The Best Director

Chapter 298: I like triple d

Chapter 298 I like 3d

After a warm greeting from Wang Yang and Robert Zemigis, the two of them sat down in a chair and talked together. "District 9" is one of the pioneers of motion capture technology. The huge investment in "Firefly" also has amazing technology. The expectation is that it is normal for the flame group boss to magically occupy a chair; the guest who left a chair is George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, the last to come to the interview room, industry The light magic boss.

In fact, in terms of technology and experience, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, and Peter Jackson did not lose at all to the three present, but the selling point of this interview inevitably has "Southern Three Musketeers" What it means: 59-year-old George Lucas, with a billion North American box office, ranked sixth; 51-year-old Robert Zemigis 100 million North American box office, third; 24-year-old Wang Yangyi North American box office, second .

The movie tickets sold by the three people can easily make a circle around the earth's equator, two Oscars for the best director trophy, four nominations, various trophy titles are innumerable ... These three guys are the director of the South American director The representative of the film, and they are quite enthusiastic in film technology, so today's theme is actually the three big brothers of the University of South Africa. Of course, 24-year-old Wang Yang has not graduated.

But everyone knows that the magical rampant growth method, the experience gained, and the exercise gained are better than the "college graduation-research institute-independent film-mainstream movie", "college graduation-advertising, mv- "Independent film-mainstream film" is much more powerful, the foundation is built in the college, but some things are produced in practice. Just as the year-old Nanda retired student Long Howard sat at the box office of 100 million North America, ranking fifth.

"" Polar Express "is the first im-3d feature film with performance capture technology;" Star Wars Episode 3 "is shot with Sony's d-digital movie camera," Firefly "will use the im camera, more and more Multi-film production uses motion capture technology and digital shooting, and now there are digital cinemas all over the world ... What do you think of these new technologies? Is this an improvement? Is it possible to eliminate the traditional digital production mode? "

Looking at the three major directors, Karen Chenault, who was interviewed by the Hollywood Reporter on the opposite chair, asked her face. At this time, her face was full of joy. This interview will be a masterpiece! It ’s a very rare thing to see these three guys sitting around discussing conversations and answering questions, although the interview will also include the promotion of a new movie by several people.

In the order in which she mentions the movie title, Robert Zemigis, in a brown leather jacket in the middle of the front, smiled and replied: "These technologies are very interesting, they can help you to break through some boundaries. For example, the performance capture technology, it is compared to the action The capture is more advanced. We put a near infrared light sensitive point on Tom Hanks ’face. The infrared camera inputs his facial performances into the computer, and then uses the computer to create animated images, which gives us more options for shooting breadth. , Depth and freedom of various parameters. "

He said he was a little excited, looked at George Lucas and Wang Yang who were listening carefully on both sides, and said, "Do you believe it? Tom Hanks played 6 roles by himself, train conductor, tramp, Santa Claus, little boy ... their temperament is different, but their body movements and facial expressions are all from Tom Hanks, everything is so wonderful. Without new technology, it is impossible to achieve. "

"I'm a very, very admirable person of the digital revolution." George Lucas, who took the position, stated his position from the beginning. The father has said nothing, "The promotion of digital photography and digital projection is imperative. This is a bit like from black and white to color, from silent to sound, from film to digital. I am very happy to see the exhibition of digital technology. I really want to wake up and have a home, a home ... a digital cinema. "

Under the smile of several people, George Lucas chuckled a few times and spread his hands: "You can see the difference in special effects between" Star Wars "and" Star Wars ", I agree with Zemigis, technology Breaking the boundaries! Many ideas and screen shots could not be realized ten years ago or twenty years ago, but they can be realized now. This is definitely an improvement! The higher the technology, the more capable the filmmaker is to make a good movie. "

"Young, what do you think?" Karen Chenault looked at Wang Yang. Compared to the old-fashioned Robert Zemigis and George Lucas, this handsome young director actually has a "shock" "I feel; Idol school directors and directors are similar in that they only wear wedding rings.

