There is no way to this yard.

Qi Qiqi bypassed the Book Collection Pavilion and passed through the garden that meant that spring had arrived, and was full of flowers and bones waiting to be planted. So far, she finally saw the small courtyard.

Two fire lanterns hung on the courtyard door, stubbornly blooming with a faint yellow fire in the rainy night.

The door was not locked. Qi Qiqi looked inside and found that there was no silhouette in the courtyard wall, only the only building ─ ─ the main hall of the private house showed a dim lighter than the lantern outside the door.

Should you not go to bed yet?

Qi Qiqi stepped into the yard and walked to the only room with light. After a moment he hesitated, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

The muffled sound of knocking on the door rang loudly at night.

After waiting for a while, the people inside did not answer the door, so Qi Qiqi hesitated for a while before knocking on the door a second time.

She knocked on the door four times before finally getting a response.

“What’s the matter?”


The unexpected voice came from behind, Qi Qiqi was startled.

She shrank her shoulders, looked back hurriedly, and then froze.

There is a Koizumi in the small forest not far from this yard. Shirasawa probably just returned from a bath there. It looks hairy, with an astonishing number of white hairs and wet, slightly pale skin with a little blush. .

She not at all wiped her body well, she was even longer and taller than Qi Qiqi. At the moment, wrapped in the semi-wet plain plain clothes, she outlines a tight waist and a soft round The enchanting curves formed by the buttocks, and the ups and downs on the chest are even more eye-catching.


It seems that I feel dissatisfied with Qi Qiqi staring at herself blankly. Bai Ze frowns frowned unhappily and sticks to the cheek. A pinch of hair twisted around the ear, and was sandwiched between the shiny horns and the ear.

“Yeah!” Qi Qiqi woke up like a dream, and quickly looked away, “I’m sorry!”

She spoke very fast, and her cheeks blushed unconsciously.

She wiped her body dry anyway!

Although both are women, Bai Ze’s usual clothes are sexy enough, but after all, she is not familiar enough, and Qi Qiqi has a thin face, and it is reasonable to feel shy about this.

If the person in front of you is Sue Kirin or Shui Yun’er, she will not be so restrained.

Fortunately, Bai Ze didn’t care too much, and asked: “You’re looking for me?” Then he pushed the door open.

“Come in if you have something to do.”

Bai Ze, who walked into the depths of the room, dropped these words, his tone completely unconscious as a guest.

“Ah, okay…”

Qi Qiqi quickly followed and closed the door smoothly.

Bai Ze walked to the cabinet, took out the soft towel that Sue Kirin recently studied and smashed, and began to treat the dripping hair.

“Sit as you like.”

Seeing Qi Qiqi standing in front of the door without moving, Bai Ze lightly said. Qi Qiqi took the action and walked cautiously to the table in the room and sat down.

“hmph, the ancients said, the trouble silk really does not deceive me.”

While complaining in annoyance, Bai Ze sat down opposite Qi Qiqi, half-tilt his head so that The hair hangs in the air for easy wiping.

The horned girl’s hair is so many and long that it is really difficult to deal with.

Qiqiqi shrank her chin to spy on Bai Ze, blinked her eyes, and almost offered such abrupt suggestion, “I will help you.” But in the end she dismissed the idea because the two were unfamiliar. .

For a moment, the two fell silent, leaving only the rustle of Bai Ze wiping his hair.

“Bai Qianze…Are you not afraid of the wind and cold?”

Qi Qiqi, who couldn’t find the topic, finally only squeezed out this sentence.

Her previous embarrassment has subsided a lot, and finally dared to look towards Bai Ze.

“I haven’t wiped my body clean.”

“I forgot to bring a towel.” Bai Ze crooked his pale pink lips gloomily.

“Well…If you want to take a bath next time, I think it’s better to be in the room? If you want hot water, you can call dísciple to help you prepare it. I heard that your summer elder sister arranged to wait for you Has her dísciple been driven away?”

Next time she sees this look than the passing male disciplines, the impact will be greater! Qi Qiqi is not without such worries.

Bai Ze made a soft “hmph” sound from his nose.

“I am not a three-year-old child, and I don’t need other people to take care of it.”

“I don’t mean that. It’s just that there are many things that are inconvenient for you? Even if you add a quilt, Senior Bai, you don’t know where to go, right?” Qi Qiqi said dignifiedly, the panic and embarrassment just now has been completely weak. Seeing this change, Bai Ze looked away as if he understood something.

