Sai was wary of the surroundings at the sudden opening of the barrier.

It was full of unknown energy, as if something sticky was flowing down unpleasantly.

She calmly grasped the current situation.

‘It’s not often that I open a barrier during battle… … .’

Usually it was two cases.

Whether it’s a defense to block a strong attack, or to trap the opponent.

Since it clearly looked like the latter now, Sai had no choice but to be wary.

“I’ll show you my second transcendence magic, Sai Yorgil.”

At my words, she narrowed her eyes.

“It sounds like you learned two transcendence magics.”

“I saw it correctly, Sai Yorgil.”

“I am not a wizard, but I know about the value of transcendental magic.”

“Hoo, is it?”

“… … It’s harder to learn than fighting or decisive battle, and I heard that it’s rare to learn it at a lower 7-star level.”

“I know you well.”

“Even Ronberg’s family head was acquired after a considerable amount of time after reaching the 7-star Intermediate level. But are you saying you did that?”

“okay. It’s not particularly unusual, is it? I heard that Nicola Ronberg learned it as soon as she became a 7-star lower class.”

“… … .”

Is it because I mentioned the name of the man who came to mind while fighting?

The corners of his mouth went down slightly.

“… … But I’ve never heard of one person learning two of them.”

“Well, I guess. But wouldn’t it be okay if I show you from now on?”

It was not necessary to open the barrier to use the newly acquired mental magic.

It’s true that it makes things a bit easier to operate, but… … .

The main purpose of the barrier was to conceal the magic that I will show you from now on.

‘Because Yorgil saw my magic and immediately remembered me while I was just watching in my previous life.’

It was better to hide not only telekinesis, but also the power contained in the heavenly spirit.

That’s why this barrier, which can withstand external attacks, was opened with a considerable amount of mana.

“Then let’s begin.”


Darkness was mixed with gray-white mana, and it radiated.

It turned into a wave that was faster and bigger than before, and pursued fiercely between them.

Cheer la la rock!

However, Sai responded to this effortlessly.

I felt a little agitated, but that was all.

‘The output is stronger than before. What effect does it have on the barrier?’

Sai wandered around and estimated, but there was no sign of anything.

That’s why I decided to try to get closer, and the moment I stepped on the advance.

teeing –

The whole body’s mana shook.

It led to a distortion of the senses, a feeling that something was out of place, as if the light had suddenly disappeared.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but Sai quickly realized what it was.

‘Mental magic… … ! Damn it, my detection ability has dulled!’

this is fatal

In addition to the invisible attacks that are hard to notice, if you are eroded, you use the troublesome darkness… … .

In response, Sai tried to distance himself urgently.

“You can’t leave me out already.”


Invisible bullets rained down as if showing off.

“… … Kut!”

It was an attack that was not difficult to deal with before, but not now.

It was because her senses for noticing the signs of the spell had become dull.

The half-beat slow response created a crisis.

Keying –

“… … !?”

The green magic that radiated faster than the darkness enveloped her.

While I felt the moment of physical discomfort, I felt an instinctive danger.


In response, she kicked the ground, consuming the maximum amount of mana that could be operated at once.

Right after that, darkness swept over the place where they had been.

It was a situation where I would have been hit in an instant if I hadn’t been forced to avoid it.

She glared at me, as if she didn’t care.

“You bastard, what is your true identity?”

“The reaction is similar to that of Boris.”

“… … .”

Xi’s suspicions were valid.

Even if it is said that he contracted with Skadi and learned invisible magic.

Even using telekinetic power, I have no choice but to strongly doubt my identity.

“What did you do to stay alive? Nicola Ronberg.”

“I didn’t do anything. When I opened my eyes, I was possessed by this body.”

“… … Was this the meaning of the second transcendence magic?”

Those were the words I said while looking at the indigo magic that circulated around me.

You must have noticed something about this power from what happened just now.

“I didn’t know you could handle mind magic to this extent, Nicola Ronberg.”

“It’s a new feeling to be praised by the next head of the High School of Assassination.”

Unlike unmanned soldiers, assassins often added invisible or mental magic to their skills.

They used these to catch opponents off guard, or to perform bizarre movements.

Because she’s like that, she was able to see through the true nature of my transcendental magic with just one encounter.

“When you enter the range, there is an irresistible dulling of the senses, but when you leave it, it returns to its original state.”

“And did you find out anything else?”

“… … I understand that this barrier is a means to hide your identity.”

clap clap clap clap.

I clapped my hands to praise the accurate explanation.

“By the way, all opponents who come within range are defeated. Since it’s impossible to resist, it can’t be arbitrarily adjusted.”

In other words, if you enter this range, your allies will suffer the same.

It’s good to use when I’m alone, but it’s also a very difficult power to use otherwise.

“… … .”

While listening to my explanation, his expression greatly distorted.

Then, he spoke with full of disliked feelings.

“Boris, I remember a conversation I had with Marik.”

