The Best Director

Chapter 183: This is what I call comedy!

Chapter 183 This is what I call comedy! (Plead for monthly ticket)

In the big screen of "Doug Doug", a fierce bald muscular man pulled a man with his hands tied and a hood out of the Hummer car on the rolling sands of the Mojave Desert. Shouted. Michelle, dressed in black leather, stood in front of a Hummer with her arms folded. She wore sunglasses on her forehead and chewed a toothpick in her mouth, an arrogant arrogance.

The audience in the seat already had a hint of emotion to laugh, and saw Michelle rudely pushed Doug, Shen Sheng said: "You have two choices, give me money, and the people belong to you; or "" She took off the toothpick from her mouth, took a sip, pointed at the trio with the toothpick, and said, "I killed all of you, and the money is still mine."

Following her words, the two muscular men on the left and right pulled out a pistol and aimed at the trio standing in front of the Mercedes.

"Oh, relax, Miss Miller." The trio raised their hands in fear, and the fat man Zac said in disapproval: "I have said that I will bring a gun. This is the city of sin." Bly Deli hurriedly shouted: "Stu, Stu, give her the money." Ed wearing broken glasses reluctantly threw the money bag over the night and said, "Can you let go now?"

The audience was about to laugh out loud, when Michelle agreed to let go, and the bald muscular man took off the white hood on Doug ’s head, and the three immediately shouted like a oh, and the screening hall There was also a huge burst of laughter in the room: "Hahaha--" It can be said that no audience does not know the guy with the black tape on the screen, Will Smith

They finally knew the role of Will Smith's cameo, Doug? what happened?

"* Who is this guy? What we want is Doug, Doug" Bradley was very angry and angry; Michelle scratched her forehead in doubt and spread her hand: "What the **** are you talking about?" Is n’t he just Doug? ”Ed yelled,“ What we want is a white man ”

"Haha, then it's none of my business." Michelle laughed disdainfully and snapped her fingers twice. The muscular man over there would tear Will Smith's tape and Will "European" would eat. After the pain, he quickly scolded: "*, *, *, * ... I have told you that you caught the wrong person Alan, the big-headed chick, what the **** are you doing? I was kept in the car for a day, Almost scared me to death, what the **** is going on? "

Listening to Will Smith's rap fast, the laughter in 2875 theaters and the Snowland Theater in North America is getting bigger and bigger. The vulgar and funny image of Will makes the audience feel very fresh. It turns out that he is good at playing cool The handsome and "Chris Garnard" Will and this side, many people can not laugh, only the stomach undulates violently, has entered the uncomfortable range.

"Where is Doug? Where is Doug?" ... "Man, I am Doug" ... "I thought you were Will Smith" ... "Yes man, many people say that I look very good Like him, but he is not so handsome and so cool and so temperamental as me. Also, have you seen it? He does not have this beautiful mole of mine. "..." Who cares about you stinky **** "

"Ah, haha ​​... cough" Evelyn blushed as if she had been burned, and her eyes were full of smiles, but she coughed hard. Why can it be so funny that the carefree Kelly bit her lips with a smile and reached out Helping Evelyn caress her back and laughed: "I won't watch Miracle Yang with you next time. I will give a horror movie when I watch any movie. I can't stand it." Evelyn coughed and laughed, "It's okay, oh God……"

There was another burst of laughter in the auditorium, and I saw Bradley shouting toward the Michelle gang who was about to leave: "Hey, Miller, he ’s not the Doug we want, give us Doug you. You ca n’t just leave like this, you take this pile of **** back and give us the money back "

Michelle turned to look at him, slowly laughing from the puff, bending straight to smile, nodding and saying, "Oh, I took him back, and then gave you the money but why don't you try it first My bastard? Hmm ... "said, her right hand was moving in front of her crotch, a few strokes were made, and the onset was:" Piper-Christmas gift **** you little idiot. "

"Haha ..." Natalie shot her thighs straight, the audience around her almost laughed and almost fainted at night, and countless people secreted tears out of their eyes; there were also many people who covered their faces with a smile in disgust Mouth, this is really vulgar. After this period, most people's laughter tonight has reached the limit. If there is any laugh behind, it is difficult to make their facial muscles twitch crazy.

On the big screen, the trio went through untold hardships and finally recovered Doug. They left Las Vegas and returned to Los Angeles for the wedding as quickly as possible. In the final wedding drama, the audience continued to laugh happily, they saw many guest stars, Chaplin-shaped band lead singer Robert Downey Jr., guest Tom Willing couple, Zachary -Levi, Jessica Alba ...

