The Best Director

Chapter 373: Myth is born!

"" Firefly "week is unstoppable, rewriting the chapter of North American film history. ,, .. ,,,,,, o, s, h, u ,, o, m", "Myth is born!" Firefly "Week North America box office 236 million, big break box office recording."……

"Overseas box office summary in a week:" Firefly "easily won the championship and set multiple records ..." ~ Tencent Entertainment: "One week Hong Kong box office summary:" Firefly set off a hot talk in the city ... "... Wenhui Information;" One week box office delivery in Taiwan : Fantastic Yang "Firefly leads the first ..." One TV as the global information; "One week South Korea box office: flames come again," Firefly one ticket is hard to find ... "Yahoo Korea;" One week UK box office: "Firefly" gorgeously reached the top, "Batman" ranks second "Yahoo UK:" A week at the Australian box office: "The fierce attack of fireflies ..." ... Sydney Herald, China, Germany, Greece, Mexico ... "One week of the global box office:" The fireflies are gods ... " "Yahoo Entertainment ..., Sina, Sohu, NetEase, $ 53.6 million! 3,845 theaters average $ 61.531 each. This mythical score was created by the North American Week champion "Firefly" on June 17-23! The followers were amazed and sad.

A number of media newspapers are competing to report that Yahoo Entertainment ’s latest new film summary said:

"The long two-year wait has finally come to an end. The Serenity takes off, the thunderous roar sounds in Shanxi, Wang Yang returns to the screen, and the summer war is on the verge ... This companion, Magic Yang, ushered in the weekend together with the adaptation of classic comics. "Batman: The Moment of War", we all know this level of heroes; and a clearly out of date romantic comedy "Perfect Man".

Probably no one thought that things would happen this way. Meeting Firefly is like a Shakespeare tragedy. No matter if you have an outstanding and noble status and a strong personality, you will eventually go to destruction and death.

The 1997 "Batman and Robin" brought a huge trouble to the old club Warner Bros. For many years, he dared not talk about this matter with the hero of this level. After 8 years, Darren-Arrono Husky brought Christian ... Bell to create "Batman: Moment of War", trying to pull Wayne out of the semi-red and black quagmire, and with the applause and glory of Batman. Director Aronofsky did make a deep personal mark on New Batman, making Wayne an Oscar-level comic hero, but he convinced film critics (rotten tomato freshness 86% / 82%), But he didn't convince the audience, especially his opponents were Wang Yang and "Firefly".

There is no need to say much, who doesn't understand "Firefly"? If you do n’t, it means you are completely out of touch with the world.

The pre-sold movie tickets have been pre-sold, the midnight show at 3 and 6 in the morning, and the eager anticipation of the global audience are all telling the extraordinary of this "Firefly".

Sure enough, since the film was released on Friday on the 17th, word of mouth and box office are in full swing, and almost all the box office records are so unbearable in front of it ... 350,000 opening days, 159.4 million opening weekends, 236.5 million weekly results , Announced the birth of a myth!

In contrast, Batman ’s income is as small as an invisible dust. Perhaps under the oppression of “Firefly” and the bad reputation of the previous work, 270,000 is already a very good result: no selling point, vulgar and boring "Perfect Man" 325 scores are more ridiculous than "Firefly", Universal must regret this line date decision, but based on its evaluation reputation (rotten tomato freshness 5%,%), still consider how to next dVd Let's cheat a sum of money.

Magic's last directed film "The Devil Wears Prada" has a poor reputation for film reviews, but with its excellent public praise and explosive female market, it finally remained magical with 235 million in North America and 558 million in the world. This made Wang Yang and the Flame movie full of confidence, so Jessica ... Alba plus a large number of well-known actors and new actors, the 200 million big production "Firefly" officially took off.

However, as we all know, just as the filming crew entered the later stage, Jessica ... Alba fell ill unexpectedly, and Wang Yang originally planned to make a guest star of the whirlwind captain. Since then, "Firefly" has cast a more mysterious veil, whirlwind The captain has become the most anticipated role.

