Schwein, who opened his eyes, calmly greeted Karl Ronberg, who was sitting in front of him.

“It seems like I haven’t seen you in a while, Carl Family.”

“is it? It hasn’t been that long.”

“Yes, it really is.”

Inside, there were only two of them, Solstad and Ronberg’s head.

There was quite a bit of hostility and wariness in Schwein’s gaze at the sword.

“The period is not long, but a lot has happened.”

“Are you talking about the entrenchment of war?”

“Yes, Yorgil has been immobilized for at least eight months.”

Schwein’s tone was very cold, mixed with contempt and disappointment.

“I understand that you care about the next family head and heirloom, but to suffer a loss… … It’s just hard to understand.”

“I agree with that, if it’s that important, you should have taken more care and protected it.”

“Anyway, that’s why the war situation is bothering me right now.”

“I heard briefly, but was the power of the kingdom that strong?”

“It was a trick, but it was more than expected.”

After he finished speaking, Schwein gazed at the sword blatantly.

“So I will ask again. Why don’t Ronberg join the war at this level?”

“It’s not like you can’t win yet, is it? Considering the benefits to be gained by winning, I think it’s worth doing.”

“Yes, it is. Unless the Ronberg family has other plans.”


Carl’s eyes lit up with interest.

He seemed to want to hear the rationale for thinking so, but Schwein calmly continued.

“Karl Ronberg, I have high regard for you.”

“I appreciate the compliments.”

“If you just wait and see, it must be that you have an ulterior motive. For example, waiting for the enemy to run out of power.”


Suddenly, a sound like the air cracking was heard.

It was a response to the feeble killing spewed out by Schwein.

However, Carl smiled leisurely and shook his head.

“Head of Schwein, I never thought you would say such absurd things.”

“As long as Yorgil and Solstad consume some power, I am confident that I will eat them… … If there is an assumption, it is possible enough.”

“I’m just resting because I’m not feeling well. Can’t you feel that my magic power is still unstable?”

“I just reply that I can’t understand it anymore.”

“Okay, then Ronberg will also go to war now.”

“… … Surprisingly, you respond so obediently.”

“There is nothing I can do to clear the doubt. Well, even if it wasn’t, I was thinking of moving slowly.”

“then… … .”

“However, I have one suggestion.”

At Carl’s words, Schwein listened attentively without calming his guard.

“At this point, let’s deal with Yorgil as well.”

“… … I beg your pardon?”

“Did you not hear? He also said that we should get rid of Yorgil as well.”

* * *

Ten days have passed since the treaty was signed with Yorgil.

It was just an agreement to follow what I asked, and there has been no further exchanges yet.

Its effect alone was significant.

“Solstad is constantly hitting Navaletta, but it’s said that it only interferes with the fortifications.”

“How is Yorgil?”

“There are no other moves other than establishing a defense line to replace Mayfield.”

After hearing Rahos’ report, I thought for a moment.

‘Building a new defense line without hitting Rien… … It’s not a bad way for Yorgil.’

There was no armistice agreement with the kingdom, so a battle could break out at any time.

However, since Yorgil Sai is being held hostage and even promised to exchange information, such a choice is bound to be burdensome.

It was intended to be solved by recreating the stretched defense line, which would become a problem later.

“What do you think we are just attacking? Lahos.”

“Either way is good, but I think it’s better not to do it.”

“Oh, what is the basis?”

“Because that way the quality of the information you can get from them will increase.”

“You’re saying that since I chose intelligence, I should focus on it.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

While nodding at Rahoth’s answer and processing various documents.

He stood in front of me for some reason and opened his mouth.

“I have something to tell you, Your Highness.”


“I dare say that a strategy like this should not be used in the future.”

“Are you concerned about me coming to the fore?”

“That’s not it, I’m just saying that dangerous diversion operations like this one shouldn’t be done any more.”

The key to this operation, which captured Mayfield, was twofold.

Bhima’s performance and cheating of my location to the allied forces.

