The Ball at Your Feet

: 133 Media Interview

"I hope you can make some changes during this holiday. The more important thing is not technical or physical, but mentality." When Petty found Zhao Yaning, there was a trace of him in his words. Very rare and serious, "I hope you find a psychological counselor for psychological counseling."

This statement made Zhao Yaning stunned.

"I have no psychological problems..."

"Psychological counseling was not originally done for people who are ill. People who have problems do psychotherapy. Those who are ill have to be handled by a psychiatrist." Petit said, "What I hope you do is Find a psychological counselor and do some psychological counseling to make your personality more cheerful, lively, or more aggressive."

Zhao Yaning didn't understand Petty's thoughts.

"Your personality is very good, very good-if you are my son, I like your personality very much. But you are a football player, you have to have some adventurous spirit, some sense of struggle, and some aggressiveness... simple Say, the Olympic spirit, the spirit of courage to fight for victory."

"I haven't given up the game."

"Winning victory is not just not giving up." Petty shook his head. "You are a very resilient child. You do not want to give up. You do well. But your desire to attack is not strong, and your desire to express is not strong enough. You don't Willing to take on offensive tasks other than your responsibilities and dare not make threatening passes. This is not a question of ability, but a question of character. I hope you correct this."

Zhao Yaning was even more confused. When he was playing in China, no one said that he needed to have a desire to express. How to look at those things is not a good thing, right?

"Teamity is a good thing, but being too team is not good for your performance." Petit explained, "Football is a sport that requires the whole and the genius. You have done a good job of wholeness, but what you lack It is passion, offensiveness, and the courage to evoke inspiration. I hope you will change a little bit. It is very difficult to change your personality, but your problem is not very big, so it may be a good idea to try psychological counseling. ."

Coach Petit continued to talk about his views, "Coach Trussier is the former coach of the Japanese national team. He believes that the characteristics of Japanese people are too obedient, lacking passion and enthusiasm. And I know something about South Korea. The coaches of China have similar evaluations of the Koreans. I don’t know too many Chinese players, and you, as the only player I have a deep understanding of, are similar in this respect. I think this may be because of your Eastern Culture is very different from our culture."

After talking about this, Coach Petit paused before speaking, “I don’t know which of these two cultures is better. I’m not an anthropologist and I’m not interested in learning about these. And as a coach, I feel Oriental This kind of culture is quite desirable. But, now, I hope you accept some Western culture and accept some of our things. You have to understand what passion is, what fighting spirit is, and how to put it in the first minute on the green field. It ignites. In this respect, I am not a master. I hate speeches and motivational things. And I can’t believe in the fighting spirit that is inspired by lips. The real fighting spirit comes from the heart. Since I want you to have fighting spirit, I will naturally encourage you. You go to a psychiatrist to change your own psychological condition."

Although Zhao Yaning was reluctant to seek psychological counseling, he still agreed. What Coach Petit said is certainly not a bad thing, his approach is for the good of the players.

But he still has a problem.

"Is psychological consultation really something normal people can do? And why didn't I see someone in the club for psychological consultation? And there is no psychological consultation in the team..."

"Conflict with religion." Petit immediately gave his answer.

Whether it is a Muslim or a Catholic, religious theory is something related to psychology. Among the French sports athletes, various believers account for the vast majority, and naturally no one will risk offending religion to introduce psychologists into the club.

In fact, it's not only France, but the whole Europe is the same. Even some clubs in Italy still retain the tradition of having a priest in the club. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to introduce psychological counseling.

But Petit felt that Zhao Yaning could still try to get a psychological consultation.

"I heard that most of you Chinese are atheists, and I have never seen you engage in any activities such as prayer or worship. I hope you will not resist psychological counseling. This is scientific, at least better than confession It's a lot more scientific." Petty was a little unhappy about this. "Religion is too big a hindrance to sports... a troublesome thing."

"I will do it." Zhao Yaning didn't let Petty complain more. He interrupted Petty in time, "I will let my agent contact the counselor."

"Well, one more thing, don't look for psychoanalysis. It won't help you. The more you do it, the more uncomfortable you do. Don't do Morita therapy, the Japanese set of things, it works too slowly. Go find some Americans. Human approach, I suggest you try NLP technology. Although the psychology community seems to agree with this theory too much, I think it has the greatest effect."