“I’m used to it.”

The horned girl finally rejected Qi Qiqi’s kindness.

She stood up as if she didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore, walked to the corner of the room, and threw the towels into the bucket where the laundry was collected.

“I have lived alone in the academy for a long time.”

That must be a length far beyond what I imagined. Qi Qiqi noticed the melancholy floating on the side of Bai Ze.

And such an existence, because Sue Kirin stepped out of his own world, this can be considered a special encounter.

“Are you here for the Book Collection Pavilion book?”

Bai Ze still seems a little conscious.

She put on a thin long coat to cover the exposed spring light.


Qi Qiqi straightened her body and assumed a solemn posture, but the barrenness on her chest became more obvious.

The horned girl who is walking back here is symmetrical and plump. In contrast, she is somewhat depressed, but she tries her best to restrain this feeling from jumping to her face.

“The longer the storage, the more spirituality. These accumulated’spirituality’ can meet my needs and become part of the’spirituality’ in my body.”

Bai Ze Lightly sit down in the same position.

“I remember I explained it to you.”

“I have heard Qi ──Little Ancestor Master talked about Senior Bai’s feeding on’books’.”

I felt that it was not appropriate to call Sue Kirin’s name directly on this occasion, Qi Qiqi made corrections while speaking.

“hmph, is she timid, she said that?”

“Huh?” Qi Qiqi was a little embarrassed, “Is it right?”

” To be precise, I am not feeding on “books”. That kind of behavior is closer to your practice.”

Bai Ze accidentally cares about it, dissatisfied that Sue Kirin’s statement is inaccurate.

“I understand.” Qi Qiqi said that she has no misunderstandings.

“Never mind.”

Bai Ze was too lazy to say anything, and made a corresponding promise:

“The book I ate, I will rewrite it silently “After speaking, Bai Ze uttered a mouth in the corner of the room, Qi Qiqi looked there incomprehensibly, and then saw the new books piled up in pillars.

That is probably the newly copied book.

Didn’t expect that many books have been written in just a few days, Qi Qiqi can hardly cover the surprised look. It’s just that she didn’t completely distrust Bai Ze’s ability and promise, but the matter was so important that she had to be cautious.

“Senior Bai, I understand──”

“Just call me Baize.”

Baize uses that kind of calm tone without emotion Upon request, Qi Qiqi changed her name in good faith.

“Bazawa elder sister, I understand what you mean. However, the books of the Book Collection Pavilion are the painstaking efforts of our ancestors, and there are also the efforts of the Heavenly Jade Palace. Even if you can memorize it backwards, write it silently Come out, the meaning is still somewhat different, and not everyone believes in your abilities and thinks you can recite it verbatim. I will be responsible to the entire Heavenly Jade Palace, so I have to visit you at this time .”

Will it be that didn’t expect caused such a long preaching? Bai Ze froze his expression.

Her rectangular pupils are slightly enlarged, appearing trembling, and at first glance it is like the expression that a child would have when he was told that something happened unconsciously.

However, the shofar girl would not panic.

“This is indeed my poor consideration, I will pay more attention to it in the future.”

With a sigh, Bai Ze rarely apologizes.

“Thank you Senior Bai for your understanding.”

Qiqiqi also relaxed, showing a faint smile.

Frankly speaking, when at first made up her mind to discuss this matter with Bai Ze, she was a little uneasy. After all, Bai Ze was a “scholar” in the academy, with a distinguished status and a character equivalent to the Grandmaster. Moreover, the two were not familiar with each other, she was really afraid that Bai Ze would be unreasonable.

Bai Ze is a very good communicator, Qi Qiqi feels very thankful.

Since the meaning has been conveyed and understood, she immediately said to leave, not wanting to disturb the other party.

“Baize elder sister, if you have any needs, please tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you as much as possible.”

Said with a smile, Qi Qiqi Preparing to end this visit, he got up and left, but it was not long before she said the time and it was time for him to leave. Bai Ze actually made a request.

“I heard Sue Kirin say that there are books in your room?”

The unexpected question made Qi Qiqi unable to react for a while.

“Ah… yes.” She replied blankly.

“Since the Book Collection Pavilion’s books are responsible to Heavenly Jade Palace, there is nothing wrong with Palace Master Qi’s private book collection, right?”