It was said that he left not only the captains, but also Lahos and Leah for the latter.

“I would like you to understand that Your Highness’ comfort is more important than winning a battle.”

“I understand what you mean, I can’t use such a strategy in the future anyway.”

“… … .”

As if my answer wasn’t satisfactory, Lahos put on a puzzled expression.

“Your Highness must be persuaded in a different way.”


“If I were an enemy, I would try to kill you at any cost.”

“Looks like you didn’t mean to lift me up, what is the reason?”

“Currently, Your Highness, if you use all your strength, you will be able to defeat a 7-star advanced opponent.”

“Well, yes.”

“I can’t dare to fathom the potential of the later heights.”

If you become a 7-star intermediate, you’ll probably be ahead of most of the upper 7-stars, Rajos added.

“Looking at Your Highness’ talent and growth rate, you will soon become an advanced level beyond the intermediate level.”

“That’s right.”

“When that time comes, Your Highness will be able to match even 8 stars.”

In short, Lahoz’s words were this.

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Looking at the growth rate so far, it is clear that it will grow rapidly in the future.

It was said that if I reached 8-star, or even 7-star, it would be difficult for the enemy to handle.

“Well, when I reach 8 stars, I will be strong enough to be counted on one hand.”

“… … Yes, so the enemy will be wary of them. I’m sure at some point, I’ll be aiming for Your Highness, even if it’s overdoing it.”

“That makes sense, keep that in mind.”

I agree with what Lahoz said.

Since the battle with Sai Yorgil, my strength has been revealed.

“A Schwein must be conscious of this… … yes?”

“… … Yes, Your Highness.”

“Kielus praised me for being able to stop Staten thanks to you.”

“It is overrated. This result was only possible because of Kielus’ superior defense ability than mine.”

The skill of Kielus, who had come down from his heyday, was inferior to that of Lahos.

But after the confrontation with Silverted, he said he realized something.

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Looking at Rahoth’s words, it seemed to be true.

“However, if he uses his full power… … It will be difficult in its current state.”

“I have to prepare as much as possible until then. yes?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

after so long

I gathered my people and headed to the Western Warriors’ territory.

They were allowed to visit on the pretext of introducing a subject they were interested in.

The target was the Matu tribe.

“It’s been a while, Frexia. Do you think you’ve become stronger than when I saw you then?”

“Yes, Your Highness. I became a 7-star advanced a while ago.”

“How are you getting along with the commander of the altar after the great death?”

“Thanks to you, I am doing well. I learned a lot from training with Illami Youngji every day.”

“That’s good. Alan, can you introduce me to some SS members?”

“Leave it to me, Your Highness.”

“It’s been a while, Prince Alan. You got stronger again. It won’t be strange if you surpass me soon.”

“Ahahahaha! Is that so? No, it’s still a long way~ I haven’t even learned transcendence magic.”

I haven’t even introduced myself yet, but Alan was a pleasant conversationalist.

Before joining the Royal Guard, he showed off his friendship with the Matu tribe while training.

It was quite impressive to see Alan being comfortable with other people besides me.

“Ah, sorry for the late introduction. I will do it soon.”

After that introduction, we arrived at the territory of the western warriors.

Although I called the Matu to get their information.

The same was true of the Matu people who were interested in Western warriors.

“Ulman de Gaul is the official name of the tribe.”

“Yes, they believe in the old gods similar to the Matu.”

“… … Listening to the anecdote from the other day, it seemed like they were really extreme and blind.”

“It actually is, but it would be quicker to see it in person.”

After a while, Langfwyn came to us and stared openly at the Matu tribe.

“I am Langfwin, the supreme leader of Ulman de Gaulle.”

“I am called Phrexia, who came as a representative of the Matu tribe.”

“I don’t know if our ancestors are the same, but you guys have the same energy as us.”

“Same aura?”

“It is a divine energy that can only be possessed by those who serve and worship Hastur.”

… … At those words, both Praxia and I expressed our doubts.

How can you feel that way?