After the dentist dumped his girlfriend, the teacher reunited, and Doug completed the wedding, etc., in the evening, the four were fighting for the digital camera that recorded their crazy night. Matthew Fox looked at them and laughed. : "Let's watch together, once, delete all the photos after reading, ok?" Ed said: "It's better to delete it now?" Bradley scolded: "You just look away, I still You know how I got into the hospital. "Zac laughed." Yes, there are. "

"Guys, just say it once?" Matthew lifted the digital camera, and the other three nodded. "It's done." Accompanied by the light electronic sounds like Pac-Man, the four gathered to the camera. In front of the screen, Matthew pressed play, and the four of them popped up in surprise, covering their mouths and shouting, "Oh my **** ..." The fat man laughed and laughed, "Too classic"

"Wow-wow" a burst of loud laughter and applause broke out in the Xuelan Theater, covering the end of the movie's soundtrack. Fans kept holding palms, many people shouted with laughter: " "It's so classic", "It's funny" A beautifully dressed white girl stood up and shouted excitedly: "Magic Yang You are too cool" More and more audiences got up with a smile, the voice has long been a little husky : "It's so beautiful", "Cool--"

Most of the film critics ’faces smiled, and many of them slightly lipped. Liam Lacey, who wrote to The Globe and Mail, was one of them. He did laugh a few times, but this movie It doesn't make much sense, and it's so savage and irrational, and it doesn't hold up the laughter at all. What's wrong with this group of people? The columnist of "USA Today" Claudie-Yapg continues to stare at the screen with great interest. If "Hangover" is to be a movie that makes people laugh, then it does, that's enough. .

So no one left in the screening room where "Hangover" was screened. Everyone looked at the static pictures on the left side of the cast. The laughter continued. These pictures can clearly be seen. The crazy night of the group, gambling with Michelle and others in the casino, bidding farewell to the bachelor party, dancing with the * female, dentist pliers and pulling out their teeth ...

Among the laughter, the 125-minute movie was all played with the cast. When the flame movie logo was released on the big screen, and then returned to black and prepared to play the trailer of other movies, the audience got up and left. The screening hall was full of lively buzzing conversations, and aftertaste of the wonderful haha ​​in the film just now, everyone had a light or strong smile.

"Great, I almost laughed.", "I forgive the magical Yang, this Christmas gift is good", "You won't say that, haha" Listening to the laughter of the audience leaving the scene, Na Tali learns that Wang Yang wakakadi laughed in the movie just now, put the scattered popcorn back into the bucket, and whispered with a smile: "Why didn't his magical Yang invite me to a cameo?" It's a shame to leave a figure in a great comedy.

"Fantastic Young is right, the plot is secretly beautiful, Will Smith is so engaged", "Absolutely worth collecting, I heard that there will be more photos in dVd, and there are magic Yang's kung fu."

"You know I'm very surprised now, he could be so vulgar, and Hollywood is such a director ..." The aisle 6 next to the audience walked past, smiling Rachel took out her mobile phone and gave it to Wang Yang pressed a text message and went to the night: "Congratulations, you acted very funny, you will become a big star, but I won't let you laugh at the box office of" Transformed Hot Girl "."

Claire, Janet, and others walked out laughing in the theater ticket hall decorated with a Christmas atmosphere. Claire smiled and said, "I decided to come again next week, and when I think about it, I want to laugh. I want to see the fat man who was charged. That paragraph. "Janet responded with a smile:" Which day? I want to watch it again, but I want to accompany Bruce ... "Claire waved his hand," ok, ok, does he like Magic Yang? "

There was thunderous applause in the Xuelan Theater. The audience expressed their love for "The Hangover" and gave their praises to the crew. The leading actors such as Bradley, Zach, Michelle, Charlize Theron, etc. all smiled happily, and the faces of the creators such as Harry George and David Lawrence flashed with excitement. These Applause is the best award.

Tom Willing clapped hard with both hands, whistling a few whistles happily, and Jamie White next to him suddenly frowned slightly and asked with a smile: "My dear, didn't you do these things that day?" Tom Willing? Suddenly, in the line of "Hangover", he said, "Is Vegas going to stay in Vegas?" Seeing her with a bad look, she quickly said, "No, no. Yang is a madman, everyone else is normal." . "

Faced with the challenge of his girlfriend Aileen, Zachary surprised, and repeatedly denied: "No, why is it just to play blackjack, or Yang play ..."

"Okay, Magic Yang, you can tell the answer." Jessica patted Wang Yang's thigh with a sweet smile on her face. Wang Yang looked at her seriously, and suddenly burst into a smile: "It's too classic." Jessica wondered: "What?" Wang Yang grabbed her hand and kissed her with a smile, "Too classic."

