“Kielus! The enemy is retreating!”

“… … what?”

At the soldier’s report, Kielus hurriedly checked the battlefield.

Then I saw the allied forces really defeating the front line.

Shardan was greatly puzzled by this.

“… … I don’t know why, there’s no reason for them to back down now.”

“Yeah, it looks like it’s not even a lure… … .”

“Wouldn’t that mean that your brother’s operation was successful?”

Hones’ remarks drew attention.

Certainly, other than that, there was no reason for them to move like that.

“… … That’s kind of weird too. Even if Mayfield fell, would they have a reason to back down?”

“Even with Yorgil, the fact that Solstad is also missing means that something else has gone wrong.”

In this way, the allied forces did not let go of the tension even though they were puzzled by the enemy’s change.

Afterwards, those who met me and learned the inside story of the retreat cheered.

Among them, the one who was most delighted was the Lien family.

“ha ha ha! No, really? You captured Sai Yorgil?”

“That’s right, since we got their heirlooms here, they’ve retreated.”

“Until now, I thought I had a high opinion of Your Highness, but even that seemed to be lacking.”

“Honestly, when I defeated Boris, I was nervous too… … There is no doubt now.”

Their reactions are enthusiastic, but there are also great results to be gained from this.

Purely because the results I did were astounding.

5-star advanced or higher rank power, 6-star advanced rank or higher rank the highest rank.

The reason this section is called this is because the gap between it and the state below it was so large.

This also applies to 7 stars.

“Your Highness really looks like a hero from an old story.”

“No, it is already a legend itself. Since you have crossed the wall of the realm… … .”

There was not that much difference between the 7-star lower and intermediate levels.

Of course, there is a power gap, but it wasn’t enough to divide the section like the top and top power.

However, from the 7th grade, which is higher than that, it has grown so much that it has to be divided into sections.

That’s why even on the continent of Feyer, where there are many 7 stars, the upper class was treated quite specially.

‘Well, even as I had everything, I had a hard time winning.’

Two transcendental magics and three powers in the heavenly spirit.

Even with these things, it was a difficult fight.

Of course, she also used an S-class artifact… … .

It was clear that it was a gap that would normally be difficult to cross.

“But, Your Highness. There is one thing I would like to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Are you aiming at not mentioning the target directly when asked to resign from Navaletta?”

… … huh?

What are you talking about?

“I think so, because Your Highness is a very clever person.”

“ha ha ha! It must be something Captain Kielus is sure of.”

“Yes, thanks to that, I was able to cause the division of the allied forces.”

… … Well, I just said it without thinking… … .

They are raising my rating on their own, so there’s no need to deny it.

A few days after that, it was the day of the meeting.

The location was set in the wilderness near Mayfield.

They arrived at the promised place, each with their own set of troops and escorts.

It’s not strange even if we fight like this and that, so we kept some distance.

It was so blatant that the killing spirit they spewed was transmitted to this point.

In response to this, the SS on my side also raised their momentum.

I let out a light sigh and said.

“I came to negotiate, not to fight.”

“Considering what you’ve done, don’t you think this atmosphere is natural?”

“Oh, what have I done? I want to hear it myself.”

As if my words sounded sarcastic, veins formed on Daid’s forehead.

However, as if recognizing that now is not the time to show emotion, he took a deep breath and opened his mouth slowly.

“Do you think it’s possible to show a calm appearance in this situation where the next head of household is caught and threatened?”

“It’s absurd, isn’t Sai Yorgil captured by me because he’s weak?”

“… … what?”

“If she had won in the first place, the current situation would have been the exact opposite.”

“Two princes… … !”

Although Daid’s eyes were slightly bloodshot at my words.

I didn’t care and continued talking.

“It wasn’t a surprise attack at a meeting or during a blackout, so what’s the problem?”

“Kuh… … !”

Even Daid seemed to have nothing to say about this.

He just bit his lip in anger.

I could have been more emotional and insulted here.

Today is not the place for that, so I decided to do it like this.

“It’s not that I don’t understand your feelings, but I want you to stop treating me like a shameless brat.”

“… … i get it.”

“Then let’s get straight to the point. May I first state the terms of Sai Yorgil’s return?”

Daid nodded at my question.

Judging from the attitude of him and his entourage, it was felt how important they value their relationship now.

‘I wonder if the kingdom will react similarly if I’m taken prisoner.’

… … The only difference is that Mama doesn’t look like Dade.

“First of all, the kingdom has no intention of sending Yorgil back in two years.”

“… … What did you just say?”

“Sending Sai Yorgil to the kingdom as a pawn for two years. That is the minimum condition to save her.”


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Life began to fluctuate from the angry Daid.

In response, my guards also took a combat posture.

It was a natural reaction for those with low levels of knowledge to the point of fainting with just this.

“Surely the kingdom intends to put an end to Yorgil?”

“I would like to hear the rationale for such acceptance.”

“Are you asking because you really don’t know what it means to send Sai to an enemy country for two years?”

there is no way you don’t know

The next head of a huge family has been held hostage by the kingdom for two years?