“Especially, there is someone with more energy than me by your side. This is enough to call them brothers.”

Hearing those words, I thought of Fallon, the head of the altar.

‘Follon’s Spiritual Eye was unusual even to me. There is also a future foresight.’

Prexia had the same thoughts as me, and she was making an expression as if she could guess something.

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Langfwin politely shook her hand.

“I salute you, representative of the Matu people. Your faith should be respected.”

“… … Thank you for your hospitality.”

“It’s just deplorable that you guys like this stay close to someone who exudes evil spirits.”

“I don’t see anything like Mr. Langfwin, but you are our benefactor. Please refrain from excessive rudeness.”

“If you feel this, you will react the same way I do.”

“That’s about it, but I want to express my regret a little.”

When I interrupted the conversation, Langfwin put on an expression of blatant disapproval.

As a result, the SS and the Matu who followed me naturally hardened their expressions.

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Langfwin didn’t care and kept a displeased expression.

“I don’t know what you think, but I’m also interested in the Old Gods.”

“You sound very impure when you say that.”

“That’s unfair. From what I’ve heard from the Matu people, they say that the ancient gods exist because of the current human race… … .”

“That’s right, without Hastur-sama, today’s humans wouldn’t exist.”

“I want to know more about this. I also have a deep connection with the Matu tribe, but they say I have the energy of an evil spirit, so I feel uncomfortable.”

“… … .”

“I’m asking just in case, are you the only ones who can have faith in the ancient gods?”

“No, it is not.”

“Then won’t you give me a chance?”


“Tell me about the Old Gods, and a chance to believe in Hastur.”

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Langfwin openly showed signs of distress.

If I had come alone, I would have refused without even looking at it.

It seemed to be a concern because there were also Matu in this place.

‘They believe in the same things, so I brought them because I thought they might be helpful, but they’re more effective than I thought.’

After thinking about it, Langfwyn nodded.

“… … Okay, I was going to show it to my Matu brothers anyway.”

“Thank you.”

I haven’t heard anything from Yorgil yet.

As a result of their own investigation, most of the information about the ancient gods in the continent of Feyer was held by them.

‘Maybe there is information about evil spirits.’

With Ronberg in his grasp, he had to figure it out somehow.

Even before going to the Feyer Continent, Mama told me to investigate myself… … .

After passing through the gateway, a desolate desert unfolded before my eyes.

We rode strange mounts prepared by western warriors and traversed the desert.

From this point on, only a part of the SS was allowed inside, following their instructions.

After adapting and moving, we arrived at a temple.

‘… … It’s strangely similar to the things in the Matu tribe.’

Jerk, jerk, jerk.

Upon entering the temple, which exudes a pious atmosphere, there was a large tombstone placed there.

So I, as well as the SS and the Matu, had no choice but to hold their breath.

It wasn’t just because he was tall, it was because he felt a great deal of class from the magical power embedded in the tombstone.

“Here is the record of the pioneers.”


“He was the first to worship Hastur, and he is the one who made his name widely known.”


When Langfwin’s magical power was applied, light rose from the tombstone.

It was soon changed to a specific character, and the contents were as follows.

One day, it came down.

Covered in golden light, it gave mankind power.

That power evolved humans.

Monsters could no longer threaten humanity.

A better method of mana management raised the limit.

I sent a minion to put the magic on the tool and developed civilization.

We should call it God, and we should worship it.

… … It was revealed that I was genuinely amazed.

I was surprised not by the content, but by the magical power that made up the text.

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Looking at the traces engraved on the tombstone, I could tell that a really long time had passed.

Even so, the quality that did not fade was truly mysterious itself.

‘It’s clear that ancient humans recorded it… … .’

With the technology of the time, you wouldn’t be able to retain magic for this long.

In other words, it was done with the sheer capacity of the person who recorded it… … .

‘Is there anyone who can do this in modern times?’

While the guards were surprised to see if they were thinking the same thing as me.


‘… … uh?’

The ringing that started from the heavenly spirit unwittingly turned my gaze to the ring.

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