The sights that Cheon-Gak saw unfolded in my head.

Passing by the temple in the desert, I shot around a place I had never seen before.

I didn’t feel any hesitation in that look.

‘… … Did Cheon-gak ever visit this place?’

It wasn’t anything strange.

The fact that traces and records of the ancient gods remain here is highly likely to have lived in this area in the past.

In other words, considering that the true identity of the Heavenly Gate was Shinsoo, he should have known about this.

but… … .

‘You said your memories of the past are blurry, how far have you come back?’

There was no hesitation in the movement of the heavenly angle to the extent of thinking this.

In addition, there were many different appearances than usual.

I used to look carefully at things that weren’t likely to be information.

It was a bit strange to show it to me without filtering it out.

‘… … Hmm.’

Then a large tombstone appeared.

It looked similar to the one I had seen when I first entered the Sanctuary, but the writing there was different.

I was ordained by God to be a forerunner.

The reason was that it was extraordinarily strong.

I followed the mandate to guide and develop mankind.

There was also a servant of God to help with that.

It has the appearance of a cute rabbit, but its original appearance was different.

Copying all spells and manipulating everything was really strong.

However, the minion did not follow God’s will at some point.

-Why don’t you do it?

―No matter how much you are a Shinsoo who is the other half of a god, it will be difficult for you to be safe if you continue to act like this.

We visited every day and talked.

Shinsoo didn’t even respond.

Always looked down on me with an aloof look.

But I didn’t give up.

―I want to protect humans and advance together.

―If there is a reason for this, can you tell me? I’ll tell God well.

Did he respond to the persuasion of more than half a year?

Shinsoo finally looked into my eyes.

for the first time, said

―Hastur is a predator that preys on you, human.

… … I was quite surprised by the contents of the tombstone, but the movement of the heavenly angle did not stop.

It was another tombstone that appeared after passing through several traces nestled underground.

Hastur, whom I worshiped, was an invader from another world.

What developed mankind was nothing more than fattening livestock.

Its purpose was to increase its strength by catching and eating it.

―Why did you tell me the truth?

―I feel sorry for you being deceived by the invaders, so I gave you sympathy.

Shinsoo was one of the powers that Hastur ate in another world.

He said he followed it to live, but gave up now.

―Haster has started to move, so you will die soon.

―It is better to die than to be used.

I had nothing to say.

I couldn’t figure out what to do now.

Should we just watch the death of the divine beast and the destruction of mankind?

―If I sell myself, maybe I can live with you in this world.

-What are you talking about?

―It means to become Hastur’s limbs. Then some may live.

I noticed.

It wasn’t just a whim that Shinsoo informed the truth.

It was a planned action to create the minimum possibility to save this world.

I don’t know why I chose this sacrifice.

However, that was enough to make me decide.

-I’ll save you.

—… … what?

―So, you help me too.

… … There was no tombstone with the story written after that.

However, there was a mural that could infer what happened after that.

At that time, it was said that he was against Hastur with the humans.

The enemy was strong, but it was pretty good.

It was a description of the appearance and strength of those who resisted.

While looking through those traces.

A tombstone that had not been seen before appeared again.

Humanity never came together as one.

Those who still worship Hastur.

those who agree with me.

Those who covet my power.

Those who fought together, but defected.

Those with other ulterior motives.

It wasn’t that they didn’t feel sorry for them.

But I thought it couldn’t be helped.

nature and habit.

good and evil.

Selfishness and selflessness.

It is human beings who are stained with these things.

Because I am the one I swore to protect.

So I, Hubris, will never give up.

… … After this, my consciousness slowly returned to reality.

I couldn’t help but lose my words for a moment at the very shocking fact.

I could feel the tension in the eyes of those who watched me like that.

“I’m glad I didn’t call the Matu today.”

“… … yes?”

“Haster was not like a god. It was recorded as an invader from another world.”

“… … !”

“And it seems Hubris was the one who stood up to protect the world from Hastur.”

“… … If it’s Hubris, are you referring to that evil spirit?”

“okay. Although it was written by you… … .”

After glancing at the ceiling once, I continued.

“Probably right.”

“… … .”

“Do you have a record of the tombstone you first saw in the sanctuary? That, too, was written by Hubris.”

“… … You mean, worshiping Hastur as a god?”

“Yes, they hid a few more such tombstones.”

“… … According to your brother, the western warriors knew this.”

“okay. It’s a situation where you know all this and still worship the Old Gods.”

At my words, everyone showed different emotions than before.

If you were surprised to hear something that was hard to believe before.

Why now? It was close to an incomprehensible feeling.

“It makes sense to say that the Resurrection Church was derived from Western warriors.”

He worshiped Hastur, called Hubris an evil god, and treated him as an absolute evil.

In fact, it was quite the opposite, so it was worth it.

The greater the faith, the greater the resistance to the revealed truth. … .

“… … I think only a few leaders, including Langfwin, are aware of this.”

“I see, according to common sense, if everyone knew this, the group wouldn’t be able to survive.”

“What do you plan to do next, Your Highness?”

