“It wasn’t so bad that I received the proposal from the second prince.”

Those were the words of Schwein Solstad, who looked down at the soldiers gathered in front of him.

Daid Yorgil was standing next to him.

He snorted lightly.

“Hey, did you really think I accepted it just because I put my personal feelings first?”

“hahahaha, I won’t deny it.”

“It’s not that there wasn’t an emotional side to it, but we accepted it because we thought it would benefit us as well.”

After the transfer of the dead, the two families held their own funerals.

There was a reason why all of them went through the ceremony, not just a specific person.

It was because they had frequent conflicts, but it had been a long time since they faced the result of annihilation.

This resulted in a significant increase in internal morale and fighting spirit.

“It must have been because the two princes needed more time to prepare, but it seems to have worked to our advantage.”

The time given equally benefited them as well.

As well as taking a full look at Lien and the Kingdom’s allies.

We were able to conduct an internal mock battle based on more accurate data.

“Do you think the enemies of Lord Daid will stage a siege in Navalletta?”

“Is there anything else they can do?”

As a result of numerous war games, the conclusion was drawn that the best move they could take was a defensive war.

Of course, the end of the defensive battles always resulted in Allied victory.

“No matter how hard they stage a sit-in, one month is enough.”

“I don’t like to look down on my enemies, but I’m sure it’s three months at most.”

“It must be a bit of a hindrance that the damn Henriks have ruined all the roads around.”

Henrik has damaged all the roads in the vicinity to face the allies.

This is because if the allied forces used Maga in battle, it would be a great hindrance to stopping the offensive.

“If the fortifications of Navaletta had been over, it would have been difficult.”

“That’s right, right now it’s just a level of inconvenience in moving to other areas… … .”

Nabaleta was Henrik’s foremost fortress beyond the middle base, Sabalun.

It had all the conditions that made it easy to block the opponent’s attack.

Fortifications were being built here arbitrarily.

However, even if the construction period for this was not enough, it took a year, so Henrik’s fortification was stopped in the middle.

“We will have to spend quite a bit of time to get over it.”

“Yes, the allies will aim for that too. It would be best to stay there.”

On the day of the opening of the war, the two families doubted their ears.

This is because the movement of the allies was completely out of their expectation.

“You came forward without holding a sit-in in Navaletta?”

“yes! It is said that it continues to advance beyond Sabalun!”

“… … .”

Schwein Solstad was in trouble.

To advance without choosing a sit-in?

‘… … Since I can’t stop it anyway, are you planning on bumping into me?’

It was also a bit odd.

For a long time, Lien, who survived despite being hostile to the great family, is not incompetent.

The same was true of the Kingdom Army, but to make such a choice?

No matter how much I calculated that I couldn’t last for more than half a year with a simple defensive battle, this… … .

“I think he intends to complete the fortifications of Nabaletta while he advances the battle line and faces us.”

It was Dyde’s guess.

Certainly, this was the only best move and plan that came from that action… … .

“… … I don’t understand, you choose such a reckless way.”

“You can’t win with a simple defensive battle, so you must bet on a gamble, fools.”

It would have been the best if I could give up the geographical advantage and buy time by fighting on the flat ground.

After the fortifications of Navaletta are completed, the allied forces will be in trouble.

“I’ll have to make you pay for your mistakes. All troops, advance.”

… … It was Schwein who felt strangely uncomfortable, but for now, he followed Daid and moved forward.

* * *

The battlefield we chose was rather cramped and had poor visibility.

Although it is difficult to grasp the detailed movement of the enemy from a distance.

It wasn’t that severe, so it didn’t have a big impact on the command.

To put it bluntly, it was difficult for a distant commander to catch the opponent’s rearguard movement.

“As I’ve heard, it’s a really suitable place.”

“Yes, I don’t want my movements to be discovered, so I tried my best to meet the conditions that Your Highness said.”

The allies, who had arrived first and were prepared, were a little nervous.

Everyone was aware that there was going to be a sit-in in Navaletta.

Because the command took a different move.

There was a clear intention here, but since it was a kind of operation that shouldn’t be leaked out, I paid close attention to security.

then after a while

“Here you are.”

I felt the air on the wires getting a little heavy.

There was no clear sign yet, but the allied forces were nearby.

Others felt this too.

The mana mixed with fighting spirit and murder slowly approached.

Damn dag dag dag dag.

Feeling the heavy air, I slowly pulled my horse forward.

It was to face the allied forces that had arrived at the end of the field of view.

Shardan and Kielus, as well as Lahos and Leah, who served as my escorts, followed.

Daid and Schwein, who confirmed me, also came forward side by side.

“How have you been for two weeks? 2 princes.”

“Thanks to. You seem to be doing well too.”

“Yes, thanks to all of you in the kingdom, I was able to reinforce the fighting spirit of the soldiers.”


After getting off his horse, Schwein slowly looked around.

It was to observe the terrain and our military formation.

Those eyes were so sharp that it was hard to compare them to before.