Just kidding, the marketing offensive of Flame Movies still uses Captain Marr, Riva, and Blue Gloves as the main promotional objects (it is worth mentioning that their cooperation partners are very strange, such as Domino ’s Pizza, Anbang Express. "Of course, there is also a huge momentum on utube The trailer for the teaser spoof, according to the flames, the publicity fee of "Firefly" is as high as 100 million US dollars. This movie has shown its limelight before it is released. It is difficult to say clearly about the technology, the performance of the magical Yang, and the promotion of "miracle" Heath ... How much gimmick Ledger caused to the film, as well as Wang Yang, Robert Downey Jr., Heath ... How much influence Ledger ’s marriage and his wife ’s pregnancy had on the box office, but it did It was only a lot of people who came into the cinema for one reason.

So everyone's expectation of "Firefly", as the release date is approaching, it finally becomes like a volcano explosion ... "Firefly" did not let them down, nor did they let it down, creating one after another to hurt people's chin New record.

All the compliments or contempt are pale in front of the actual data. The following is the main North American box office record set by the film after a week of release:

One: The highest ever box office record in history of 350,000 (defeated 510,000 in "Star Wars Episode 3"):

Two: The highest single-day box office record in history of 350,000 (defeated 510,000 in "Star Wars Episode 3"):

Three: The highest three-day box office record in history is 159.4 million (1. 8 B defeating "Spider-Man"):

Four: The highest box office record in history for seven days a week is 236.5 million (151.6 million defeated by "Spider-Man")

Five: The highest ever box office record of $ 61.531 in a single museum for seven days a week (beating 37.176 million home theaters in Ghost Records, 23 in a single museum, and counting only large-scale movie screening weeks)

Six: The highest midnight box office record in history (home theater revenue of 18.76 million US dollars, defeating "Pre-Star Wars 3> 2915 theaters of 10 million US dollars);

Seven: The highest m giant screen theater weekend box office record in history: 64 giant screen theaters created 10,000 US dollars (beating the 10,000 US dollar record created by "Star Wars Episode 3"). On Saturday, the movie theater sold 375 full seats. The box office of ten thousand dollars:

Eight: The fastest box office in history to reach 100 million US dollars (2 days, 3 days to defeat "Spider-Man" and other films):

Nine: The fastest box office in history to 150 million US dollars (3 days, 4 days to defeat "Star Wars Episode 3")

Ten: The fastest box office in history to 200 million US dollars (5 days, 8 days to defeat "Spider-Man 2" and "Star Wars Episode 3")

There are also records of the highest opening in June and summer in history; records of non-opening days in history, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; the first 4 days, 3 days, 6 days, and 7 days box office: PG-13 movie opening weekend, one week……

In short, the record you can think of, everything is good, all collapsed in front of "Firefly" ... only one week, "Firefly" is already the second-ranked film at the summer box office in 25 years, and there is no doubt that it will soon Will be more than 352 million "Star Wars Episode 3" after this week becomes .1.

What is even more shocking is that the reviews of "Firefly" have been exaggerated beyond description. We Yahoo rated +, rotten tomatoes fresh enough 97% / 1%. ngkm95 points, bfbsp; media total score of 89 points, a mainstream media newspaper gave a full score of 1: "There is no better summer blockbuster than this ...", "It makes Hollywood feel ashamed ...", "Yang The demon has arrived in a realm of freedom. This irresistible interstellar adventure is fueled by the blue gloves that Ledger has enough to record in history ... "," Absolutely the most charming, emotional and thoughtful in recent years. Star Wars movie ... "," Glowing gorgeous and dazzling ... "," Although the movie is two and a half hours long, the story is long and not chaotic, and the eyes are rich and full without leaving the big screen for a second ... " Provided by monks, Baidu

Fantastic Young, Heath ... The call for Oscar nominations by Ledger and others next year is already very popular: And the public praise of this film is even more lawless ... The rating of fans on Yahoo is +, and the current rating on mdB is incredible. At 9.6 (once as high as 9.8), "Godfather" with a score of 9.1 is ranked in the p-list. According to this momentum, the box office champion and word-of-mouth champion this year will be "Firefly".

Driven by this shocking movie, a blowout occurred in the North American movie market this week, with a total box office of US $ 345.7 million, a 52.1% increase from 2.272 on June 16th. This is an increase of 57.3% from the 219.7 million in the week of June 18-24 of the same period last year, and also created the highest single week after the 356.6 million in the week from December 26 to January 1 of 23 years won by the Lord of the Rings. At the box office total, "Firefly" thrived the entire market.