Seeming to know what she was thinking, Wang Yang raised his left hand and responded with hand movements: "It must be an improvement. In the short term, the shooting and viewing effects brought by digital technology may be far less than film, but it Cost saving is not just about making cinemas and film companies make more money. In this emerging production model, more people will get more opportunities. And in the long run, digital alternative film is not a surprise. . "

Zemigis and George Lucas all agreed, and Wang Yang continued: "But this is not a day and a week. Promoting digitalization requires the efforts and progress of all parties. It will take some time. These new technologies bring to Needless to say, the benefits of the film, I do n’t think you have to resist or deliberately pursue it. This is because you are not interested in it, and your film needs it. No technical means are the core of the film, but to better express the story and role. , Creativity, if the arrival of the digital model means a better and cooler experience, why not? As long as the storyteller continues to tell the story, the movie or the movie. "

"Hmm!" Karen Chenault nodded. The young director, who was about twice as old as Zemigis and Lucas, was well-organized and frustrated. As the last answerer, he summed it up. "Fame", great! She sighed and then asked: "It seems that motion capture and performance capture are the future trend. Some actors worry that they will eliminate the performers? Or they can't see their faces on the screen?"

"Haha, that's a complete misunderstanding!" Zemy Giston shook his head and explained the performance capture he built: "All the movements and expression materials are from real-life performances, we just capture, build data, use." Karen-Chenor But there is a question: "What about the material library? When a company has enough material data, are the directors directly facing a computer to complete the movie."

Zemigis, Lucas, and Wang Yang all laughed in unison, and nodded again, and Karen Chenault also smiled doubtfully. Zemigis laughed: "It's true, that's called" virtual shooting ". Not only the actors, scenes, and props are synthesized by computers, which also provides more shooting angles and realizes some impossible lens movements. I know" Matrix " "This technique is used. But even if there is virtual shooting, the actors will not be eliminated. If you want to worry about this, then cartoon animation and animation also provide the same threat."

"Each actor's temperament and performance characteristics are different. People like to see real people and real faces." George Lucas continued, he said: "I am also like this, live performances have an indelible charm, no matter How digital technology is revolutionized will never change. "

Seeing Lucas stop and looking at Karen Chenault, Wang Yang smiled and expressed his opinion: "But you can have a more real and expressive alien, gorilla King Kong," Ape Planet "... The actors who played these roles really could n’t see their faces on the screen, and so did the directors. ”The two directors and Karen could n’t help laughing, and Wang Yang spread his hands:“ This is part of the film production, thank you. Actually capture them Not only will technology not eliminate actors, but it will help them to have more beautiful and broader performances, and it can also realize the director ’s idea of ​​more damn, this is a good change of the times. "

"It seems that these digital technologies are beneficial and harmless, and can better realize your movie dreams and sci-fi dreams." Karen-Chenault's tone changed, such as a narrow smile and asked: "How do you think about your next movie? Works? Mr. Lucas, Jan, I heard that you will have a fight. "

These three major directors are all very good at making science fiction movies. If a fan suddenly walks in, he may be so excited that he will faint in the night.

In the "Back to the Future" series and the "Star Wars" series, no one dare to admit the status of Master Zemigis and Grandmaster Lucas; but the currently the least accomplished Magic Young won the Oscar Director Award and was praised as "Science Fiction Movies" "Future", he did not escape fear, the media generally know that "Firefly" is his self-declaration, master or epiphany.

"Oh!" George Lucas laughed indifferently when he heard the so-called battle. He didn't despise the younger generation. He just didn't need it. He didn't like the provocative "fear of miraculous Yang" in some media. Why be afraid? Lucas smiled and said: "Yan is incredible, but I don't have the mind to compete with him." The Revenge of the Sith "is my last" Star Wars ". I only hope to give fans a complete account. Then I have no regrets. "

Wang Yang also smiled indifferently, set aside the box office, the two films can not be compared at will, he grew up under the influence of "", defeated, Vietnam? He only knows that he definitely has a heart to build new science fiction classics, one end and one beginning! He replied: "The Revenge of the Sith" has brought us a lot of positive pressure on the role model. "Firefly" needs to be done in many aspects. Fortunately, we are all ready. "

"" Polar Express "is an im-3d movie." Zemigis replied, his voice is quite proud: "3d is a very fun thing, im-3d is more fun, when you are in front of im giant Screen, wearing 3d glasses, it is an unparalleled movie watching experience. I really hope that when this year's "Polar Express" is released, everyone can try it in the 3d theater and im theater. " Pursed his lips.

Karen Chenault nodded as if to understand, although she had not seen a 3d movie or an im short film, she laughed: "You are all solid technical madmen, how do you think about 3d and im-3d? They will be the trend Mr. Lucas, Jan, will you make 3d and im-3d movies in the future? "

"The trend in the trend! I believe that one day soon, everyone will wear 3d glasses to watch movies." Robert Zemigis is very determined, just because he tried it himself, the incomparable is not to praise himself, there is no reason for good things Not popular. He said: "After" Polar Express ", I will continue to explore digital technology, capture technology, and launch more new works."

