“Your Highness, they say they will arrive soon.”

These were the words the sailor handed to me as I leisurely watched the Feyer Continent from the edge of the ship.

So, after lightly tidying up my hair that was blowing in the wind, I moved on.

There was my idol, Bettel Robbrick, who participated as an envoy just like me.

“Your Highness, I want to sort out the exchanges before meeting the Lien family. Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

Strictly speaking, the delegation this time was only me and Battel.

Other than that, there were only escorts and sailors to drive the ships.

So, it was also said that Betel was the only person who could discuss the negotiations with Lien, the northern family of the Feyer continent.

“First of all, it’s confirmation, but would it be all right if Your Highness took the lead in negotiations?”

“It’s okay. Even after seeing this, I am confident in this.”

“Then, would Your Highness tell me what to get and what to give this time?”

“Completely sharing information about the great family, exchanging and transferring military experience and technology. It will be like this.”

Battel nodded.

This requirement was discussed in advance at an internal meeting at the palace.

The question was what to give in order to get it.

“The main issue would be direct troop support. I’d like to avoid it if possible, but… … If you skip this, the conversation won’t go on.”

Simple material support, including food, was a decent situation.

It was an act of helping Rien, but in any case, it wasn’t directly participating in the battle.

It’s enough to pretend that it’s just part of diplomacy.

However, if they were to provide direct military support, this would reveal that the kingdom was also willing to go to war right away.

I’m already aware that we’re in a rough relationship, so I wonder what it means.

Still, there was a big difference between declaring war and not.

“What do you think the idol should do?”

“I think we should steer toward minimizing troop support.”

“I have a different opinion.”

My words widened Battel’s eyes slightly.

“It’s different… … ?”

“I have no intention of providing direct troop support at this point.”

“… … ! Would that be possible?”

“Of course. So, I want you to leave this meeting entirely to me.”

At my words, Battel was troubled for a moment.

Originally, the two of us should have discussed and led the negotiations.

Because I didn’t mean to say that I would take the lead.

“… … Yes, Your Highness. I will follow.”

“Thank you for trusting me.”

“Considering what Your Highness has accomplished so far, it’s strange that you don’t believe it.”

“ha ha ha! This, I must repay your expectations.”

By the time the agreement was concluded, the ship had arrived at its destination.

Even in his previous life, he had never been to the northern part of the Feyer continent, so it was actually the first time he had been there.

The atmosphere mixed with the wind carried a strange nostalgia.

“Welcome, guests of the kingdom.”

It was the greeting of the knights waiting at the port.

The flag engraved with snow crystals and the silver armor were proof that they belonged to the Rien family.

“I am the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Grandets, Cruz Alexander.”

“Welcome, Your Highness Cruz. I am Sharden Lien, the head of the Lien family.”

He was a handsome man with striking blue hair.

It was so young that you could feel his age just by looking at the wrinkles around his eyes.

I smiled and accepted his greeting.

“Nice to meet you, the reputation of the Lien Family, the strongest elementalist in the Feyer Continent, is famous even in the kingdom.”

“hahahaha! When you say that, I don’t know what to do.”

After a brief greeting, we headed to the nearby barracks.

Originally, I had proposed to hold a welcome ceremony, but I agreed to my wish to finish the meeting first.

After entering the barracks and sitting down, Sharden naturally started talking.

“According to my guess, Your Highness seems to have 7 stars, is that correct?”

“hahahaha, unfortunately, it’s still at the 6-star level.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. To think that he had such skills at the age of 17… … It will be unprecedented.”

Sharden’s eyes, which had been exuding a gentle atmosphere until now, became sharp in an instant.

Its gaze was directed at me and the escort, gauging our skills.

“Personally, I want to start by talking about each other, but… … There are things that need to be settled before that.”

“I agree, we can talk about the future only when we conclude from this.”

“Your Highness… … No, the kingdom wants to hear what it wants from the Rien family.”

“First of all, I want complete sharing of information about the great family.”

“okay. What do you intend to give me in return?”

“We will provide food. For now, this is the amount you are thinking about, so check it out.”

Sharden checked the documents I handed over with serious eyes.

“… … Has confirmed. However, there is something I want to point out.”

“Tell me.”

“I would like to hear the specific information you want. This would be more efficient than vaguely perfect sharing.”

Sharden spoke with a benign face, but there was a sharp intention hidden in those words.

With this, you can gauge the current kingdom’s understanding of the great family.

The more you know, the more specific your request becomes.

“He also wrote it down here, check it out.”

Of course, this was also within the expected range, so it was not difficult to respond.

There is a lot to be gained from this type of information exchange.

After seeing the documents I handed over, Sharden nodded slightly with a stiff face and said,

“… … I’m surprised you know so well about the Resurrection Church.”

“Thanks to a lot of excellent informants.”

“Okay, let’s end the food aid issue with this.”

“The next thing I want is to pass on my combat experience.”

Due to the nature of the kingdom, it was difficult to gain combat experience.

An exchange was proposed to make up for this, which Sharden readily accepted.