"To some extent," Fireflies "saved us." (American Association of Cinema Owners) President John Yifei Xi'an is very happy, all the cinemas under the association have not been so lively for a long time, many movie fans are in In the process of waiting for the "Firefly" session, I will watch another movie first, and even need to stay until midnight on the weekends. John Fei Xi’an said: "This kind of situation is rare, we are all caused by" Firefly " It's so busy that some theaters that don't have a midnight show are now thinking about whether to open doors or do business for it. "

The theater owners were ecstatically happy, but the Flame movie seemed very calm and calm. The company Mark ... Slant said: "We had expected it to be a sensation, but it still surprises us to circumvent the screen like this. . "

Flame Will Manager Simon Willis is almost the most excited: "Can you think of it? Every ticket is sold out." G Film and Entertainment Chairman and President Greg Foster was also thrilled To tell the media: "Every game is full, we are trying our best to increase the number of games, but still 1% is booked, not satisfied all the enthusiastic audience."

"If the situation continues, we will persuade the giant screens of academic institutions such as global museums, science and technology museums to put in." Foster revealed that the entire North America, no, the whole world, has been crazy for "Firefly". "

In addition to the dazzling championship position, this week's North American box office list is really sorrowful. The second-place "Batman" has 340,000 or 40,000, an average of $ 7.846 per home, and only 94.42 million North American box offices for 9 days, 150 million production costs and publicity. Banking and other accounts caused Warner Bros. headaches. Warner Banking Manager Dan ... Feynman sighed and said, "We can only wait." The third "Smith and Wife" is 10,000, and the fourth "Foot Panda" has 66 Wan, fifth place "Star Wars Episode 3" ... 250,000 ...

If you ask who is the beneficiary of this firefly storm? That must be "Panda Husband", after winning on the 16th ... 11.15 million box office, in such a horrible week, it even rose 27% to take away 680,000, the total box office in North America rose to 8.9 billion. With such a magical and miraculous performance, of course, it is entirely due to the name of the flame movie and Wang Yang. After waiting or watching "Firefly", many audiences even took an interest in this Chinese flavor animation and influenced each other. .

"Firefly" chopped melons and vegetables in North America, and it is also unrivaled in the world. It has won the championship of various countries and regions, madly sweeping 269.1 million US dollars, and the total box office in the world is 5.6 billion in one week!

Really scary! Global Week broke 500 million and was the first time in film history, of which 195 million overseas opening weekend set a record at the box office, defeated the previous "Star Wars Episode 3" 145.5 million, 125.9 million "Lord of the Rings" slipped to third : A total of 269.1 million overseas openings in the week broke the 185 million in "Lord of the Rings 3" and 184.7 million in "Star Wars 3"; the 5.6 billion global weekly box office also broke the 3.9 billion in "Star Wars 3" and "The Lord of the Rings" 3 "250 million, everything came so fast. "Breakfast Dirty Monk, Baidu"

In fact, "The Lord of the Rings 3" is not completely synchronized worldwide. The new line company is not in a hurry. Zhou only logged in 28 countries and regions; "Star Wars Episode 3" 113, and the resources of the Century Fox are rich, why? Small countries and small areas have been captured; 58 "Fireflies", thanks to each film of the flame movie must be a big profit, each film will make a bigger profit. The sweet relationship with the merchants and hospitals in various countries is of course a record breaking It is part of the plan, and the final widest screening will not exceed 62 markets, and the big ticket warehouse under the stab is only Japan.

"Star Wars Episode 3" and "Fireflies" are all released in real practice simultaneously. There has never been a concern about losing money, nor is it a plan to wait for a good response from North America to drive the world. However, although the former has achieved the highest width, it has no amazing effect. Compared with "The Lord of the Rings 3" 742 million overseas box office (66.3%), the "Star Wars" series has not shown much in the North American Vs overseas. The box office gap, "Ghost Threat" 53.4% ​​overseas, "Clone Attack" 52.2% overseas, "Sith's Revenge" is currently 49.8%: and now "Firefly" is 53.2%.

In a week, "Firefly" almost refreshed all the records that can be broken. Now the audience of fans are talking enthusiastically about how much box office will it last? Does it have a chance to surpass 500 million or even 600 million in North America and more than 1 billion in the world? Without adjusting for inflation, does it have a chance to cross the Titanic 6.14 North America and 1.843 billion global championship records? After adjusting for inflation, how high can it reach the North American film history? top ten? The first twenty? There has been no such movie for a long time.