George Lucas smiled heartily and said frankly: "Actually I haven't fully figured out what 3d is, hehe! I will try it when I have a chance, and I am willing to try all new technologies."

"Yes, 3d and im-3d will be the trend." Wang Yang nodded lightly, so that Karen Chenault felt that this was his polite answer, but no one knew the horror power of 3d better than him, Robert. -Zemigis is not clear, George Lucas is not clear, James Cameron is not clear, Warner Bros. who made "Polar Express" is not clear, nor is Century Fox, which launched "Avatar" ...

In the relevant materials of the future film and television library, James Cameron said in an interview: "The box office situation of" Avatar "is far beyond the level we can imagine. At the beginning, we only hoped to obtain a profit rate of about%. If so, the global box office is far less than 100 million US dollars. "

Far less than 100 million? What was the final box office result? Unprecedentedly received 2.8 billion US dollars in the world. Generally speaking, the profit margin of a high production cost movie is around%, while the profit brought by "Avatar", which determines the "loss" idea, is far more than%. The highest expectation of profit.

2.8 billion, is it because the movie itself is too good? Is it because of 3d camera, motion capture, expression capture, virtual shooting, im and other technologies? No, maybe a few years later, no one remembers "Polar Express", only know "Avatar", because timing is the most important part.

Time, location, and harmony. The most fatal reason why the "Avatar Storm" cannot be formed now is not that 3D cameras and other technologies are backward, but cinema theaters are unable to cooperate. Currently, there are only digital cinemas in the world. 75, less than one hundred! What if it is excellent? 9 years of "Avatar", in North America alone, 3d screen is close to home, im giant screen is close to the block, countless digital theaters ...

Undoubtedly, before the release of "Avatar", Fox has increased the degree of updating equipment in major theaters around the world, but there is no basic opportunity. Everything is empty talk. These foundations are not things that one person or two can decide. Equipment technology vendors, equipment manufacturers, The cinema line needs a comprehensive revolutionary equipment; the production company's 3D photography technology must achieve high results, and the combination of the two has the opportunity to form a storm.

From silent to sound, black and white to color, 2d to 3d, there is only one chance, and there is only one wave of the storm; there will be no second wave, even if the 3d technology will be more mature and powerful in the future, the "3d" thing will not It has caused a second wave of blindness among the people of the world.

How blind? "Avatar" has a box office of 2.8 billion; while "Alice in Wonderland", which is on the horizon, only received 2 billion global box office in the later 2d to 3d format and labeled as "3d movie". terror!

No one remembers "Polar Express". The current 3d movies and im-3d movies are all diggers; "Avatar", a work that integrates 3d technology and capture technology into Dacheng, caught up with the only best time to eat One of the most delicious fruits, it can be easily tricked out even in the publicity section, because ordinary audiences have a huge sense of freshness in 3d. If "how to watch" Avatar "?" Is used as a means of publicity, do not say ordinary 2d, just say 3d, then.

General screen + digital, im + digital, general screen + film, im + film ... These dazzling ways of viewing movies are wonderful gimmicks, and then use the power of publicity to let the Internet people form a debate. "It ’s good to watch" Avatar "like this. "At the same time, the internet navy is going crazy everywhere. How amazing is 3D, it is a lifetime regret not to watch the im-3d version of" Avatar "...

In this way, the rush to collect mentality will arise, and no one wants to miss it! And 3d viewing is really different from 2d, so 2.8 billion, this is viral marketing.

Wang Yang knew that he was no longer 18-year-old Wang Yang. He suddenly learned that there would be a 2.8 billion box office movie in the next 9 years, so incredible, so shocking ... But long ago, including now, he almost immediately See clearly "why", and see how to publicize ... What is constant is the blood boiling, "Avatar" or "Alice in Wonderland"? Or just become a part of the 3d boom?

He will not let himself miss! As long as he meets the only opportunity with an excellent movie, he can too!

"I will shoot! I like to smile, many thoughts flashed in my heart, looked at Karen Chenault, and replied:" I like 3d, I will certainly try. "It's just not at the moment." Firefly "warmed up to im shooting first. As for 3d and other technical aspects," it is not yet time. "Nevertheless, he has already planned to seek a cooperation with im and other photography graphics companies to establish a 3d technology research department At the same time, it also allows the flame film to master the most advanced technology.

When the time comes, not only does it eat the fruit, but Flame can also launch a series of 3d movies, not lagging behind.

