From the day Cruz handed over his powers, Alan recognized that he had changed from before.

It wasn’t just because the realm rose quickly.

Of course, the level of his body suddenly rose, and his growth accelerated.

More than that, it was the senses that were foreign.

As I became sensitive somewhere, I quickly learned small realizations.

To compare, it seemed that not only did his strength increase, but his brain also became smarter.

<It seems that there is something in the chaos I handed over.>

<Mmm… … You mean low Hones is like this too?>

<Uh. In the records of the Resurrection Church, it was written that it enhances the level of the body, but does not affect the spiritual enlightenment… … .>

The exact reason was still unknown, but Alan didn’t care.

Whatever it was, if it wasn’t for that power, I wouldn’t have gotten this strong this fast.



A storm called by Alan swept across the battlefield.

The attack went exquisitely against the allied forces trying to band together and encamp.

I didn’t get hit, but it was so powerful that I couldn’t exhaust it without avoiding it.

‘What the hell is that guy? It’s not even using an artifact, but it’s this kind of power… … !’

It wasn’t magic that a 7-star lower class could use.

It’s not just that it’s powerful, it’s that it’s even faster.

‘Is it because of this breeze spreading everywhere… … !’

There was a calm wind blowing across the battlefield centered on Alan.

It was a tactic of spreading mediums for magic to activate all over the place.

This inevitably caused considerable mana consumption.

That’s why I usually don’t use it or use it only briefly, but Alan kept it as if it didn’t matter.

“… … ! Come again!”


This time there was a tremor.

It wasn’t Alan, it was used by another magician in the Black Road.

The range was too wide to avoid lightly, so the moment he was about to slash the magic itself by striking the ground.


A large number of sword attacks suddenly dug in and attacked them.

It was an attack that came in with exquisite timing and a sharp angle, so I had no choice but to block it.

But the attack did not follow.

The warriors of the Black Road, who blocked the allied movement once, fell back.


In that gap, the earth exploded at the same time as the shaking.

Thanks to a narrow avoidance, the allied forces were not caught up in this, but they had no choice but to distort their expressions.

It was because there was a series of situations in which we had to deal with it urgently due to the black furnace.

This meant the consumption of mana, but at this rate, there was no choice but to be pushed back in the war of attrition.

‘… … Damn, I have to admit that they have the upper hand in this strategy.’

The 30 Black Ros who joined were all those who were 6-star advanced, if not all of them.

It was strong, but it was absolutely not that each person’s power was pushed.

Rather, in terms of numbers, the Allies had more top-tier power.

The problem was that cohesiveness.

Their tactics, moving in units of at least 5, at most 10, were truly excellent.


It was the same with the attack that came in now.

The moment I was about to step on the advance while subtly measuring the distance to target the wizard, an assassin jumped out and kept me in check.


The magic continued without stopping there.

Heukro pressed this side with minimal movement, but this side had to overdo it to counter it.

‘The connection power is equivalent to that of the family guards of the household… … !’

Allied forces here are also classified as strong in the family, so they received a lot of training.

In particular, I learned the tactics of units of several or dozens of people.

The movement of the black furnace was clearly superior to them.


Rodman, who blocked the two attacks in an instant, couldn’t help but be astonished.

Because this situation was completely unexpected.

‘Is this possible? How can these guys who have only been together for half a year… … !’

Heukro was able to show such an appearance thanks to Lahos.

It was effective to follow the experiences and drills of the Royal Guard Knights.

In addition, Leah, who was the captain of the Amcheongdae, and Cruz, who had all kinds of experience in the Ronberg family, were there… … .

Of course, the allied forces who did not know such a fact felt nothing but wonder.

Everyone realized the same thing.

If you want to gain an advantage over them, you must separate them from each other.

‘However, looking at their movements, this won’t be easy either… … !?’


At that moment, a man jumped at Rodman.

At the same time, other black robes blocked the access of others as if they were assisting him.

As a result, Rodman and the allied forces had no choice but to panic.

‘… … Are you insane? You say you’re attaching me to a 7-star low class?’

Rodman frowned involuntarily.

Putting a low grade on yourself who is a 7-star intermediate?

‘Besides, this bastard is still a kid!’

Because he was wearing a helmet, I couldn’t see anything other than blue eyes, but I could tell he was a boy.

“It looks like you really want to die.”


Bodman radiated speculation.

I don’t know what kind of thoughts made the situation with him.

There was no reason to refuse a fight to win unconditionally.


When the two swords collided, a sound like a roar spread.

With both legs planted on the ground, the sword of Bode, who focused only on the opponent in front of him, was fierce.

The sword attack from the unshakable axis was very fast and powerful, but… … .

Caan, Caan, Caan!

Hornes got them all.

‘this guy… … !’

Bodman could not hide his surprise.

The opponent was not pushed at all by his sword, which was both great in power and speed.

‘I know he’s about to reach intermediate level, but this… … .’

The reason he was able to capture the faster and stronger Bodman’s sword was simple.

Hornes’ eyes could see his attack.

Is it just a good sense, or is the skill of the sword superior to his own?

‘… … Or both.’

Others might have denied or resented the fact, but not Bod.

Although he was a 7-star mid-level warrior who belonged to a strong family.

He has seen countless talents greater than himself.

‘There’s nothing strange about him reaching 7 stars at the age of less than 20.’

Considering his talent and potential, it wasn’t an advantageous fight for himself.

However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t win.

‘If he had this much talent, he would have already mastered fighting.’


Bodman, who swung his sword vigorously and opened the distance for a while, spoke calmly.

