Of those who participated in killing me, three of them, except for Sai Yorgil, had already become family heads.

One of them, Inabet Henrik, was on the older side of them.

His skills were not very high, but he was famous for his tenacious business skills.

“So, what was the purpose of seeing me?”

“First of all, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to eat while you were busy… … .”

“I don’t have much time, so why don’t you tell me the main point quickly?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Of course, ha ha ha!”

There was no compulsion at all in his bright smile, his bare forehead shining.

“As you know, Ronberg put Henrik in an awkward situation. No, all three families… … .”

“If you don’t summarize the business in one word, I will wake up.”

“Please delay the war as much as possible.”

From Inabet’s point of view, I would be an opponent as much as the great families.

The reason Henrik is currently in a corner is because the kingdom chose Ronberg.

Even so, it was admirable in one way or another that it didn’t show anything like that.

“Do you think I have the power to delay the war?”

“If you adjust the schedule for supplying supplies, it will be possible.”

Henrik had a crack with other families even before this incident happened.

That’s why it’s been quite some time since the full supply of materials was stopped.

Accordingly, the three families were covering this on their own.

It was for this reason that the current kingdom was able to gain the upper hand in negotiations.

“Your Highness understands their desire to reduce waste as much as possible, right?”

If the kingdom does not have the option of receiving supplies, the three families will be ready to attack Henrik within a month.

There’s nothing good about dragging it out too long.

However, if there is a new material supply called the kingdom, they will tolerate being hit late.

Because ruling over Henrik wouldn’t be the ultimate goal of the three families.

“It’s possible, but why should I care?”

“If this confrontation lasts longer, it will benefit the kingdom as it can export more.”

“To be honest, I thought I would break ties with Ronberg and ask for your help, but surprisingly.”

“Because it is my principle not to make proposals that are unlikely.”

“Okay, good judgment.”

That must have been the conclusion he came to because he was a merchant.

From the kingdom’s point of view, interacting with other great families is bound to be a greater benefit than holding Henrik’s hand.

“Would you be able to stop the three attacks given the time?”

“of course.”

I knew Henrik would make a move, but I didn’t expect him to make a suggestion like this.

Even if it wasn’t their request, I was going to take my time anyway… … .

“Tell us what you want and we will do our best to accommodate it.”

“I like how cool it is.”

In the first place, there was only one thing I needed.

I folded my arms and nodded my head, pretending to be worried.

“It’s kind of like asking for gold from you guys who are preparing for war.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“So I want you to give me some information.”

“Information… … .”

“Anyway, something about the Feyer Continent would be nice.”

It didn’t matter whether it was a great family, a western warrior, or a regenerated church.

It was a situation where I needed to know more about the main enemy.

“information… … I mean.”

Inabet’s expression brightened slightly.

Selling the enemy’s information to make a profit, it was a deal that they could not lose.

“I will accept it.”

“Good. However, I hope you will give it to me later. Today you will return empty-handed and without any income.”

I want to fool the eyes of others.

Understanding what this meant, Inabet nodded.

“Depending on your sincerity, I may be able to provide additional help.”

“If it helps… … ?”

“Your extinction will be a disaster for Rien as well. So why not send support?”

If Henrik perishes, the next turn must be Rien.

So it was said that it could be made to send reinforcements based on this.

Of course, it will be an army that eats Henrik, not support… … .

“I will engrave Your Highness’ proposal deep in my heart.”

“Good answer, Inabet Henrik.”

* * *

Karl Ronberg, who returned from the kingdom, immediately held a meeting.

It was a gathering of all the executives of the family, including the deputy head and elders.

Carl spoke in a calm voice.

“The power of the kingdom is very ambiguous.”

One of the elders asked in a slightly concerned voice.

“Does that mean it is weaker than expected?”

“I don’t mean that, it’s just that it’s hard to pinpoint.”

Naturally, the strength of the four giant families was not even.

