Not long ago, there were some unexpected changes in Nagato’s body.

The vitality that had been lost due to years of use of the reincarnation eye seems to have been replenished for some unknown reason, and it has become more vigorous.

Even the physique has been greatly improved, and even makes people feel a little strong?

This term never overlapped with Nagato, but now…

And all this is obviously related to Xuan Zang (good Li Zhao).

Her eyes were a bit complicated, and she had to admit that her previous prejudice against Xuan Zang blinded her normal observation.

From the last conversation with Nagato, she knew that Xuan Zang was indeed a trustworthy companion, and that they were extraordinarily consistent with their ideas.

Then let’s make progress together.

There was such a sentence from the bottom of my heart for no reason.


She turned into a sky full of paper and flew in other directions in the village. .

Her task is to follow Yuyin’s troops to strike at the running enemies in the territory. Yuyin’s ninja is too weak, so this is also the most realistic strategy.

And her presence also raised the upper limit for this force.

Xuan Zang looked in that direction unexpectedly when Xiao Nan disappeared, but only saw a few pieces of paper flying in the air.

Without thinking, he knew it was Xiao Nan who had just hid there.

For the woman Xiao Nan, Xuan Zang still admired it in his heart.

Moreover, the opponent’s strength can also influence a war, and it is a major nuclear weapon on Akatsuki’s side.

Its danger is greater than him and Nagato in some ways.

“I heard that Sha Yin was almost all deployed this time, Scorpio, don’t you plan to visit some of your old acquaintances?”

Both horns and Scorpion walked side by side, and the muddy road crackled under their feet.

And Jiaodu’s words obviously have specific points.

“There will be a chance, but before that, we still have to complete the task here. The leader’s temper is not as good as it looks.”

Xie Qingxiu’s handsome face remained calm, and his amber eyes looked towards a valley ahead.

Their task is to intercept Konoha’s surprise troops.

There is Bai Jue, which can be called a plug-in existence.

This unit that immediately left the main force upon entering the territory of the Kingdom of Rain is like a flashing red dot on the radar, which has no meaning to hide.

“I’m about to go to the place that Bai Jue said, get ready to fight, and surprise these Konoha ninjas.”

The corners of the mouth under the mask of the corners twitched upwards, and his aquamarine eyes looked straight forward like a scorpion.

“The other party is a force of about five hundred people, but from Bai Jue’s intelligence, it seems that it was divided into dozens of teams again not long ago? Konoha and these people really have a deep understanding of the word surprise attack, they just don’t know. What is the strength of these people?”

Scorpion’s hands were hidden in the wide sleeves, and his eyes gradually became deep.

“Captain, the map shows that there is a mountain forest not far in front of you, passing through that is (cgcg) a large flat land, not far from Yuyin Village.”

A ninja with a short knife on his back said to his captain.

“Matai, take a look at the situation.”

The captain glanced at the front first, and then ordered another ninja next to him.

It was a ninja who couldn’t see his age while wearing sunglasses.

After receiving the captain’s instructions, he didn’t make any extra moves. He just stretched out his hand to aim at the vegetation on the side, and a large number of insects rushed out of his body and flew forward.

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