The Best Director

Chapter 175: Actually I am an actor

Chapter 175 Actually I am an actor

Early in the morning, breathing the fresh air, Wang Yang in a casual sportswear walked on the green lawn of the park with a traction rope around Danny. He occasionally took a stab at his teeth because his right shoulder was a little pained by Danny . Yesterday's fight was indeed very enjoyable, but it also caused him a little bit of injury. Except because of Wu Yanzu's fist, he thought that he had relaxed a lot in the past six months.

After all, he was too busy to race. In the previous months, he edited the "District 9" almost every day, only playing for half an hour in the morning, and did not hit the tree in the back garden to exercise. Eight pole punches can be said to fight for life. If you don't maintain the body's rigidity, the end of the game with techniques such as rushing hard and eating is the way it is now. It hurts the enemy one thousand and damages itself by 900, but originally it only damages 800.

"Danny, don't suddenly rush and stop, it seems you have to buy a stretch rope ..." Wang Yang hadn't finished speaking, and the running Danny stopped suddenly, spinning around in the same place, this familiar Posture ... He smiled and said, "Oh, man, don't you want to solve it here? How did you change the place?" Danny could not wait to squat down with his tail, he looked away and looked at Baiyun. Fluttering clear sky.

After finalizing Jeff Ma and Beverly Griffin as Wu Yanzu and Rachel respectively, the preparatory work for his "T--Team" was basically completed, and the selection of other actors was handed over to other systems. The filmmaker, as well as the early formation of the crew; the script needs to continue to discuss and repair with Ben Mozridge and the real person Jeff Ma.

Although it has not yet been decided, Wu Yanzu's film remuneration is probably only ten thousand dollars, which is already very good for his film remuneration in Hong Kong; the popular idol Rachel Wan, the popular idol Natalie Wan, they are all stars that are favored by the mTV Awards, this It means that there is a considerable box office appeal among teenagers, which can stand alone a soap youth movie invested within 20 million.

If the commercial film "T-Team" is produced by other production companies and directors, they do not necessarily agree to this invitation, and they are paid at this ordinary level; but this is a flame film, directed by Magic Yang.

Conveniently, Danny pedaled his hind legs comfortably, got up and walked aside to sit down, looking at the owner quietly. Wang Yang touched his head with a smile on his face, took out the prepared plastic bag from his trouser pocket, and bent over to deal with the smelly things on the lawn. This is naturally what the dog walks every morning, and the dog walk is a necessary item in his life.

Danny is Jessica's heart and soul, and he became his treasure a long time ago. One person and one dog first met at the birthday party in 1998. At that time it was more than a year old and is now 6 years old. Wang Yang slipped it more than three hundred times, not at home every day when he was at home. Sometimes Jessica was given to Joshua when he was traveling, and he was given to his personal assistant when both were busy.

Carrying a bag of natural fertilizer to the nearby trash bin, Wang Yang threw the bag in. He suddenly saw a black and white man and a large group of dogs walking by. He couldn't help but glance at it twice, it should be A professional dog-walker, he used to do this part-time job when he was still studying, and at most ten slipped at the same time, of course, some are small dogs.

The man is tall, wearing a white T-shirt and black pants, shaved a flat head, and looks very handsome. He also showed up Wang Yang, his hazel left eye and pale green right eye condensed, he pulled the rope holding 8 dogs, turned around and pulled the dog to chase Wang Yang, shouting: "No Sorry, wait a minute, Mr. Wang, wait a minute "

"What's the matter?" Wang Yang stopped and looked back suspiciously. He saw a group of dogs rushing over, and Danny shook his tail excitedly and jumped up. Wang Yang now knew that this man was very familiar. He blinked and thought for a moment. He suddenly couldn't help but smile, remembering who this charming and handsome guy was.

"Hello Mr. Wang." The flat-headed man came to him, keeping a distance where the dogs could not touch Wang Yang. There was a faint smile on his face, and his left hand without rope control was holding something in his pocket. The sound is full of nice magnetism, and the left hand stretched forward to hand a business card to Wang Yang, laughing: "Actually I am an actor, this is my card, Wentworth-Miller."

Wentworth-Miller ... Wang Yang looked at the name and contact information on the front of the business card, turned over and looked at the back, and also wrote his personal information and performance experience: "97-6-born, .87 meters tall ... Performance: 999 "Future Life", Nelson; Year "Room O." He smiled at the card and said, "Brother, I know, I am glad to meet you."

Miller smiled in a friendly manner. It is not surprising to meet celebrity stars in Beverly Hills. Some of the dog owners in his hands are celebrities, or senior executives of TV stations and production companies. I have been in Hollywood for almost 7 years, and I have known a lot of these big people, and I have talked about countless during the audition. But it didn't work. It was still auditions time and time again, "Sorry, you can't."