Solstad was the best in strength based on simple level and troops.

Including technology, Ronberg had the potential to be the best.

Compared to these two places, Yorgil was clearly on the low side, and Henrik was weaker than that.

The least power of the kingdom that Ronberg had expected was comparable to that of Yorgil.

“If the queen and her subordinates are combined, it would be difficult for Solstad to guarantee victory.”

“Other than that, it’s clearly inferior to that.”

At this, Carl nodded and continued.

“Other than that… … I think he’s on the same level as Henrik.”

“… … Then it must be very vague how much power we should give to the kingdom.”

“That’s right, I don’t think the Queen will come to the Feyer Continent in person.”

“house owner.”

Everyone shut their mouths and concentrated on the calls of Booju and Erlonberg.

“I will leave it all up to you how much technology to give to the kingdom.”

“All right.”

“And I want to hear what the family head thinks about the kingdom’s true intentions.”

The elders and other senior leaders all waited slightly nervously for Carl’s answer.

It was Ronberg’s goal and goal to cut off a significant portion of Solstad and Yorgil’s strength.

The most ideal flow for this was for the kingdom to join hands with Rien and hit the giant family.

In other words, the Queen’s attitude is beneficial to Ronberg.

The views expressed by Cruz were favorable to Solstad and Yorgil.

“… … The two princes are playing a deceit.”

“Huh… … .”

“It’s surprising, the way the 2 princes acted, it didn’t look like they were cheating.”

“It’s the judgment of the head of the family who has the ability to see through the inside, so I don’t think it’s going to be overlooked.”

As the elder said, Carl had been talking to the 2nd prince and kept looking at him.

I’ve said a few times that it’s worth showing great confidence in the power of the kingdom.

Each time, the two princes affirmed with a higher tone than usual.

I’ve only seen this kind of reaction in this regard.

Carl judged that it was more of a response to deceive, not confidence.

“With this, we can moderately push the back of the kingdom.”

“If the four western warriors, Lien, Kingdom, and Henrik all work together perfectly, this side could be dangerous, but… … There should be no problem.”

“Yes, because you predicted Rien and the western warriors would kill their emotions and not move rationally to that extent.”

“For the odds, don’t join hands with Henrik, I nailed the kingdom, so it’ll be fine.”

The elders were delighted to see this.

Carl, who had answered, had a somewhat confused expression on his face.

It wasn’t because he doubted his judgment.

It was clear that he actually felt that way by talking to Cruz and observing him.

the problem is… … .

‘… … Once in a while, his appearance overlapped.’

It was a different matter from being a heterogeneous soul contracted with the Dark Spirit King.

It was a sensation that I could notice because I had observed him since I was young and cared about him all the time… … .

The reason Carl was able to be sure of the true intentions of the second prince was because he overlapped with him.

“house owner.”

Erl, noticing Carl’s anguish, threw words as if confirming it.

“Anyway, it’s good for us. Right?”

“… … Yes, of course.”

then a few days later

The atmosphere in Ronberg was more tense than usual.

2 It was because it was the day the prince was supposed to visit, and he was paying attention to security in a place he was not supposed to enter.

“Welcome, Your Highness Cruz.”

Receiving their greetings, I naturally averted my gaze.

It was very nice to visit the hometown after a long time.

Buildings with an antique and solemn atmosphere rather than flashy.

The high walls that stretched out and the traces of hidden spells.

And those longing, hateful old people.

“I will guide you to the head of the household.”

“Before that, I want to say hello to you once, how about it? We will know each other from now on.”

At my words, the faces of the elders turned bright.

They seem so happy that I acknowledged that they are not something to be ignored either.

“How could I disobey Your Highness’s instructions? My name is Ruth Ronberg.”

“Nice to meet you, one of the oldest elders, right? I know your name.”

“Oh, it is an honor, Your Highness.”

