The Best Director

Chapter 192: Incredible!

Chapter 192 is incredible! (For votes)

"Wang Yang won the best director. He is the youngest Golden Globe Award best director." Sina Live Broadcaster Xiao Yan excitedly excused a series of exclamation marks, she updated a previous live photo, and then said: " The two Chinese directors who won this award, Lee An, defeated Magic Young, Steve Soderbergh and other rivals to win the golden ball. Today is Magic Magic. "

Fans who support Wang Yang in front of the computer screen are all excited, smiling, cheering, high-fiving ... This is not just the situation in the Dahua area, the entire Asia, the Americas, Europe ... Happy or surprised, whether it supports the Magical Jana Award or against it, at this time the world has only emotions, wow, the youngest best director

How young is it? What kind of record did Magic Young create? Many fans are actually unclear, anyway, they know that it is definitely the youngest, because they have never heard of the director who won the award in his mid-years. The professional news media have already prepared, and the entertainment station m has published the preparatory manuscript of the Magic Jana Award: "Magic Yang Yue Coppola has become the youngest Golden Globe Award best director in history."

In addition to reporting the news of Wang Yang ’s winning, he also detailed a series of records he broke and broke. Wang Yang was born on the 5th of the year, and his birthday was only 7 days later; there is no ancient person before the age of 48 years. As for If there are any younger winners in the future, it will be unknown.

In the Golden Globe Awards, the best director for the first time was the 5th. It was won by Mike Nichols, the director of "Graduate", at the age of 6, and he won the Oscar that year; The second time was the 9th. William Friedkin, 6 years old, won the prize with "French Drug Trafficking" and also won the Oscar that year; the first time two years later, he won the Golden Ball again at the age of 8 and Oscar nominated, then The famous horror film "The Exorcist" in the history of the Ministry.

In the previous o-term, the youngest original record holder, "The Godfather" and its year-old director Francis-Ford-Coppola, was nominated by Oscar that year, and he later grew to be put together with the words "the greatest" Legendary director.

In the sixth session, 9-year-old Michael Simino won the prize with "Deer Hunter" and won the Oscar in the same year, but he is also the most bleak one of the six directors. Two years later, the cost of "The Gate of Heaven" 》 Only 10,000 box office, Jin Suan Mei ’s worst director, convinced his U.S. company was in bankruptcy crisis; after five years of silence, he was nominated for another Jin Suan Mei, and his career announced that it had fallen to the bottom. Roll over.

It was only at the 48th year that the Golden Globe Awards produced another 6-year-old best director. Kay Costner, who directed "Dancing with Wolves," also brought an Oscar. Afterwards, he was obsessed with performing arts, but he has received seven consecutive nominations for the worst male lead of the Golden Sorrel Plum Award, followed by winning awards, and the performance and director career were in vain.

Then it was the most recent, the 57th year, 4-year-old Sam Mandes won the prize with "American Beauty", the Oscar winner that same year, he was also praised as "Stee Spielberg's successor" Ye Ye's new work "Road of Destruction" was released in July last year and won some praises, but it does not count as a classic film history, so he did not continue to enter the Golden Globe Awards.

In fact, the world is now known that Mandez is not a successor to Spielberg. The British director does not switch between science fiction and commercial films, but goes on the road of artistic films.

If you say who is the next Spielberg, many people will say Magic Young; who is the next Robert Zemigis, and many people will say Magic Young, who is the next James Cameron, there are still many People say Miracle Yang ...

But now, Fantastic Young has done what no one has ever done. The first o-9 year old Golden Ball Best Director, changed the record number from year to year in one breath, a year ahead of schedule; won a science fiction movie and completed o What Spielberg did not do a year ago ...

The report of m finally wrote: "Who knows what kind of crazy results he will make before Wang Yangsui? Will he become the best director of the Oscars this year? Please tell me if you know" editor Hu Grande reminded again A sentence "My prediction is successful."