“In return, I want you to send me some troops. The size… … How about two thousand?”

At Sharden’s suggestion, I smiled silently.

A speech technique that talks about the conditions of participation that the kingdom most wants to avoid as if they are not a big deal.

In addition, it was because he felt quite experienced in the naturalness of the question premised on the dispatch of troops.

“That is a rather difficult request.”

“If 2,000 is too much for you, less than that is fine. This will naturally increase the efficiency of military exchanges.”

“It means that the kingdom does not want to participate in the war at this point.”

Sharden’s eyes narrowed at my firm answer.

The smile on his lips was still the same, but his eyes were sharp.

“Your Highness, don’t you know that if Rien is defeated, the next kingdom will come?”

“You know that. That’s why I’m nailing it right now.”

“… … I do not understand, but I would like an additional explanation.”

“Okay, but I want to add one more thing before that.”

“What is?”

“They want to exchange and pass on magic tools and artifacts. Instead, we will also provide weapons and weapons support.”

“Let’s postpone that until later. We are not yet in such a short supply situation.”

“I don’t think so. Wouldn’t it be nice if regular soldiers could also use weapons instead of only main troops?”

“… … That’s right.”

Without a word, I handed out the last document I had prepared.

There, the size of the magic stones and technicians currently operated by the kingdom was written.

Seeing this, Sharden’s eyes fluttered slightly as if surprised.

‘It’s worth it, because I was quite surprised.’

This was possible because the kingdom had a huge territory.

In terms of area, it reached 70% of the Feyer continent.

“It is not possible to pay that much profit and manpower right now. It will be possible only after Momma’s reforms are over.”

In preparation for this time, it was also thanks to the queen’s insight to promote various reforms and redevelopment.

In my job, I also assisted with this.

“This will be of great benefit to you. Exchange is, in the end, complementing each other’s deficiencies, right?”

The kingdom’s technology was not inferior to Rien.

If it’s just limited to war, there’s something lacking.

Rather, the kingdom was more superior in terms of comprehensive technology.

“It is to add production to the combined technology and provide it, but how can this not be beneficial?”

He said it as if it was a huge benefit to the Rien family, but the reality was a little different.

In the first place, the kingdom was preparing for mass production through reform and redevelopment.

So I needed experience and practical data on this.

The Lien family’s cooperation will fulfill this.

It’s not like giving it away for free.

‘Because you can find improvements only when you use it in actual combat.’

In fact, the things I just said were the things the kingdom decided to provide in the first place.

I just said it as if I was giving it a special extra.

“… … Could you give me a minute to think about it?”

“However much.”

Sharden pondered deeply over these provisions.

These aren’t bad.

They are rather helpful, but… … .

The reason he was worried was elsewhere.

‘There is a possibility that we will only use poison poison depending on the kingdom’s attitude.’

In order for these conditions to be fulfilled, the Lien family had to fulfill their promise first.

In other words, even if the kingdom imposed additional conditions along the way, Rien would have no choice but to be dragged away.

Sharden had no choice but to think deeply about this.

‘It’s a situation I have to accept… … .’

The damage to the Lien family in the war was enormous.

30% of the territory was taken away, and a significant portion of the troops were consumed.

Even the current ceasefire was close to allowing the enemies to catch their breath for a final offensive.

In response, Sharden was thinking of a provision to avoid being dragged around by the kingdom.

“And then I realized I forgot.”

Sharden’s eyes, which were troubled by my words, moved.

“I will stay on the Feyer continent for at least 70% of the exchange period.”

“… … yes?”

“I’m thinking of increasing the escort. A lot of people are worried about my safety.”

I added that this will also be included in the provisions.

However, Sharden let out a quiet voice as if he did not understand the meaning.

I went on to make up for this.

“Remember when I said I had no intention of participating in the war at this point?”

“… … Yes, of course.”

“But if by chance the escort comes across a situation where they have no choice but to move, that thought will have to change.”

“… … !”

Understanding my words, Sharden’s eyes widened.

It meant that I would stay here without showing any intention to participate in the war right now, and sneak my foot in.

There is also the name of escort, so the number of elite soldiers can be increased little by little.

“Actually, the Ronberg family made an alliance proposal to the kingdom some time ago.”

At my words, Sharden couldn’t hide her surprise.

I didn’t care and continued.

“They are also concerned about Rien and the Kingdom’s full-scale cooperation and our participation in the war.”

That’s why, if this side doesn’t directly participate in the battle, they won’t touch it easily either.

I left an answer to induce you to move like that on purpose.

“I want you to understand the true meaning of the kingdom.”

Not participating in the war right now was for the sake of achievement.

Because it was my current plan to step out in a decisive situation where I could properly pierce the enemy’s loopholes.

Until then, it was necessary to prepare steadily and spy on the enemy.

Sharden said with a smile as if he had finished his worries.

“I will accept all the conditions Your Highness put forward.”

“Thank you. Then, I would like to make a suggestion for future movements.”

“Speak, Your Highness.”

“I think we should strike them first.”

“… … !”

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