“I would like to say hello, my name is Scott Ronberg. It is a great honor to have an audience with Your Highness… … .”

It was very spectacle that everyone would cringe and cling to me when I said something nice.

Every time I smiled, the wrinkles stood out, and it was so disgusting that I wanted to kill it right now.

[There must have been a lot of things piled up.]

‘Then you said every time that you wanted to kill all these guys.’

[Not to the extent of you.]

After greeting the elders, I walked under their guidance.

There was a tightly closed portal that didn’t work there.

Keying –

When the spell was activated, the portal was activated and opened.

Upon entering, a completely different space unfolded in an instant.

It was a place with a very solemn yet calm atmosphere, but Hella, who followed, seemed surprised inside.

As a wizard, I was surprised by the level of completion and level of this portal.

I didn’t feel any sense of incongruity due to the movement of space, which should normally be felt, and only the place was changed.

“… … .”

At the same time, the escorts who followed me couldn’t hide their tension.

It wasn’t like that because he came into Ronberg’s home.

It’s because of the existence in front of me, standing with a hand fan.

“Welcome, Your Highness Cruz. My name is Erl Ronberg, vice-captain.”

“Nice to meet you, Cruz Alexander.”

She was originally a member of the Ronberg branch.

However, his talent and skills were recognized and he was accepted as a member of the main family.

In the end, I ended up marrying my father, Jan Ronberg, who was nominated as the next family head at the time.

‘… … The skills are still the same.’

Her strength continued to rise without hitting a wall.

In the end, even on the Feyer continent, he reached the 8-star intermediate rank, which is one of only a few.

Even I couldn’t figure out which of the two was the top, Momma and Erl.

It was clear that she was the current strongest wizard on the Feyer continent.

“I heard that the deputy is the mother of Boris Ronberg, is that correct?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“You have no feelings for me? It was attacked first, but it must still be your blood.”

The atmosphere sank heavily at my question.

Not to mention the elders and the people on the Ronberg side.

The escorts who followed me hardened their expressions as if they were a little taken aback.

However, there was no change in Erl Ronberg’s expression when he actually received the question.

“My son’s death is sad, but it is no reason to be angry.”

“… … It seems that there is not enough reason.”

“Yes, because Boris sought Your Highness’ life first.”


She was a woman whose true intentions were unknown.

He never showed any ill feelings toward me like the family elders did, and always showed a polite and dignified appearance.

Then, quietly, I took my breath away.

Those things were quite unsettling.

‘It would have been easier for me to know if I showed my emotions like the others… … .’

I got goosebumps in many ways from the way he numbly held my breath.

“Welcome to the Ronberg home, Your Highness Krus.”

As soon as I finished greeting the bugger, Carl approached me.

It looked the same as usual, but maybe it was because it was a very familiar place.

Emotions seemed to fluctuate more than usual.

“It’s a very nice place, it deserves to be called a famous house.”

“I will be grateful for the compliment.”

After that, I followed Carl and looked around the inside of the home.

Just as he toured the royal palace and royal capital, so did I.

The only difference was that it was emphasized that some areas should not be visited.

“I said no, so I want to go in more. Am I being mean?”

“I understand how you feel, but please bear with me.”

“Is it because there is such a thing as the family’s top secret?”

“More than that, it’s because of the security measures.”

“A security device?”

“Yes, if you go in carelessly, the spell to kill the intruder will be activated.”

“That is a bit scary. Are you asking me out of fear of an accident?”

“Yes, Your Highness. It is a situation where we inform you of additional things you want in the first place.”

My visit today was not just for viewing.

It was to discuss additional things to look at and demand in addition to the things that the kingdom was notified of not long ago.

“Then, I will bring the recipe book, so please wait for a while.”

After confirming that Carl Ronberg was gone, I stared at Leah.

In response, she nodded without saying a word, and I summoned Heaven, using my magic as carefully as possible.

“Then, please, Cheon-gak.”


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