The Best Director

Chapter 131: Fantastic Young is scheduled for the 2003 Academy Award for Best Director! ?

Chapter 131 Miracle Young is scheduled for the 2003 Academy Award for Best Director! ?

"Fantastic Young is scheduled for the 2003 Academy Award for Best Director." This is a report in the latest issue of "Gossip Hollywood".

After the MTV Film Awards ended a few days ago, Wang Yang suddenly received the news that his master was in critical condition, and hurried back to San Francisco to see the last side of the old man. Afterwards, the entertainment media have reported on the funeral. His fans Fans also expressed their consolation on the Internet to make their grief go smoothly; and Wang Yang also thanked the fans through the newly hired agent Paul Emory.

But "Hollywood Dynamics" revealed some details in the ward when he magically saw the last side of his master: "He was very sad and sad, and he made many promises to his master in tears. Going to jail by myself, the future child will learn Chinese ... "And one of them is the focus of the article, he will continue to be an amazing person, and he promises:" I will win a lot of Oscars, the first best director will give look"

This article has no comments or inclination, it just states this. But with this text report, the sales volume of "Hollywood Dynamics" has risen a lot, and it has also been reprinted by many online media, but are these details true or false? Did Miracle Young really say that? Or are they fabricated out of thin air? Fans and fans naturally don't know, but gossip news has always been "believing is there, not believing is not."

There are not many people who choose to believe. Take the Oscar best director at the age of 23? Haven't you nominated yet? With that mysterious R-rated violent movie "District 9"? If it is normal, how arrogant and mad will the miraculous arrogance be like to talk like this?

Those who hate and hate Wang Yang have made sarcasm: "He shouldn't make such a stupid promise, his master was teased.", "It's disgusting, he thought that Oscar is the MTV movie award? Don't do it if you can't do it. "", "Obviously, he was sad and unclear at that time, and I sympathize with him." But everyone else understands and supports him. This is just the consolation of Miracle Yang to the dying master. It is already unethical to expose it. How can it be? Let's talk about three things?

In the comments on the Internet, many fans have fought back: "When you know the taste of losing loved ones, you will understand that at that moment when you will become an astronaut and land on the moon, you will agree.", "First assume that this is The real thing, but the people who use this to laugh at the magical Yang are idiots, and everyone knows that these words can't be taken seriously. "," Although it seems ridiculous, but I think that Yang is not without any chance, maybe ... "

There are also a large number of people who disdain it, just a non-compliance of the unscrupulous gossip tabloid.

Wang Yang knew that this was true. When he took the "Hollywood News" in his hands, he was so angry that he tore the newspaper directly. Although this tabloid still takes care of it, there is no mention of the master, and almost no mention of the master, but is it even respected? They disturbed the master's tranquility, but what the **** is going on, how could this tabloid know these words?

In the ward at that time, there were only him, the master, and Jessica. No one could be the one exposed by the media. Could it be that a paparazzi was hiding under the hospital bed?

According to the analysis of the agent Paul Emory, this is indeed one of the possibilities, the paparazzi can do everything; or the paparazzi conducted eavesdropping next door, but due to Chinese reasons, it is more likely that the paparazzi are in the ward Recording equipment was placed in it, and it was taken away afterwards, and then it was enough to find a translator.

So the whole thing should be the process. At the backstage of the Xuelan Theater, the news that he had returned to San Francisco because of the illness of the master had leaked. This is not surprising. So many people and reporters walked around; there were paparazzi immediately Informed his colleagues in San Francisco, then quickly found the hospital, disguised as a doctor or medical staff and entered the ward, placing a recorder.

In any case, now this matter is already done, and he can ignore it and not pursue it at all, it should be as if there is no such thing, then if "Hollywood Dynamics" does not continue to report, it will become a few days later. In the past, the night style was just a drop in the sea in gossip news. Who is dating whom, who is suspected of discord, and who is tomorrow; who scolds who is the son, who beats, who goes crazy in the nightclub … No one will remember this very low-truth news.

"No" When he heard this choice, Wang Yang didn't hesitate to interrupt Paul Emory's words. His indignant expression expressed his attitude in a cold voice: "I want to investigate." These paparazzi and The tabloids are getting more and more excessive. If it is a scandal between men and women, he can still laugh away; but now, he wants to make the paparazzi and tabloids publicly apologize, and let them be severely punished by the **** law, no one can escape.

