scene Investigation" of 26.6 million on CBS channel; the third one is changed to 26.1 million "American Idol" aired on Wednesday night; the fourth, The fifth and sixth places are occupied by the three episodes of Flame Family Entertainment. It also has "Are you smarter than fifth graders?" Ranked 19th with an average audience of 15.1 million viewers. ", Undoubtedly the big winner.

This fierce momentum continued from the ratings to the award nominations. The 57th Emmy Awards nomination list can be seen everywhere on the flame mark. The three episodes received a total of 15 major nominations!

They are the best drama series in "Prison Break", the best actor (Wentworth Miller), the best screenwriter (EP04, Nick Santola); the best comedy category in "The Big Bang Theory" Episodes, Best Actor (Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki), Best Supporting Actor (Simon Helberg), Best Screenwriter (EP17, Wang Yang, Bill Prady) , Graham Reinham), best guest actress (Natalie Portman, Rachel McAdams); the best comedy series in "Desperate Housewives", best actress (Ma Thea Cross, Terry Hatcher, Fretti Huffman), best screenwriter (EP01, Mark Celli).

The biggest suspense of this year's Emmy Awards is the trophy of the best comedy series. Is it the classic comedy "Everyone Loves Redmond" after 9 seasons? Or is it the dark horse "Desperate Housewives" or the equally powerful "Big Bang"? The award ceremony will be held on September 18th at the Shenandoah Theater in Los Angeles.

"I decided not to go, yes, I have to start filming on Monday, I do n’t want to fly around ... you know I have a flight phobia now, huh, if I win the prize, say I am very happy, than It's even more handsome to get the Nobel Prize. More than 10 million people are watching ... Haha! "

Palo Alto under the night is very quiet. On the sofa in the living room, Wang Yang and Bill Prady on the other side of the mobile phone talked about the upcoming TV event. He did not attend the Toronto International Film Festival, which opened on September 10th. Although this year's Flame Movies bought many independent films, they all bought it back to expand the film and television library to directly do DVD business. There is no plan to release the film, and the night after tomorrow Even at the Emmy Awards ceremony, he is also preparing to be absent.

It ’s not because of the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Katrina. There will be a fundraising event at the ceremony. The main reason is that Wang Yang is very dissatisfied with the nomination list for “Comedy Best Guest Actress”. Binatali and Rachel are not inferior, but there is no nomination.

"Why don't you go?" After seeing him bye, he dropped his mobile phone, Jessica sitting next to him patted his thigh, and doubts appeared on the pretty face. Wang Yang glanced at her with curiosity: "Why should I Go? I said no to it two months ago, and I did n’t forget it. ”Jessica was anxious.“ You should go. You have several nominations. I want to see you receive the award! And two dramas. The results are so good. If you attend, everyone will be happier. "Wang Yang seemed to close his eyes very tiredly, leaning weakly against the back of the sofa:" Yes, but I'm too tired ... "

Jessica looked at his face and realized that her heart was full of warmth. She asked: "Hey, because of me?" When the nomination was announced in early July, he had a round of quarrels and she twitched her ears. Hairy, the tone smiled indifferently: "What are you angry? I did play so well."

"No!" Wang Yang opened his eyes and sat upright. He seriously said: "In that episode, you are all close to full marks. This has nothing to do with the performance! You are not nominated because of the prejudices of the judges." This is A solidified image is at work. Many judges have not even seen all the participating EPs when making their voting choices, or hurriedly glanced at it. The usual impression score will affect the result, and the guest effect is highly praised. The labor of "Anime Conference" naturally falls on Natalie and Rachel.

"My dear, there are too many people who perform well in guest performances. There are only five nominations per session." Jessica softly explained him. Although she was a bit depressed and frustrated at the time, she really doesn't care now, saying: "I still think You should be shortlisted for the best guest actor. "

"Yes! There is another reason not to go, great!" Wang Yang snapped his fingers and lay down comfortably on the sofa with his hands on his face, ignoring her cry: "I am not satisfied with this year's cameo The list, it ’s normal not to go! And it ’s injured, work ... Needless to say, I really do n’t want to go. ”Jessica leaned back against the back of the sofa holding him unconsciously, and crooked his shoulders:“ Well, you If we do n’t go, we ’re watching TV at home. ”Wang Yang murmured as he fell asleep:“ I do n’t even watch TV. ”

Jessica looked at the TV screen in front of her ~ ~ She gently shoved his body and smiled to reveal her voice: "Really, I really don't mind. The nomination of the award is only a commendation. Your support is a commendation, and my own feelings are also a commendation. I know I performed well that time! It ’s very present, not like a beautiful vase that does n’t matter, it ’s not just standing there and finishing the show. ... Yang, I know my abilities and problems. It ’s difficult for me to enter the drama. Maybe I can only play a role similar to my situation. "She shrugged." But at least it means that at some times, I am no worse than anyone. . This is the key! "

"Hmm ..." Wang Yang had already stared at her, and suddenly felt that she had matured a lot recently. Is it because she was going to be a mother? He nodded and smiled, "You are right, then we are watching TV." Jessica cheered happily, reaching for the remote control and turning the platform, suddenly remembering something, and rolled his eyes: "Today is Friday, the ceremony is Sunday! "Wang Yang asked in a puzzled way:" Isn't it Sunday? "Maybe it was just an illusion.

Soon September 18th, the red carpet outside the Shenandoah Theater in Los Angeles was shining with stars, and gradually changed from lively to deserted, and the Shenlan Theater was full of guests. The audience burst into applause, laughter and thanks.

"The one who won the best episode in comedy! ..."

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