1st place in "Gone with the Wind" in 1939, 2nd place in "Star Wars" in 1977, 3rd place in "Sound of Music" in 1965, 4th place in 1982 "eT Aliens", 5th in 1956 "Ten Commandments" No. 6 in Titanic in 1997 ... No. 1 in Star Wars Episode 1 in 1999, No. 29 in Shrek 2 with an unadjusted 441.2 million, and 300 million in 22 "Spider-Man" is already the 38th place. After entering the new century, only one movie has entered the top 30.

The big reason is that today's screening mode is completely different. The 97-98 "Titanic" has been screened in North American theaters for 25 weeks, and it was completely painted in 41 weeks, from 52.96 million at the box office until the 18th week. It fell below 10 million to 10,000. But in this era, everything is fast, except for making love. M has some analysis articles saying that it caused the sensational rush of young people from the "Ghost Record", starting from the Internet exhibition and film screenings. The model gradually turned into a drum of anger and then languishes. By o3-o4 in "Lord of the Rings 3", the scale of the show was only a week. From the 6th week, the weekly box office fell below 10 million, 24 weeks. Completely draw.

The other aspect is the increase in entertainment methods and movie viewing channels. Walking into theaters is increasingly not a place for people to go to the weekend. The big screen is not even the first choice for movie viewing. A lot of box office numbers of a movie are transferred to dVd. In terms of profitability, it is inevitable that the American Association of Theater Owners will be in trouble.

"It is difficult to make a correct assessment of the current situation." So when it comes to the box office trend of "Firefly", analyst James Taner said in a helpless tone. Now that the mysterious movie has created mythical records, will it just break faster? Exploit the potential? And then move towards peace faster? Of course, Moore still expressed some personal opinions: "" Firefly "has all the qualifications of the world ’s hottest, and" Star Wars "series," The Lord of the Rings "series," The "Harry Potter" series is different. The audience does not have a solid impression of it. It is not necessary to see or resist, but Magic Yang can let them rest on all expectations of it. "

The current word-of-mouth and box office explosions have strengthened the confidence of movie fans around the world. They have unlimited imagination space. The strategy of thinking about coming to the flame movie is for this reason. James Xuan added: "" Firefly "is a product of a combination of real culture and Asian culture. It has a great potential in the overseas market on average, and the Asian region is very promising to make a sensational achievement. China, Japan, and South Korea are all particularly attractive. "

Of the 742 million overseas box offices in "The Lord of the Rings 3," there are 470,000 in Mainland China, 4.98 million in Hong Kong, 11.75 million in Taiwan, 28.46 million in South Korea, and 94.96 million in Japan, which add up to US $ 1.50, which accounts for just% How much box office can "Firefly" sweeping across Asian cinemas currently receive? What percentage

Regardless of Asia, North America and the world, the performance of the box office in the second week is extremely important. Can "Firefly" form a bigger wave, "I must go to the theater to have a good knowledge and enjoy this movie or else this life is really Bai lived ... " Activate the audience who go to the cinema from time to time? Suck someone in front of the screen who has n’t been to the theater for years or never? Can the proportion of overseas box office be over or under?

These are the keys that directly affect the final score of "Firefly" and whether it can break through the global billion ...

At the time when various box office charts were released last week, "Firefly" ushered in the second weekend of 24-26 ~ ~ 24-week of the second week, and the screening scale increased to 65 North American theaters.

In the last week of June, only three more movies went to the 6 North American theaters on a large scale, joining the brutal market to challenge the interstellar cowboys! Most of them are bad comers, Nicole ... The love comedy "The Talented Wife" starring Kidman, 850,000 production costs, 3174 theaters; Lindsay ... The sports comedy "Crazy Gold Car" starring Luo Han, Wan Production fee, 3521 theaters; "George ... Romero's Land of Death", 150,000 production costs, 2249 theaters.

In addition, "World War", which was fully released on June 29, has a production cost of 132 million, 8 theaters, Steven ... Spielberg + Tom ... Cruise.

"Oh my god! I was going to watch" Fireflies "at the m theater. The tickets were fully booked until next week. I can't wait! You said you should go to the ordinary theater to watch a game first, or wait?" Movie fan ktte blog Ask the group message board.



ps: It is about to fall out of the top ten of the monthly ticket list. Wow, I eager for your support! Hold on again, hold on! ! Also thank you for the taste of the milkshake to become the leader, thank you all!

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