Five films were released on December 13th, and after this Friday night, the most viewed and rated movie on the ImdB website was "The Hangover", with 731,568 users participating in the rating, the main page score reached 8.5, and the score was 8.4, this is a crazy, unprecedented score for an R-rated comedy. In addition to the power of "Idol Director", its popularity is no doubt.

The comedy genre in front of it on ImdB is only 8.6 points for "Forrest Gump", "City Lights", "Dr. Qiai", 8.5 points for "Modern Times", and 8.4 points for "Angel Love Beautiful Women's Clothing" Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat m "... but these are either old-fashioned Chaplin movies, or biographies or science fiction, if you enter the era, since the era, if you say it is a vulgar R-class comedy film , "Hangover" is already in the highest position.

User Stewart commented: "In the experience of watching R-rated comedies, I have never laughed so much that I can't help myself. This is a great comedy masterpiece, and I love it more than" District 9 ". With support and response from many people, Gray-e wrote: "Please forgive my selfishness. I hope Fantastic Young can make more comedy movies and become a hilarious director, not a guy who pleases the Oscar." Connie of the girl's head Ya followed and wrote: "Yang is the kind of vulgar and profound person." ...

Fans of Fantastic Young are excited to get screamed again and again. Two movies a year are completely two extremes, both are great classics.

Evelyn's blog wrote: "I almost suffocated with laughter. I only vomited because of watching" The Ninth District "a few months ago. Thank you for the two most memorable things this year," Ellard said: "If If anyone does n’t let Fantastic Young among the best directors, be careful with me ”Kayla:“ The sixth movie continues to be Fantastic, he is 22 ”...

Fans' love for it is also reflected on Rotten Tomatoes. The audience likes it up to 95%. The words "Laughing to death", "Laughing out of tears", "The best this year" are all in the comments; but many Film critics have different opinions. Rotten Tomatoes has included film critics, 5 fresh and 45 rotten. The freshness of popular film critics is only%, and the famous film critics are 75%; in addition bsp; obviously those film critics think that "hangover" is not classic. The movie is gone, not even a good movie. "Chicago Tribune" film critic Michael Philip commented: "This movie smells like a disaster, it is all vulgar things. From" Juneau "to "Hangover", maybe Miracle Yang has grown into a good person? "Adam Nadi of The New York Times wrote:" Fool, female, shrew, stupid, vulgar, foul language ... They are boring. Mr. Miracle, you have enough fun Yet?"

In addition to not appreciating the story and jokes of the movie itself, "personal attack" is one of the main reasons why film critics smashed rotten tomatoes, and they all expressed disappointment to Wang Yang. Pam Robinson ’s comments on the site well understand why: “You clearly saw a new Steven Spielberg about to be born, maybe more; but he was suddenly going to make a movie. You should take What should he do? "

The reason why they were so angry was that they "looked at the magic and grew up." From 18 to 22 years old, a vigorous director suddenly became a lost youth, from human nature to feces, butt, angry; more angry is a few A few months ago, they themselves said that "Magic Yang is the great hope of the Earth director". It is the kind of person who can pull into space and compete with aliens in a few years. Now he is happy to play the stupid show.

No one says that the big director ca n’t make commercials or comedies, but will Steven Spielberg play **** and piss? Will Robert Zemigis play **** and piss? Does James Cameron play **** and piss? Will Michael Bay, who specializes in commercials, play? ... but the Miracle Club was so distressed for them, Richard Bruns of the "San Francisco News" sighed: "After all, he is only 22 years old, just the age of nonsense in college."

"" The Ninth District "and" The Hangover "add up to three hundred words that start with F. The former shocks you, the latter is meaningless."

However, the five fresh film reviews still represent the mainstream voice. These film critics stand in the "laughing dead" camp and enjoy a joyous feast like ordinary movie fans. As for what kind of animal Miracle Yang will evolve into in the future, they have no worries. On the contrary, they have many anticipating voices and cheerful words of praise.

"The Los Angeles Times" Bessie-Sharkey wrote: "Stupid and ridiculous and hilarious. For Magic Yang, you can never label him with a style unless that style is incredible." Wilson Morale on 1m. Si commented: "" Hangover "is a ridiculous, entertaining, classic from the beginning to the end. Young people, play well" Jeffrey Nick of The Hollywood Reporter commented: "Vulgar, debauchery and Stupid, but it is destined to be a comedy classic and one of the most interesting movies. "

"I understand that this is a farce created by Fantastic Young for happiness after" The Ninth District ", which reveals humor in vulgarity and laughs when you have a headache."-Kurt Williams, "Washington Post" The newspaper; "If someone can't find the fun of this movie, then he is an Amish elder, a baby, and Vigers living in the tenth district. You are not them but not laughing? Then you must be an unaffected person "Welcome people."-Kimberly Kiddall, "Independent Film"; "If you want to be stupid, you must be smart; if you want to be vulgar, you must bring humor, that is the charm of this carnival. Where. "-Margaret Leighton," News Daily "...