“Amazing, boy. You can already see through my sword.”

“… … .”

“Wouldn’t you like to say something? I call Bodman Solstad.”

“It’s Hones.”

“Hones, with your talent, you will surely reach 8 stars. It’s kind of a pity to break that timber with my own hands.”

“You talk a lot, Bodman Solstad.”

“There has to be a lot, since this kid jumped at me with the conviction that he would beat me.”

coo coo coo-

Bodman raised his speculation further.

The intent to end it all at once was palpable.

This was a sober decision to deal with him as soon as possible.

Because, given Honess’s talent, a long drag could have completely caught him out.

“You will pay for your misjudgment with your own life, Hones.”

The Solstad family had a variety of swordsmanship passed down from generation to generation.

It was one of them that only the board was going to write.

Among the sword techniques passed down to warriors of 7 stars or higher who have mastered martial arts, this attack belongs to the one-hit kill.

‘I’d better use it in this situation.’

There were various types of swordsmanship passed down within the family.

The skills of the sword, the use of magical power, the use of fighting spirit, the characteristics of the opponent, and so on.

There were countless things that could be useful depending on the situation.


Only the board that stepped on the advance rushed.

Fighting spirit and mana coalesced like water droplets and covered the sword face.

Then, the mixed mana disappeared, leaving traces of blue light as if burned by a red aura.

The moment when Bodman swung his sword like that.


His sword path was strangely twisted.

The trajectory of the sword, which had been striking vertically, suddenly changed to a horizontal slash.

In response, Honess hurriedly turned on the sword to block it.


The power of Honess was enormous, to the extent that Honess’s body, which had been struck by the sword attack, floated and was pushed back.

Even though he focused only on defense by drawing out the maximum amount of mana, Honess could not easily adjust his disheveled posture.



Bodman’s sword, clad in fighting spirit, swung nonstop.

Every time his sword was swung, the reverberation of magical power remained in the air as if steam were being scattered.

This was to accelerate the movement in the middle by consuming a large amount of both fighting spirit and mana.


As the attacks continued, Hones felt cornered.

He calmly grasped the situation inwardly.

‘As expected, this man is strong.’

Just like the first blow, the sword’s trajectory was reversed in the middle, so I couldn’t see through it accurately.

‘In addition, the speed is also different from before.’

The power went up, but it wasn’t that much.

However, the speed increased significantly and the trajectory became messy, so it was not possible to respond as before.

Cheer up!

For every swing of the sword, two or three strikes followed.

This series of attacks pierced Hones’ defenses and slashed through his armor.

If it was normal armor, it would have been cut in two at once, but the black armor only cracked.

“You wear nice clothes like the SS, Hones. If it wasn’t for that, it would have ended long ago.”

“… … .”



Honess’s defense was momentarily released by Bodman’s powerful attack.

Due to being pushed by the force, both hands went up, and it became a defenseless posture.

Just like that, the moment when Bodman was about to swing his sword as he stepped forward to finish.


“… … ?”

Bodman doubted his eyes.

His left arm and sword floated in the air, and scattered blood.

And it was because Hones, who should have been in front of him, had disappeared before he knew it.

“The match has been won, Rodman Solstad.”

Hones appeared behind him before he knew it, and his whole body was emitting a red aura.

Similar to Rodman, the steam of speculation came out weakly.

Unlike him, who had burned his magic, Hones was burning speculation itself.

“I expected speculation, but I didn’t expect you to handle it better than me.”

“… … It was just overdoing it.”

As if he wasn’t lying, Hones cleared his rough breath.

“The abdomen is almost completely cut off, barely supported by the lumbar vertebrae. It’s my loss, Hones.”

Right before Rodman’s last sword attack continued, Hones counterattacked by consuming the maximum level of fighting spirit for an instant.

“The reason the sword bounced at the end was to induce me.”

“… … Yes, that’s right.”

“Quick triggering of fighting spirit, and burning of fighting spirit that even I can’t do yet. The level is low, but it deserves to win.”


After saying that, Rodman fell to the floor unconscious.

Hones looked down at him, catching his breath.

‘… … There must have been a reason why he told me not to imitate an assassin in order to become Lahos.’

The technique Hones used at the end was an assassin’s method, specialized in short-term battles.

It was a kind of overreaction, but it was an inevitable choice in order to win the state of more than oneself.

‘Anyway, it went according to plan.’

Honess’ innate flair, pure sword prowess.

Rodman inferred that these were the reasons his attack was read, but the reality was different.

It was the result of the teachings of Lahos, who was well aware of the Solstad family.

Of course, it’s true that Honess’s innate senses played a part.

The pure skill of the sword did not differ that much.

Hones, who was fighting in units here, saw Rodman’s swordsmanship and strength and judged that he could win.

That’s why we created a situation where we could stick together one-on-one, and it was a spectacular success.

“Lo, Lord Rodman lost… … ?”

“What… … ! You mean you lost to that blue kid!?”

News of Hornes’ victory over Rodman spread quickly.

He also served as the commander of Solstad here.

Since he lost to a 7-star low-ranking warrior, the aftermath couldn’t be small.

“Let’s drive the enemies like this! Subdue them and help the cheongjukdae… … .”


At that time, a huge explosion sounded across the battlefield.

It was a commotion that occurred on the left side of the circumpolar belt.

There, the soldiers of the Blue Jukdae were seen tied to the enemy.

“Only the men necessary to maintain the army formation will remain and move to the right.”

At the direction of Sava Solstad, the allied forces in the center began to move quickly.

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