At the same time, in the backstage interview room of the Hilton Hotel, not on the spacious red sand, Wang Yang held the Golden Globe Trophy and was interviewed by the TV station. The camera and microphone of the film crew were all working. They interviewed black female reporter Klaus-Hampton and sat across from them. They also smiled happily and asked, "Yang, you got this award. How are you feeling now?" ? Do you need me to remind how amazing this is? "

"No, thank you." Wang Yang smiled, reminiscing about the excitement just now, and said with a smile: "My mood has already been made clear on the stage. I am very happy and it is hard to believe. Thank you very much. , My family, my girlfriend, my colleague, all my friends, my fans and fans ... all who support me have a chance to laugh happily. "

Klaus-Hampton laughed, changed his sitting posture, and said, "I am also a part of it. Magic Yang, I agree with a sentence, you are like the child we grew up in ..." Wang Yang suddenly exclaimed and interrupted her, "Thank you, but I am not that small, right?" Krause smiled again, and said: "In the director, you were a BaBy a few years ago, now It's childhood. "

"Then this is a childhood toy?" Wang Yang smiled and raised his trophy. "Then this is my most prestigious and precious childhood toy."

"Haha, maybe it is." Kraus nodded his eyes wide and smiled loudly: "Fantastic Yang, you are always funny and funny, many people have said that it's nice to get along with you, Rachel- McAdams, Will Smith, Natalie Portman ... But I know that there are many directors who are serious people, they are not kidding, like the "tiger" the actors say, you think you want to become a most Director Jia, is this related? "

Wang Yang shrugged slightly, placed the trophy on the glass coffee table in front, and said, "Then I can feel relieved. I have been worried that I am telling bad jokes." He smiled and replied seriously: " In fact, on the set, few directors should be defined as 'serious', just a little tempered and a little tempered. But to be a good director, as Tom Hanks just said, your relationship with everyone is just like you They are parents, some are strict fathers, and I am a funny dad. "

"But the children love his parents and his directors. As long as you let everyone in the studio love you and are willing to work together with you to rush forward, you are the best director." Wang Yang nodded and said. This is his experience in the past few years of directing. One person ’s strength is not able to make a good movie, the crew is the key, he laughed: "In this way, a good movie can be made. As for how to make others love you, each person has a different way. "

Seeing the end of this topic, Klaus turned to some gossip and asked with a smile: "When do you think you will take the second best director?" Wang Yang suddenly smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, I There is no such idea. "Krauss then smiled and asked:" So what do you expect from other awards this year, such as the director's union, Oscar, etc.? "Wang Yang frowned and said," I want to win. But let it be natural. "

"We all know the declaration of Robert Downey Jr., and now you all have won the prize." Krauss smiled with interest, and asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Robert, he made me feel very moved ..." Wang Yang just smiled and opened his head. Before saying a few words, a staff member came over to remind him that the best movie in the plot category was about to be awarded and urged him Return to the banquet hall. Wang Yang said ok, so he got up with the trophy and walked back quickly.

During the interview period, another heavyweight award was awarded. The best actress in the plot category was won by Nicole Kidman of "Every Moment", and she became the new golden ball. Rear.

"Mysterious Yang, congratulations", "You are incredible" ... When Wang Yang walked out of the backstage passage and returned to the banquet hall, all the stars of the crew of the table and the crew blessed congratulations, and Nicholas-Cages laughed: "Yang, you surprised me, congratulations." The stars of "Friends" such as Jennifer Aniston and David Xiumeng also smiled and congratulated. Wang Yang returned to his table with thanks all the way.