Paul Emory nodded across the sofa and reminded him: "Those tabloids are not afraid of being investigated and most afraid of being ignored; once you pay attention, they will take the opportunity to speculate, expand their popularity, and boost sales ... As for losing money And apologize, neither of them will care. "

Wang Yang took a deep breath, he didn't care who was unsuccessful, did he ignore it? The master left in bed forever and forever, are they recording beside? He scolded "K" and decided to say: "I want them to apologize and let them pay the price they should pay"

"OK." Paul Emory did not persuade him, this kind of thing is just an option, it will not affect the reputation. And such news can be said to be defamatory or serious violations when investigated, but considering the possibility of recording, the reason for investigation is naturally the former. He thought about it and suggested: "Yang, you'd better not say too much about the best director."

Wang Yang nodded in silence, he knew all the voices on the Internet, mocking, comforting, sympathetic ... all thought he could not do it. Best Oscar director in 2003? He did n’t know if he could get it, but he was confident that he could make the “District 9” with that qualification to compete. He would try his best to secretly clenched his right fist, saying: “I know what to do Said. "

The next day, "Hollywood News" received a lawyer's letter, Wang Yang formally sued it for serious violations, demanding compensation and public apology; at the same time also sued the unknown person who provided the information, compensation apology, even Is in jail. Paul Emory announced this news to the media. He said: "Their behavior is very shocking. This undoubtedly hurt Yang. He feels very angry and regretful. He hopes that this matter will get a correct one. result."

It is not the first time that celebrities have accused the media of paparazzi infringement. This kind of lawsuit took place almost every other day, but few cases were won, and most of them just sue angrily, and then quickly died without ill.

Because the laws of most states in the United States stipulate that as long as the public interest is satisfied, the mass media has the right to disclose and report on the current and previous events of the public figure, and the use of his / her name and photo is not required. Get prior authorization. So where did Tom Hanks and his family go shopping, and which couple went to the restaurant to eat, what are they doing, what are they talking about ... none.

As long as it is related to a legal and public concern event, the publication can use the names, photos and related information of officials, people running for office, as well as actors, writers, singers, musicians and other social celebrities without authorization; As long as the information is related to their public office or public role, even if a person's private life is therefore disclosed, no authorization is required.

So writing a biography for George Bush or making a biographical movie for Bill Gates does not require their permission. The biography can be published and the movie can be distributed.

California is the center of entertainment and entertainment. It is also the place where the paparazzi are most rampant. There is no intention of the parties. They take pictures, tapes, and videos. If they come, they can follow a group of people, but if they are just like this, are they still called paparazzi? Except for some normal photos, how could there be any surprises? They quietly tracked, disguised, sneaked in ... the means became more and more high-tech, they became more and more like an agent, and celebrities became more and more cautious.

And now "Hollywood Dynamics" is facing Wang Yang's paper complaint, in fact, he just obtained and published a few sentences of him in an improper way. If the court determines that this is of public interest, then there will be no punishment. Even if you lose the case, an apology that wo n’t lose anything does n’t matter, and you wo n’t be sentenced too much to lose money. The popularity and sales of the stimulus will have been replenished there. This is why the Gossip Newspaper dare to publish any news.

"Hollywood News" may wish that the whole world knows that he has been accused of infringement of privacy by magical accusations, which means that his gossip news is true, and it means that its gossip is very true. Come and buy it

In its latest issue, it hurriedly reported the news on its own, and disclosed more details in the ward that day. There is still no old man Wu, because he is not a public figure; it is still Wang Yang ’s information, such as he actually still There is a nickname "ungest-Fly", he also plans to marry Jessica a few years later and have a child, and "take the best director in 2003".

Fans who are concerned about this matter know that it is now confirmed. This is true. He did tell his master that at the age of 23, the best director who hates him will continue to ridicule and support him. He continued to express his understanding, but no one said "He is serious, he will get it".

At the desk in the study, Wang Yang looked at the computer screen, struck the keyboard with both hands, wrote a blog that he had not updated in a few days, recalled some of the past of the master, and some attitudes about this matter in the past few days: "I do n’t Willing to say too much about their behavior, this is too much, they should all be sent to Lake Island ... "

He took a glass of water and took a sip of clear water, looked at the document silently, thought about it for a while, and then struck a paragraph of words: "If the Oscar award is won, it will allow my teacher to live two more years and my loved ones. Happy and happy, I hope I can get it every year. The master is gone, I miss him forever, and I remember what I said to him. Get the Oscar Best Director in 2003? Guys, life is like a box Chocolate, you never know what the next one is. "