After coming to Los Angeles for 7 years, he has done all kinds of handyman work, participated in many cast auditions, an average of 4 times a month, once a week, and the last performance was the 8-minute short film "O Room" filmed annually. A small role. The person in front of me was Miracle Yang. For the first time, he saw with his own eyes that he had participated in the audition of the "Mu soldier" in the "Ninth District" before, and was eliminated by the casting director in the first round.

He tried to laugh happily with this: "I participated in the audition of the Mnu soldiers in the" Ninth District ", and almost became a pool of flesh." He took a deep breath and still didn't want so many corners and corners, directly Tao: "Mr. Wang, if there is anything suitable for my audition, would you please contact me?"

"Mnu soldier audition? Why didn't I see you, Kalis eliminated you?" Wang Yang frowned with a smile when he saw him. Miller's figure is very suitable for the soldier. If he had to be eliminated, he was a little bit. Too handsome, not tough enough on the face, but if the role is Michael Scofield? The original version of "Prison Break" Miller performed very well, he had no comment on it.

Wang Yang smiled while putting his business card in his pants pocket: "Now, you know we are preparing to produce a TV series called" Prison Break ". You are very suitable for the protagonist's appearance and temperament. Wentworth is interested in doing it. An audition? "

Although he knew that Miller was really suitable, and there would probably not be any problems with acting, but he could n’t decide the leading actor of “Prison Break”. Because this is a TV series rather than a movie, he is the first time to participate in TV production. In this regard, there is no transcript that can be trusted by others. Successful on the big screen does not mean that you can play the small screen casually.

A season of TV series has more than two-digit producers and 5, 6 directors, 5, 6 screenwriters are very common, there are several called "master", "Prison Break" is no exception, different jobs It was left to the producers to be busy, and the script was also modified and supplemented by the scriptwriter team, and the director team created the lens and style, just like a large machine with precise operation.

At the same time, there are people who ordered this series of TV stations, together with the crew of the crew, to supervise and produce "Prison Break". Even if he started this project, it ’s not that he is a miraculous young man, what a big director he is, he can decide these things by himself; no, even a small character needs to communicate with each other and identify with everyone, let alone the actor Too.

Otherwise, everything is up to you. Even if you are an investor, why do famous producers and directors run the risk of making a bad drama and work with you? Why should TV stations buy?

"What?" Miller inevitably froze, the protagonist's audition? It's not that he hasn't participated in any luck, but more often than not there will be no ticket, because he is not even an actor in the heart of the producer. No one will invite him to participate in the audition of the protagonist. There are not many cases where the protagonist selects the protagonist in the sea. At any level, the chance of participating in the audition is greater.

So he cast resumes everywhere in recent years, waiting for others to contact, participate in supporting roles in major movies, auditions for the protagonists of independent films, and announcements from the actor union, seizing all opportunities that can be seized, and now ...

"Really?" Miller couldn't help but lifted up and asked, "Mr. Wang, you said ..." He reacted, regardless of whether it was a joke, to make it a reality. He immediately grinned, two His eyes narrowed and he smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, thank you for knowing" Prison Break ". When and where am I interested?"

At this time, the dogs who had to stay in place were a little annoyed, especially the white labrador opposite the dog could move around freely.

Wang Yang thought about it, anyway, this matter is already on the agenda, he smiled and said: "How about this afternoon? Man, you look good, I don't understand why I haven't seen you on the big screen. Is there a problem with acting? "He shrugged and said with a smile:" It seems that every actor on the screen is an Oscar actor, but don't care about it. "He said seriously:" As long as you have a good audition Performance, you are the actor, I said. "

"Oh" Miller nodded a little without knowing what to say. No director told him that, and he always heard "you can't." Suddenly, a tremendous force suddenly rushed forward in his hand, and he almost fell unsteadily forward, violently pulling the rope with his hands, shouting: "Hey, you calm down"

Seeing that the dogs were out of control, Wang Yang quickly whistled a few whistles, and the dogs suddenly swayed their ears to calm down. He smiled and said, "You can't come in rudely, you should divert their attention, I I used to be a dog walker when I was in college. "

"I used to slip two or three ~ ~ Miller could not help wiping his forehead. He used to slip pets to his boss before, and he only started picking up jobs at the dog walking company in recent days. Uncontrollably threw himself on this amazing director, he didn't know if he had this audition.

"Each additional one will cause different chain reactions, different breeds, different personalities; also consider the control ability of his shoulder and arm ..." Wang Yang shared his experience, but when he said that, he felt that his shoulder was a bit It hurts, I really can't think that even a Danny is slipping so hard now, he smiled and shook his head and said, "Go for the dog first, I'll wait for you and then contact you, audition in the afternoon."

Having said that, he walked over the fence lawn in front of which he could run with a wide rope, and the impatient Danny immediately regained his joy.

Miller also slipped on the Golden Retriever, Labrador, Spot ... and other 8 dogs continued to walk. He looked at Wang Yang who walked away and smiled from time to time.


ps: Today, the word count is less. Wali rests early. Continue next week. In fact, today is a new week. Khan, please ask for some recommended votes. Can you hit Wali? Is the tail of the crane ok? thank you very much

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