What does this mean? Qi Qiqi blinked.

It took a while before she faintly realized that Bai Ze was staring at her book, and suddenly panicked, her face flushed disappointingly.

“No way!”

Qiqi Qi is completely exposed, waving her hands indiscriminately like a girl.

As if thinking her reaction was very interesting and surprising, Bai Ze “en?” with a different look, and Qi Qiqi felt even more embarrassed when she noticed it.


Qi Qiqi felt that her reaction was too shameful, and the reaction was very dramatic.

She shrank up unconsciously, biting her lip and slowly lowering her head. Her head drooped lower and lower, and when she was about to bury her head on the table, she suddenly raised her head and screamed.

What if it is discovered?

Although the books on Qi Qiqi’s bookshelf are decorated with various names of profound mystery, in fact, a large part of them are inconsistent with the actual names. There are some secular novels hidden under the book covers, many of which are love affairs Love novels that say love.

If Bai Ze really caught her eyes on her books and ran into her room to “eat” them, regardless of whether the books would be destroyed or not, just let the other person discover themselves She felt that the sky was falling down.

──”Do you know? Palace Master Qi actually likes love novels with dog blood!”

Qiqiqi’s thoughts jumped to the point that she could even imagine herself walking on the road, disciplines Whispering to discuss her situation when she did not like her identity.

Hate hate hate hate, this is too shameful!

Never let Bai Ze elder sister get closer to her study!

Qi Qiqi, who made up her mind, didn’t notice how strange Bai Ze looked at her now. She lifts the head quickly, and stares at Bai Ze with a serious and stern look.

“Absolutely not allowed!” She declared rigorously.

Then, as if Bai Ze was not allowed to have any meaning, Qi Qiqi immediately looked away, pretending to think of something and hurriedly said:

“Yes, Kirin said to go When you work, will you go with me?”

The girl whose eyes flickered unnaturally was so anxious that she didn’t pay attention to her name.

This series of changes is enough to be called “excellent”, and Bai Ze is an eye-opener.

She maintained a strange expression, silently squinted at Qi Qiqi several times, and saw that the latter’s expression appeared a little unnaturally distorted, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

“Part-time job?”

In the end, Bai Ze gave up and went on, only questioning him.

“Yes, that’s right!” Qi Qiqi was so happy, she immediately replied, “She said that she would go to Luoyang to work for a few days, and she also said that she is experiencing life…really, true Worried that she can’t take care of herself, can’t she make people feel relieved?”

As she talked, she was a little offline, Qi Qiqi sighed.

Then, she realized that she had said too much, and apologized for it, peeking at Bai Ze with her eyes upward and her chin down.

“The elder sister of Bai Ze was able to observe Kirin’s words and deeds more closely, so that he could be more intuitive when writing the biography, so I came to Heavenly Jade Palace, right?”

“One of the reasons.”

Baizawa replied face doesn’t change.

“The other reason is that just because you stay in one place for a long time, your field of vision will become narrow, and the things you should know will be missed.”

In other words, You just want to come out and have a look? Qi Qiqi understood Bai Ze’s meaning in her own way.

Bai Ze then answered the question:

“I don’t need to follow her when she goes to work, just let her come back and tell me.”

“You Are you afraid that she will lie to you?”

Qiqiqi has this problem, she just blurted it out.

“Is it necessary?” Bai Ze stared straight at Qi Qiqi, “I don’t think she will lie to me.”

Qi Qiqi also thinks not.

Sue Kirin will never fool about some important things. However, Qi Qiqi was still a little surprised by Bai Ze’s trust in Sue Kirin.

They hadn’t known each other for long, but Bai Ze was able to conclude that Sue Kirin would not deceive her. Not so much trust, but a feeling that she had already seen a part of the girl’s nature and believed it deeply.

“Speaking of Sue Kirin, there is one thing I have to remind you…”

Bai Ze suddenly condensed and threw out this sentence, when only the dim candlelight flickered The room echoed again.

“…what’s the matter?”

I don’t know why there is a bad feeling, Qi Qiqi hesitates a little.

So, the repressed words of Qi Qiqi came out from between Bai Ze’s thin lips.

“──Don’t hurt her again, it will lead to her destruction.”

The words echoed in the room.

The candlelight shook violently, drawing a distorted shadow.

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