“First of all, I have to go back to the kingdom and report this to my mother. I need some time to organize my thoughts.”

* * *

Before returning to the kingdom and having an audience with Mama.

I called Cheon-gak for a while and we talked.

“Is your memory back now, Cheon-gak?”

“Kyung, kkyu.”

Chun-gak lightly shook his head.

Some of them came back, but it was a little different from my perception.

“What are you talking about?”

“Kyau, kyaw, kya.”

The self at that time and the me now are separate beings.

It’s just that emotions and memories from the past flow in from outside.

… … I’ve heard that, but to be honest, I don’t know what the difference is.

[Others would think I had a mental illness.]

“… … Suddenly, what do you mean by that?”

[I’m the only one who knows what’s going on, but who wouldn’t think so?]

“Are you mad at me for not interpreting?”

[…] … Stop talking nonsense.]

… … I think it’s real because the tone is slightly shaking more than usual?

It’s not the first time I’ve grumbled when I’m talking to Cheonkak… … .

But it’s a little too much to say this directly, so I roughly agreed and explained what I had heard.

[It must be a different object than the one that lived in ancient times.]

‘hmm… … Is it similar to reincarnation?’

[Yes, it would be close to that concept. Both the body and the self are different, but the memories and emotions from that time must flow in.]

‘It’s like a thought.’

After sorting out the current situation, I faced the queen.

Through the Heaven’s Gate, the western warriors gave away the truth about the Old Gods.

The queen’s eyes were very deep.

“I hoped, but it turned out to be true.”

“Did you know?”

“No, it’s close to what I assumed it would be.”

… … On what basis did you think that?

Was there any information obtained independently?

“What happened to transcendence magic, Cruz.”

“Yes, I have also mastered spiritual transcendence magic.”

“Hmm… … .”

He had already confided to the queen about telekinesis.

I learned it after becoming a 7 star while training invisible magic, but it seems that I received the power of my predecessor due to Skadi’s influence.

… … That said, he was in a state of ambiguity.

I don’t know if it’s someone else, but I couldn’t keep hiding it from Mama, so I put it together.

Surprisingly, she didn’t ask too much.

‘I said that if the magic formula and the method of mana management are the same, then the transcendence magic mastered is bound to be the same.’

Hearing this, I also thought that there was no need to hide my telekinesis anymore.

According to the queen, even other people can learn the same transcendence magic… … .

However, the problem was that others did not know this.

Because even I didn’t know this.

Now the next problem… … .

“It’s a bit confusing situation after learning two transcendence magics.”

“There’s nothing like that, there’s nothing particularly problematic about it.”

“… … Is that so? I heard that you can only learn one transcendence magic… … .”

“It’s because it’s not a power from this world.”

At those words, I expressed my doubts, but the Queen calmly continued.

“Did you hear how attribute magic was derived?”

“I heard about it from the Matu tribe a long time ago.”

“I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s clear that attribute magic isn’t a power rooted in this world.”

Just as Hastur was an invader from another world, it meant the power of another world.

“Are you talking about the spirit realm?”

“I didn’t specifically refer to it. It’s just that we know that it’s not the power of this world we live in.”

“Then the reason I was able to learn the two transcendence magics… … .”

“Since invisibility and mind magic are powers derived from this world, it means that you can learn two transcendental magics.”

Not all, but I got a rough idea.

Spirit attribute magic is not the power of this world, so you can learn only one transcendence magic.

It was said that the invisibility and mental series are not so, so they are not limited to one.

“Is that knowledge passed down from generation to generation in the kingdom? I didn’t see it in the first-class reading room… … .”

“It’s not like that, even in all previous kings, no one but me would have known about it.”

“… … yes?”

“That Hubris must have been a guardian of the world.”

After muttering to herself, the queen let out a light breath and changed the topic.

“How do you plan to move in the future?”

“We plan to decide after the scheduled information exchange with Yorgil.”

“Still, I think you’ve got a rough direction.”

“Yes, I will try to entice you into splitting up with Ronberg.”

I don’t know how far we can find out by exchanging information.

At least we can convince Yorgil that Ronberg has a plan.

Shaking the board so that this influence would affect Solstad was the direction he was currently thinking of.

“Morgand wants to see you at least once.”

“… … Are you talking about my brother?”

“Yes, both you and Hornes.”

“Did you say it yourself?”

“Can that be? It’s just how I feel, but I’m probably right.”

“Then let’s go visit it. It’s true that I haven’t met personally for quite some time.”

The Queen lightly waved her hand as if to go away.

The moment to say goodbye and leave.


“Yes, Mama.”

“Your powers are special and mysterious. In any case, it also contains the power of Hubris.”

At the Queen’s words, I nodded slightly.

“So be careful. You must always be aware that there is a possibility that you will be victimized from an unknown part.”

Her words suddenly reminded me of being taken to the spirit world the other day.

I don’t know much about this, so it happened unexpectedly.

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Yes, so I think it’s necessary for you to talk with the family head of Rien at least once.”

“which… … ?”

“It’s the epitome of Spirituality.”

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