“However, I don’t see any significant changes over there.”

“is it?”

“Yes, so I am looking forward to it.”

Chijik, chijik.

The air around Schwein has changed.

A sense of heterogeneity to the point where you can feel something warm even from this place, which is quite far away.

“I’m really looking forward to what kind of modification he thought of going head-to-head with Solstad.”

It was enough to bring back memories of a previous life.

The three next patriarchs who led me into a trap with my brothers.

Among them, Schwein Solstad was by far the most famous and strongest.

Even though there was not a big difference in age from me in my previous life, he was someone who surpassed me in both height and strength.

‘In my previous life, Schwein was the only one stronger than me among people of the same age as me.’

Without the power of the Resurrection Church, he is the one who reached the lower 8-star level on his own.

In addition, it was said that it was certain that he would reach the intermediate level in the future.

Nom’s talent was evaluated as one of the three best heads of Solstad’s history.

“I will try my best to live up to those expectations.”

“Yes, I will.”

The moment I was about to go back like that, I felt a flow of magical power as if it was calling me.

When I looked back, Daid was staring at me.

“Don’t think that you owe me money for handing over your brother’s body, Second Prince.”

“Hearing that, I think you feel that you owe me.”

“… … That is all I have to say.”

After that, Daid firmly turned his back and walked away.

I stared at his back for a while.

After returning to the main base, the allied and allied forces marched their soldiers regardless of you.

Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck.

The allied advance was not rapid.

It was only preparation for the military march.


But the Allies did not.

It was a preparation to rush quickly and slaughter the enemies.

“Everyone, spread out!”


The soldiers moved at the cry of the Allied commander.

The 5-person unit was splendidly scattered, and the appearance was in perfect order.

Even though they move out of line and move in groups, their movements are indeed sophisticated.


The Royal Palace Knights blocked their rush.

It was a form of 3 people blocking the rush of 5 people, but they were not pushed back.

“… … Whoa.”

It was the admiration of Solstad Army who was facing the Kingdom Army.

These were normal squads that did not belong to the elite, consisting of one member of the upper ranks and four members of the lower ranks.

However, they were able to gauge the level of the opponent because they had accumulated their own experience.

Caan, Caan, Caan!

The Kingdom Army receiving the allied attack was obviously weaker than them.

It was obviously strange that the low level and lack of numbers prevented the offensive of the skilled soldiers.


Not only that, the kingdom army even counterattacked.

It wasn’t decisive, but it was an attack that made Solstad’s army feel dangerous.

‘… … The secret is that armor.’


Every time they pushed the enemies, a faint light of magical power rose from their armor.

The built-in magic was working.

Solstad-kun understood the nature of that weapon without difficulty.

‘It’s an imitation of an artifact.’

That armor was not just a simple item that increased the wearer’s strength.

Rather, I didn’t feel any such function at all.

‘Is it only enhancing the wearer’s senses… … !’


His guess was right.

It was a weapon for hand-to-hand combat that heightened the senses and increased the reaction speed to the opponent’s attack.

If it is one-to-one, the effect will be greatly influenced by individual talent.

However, if it is a team event that complements each other, the story is different.


The sword attack of the Kingdom Army succeeded in cutting off the arm of one of the enemy soldiers.

In response, the allied forces were not taken aback and aimed at the gap.


It was blocked by the quick reaction of the other kingdoms.

This flow continued throughout the battlefield.

The Royal Army was taking the allied onslaught with honesty.

Schwein Solstad evaluated this expressionlessly.

‘Is that the Royal Palace Knights? It’s stronger than I’ve heard.’

I felt that I had prepared a lot for today.

If that’s the case, even if the average level is lowered, it’s possible to fight an equal hand-to-hand combat.

No, if you focused only on defense, it was possible to go beyond that.

“I’m thinking of sending a higher-ranking unit to the field, what do you think?”

It was Daid who spoke to Schwein.

To this, he shook his head and replied.

“It is not yet time for that. Even regular soldiers can have an advantage.”

“Is there any need for that? I think we can push it quickly.”

“I don’t know what the family of Daid will think, but I think that is losing the player.”

Schwein felt considerable precision in their preparations.

If you admit the disadvantage in this situation and immediately bring out the upper power.

They will respond with another number to match.

“So, I think we should win the simple hand-to-hand combat of ordinary soldiers and seize the victory first.”

“I guess you’re going to make them pull out their cards first.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“As you wish, hand over some of Yorgil’s command… … ?”

The two family heads, who were about to give additional instructions, doubted their eyes.

It was because another unit was preparing to sortie from the rear of the Royal Palace Knights.

It is a situation where they have the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat.

Why do you have to move first?

“… … Is that a crossbow, or is that?”

“… … .”


The two heads of families stared questionably at the crossbows brought out by the rearguard units.

“What is it? I don’t think the arrows were loaded… … .”

“… … It’s a kingdom that uses a variety of weapons, so I don’t think it’s something to be ignored… … .”

The sight that unfolded after that, the eyes of the two sank coldly.

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