And the most popular film critic in the United States, Roger Albert, who is a **** fan of the magic, also commented on the first schedule of the "Chicago Sun". His texts are full of praise and love for "hangover" , Commented: "This is the comedy I said. Basically, you don't have time to rest. From the beginning to the end of the laugh, you even want to finish the subtitle list of the cast and crew. This situation is in" When Knapping on Happiness " "There are also in."

"The plot is funny, the scene is funny, the lines are funny, everything is almost perfect." The old man did not call it a movie that "shame the Christmas file", he finally wrote: "I am very satisfied with this Christmas gift. Thumbs only "

As a commercial comedy, the factor for movie fans to consider whether to watch is more of the audience ’s liking rather than the freshness of the critical critics. Moreover, the famous movie critics of "The Hangover" is the first weekend, and there are countless viewers who want to watch the movie. Who will see the 5 new films and 4 comedies in the cinema? After the age of 17, the unrestricted audience almost said to the conductor: "Give me the ticket for" hangover "."

During the bustling, the weekend of December 13-19 was accompanied by a Christmas song of Ding Ding Dang. The hilarious "Hangover" was on the list with or without suspense, winning it with absolute advantage. Weekly and weekend champion. It was released in 2875 theaters, and it received a total of 55.73 million box office in three days. It also became the new first in the best opening performance of R-class comedy. The previous record was maintained by 45.11 million in the "American Pie 2" in the summer vacation.

And this weekend's p-12-ta1 (the total of the top 12) is 700 million. One movie of "The Hangover" accounts for more than%, and the other 11 movies share the other half. Among them, there are 4 new movies. It can be said that they All were ruthlessly broken into pieces by Hangover.

The second place was "Cinderella of Manhattan" directed by Wang Ying. The 2838 theaters only received 710,000. Its reputation has been completely defeated. Among the 5 reviews included by Rotten Tomatoes, famous film critics are fresh. It ’s 31%, and the audience likes it 53%. The old and outdated stories have become the main reason for its criticism; the third one is “Star Trek: The Goddess of Revenge”, which was released in 2711 theaters, and it took away 510,000 box offices.

And the fourth place in the 2nd place, .11 million box office, the scary thing is that its public film criticism is only 21% fresh, except for the performance of the actor, almost everything is said to be bad, but with the popularity of Rachel McAdams and those jokes, The audience likes%. Yahoo's weekend box office review wrote: "If there is a duel, Rachel will be defeated by Miracle Young completely, which is indeed something that was expected."

Another comedy, "Drum Hotline", newly released in 1836 theaters, ranked fifth; followed by 4.13 million "Diesel's Day", 10,000 "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", 2.46 million The two-week R-rated comedy "Boss Flashes 2" ...

The comedy market cake was completely captured by "The Hangover", and the strength it showed suddenly shut up all those who previously doubted it. The box office commentary described this weekend's champion as: "Fantastic Yang pure box office bomb, all the audience Are laughing, the whole comedy world is afraid of shaking "

Although it's almost Christmas holiday ~ ~, the entertainment office of the Los Angeles Times Entertainment Edition is still busy. Emma Skok sitting in a swivel chair looks at the computer screen with his hands on the keyboard Knocking fast, I didn't expect her prediction to be true, "Hangover" and Miracle Yang rushed into the flock like a lion, tearing up four comedies, and now only one "Intimate Lover" is left, it Can stop the pace of "hangover"?

She smiled and shook her head, she couldn't help thinking: "The most popular R-class comedy in history? The most popular Las Vegas travel genre movie?" She saw her colleague David Klein walking with a stack of documents After that, he shouted and laughed again: "Hey," Hangover "." David Klein glanced at her, and he kept laughing: "I know but it is stupid."

"Did you laugh?" Emma Skye asked again with a smile, anyway she burst into tears. David Klein, who was walking away from there, responded: "Of course I am an earth man, not a shrimp man."


ps: Ask for monthly tickets. Wali continued to sincerely ask for monthly tickets. I did n’t expect that we could be ranked in the top ten of the urban classification, so how about we continue to maintain and be positive? Let the achievements of this book increase, so that more unexpected things become reality. Thank you all.

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