The prestige of Yorgil, the pinnacle of the Assassination family, is bound to drop significantly.

Besides, just having Sai Yorgil captured by the kingdom puts a lot of restrictions on their actions.

‘I was aiming for that in the first place, but… … .’

The former may care to some extent.

Considering Yorgil’s inclination, depending on the situation, he could rather become more sticky internally.

But the latter had no intention of yielding.

“Of course, I intend to take care of your situation to some extent.”

“You are very one-sided, 2nd Prince. take care of our situation? A moderate amount of rashness… … .”

“I’m doing you a favor now, Daid Jorgil.”

At the sound of my voice, he fell silent.

“The reason why the kingdom took Sai Yorgil hostage is because there is something to be gained from it.”

“then… … .”

“But, I don’t care anyway.”

It’s only for a moment, but it reminded me of the feelings of that day.

I had times like that too.

Just as the subordinates who didn’t follow me at first changed, the family elders and brothers would acknowledge me someday.

I’m hated now, but I believed that someday they would acknowledge me, and I hoped for that.

Because there were people who protected me like my father and older brother Carl.

So I tried to become a family head.

Even if they were harsh and used all sorts of tactics that shouldn’t be used, I confronted them head-on.

If I prove myself by following the family’s laws, they will eventually accept me.

I had been thinking about that foolish thought for a little bit until I fell into the trap.

“By the way, I don’t mind killing Sai Yorgil right now.”

“You guys… … !”

However, when the break with Karl’s older brother disappeared and the breakwater called father disappeared, they moved without hesitation.

If I had been lucky enough to escape the trap, my death would not have changed.

The fact that the heirs of the great family gathered there meant that they would target me from then on.

That’s why it’s not as much as Ronberg or Solstad, who was most involved in the trap.

It was not strange that he harbored a vengeance against Yorgil.

“Isn’t it? Killing the next head of household and obtaining an S-class artifact is enough.”

“Try that. Then Yorgil will bet everything on his family to attack the kingdom.”

“If you say cheap threats like that one more time, I’ll get up.”

“… … !”

“And there will never be a second time to negotiate on this.”

Perhaps it was because I remembered what happened in the past, but I felt that my words and actions were mixed with emotions.

The cold, sinking energy that comes out of it.

It could be seen that Daid felt the pressure.

It doesn’t matter if I kill Sai Yorgil right now.

It doesn’t matter if Yorgil comes out as a life-or-death decision.

It was because I felt with my skin that these words were sincere.

“… … Be careful.”

“I hope you don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying this just to intimidate you, but to have a constructive discussion.”

As if trying to control his emotions at my words, Daid took a deep breath.

“Two years is too long, cut it down to half a year.”

“It is unacceptable.”

“What exactly do you want? I want you to tell me the clear purpose of holding Sai hostage.”

Maybe it’s because they poured out their feelings for each other earlier.

Or maybe it’s really because of the idea that the talks could fail.

Unlike before, Daid’s appearance was very stable.

“Okay, that would be more constructive.”

There were two reasons for holding Sai Yorgil as a hostage in the kingdom.

One is to prevent information about me from spreading.

The other was to prevent Jorgil from forming an alliance with Ronberg and Solstad.

I mentioned this second reason.

“… … Do you know that it means that you can move the army as long as it is not the Allied Forces?”

“Know. But I don’t think you guys will keep any more requests than that.”

At my words, Daid nodded.

Blocking all military action was close to saying don’t resist even when a knife is pointed at you.

However, although the allied forces were difficult to attack, independent actions were possible depending on the situation.

In addition, since you can match with other large families, your position will not be greatly shaken.

“Okay, I promise not to join the Allies for one year. Instead, reduce the hostage period to eight months.”

“Hmm, eight months… … .”

“Not only do I promise to make an official document, but I swear on my family’s honor.”

These were not bad conditions.

In the first place, it was a long call because I was thinking of negotiating with them for two years.

There’s a possibility that I won’t keep the whole year, but it didn’t matter.

Because of the relationship, there is no choice but to keep it for at least 8 months.

This was enough for Yorgil to accept realistically, so he was rather trustworthy.

“good night. Here’s the shackles of a few maxims. Do you agree?”

“What are you trying to keep secret?”

“This is information that the kingdom wants to hide. There are probably things you will learn if you stay with us.”

After thinking about this for a while, Daid nodded.

“… … good night. But don’t forget You shouldn’t touch a hair in between.”

“Do you see me as a savage? You speak for granted. From now on, she will be treated as a guest of the kingdom.”

“… … Excuse me.”

After the conversation, Daid’s face was relieved.

Judging from my attitude that has continued so far, at least it didn’t seem like I was going to cheat with this.

“Next it is time to discuss your heirlooms.”

“… … Say what you want.”

“Before that, I want to ask you something, is that okay?”

“I will listen.”

“Patriarch Daid, how far do you understand Ronberg’s true purpose?”

“… … ?”

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