Coach Petit was still introducing him to the method, but Zhao Yaning was surprised, "Do you know psychology, coach?"

"Sports psychology is a necessary course for football, and it is necessary to learn it. But after all, sports psychology is just the mental movement of players when they play football, and there is still a difference between the psychological training of young people. I have learned a little about it, but it is not very deep." Ti shook his head, "I'm interested in these things that can make players more perfect, but many things can't be mastered by learning, you still have to turn to professionals for help."

"It must be difficult..."

"This is what I said about your problem." Petty laughed. "Why don't you think this is the fun?"

"Only if you understand their fun, you can make progress faster. Joey, the essence of football is not fighting, nor is it a mechanical activity. He is a kind of entertainment. If you play so much that you lose even the basic happiness. , What else do you need to play?"


After telling Zhang Yuan all this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but speak, "So, this winter, you just want to stay in France to replenish your physical fitness and seek psychological counseling at the same time, so you refuse to return to China."

"Yes." Zhao Yaning scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "I missed too many games in the first half of the season, so I said it was a last resort, but I still feel ashamed. I want to work harder in the second half of the season. , I can keep up with my physical strength, and I can play better in training and competitions. In this way, I can also improve faster."

"But CCTV's interview work can't be delayed..." Zhang Yuan smiled bitterly. "This is nothing else. If you say you delay it, you will delay it. Those people are all uncles, they are not waiting for others."

This is a problem. Zhao Yaning pondered for a while before speaking, "Can you let them come to Monaco?"

"This is indeed possible, but you have to spend a little bit more money." Zhang Yuan thought for a while, and agreed to Zhao Yaning's method, "but you are really sure that you are not going back to China, and you won't go back to see your uncle, aunt, and younger siblings?"

"No, I'll talk to my parents. After the Chinese New Year, I will pick them up to play in France. Beibei still has to go to school. She said she will wait until the summer." Zhao Yaning laughed, "This is my dad and me. That said, it’s too much trouble for me to return to China, so it’s better for them to come here. And they don’t have much to do in China now, so it’s okay to pick them up to play in Europe.

"At that time, I will accompany my uncle and auntie to go out to play, and it will be considered as occupying your light and spending your money to go around." Zhang Yuan laughed, "Then I will let the TV station people come over. Actually, domestic I want to interview you a lot during this period. The TV station also said that it will give you a special program, one hour’s time to introduce you. And many other media are interested in you and want to interview you. What about you. In the past I was afraid that the Monaco club would be unhappy. I heard the coach say many times that excessive media attention would ruin the players. Therefore, I dare not let them come. But now, anyway, you just accumulate stamina, and there is nothing important. I will let them all come together. The interview is over in one breath, and it will be easy in the future."

Zhao Yaning has no opinion on this. Zhang Yuan has always handled the affairs of the domestic media for him. Zhang Yuan was willing to spend money in this regard, and he was able to put his hands down. The media are still getting along well. The journalist stationed in Paris by the "Sports Weekly" was treated by him. After a lot of coaxing, Tiantian just reprinted articles that were beneficial to Zhao Yaning. The criticism of Zhao Yaning in the media could not be transmitted back to the country at all. Although Zhao Yaning couldn't read those bragging words, domestic fans were willing to read it. Zhang Yuan believed that this would make money. He naturally didn't consider Zhao Yaning's ideas when making arrangements like this.

But this time, Zhang Yuan couldn't fool the reporters who came down from the top. After all, they had a lot of backing and face, and they weren't a newspaper that was only influential in a small circle like "Sports Weekly". What's more, the interviews were not originally commercial activities, but political tasks. How to fool them is very troublesome for Zhang Yuan. Although bite the bullet and let them come to Monaco, in private, Zhang Yuan was still very speculative and uneasy.

"It's just that you have to be prepared. The domestic media is very different from these media in France." Zhang Yuan still worried Zhao Yaning, "They have something to say, you have to pay attention."

"It's not that I haven't stayed in China, how could I not know these things?" Zhao Yaning smiled.

"What do you know, what have you seen before." Zhang Yuan smiled faintly, "Then you should try to meet those guys when the time comes. It will be good for you to get to know them earlier."

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