When this blog was updated, a lot of gossip tabloids followed up to report the following day, and even major newspapers like the Los Angeles Times began to pay attention. Everyone saw his deep feelings for his master, his Hate for the paparazzi and gossip tabloids, and his response to the "Best Director", borrowing a classic line from "Forrest Gump", he seems to mean: "Although you all say I can't, But it ’s not necessarily true that I ca n’t do it. ”

This is a calm situation now, but it's a bit of rhetoric. The people who taunted him took the same excitant drug, and they could not wait until 2003 to see how this guy got ugly: "He was so maddened by the MTV Film Awards, please magic, you are now a joke", "Look Come on, I bet he wo n’t even have a nomination, otherwise I ’m willing to lick his eggs "

The people who support him are also silent. Of course, there are still many **** female fans who continue to support: "He is such an optimistic and humorous person, I really like it", "Does anyone seem to know Dr. Brown? Sitting in his time car Has it been 2003? Young is right, who knows what the next chocolate is? "

"I'm afraid that the next chocolate is not the best director." This is a professional analysis review of "Film Review", which basically gathers the views of the media. This sensible comment has also received a lot of support and reprinted on the Internet. , It ’s like a final word: “Although he is a magical young, although the person who has the best chance to refresh the Oscar-winning record is him, but the little golden man who wants to raise the best director two years later, it is not absolutely impossible, just 0.1% will happen. "

This article does not simply look at Wang Wang, but also by him the status and history of Oscar. In addition to age, seniority and other issues, the most important is the Oscar award style.

"Magic Yang's current directing plan is only" District 9 ". If he hits the Oscar with this movie, let's analyze it. We don't know what kind of movie" District 9 "will be. Guess it is a pseudo-documentary, R-level violence ... it is a cult film. "

Xiandian movies have always been out of tune with the academy. Young directors have fun playing on them and are embraced by **** fans ... whatever is good, if you want to win an award and want greater success, you will often return The mainstream, at least, is covered in mainstream movies. Some unscrupulous people, like David Finch, the leader of the evil film, have received numerous praises in the "Fight Club", and Oscar is nominated for the best sound editing.

Not to mention far, in the past ten or twenty years in modern times, the evil film is the closest to the Oscars. In 1995, another leading character, Quentin Tarantino ’s "Pulp Fiction", got the best The nomination of 7 items such as film and best director, only the best original screenplay was obtained, and it was "Forrest Gump" and Robert Zemigis that won the best film and best director of the year.

If there were no Forrest Gump and Shoshenko ’s Salvation that year, would the Pulp Fiction win? Maybe; maybe it will be killed by other top mainstream movies, but it is a fact that it has not won an award.

Every year, there are classic academic mainstream movies. I believe that District 9 is not only a violent evil film, but also a "non-influenced" pseudo documentary. It can be said that the difficulty has doubled. If it has "Pulp Fiction" then Excellent, it is "possible" to be nominated.

However, compared with the problem of the evil film, there is another problem that is more serious and fatal: "The connection between the special effects, the ninth area and the 51 area, let us infer a possibility that" the ninth area "is a A science fiction film. In addition to the technical awards, science fiction films have never won the best film and best director in the Oscars 73 years. "

In 1973, the science fiction film was nominated for the best film only four times, 1965 "Dr. Love", 1972 "Clockwork Orange", 1978 "Star Wars", 1983 "Alien ET"; with science fiction The film was nominated for the best director, only three people, Stanley Kubrick (three times ~ ~ were "Dr. Chiai", "Clockwork Orange" and 1968 "2001 Space Walk" ), George Lucas "Star Wars", Steven Spielberg (twice, the third type of contact) and "Alien ET".)

These three epoch-making phenomena are the iconic characters of the directors, but they were all met with the cold water splashed by Oscar in the first place. "Star Wars" 11 nominations only received technical awards, "Aliens" The 8 nominations for ET only received technical awards ... while other excellent science fiction movies like "Back to the Future", "Terminator 2", "Hei Di Empire", etc., did not even have nominations.

Why did Oscar "hate" science fiction movies? Perhaps the old guys in the college ca n’t answer this question. They just habitually despise special effects and sci-fi films. This has become a 73-year “tradition”.

"If" District 9 "is a science fiction film, we can imagine how it is treated, no matter how beautiful and shocking it is ... Anyway, the result seems to have been doomed. Don't say what won the best film, The best director's little gold man, if Magic Young can be nominated to help the science fiction film return to Oscar after 20 years, it is already a big miracle. Maybe this is his chocolate. "

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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