“Hoo, what is it?”

“I was told that he was arrogant to the bottom and only knew how to look down on his opponent.”

“It’s a loser’s complaint.”

“Didn’t you get hit by them in the end? spit in my face.”

“… … Yes, it was.”

coo coo coo… … .

The ground trembled at the power I drew from my magical power.

As if the scale was beyond imagination, there was agitation in Sai’s expression.

“So this time, I have no intention of losing.”


A torrent of telekinesis mingled with the darkness overflowed.

While Sai was surprised by the power that turned the whole area upside down, he calmly responded.

While evading the attack, he focused on seeing through its range and speed of spread.

‘… … Are you saying it wasn’t full power earlier?’

I was caught off guard a little while ago, but I was able to escape thanks to the gap in the realm.

I was able to get rid of it by simply drawing out the maximum amount of power.

However, the power I saw just now was so strong that I thought it would end the moment I touched it.

‘… … No, don’t be fooled. That guy is a 7 star lower class.’

Whether it’s learning two transcendence magics, a strange spirit, or a battle style close to an assassin’s nemesis.

The difference in output according to the realm is absolute.

However, the fact that the gap has narrowed significantly now means that they are overdoing it on the lower level.


Sai avoided the fierce darkness and the rusty storm, keeping an eye on the enemy.

Sensing the amount of mana he was using, she was convinced inwardly.

‘My guess is correct, he’s overdoing it now.’

If you think about it, this barrier and the two transcendence magics are the same.

All of these would consume a huge amount of mana, and the situation where the output was forcibly increased was overlapped.

‘If I drag it a little longer, I will win… … .’

“You have the trivial thought that if you drag out time, you win.”

His eyebrows twitched as he moved from a distance at my words.

she replied calmly.

“Isn’t that true?”

“Did you make that decision even knowing my identity? Disappointing, Sai Yorgil.”

“… … !”

At my words, she bit her lip as if she felt something.

It was a reaction that came because he had some information about me as the next head of the Yorgil family.

“Why do you think I wagered a one-on-one fight with a 7-star superior who even holds Yorgil’s heirloom?”

“… … You really thought you could beat me.”



The indigo magic that stayed around me spread like a wave.

It spread like a shock wave and reached Sai.

In response, her senses were suddenly abnormal.

“What… … !?”

“My transcendence magic isn’t that bad, to the extent that it’s the end of just protecting my body.”

Now that I spread my energy, there was no influence of mental magic around me.

If it had been surrounded in all directions centered on me before, now it was spread outward except for that range.


In the gap, I spread the invisible awl all over the place.

The moment when Sai’s feet are tied up by a sudden attack.


He fired a storm of darkness and telekinesis.

Normally, it would have ended with the current blow.


A sharp swordsman cut them all down.

It was her power that captured the decisive battle.

‘It’s a situation where there is no answer other than to press down with force.’


At the same time, I stepped on the advance.

A footstep strong enough to crack the ground.


Then, something sticky blocked her path.

Sai noticed that the indigo color was a power derived from transcendental magic, but he didn’t stop.

‘It’s enough to cut.’

What spread like a shock wave earlier was a kind of magic that couldn’t be cut.

But, unlike that, I could cut it.

So she didn’t stop.

Cheer la la rock!

As expected by Sai, lumps of persistent indigo were scattered like paint.

However, because it did not disappear completely, indigo water drops fell on her body.

Then she tried to move forward again.

‘… … !’

While feeling something instinctive there, he chose to retreat rather than advance.

Before long, she felt something eat away at her insides.

‘The five senses… … !’

I felt my senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch all disappear in an instant, as if in darkness.

In response, he quickly dissipated his magical power to resist the erosion, and quickly disappeared.

‘… … Unlike that which slows the detection ability, I can resist.’

Then Sai raised his head.

He stared at me, who had been silently watching me without even attacking.

“… … Are these all your transcendental magic?”

“Fast food. This is the name of my second transcendence magic.”

Tsutsutsutsutsu –

After that, I began to recover my magical powers.

Sai took a deep breath and stared at me.

“… … Is that why you used your magic without hesitation?”

“okay. So do your best, Sai Yorgil.”

I stared at the other sword strapped to her waist.

An S-class artifact with only three on the Feyer continent, and the treasure of the Yorgil family.

“… … Okay, I acknowledge your strength and I will do my best.”


Sai slowly took out the heirloom, and the shape revealed in the scabbard was very unusual.

Five round bones reminiscent of rings were inserted into the sword body layer by layer.

“It is an honor to fall by Yorgil’s heirloom, the light sword.”


As Sai used his magical energy, the five rings attached to the light sword came out.

Then, the sword itself, including the hilt, disappeared.

The five rings that made up the lightsaber floated behind her back.

Watching that, I smiled slightly.

“You’re not handling it perfectly as expected, Sai Yorgil.”

“… … !”

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