In the laughing congratulations of everyone, Wang Yang embraced the excited Downey again, and then Jessica, who was full of joy, gave the trophy to her and laughed: "Help me keep it, don't let me Sell ​​it. "Jessica grabbed the trophy, looked it over and over, and smiled with joy:" Well, I will keep it safe "

Waiting for them to continue to share this joy, there was a burst of applause in the auditorium. Jeff Goldbrunn and Calista Flockhart, who were responsible for awarding the best film, walked out together. They said some jokes. , Applause bursts of applause, read the nomination list: "" About Schmidt "," District 9 "," Every moment "," The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers "," Pianist. "

"The best film in the drama category of the Golden Globe Awards was ..." Under the watch of the audience and countless TV audiences, Calista opened the envelope, and Jeff-Gaubron laughed out the result with a loud voice. : "" Every moment ""

"Wow--" Along with the lively sound of the live sound, all the star guests shouted and applauded. The crew of "Every Moment" was already excited and all jumped up, Nicole Kidman, May Lier Streep, Julianne Moore, director Stephen Dadeley, producer Scott Ruding, etc ... all embraced and celebrated excitedly, and then went on stage to receive the awards together.

Everyone at the table in "District 9" laughed and applauded, and gave their blessings to their opponents. Wang Yang felt very sorry. Downey, Stephen McCormick, Sean Walsh and others also showed a trace of disappointment. Although they have won two awards, the best film is a praise for the entire crew. Was patted his arm comfortably by Jessica, Wang Yang smiled at her: "It's fine."

He took the wine glass and raised it, saluted the starring stars of "The Ninth District" and laughed: "You are the best team, thank you for your efforts over the past year" Downey, Stephen and others laughed together He raised the glass and touched it in the void. Although regretted, he drank the glass with great pleasure.

With the result of the last film award, this year's Golden Globe Awards ceremony officially ended. In terms of film, "Every Moment", "Adapted Script" and "Ninth District" won the grand prize, and " "Chicago" won the highest item; but the four most important awards were divided between "Moments" and "Ninth District", who is the big winner this year? It's hard to say clearly.

At the end of the ceremony, all the winners came to the front of the blue-gray photography background board in the background, holding a heavy trophy and taking photos with the journalists. Dozens of reporters gathered in front of the long background board, flashing flashes that made people's eyes unable to open their eyes, and endless ears of clicks, they laughed and said various suggestions: "Yang, Downey, hold your arms together Take some pictures "

"Ok" Wang Yang and Downey held out their left hands and put their shoulders together, and the right hand held the trophy together with a smile on their faces. While the reporters were busy, Downey laughed softly: "Yang, we still have opportunities for cooperation, right?" Wang Yang smiled without thinking: "Of course, we are all the older and cooler types, a lot of cooperation opportunities "Donny haha ​​said with a smile:" Will that be a big production? "This is exactly what Wang Yang told him when they were in the cell.

Wang Yang chuckled and did a boxing action of Donny's chin. He smiled and said, "Relax, it's not a big producer who doesn't want to find you." Donny was beaten with his head raised in cooperation and said with a smile: "Then I'm waiting "

Next, Wang Yang took photos with Nicole Kidman, the new film queen. Because he was tall enough, Nicole Kidman wearing high heels and m did not have to bend his legs, Wang Yang hugged her slim waist, Ni But he also hugged his shoulders, the two smiled and looked at the direction of the camera, and there was another click ... then Renee Zweig, taking a photo with Downey and so on.

After the winners took a group photo, the ceremony seemed to be over, but the stars could not leave the Hilton for the time being, because the celebration parties after the ceremony had just begun. The producers of "Chicago" and "Every Moment" are the parties and TV parties hosted by the independent film company Mirapex, the biggest winner behind ...

These parties are not really parties. They are still a show venue for celebrities. A lot of media reporters take photos and interviews everywhere. Whether it is a behemoth like the Associated Press and Reuters, or some newspapers, chronicles, entertainment tabloids, Guests from all walks of life, such as entertainment stations, are busy looking for topics and photos. In addition to the winners who are busy walking the party, there will be more star singers, celebrities and celebrities who have not been invited to attend the main ceremony of the Golden Globe Awards ...

Although what Wang Yang wants most is to go home now, to share joy with his family, friends, and people he really cares about; even to write a blog and communicate with fans and fans, it is more like this in these Be happy walking around the party. But he still had to walk with Donny with a smile, it is such a convention.

