There are sales figures for the Japanese and English versions there, and the People’s Education Publishing House has no doubt about the best-selling of “Hua Monogatari”, and the royalty commission is higher than that of Random House, and Ye Su personally can directly get 20% of the proportion, which is also after tax!

The difference between before and after tax is great.

Based on the first printing of three million copies, the price of the Celestial Empire here is 28 yuan a copy, according to the proportion of 20% of the manuscript fee, which means that Ye Su can get 16.8 million yuan.

The usual personal income tax rate of 11.2% for manuscript fees means that if it is 16.8 million before tax, Ye Su will have to pay another 1.88 million personal income tax, and the actual manuscript fee is slightly less than 15 million.

But after tax it is different, that is, the tax of 1.88 million yuan was paid by the People’s Education Publishing House.

Moreover, the tax on manuscript fees in the United States is more complicated in terms of algorithm, about 14% tax rate, according to Ye Su’s nearly 10 million US dollars of manuscript fee income, almost 1.4 million US dollars, which is nearly 10 million yuan.

Of course, this part of the tax is also paid by Random House.

(Because the exchange rate of the renminbi against the dollar is about 6.67 yuan to 1 US dollar, although the sales volume is higher than that of the United States, the actual income is not as good as that of the United States, which is the pot of the exchange rate.)

In Japan, it is a matter of the pricing of the work, and the price of the Japanese version of “Kamonogatari” is 2100 yen, which is a relatively reasonable price in Japan. But it is equivalent to about 140 yuan, which is unimaginable in the Celestial Empire, and it is impossible for the Chinese version of “Hua Monogatari” to sell for a sky-high price of 140 yuan a copy, after all, the length of “Hua Monogatari” is not long, only two or three hundred thousand words. )

The cooperation between the two sides was reached in a very pleasant atmosphere, easily, another huge amount of money was pocketed, Ye Su’s personal wealth, bank deposits alone, has reached about 120 million yuan.

“Brother, I want pocket money!”

In a mansion somewhere in the Capital No. 1 Courtyard, a delicate and cute girl was standing in front of a teenager with a serious face, stretching out her white little hand, and said righteously.

Of course, this will not be Ye Mu, so Ye Xin’er will ask her brother for money so brazenly, otherwise it is useless to ask for it, because it will be confiscated by Ye Mu.

“The upper answer should give you 10,000 pocket money every month, isn’t there always a transfer to you?” Ye Su asked a little strangely.

My sister’s pocket money, it is natural for my brother to be responsible, not to mention that Ye Su has always spoiled this girl so much, I am afraid that she is not enough to spend, what is this pocket money.

But the amount that has been set last time, there must be a valid reason for this.

Pampering is one thing, and it is also necessary to develop a reasonable consumption concept for the little girl.

“Hey, last time it was such a mistake, I actually took pocket money in front of my mother, and as a result, after you went to Japan, my pocket money account was controlled by my mother.”

Ye Xin’er sighed, with a miserable expression on her face.


Ye Su couldn’t help but laugh out loud, well, you lawless little girl, it turns out that there is also today.

“Hmph, you’re still laughing, laugh at me again!” Ye Xin’er pouted angrily, she has simply lived in hell for the past few months, and she has to be tortured by tutors every day, and even her pocket money has been confiscated by the Great Demon King Ye Mu!

It’s better to live than to die!

“How much pocket money does that mother give you a month?” Ye Su asked curiously.

“A thousand pieces!!”

Speaking of this, Ye Xin’er is simply sad and indignant, a thousand yuan is not a small amount for an ordinary middle school student, although in China, and those rich second generation can not be compared, but most ordinary family middle school students, there will not be a thousand yuan of pocket money.

But who is Ye Xin’er, Ye Su’s sister, who lives in a mansion of 50 million.

What can this thousand pieces be used for, and buying a mask is not enough for a month!

“Poof! Hahaha”

Ye Su couldn’t help it again, and his laughter rolled into a ball.

This is indeed something that Ye Mu can do, the older generation of people, the concept is still relatively conservative, although for Ye Su, Ye Mu will never ask him how much money he spent, but she feels that Ye Xin’er is still a child, should not spend money lavishly, although the family has money, the basic consumption concept should still be simpler.

Therefore, Ye Xin’er’s pocket money has shrunk sharply from 10,000 yuan a month to 1,000 yuan.

A whole zero less!

“You, you’re still laughing! It’s really infuriating to me, and if I laugh again, I won’t recognize you as an older brother!” Ye Xin’er huffed and climbed onto Ye Su’s body, waving her small fist and threatening.

“Okay, good, I don’t laugh, this thousand yuan is really too little, so let’s open a new account for you, secretly transfer 20,000 yuan to you every month, just make up for your injured young heart, how about it?” Ye Su said with a smile.

“Yes, I know my brother is the best.” Only then did Ye Xin’er climb down from Ye Su’s body satisfied.

As for thanks?

Hey, isn’t it natural for the cute sister to spend her brother’s money?

Ye Su rubbed the little girl’s hair dotingly, held her in his arms, and said: “Of course, there is no one in this world who can compare to your status in my heart, and it should be good to you.” ”

Feeling the warmth in Ye Su’s arms, Ye Xin’er comfortably smacked her head in his chin and did not speak.

Does the relationship between brothers and sisters need to be repeated?

After Ye’s mother returned, the brothers and sisters met and smiled, treating this pocket money episode as a secret between each other, a little secret that even their mother did not know.

“What’s the giggle? Xin’er come to the kitchen to help, your brother is rare, today I will make a table of his favorite dishes. Ye Mu glanced at the two of them strangely, did not notice anything, and called Ye Xin’er.

“Here it comes!”

Ye Xin’er, who had just received 20,000 yuan in pocket money, was in a good mood, and responded softly, climbed out of Ye Su’s arms, and ran to the kitchen to help.

Looking at the two figures who were busy in the kitchen, one big and one small, Ye Su smiled lightly.

Home is a warm harbor, no matter how great achievements are made, only this place is the most secure place for a person. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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