In fact, based on 9 years of information, the 3D shooting technology of "Avatar" is not difficult. It is a combination of a Sony d- and a ine1-f23, which represent the left and right of the person. At the same time, two movie frames with slightly horizontal parallax were shot simultaneously. This dual-camera 3d camera system was named "nmer-3dyem (3d digital fusion camera system)".

Before the "Avatar", the 8-year-old 3d movie "Adventures of the Earth's Heart" had used such a technology, and of course it did not catch up with that opportunity.

"Star Wars Episode 3" is shot with d-, there is no ine1-f23, and I don't know what kind of digital camera, but how to convert it into a 3d dual camera? Others will not tell you.

"Mark, it's time to start setting up a 3d laboratory, and it's right now."

The spacious screening hall is showing "Magic Cinderella" on the big digital screen. Compared with the film, the quality and color are still much worse. The audience in the audience is sitting in the film industry. Digital projection technology. Looking at Anne Hathaway, which is no longer composed of film on the screen, but a digital code, Wang Yang leaned against the back of the chair with his arms folded, telling Mark Slant next to the empty corner of the auditorium.

"I know." Mark Sloan nodded characteristically. The matter in the 3d laboratory had already been discussed. He knew what Wang Yang was talking about. Thinking of the prospect Wang Yang portrayed and his own judgment, his glasses flashed a bright light and asked: "Are you sure 3d will explode?" Wang Yang's voice was casual and firm: "I'm sure, after a few years, you I know ... that would be another storm! Unfortunately, "Firefly" can't keep up. "

Hearing his mention of "Firefly", Mark Srant thought of something, and asked softly: "You said that you had a new idea for the promotion of" Firefly "?" Wang Yang nodded with a smile, indeed there was a new one The idea, he thought it would be fun, laughed: "All the company's online publicity strategy is to spread the whole world with posters, stills and news. The more the better, don't you think there is something missing? Trailer . "

After glancing at the thoughtful Mark, Wang Yang continued to laugh: "Have you watched the mv awards ceremony? Every year the mv awards have a most popular link, spoof the film." Mark-Srant suddenly said: "You mean we launched a spoof trailer?"

Wang Yang was n’t sure if he was referring to his spoof, he explained: “This should be called imitation, think about it, we used the footage of“ High School Musical ”to edit it into the“ Firefly ”version trailer, but the music and lines The sound, the title, the director, the starring, the release date ... All of them are still the original "Fireflies", in other words, just changed the similar picture, the same Jessica, you fight me to dance, "High School Dance" version "Firefly" trailer. "

"I understand, I understand ..." Mark Srant couldn't help laughing, looking at the big screen with a smile: "The Firefly" trailer for "Cinderella"? I haven't figured it out yet, how can this be done Promotion? "

"The" Magic Cinderella "version is not what we do. Let's make some of our own copyright first," When Happiness Comes to Knock "," Junuo "," Hangover "," Ice Age "..." Wang Yangnian A few names, like blueprints, said with a smile: "Then we allow all netizens to use the movie library of Flame Movies to make various spoof trailers, and organize an event to encourage netizens to create their own."

Mark Srant ’s glasses sparkled, and it seemed to see Wang Yang ’s mouth curling up with a bad smile, like a naughty kid ~ ~ Just listened to him and laughed and said: "Do you know? As long as the atmosphere It ’s fun and cool enough, skilled netizens will make a variety of versions, versions of classic films of various countries, "Forrest Gump" version of "Firefly" trailer, "Titanic" version of "Firefly" trailer……"

"Imagine it!" Wang Yang raised his hands, his excitement increased a little bit unconsciously, and then pressed down and laughed: "If the entire network is a trailer of" Firefly ", it will make people passionate about music and make people laugh." After watching the spoof, they went to see the original ... the whole network is! What will happen? "

"Okay ..." Mark Slant thought for a while: "The box office is very high." Wang Yang snapped his right finger with a soft snap, and grabbed his fist: "That's it." Mark Slant Nodded again and again: "That's viral marketing." Wang Yang couldn't help but, now that "Firefly" is not turned on, he laughed: "First I will shoot" Firefly "and then cut a perfect spoof template trailer. "

"Hey!" The two watched "Magic Cinderella" quietly for a while. Mark Srant suddenly looked at Wang Yang up and down, and said: "Yang, I now have an appetite after you are married. Bigger. "

Wang Yang shrugged and raised his eyebrows: "No way, the baby will be born next year, I want to make more money for milk powder."! ~!

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