Even if Martin Scorsese, who is "too old to walk," wins the prize, he must attend these parties; not to mention the youngest and the youngest of all the winners this year?

This is a game rule in the industry. The winners brought the reporter's flash, and the flash brought attention. Those who have lost the election and have not been nominated for the golden ball can increase their exposure and get to know each other. The organizers of the party can earn more popularity, and the reporters also get what they want, forming an industrial chain.

If there are no compelling reasons such as "family accident" and "sudden fainting", it means that there is no sincerity and arrogance, and there is no popular relationship. Obviously, no matter what occupation or circle, it is a bad thing to have no popularity; and the media newspapers are not able to get their photo news, so they are naturally angry, so why should they help you say good things and help you build momentum afterwards?

Therefore, the winners had to attend. Of course, this is not a grievance. The award was originally a very happy thing. After that, it continued to be lively and increased its popularity. Why not do it? Even if there are people like Wang Yang who do not want to participate in these unnecessary "high-level social activities", it is just one night. He is not Martin McFly of "Back to the Future".

Wang Yang and Jessica went to the Miramax Party first, and they talked to reporters and other winners for a while. After eating nothing, they went to a party in the other party hall of the hotel. It was another round of set-board photography, but this is still worth remembering today. The two took a very happy photo; then came to the brightly lit party hall, talking and laughing everywhere, accepting other people ’s congratulations and congratulations .

"Magic Yang," District 9 "is really shocking ...", "I can't believe you are only years old, anyway, congratulations", "Magic Yang, we have the opportunity to cooperate" ......

In the corner of the party hall, Wang Yang was "bombed" by these Hollywood stars, saying hello, or laughing a few words. This person just walked away, and the next person or couple came up, he kept talking to them, Say thank you, the faces are constantly changing. Some of them do n’t know much, and some of his favorite actors, such as Meryl Streep, Jennifer Aniston ※ Brad Pitt and so on.

"Fantastic Young, you did well" Sarah Jessica Parker in black evening dress walked by, she smiled and gave her thumbs up, whispered: "It's a good bastard."

Wang Yang could n’t help but laugh, and did n’t know what to say. He said, “You ca n’t fight like that.” Sarah Jessica Parker smiled and had cheek wrinkles, and her face was getting old like a bastard. When she saw Donny in the distance cast her gaze, she smiled and said, "Don't tell the **** what I said." She went to Christine Davis and Cherry Haynes. Go.

Just when Wang Yang was about to walk to Jessica who was laughing with a few women, he was yelled at by a girl hey, wearing a pink and white dress, gold-headed black eyeshadow and red lips. -Hilton. She walked up to Wang Yang and smiled: "Yang, congratulations, I heard Tom Hanks yell out your name, I ..." She laughed with both hands, "I just jumped like this , This is incredible "

"Thank you for being surprised," Wang Yang said with a smile. Since Christmas last year, he has continued to refuse Paris-Hilton's invitations, and she has not continued to struggle. After all, everyone has their own Wonderful Life. But now looking at her sexual eyes, Wang Yang smiled and whispered secretly, "Man, look at me too little"

Paris-Hilton pulled the show charmingly, pursing her lips slightly, and said softly, "When are we going to have dinner? I have a lot of movie questions to ask you this best director."

Wang Yang smiled and looked away, and then looked back at her, did not want to wordy and said: "It's good to say anything on the phone, I have been very busy recently, you know my new film is about to start shooting, nothing Time. "He shrugged and said directly:" And Paris, I am not interested in some things. "

"Really--?" Paris Hilton immediately took a deep breath, and there was a lot of irritability in her heart. This guy really * she wanted to say "Not interested, who do you think you are? You are very Is it great? "But who is Magic Yang? The youngest and best director, the youngest billionaire, the owner and net worth of B1gger has reached more than 100 million ...

Although not comparable to her family's wealth, he is a self-made entrepreneur who started from scratch. She has to admit that others are great ...

Looking at his tall, sturdy body and tough and handsome face, Paris smiled hahaly and nodded indifferently, and said with a smile: "Well, next time, anyway, I have your number anyway." She stunned With a squint and a sign smile, he turned around and walked.

Before Wang Yang lifted his steps, he was immediately yelled by others; while Paris, who gritted her teeth in angrily, frowned, and saw a brown woman in a purple evening dress not far away in front of her and Kate Harder. Mori waited for several women to talk about something with a smile, holding a Golden Globe trophy in his hand, his face full of happiness and happiness. Paris eyes brightened in vain, smiled and walked past the night, saying hello: "Hey can I join?"

"Of course." Kate Hudson in a low-cut evening dress with a hundred flowers smiled indifferently, as did all girls. Jessica did not like this woman who obviously intended to seduce her boyfriend to play, so she was about to leave; this time Paris looked at her with a burst of laughter and said, "Jessica, why are you so careless? I saw a picture of you falling, haha ​​..."

Jessica was startled, and Kate Hudson, Anne Geist, and others who didn't know what was going on were all suspicious. Knowing that Paris was deliberately mocking herself, Jessica's mood was a little messy, her head embarrassed and her head embarrassed, explaining: "In the afternoon I fell in the backstage corridor, I was really not careful, I always do that, like a fool. "

In the ear, I heard the voice "You are really a mouse". She laughed a few times and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I didn't hit my head and broke the blood, otherwise it would be difficult to see when I receive the award." She The trophy with his hand raised, smiled: "Best Director."

Kate Hudson and several other girls laughed lightly, and Kate asked: "Is it taken by a reporter? That's a bit bad, but Jessie, it doesn't matter if you don't care." Anne Geist appeared. What a new surprise, said: "The original prototype of the sweetheart is really you" ...

"Haha ... Fool, fool ..." Paris had a very funny expression on her face, and she burst into laughter. She smiled straight up and bent her head, her voice trembling smiled: "It's funny, really funny hahaha ——You know when you see the picture, Jessica fell very, very cool, she, haha ​​... "

Listening to these harsh laughs, Jessica slowly became expressionless and embarrassed in her heart. She wanted to punch a twisted face with a smile into the night and she promised to use her present Fist, Paris must not be able to avoid it, but can't do that.

"You know? Miracle Yang is so handsome tonight, but you ..." Paris smiled and raised her right hand, her fingernails on her thumb nodded her finger, and she smiled: "It's a little bit like a fool. Sorry first Lost companion. "She said, she walked away with a chuckle, and there was a burst of laughter in the distance.

"Jessie, you don't have to take care of her." Kate Hudson naturally saw Paris's mocking meaning and comforted; Anne Geist and others all said, "That's no big deal." , "She's a little inexplicable."

Jessica's face was a bit red. Although they all said good things, she felt as if surrounded by embarrassment, like a fool? Jessica took a deep breath secretly, enduring embarrassment, and mocked herself with a wave of her hand: "No, no, I'm okay, I'm like a fool ~ ~ Ha" She thought to herself again He said, "What is Paris, isn't she just ignoring her? Does she come to laugh at me? Boring people ..."

"I also lost company first." Jessica smiled at Kate and others and hurried towards Wang Yang. She whispered: "Yang, I want to go home."

Wang Yang was very happy to talk to Edlinn Brody just now, and did not notice the situation of them in the distance, but at this time it seemed that she was in a very low mood, and was different from Jessica who had been smiling happily before. People, he couldn't help but question: "Jessie, what's wrong? You don't look very good."

"I want to go home." Jessica put the trophy back in his hand, and the sharp laughter kept round her ears, making her feel breathless. She smiled: "Nothing, I Just suddenly feeling tired and sleepy, shall we go back? The parties are all over. "

"Ok, go back to bed" Wang Yang smiled and took her hand and walked to the door.


ps: 7000 words, Wow Li continues to seek recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Thank you for the magical movie. The next movie is about to be released. Can you guess which one? The reminder is not a big production for the time being. ^ o ^

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