There is no denying that Li Wanting makes a lot of sense.

People are always like this. As long as there is no pressure from outsiders, it is easy to ignore some things that you don’t want to face and deceive yourself into saying that there is simply no such thing.

But as soon as an outsider knows something, it often becomes difficult to escape from the other’s eyes.

And Xia Xue finally didn’t vent her anger.

After taking a few deep breaths, Xia Xue barely suppressed the anger that burned her belly, and her expression slowed down a lot.

“After all, she is connected to your relatives—bloodline. You have important things that many of us have lost, but do you want to ignore it?”

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Wanting, who had always been going straight back and forth, threw another question, with an open tone.

The “many people” in Li Wanting’s mouth must include herself. Although she was adopted later, her real relatives have long since passed away.

“…I cut off relations with them long ago.”


This question caused Xia Xue’s dissatisfaction.

“What do you mean?” she asked coldly.

Not afraid of Xia Xue’s giving tit for tat attitude, Li Wanting looked at Xia Xue with a look at her younger sister who was awkward.

“You can ignore it, but can you not feel it? The feeling of bloodline connection, and the reason why you don’t care about that home is because you are afraid that once you care about it , I can no longer control it to care about it.”


Xia Xue did not deny it.

She can’t deny it.

Although it can be stubborn again and again, it will only be in vain in front of Li Wanting, who is stubborn and a little bit stubborn.

One thing governs one thing, Xia Xue is not good at dealing with Li Wanting who is serious.

Because the other person’s eyes are always so direct, that kind of clenched gaze will not easily be shifted by a few words.

“You always have a knife and a tofu heart, we all know. In front of me, dare you say, can you really abandon that family completely?”

Li Wanting’s voice suddenly became low.

The solemn tone was like a huge battering hammer hitting Xia Xue’s heart.

“If you dare, in front of my face, tear up the letter.”

Xia Xue is like a drunk person, responding Very slow, looking at the letter in his hand, he didn’t move. She was silent and crumpled the letter for a while.

While the paper was wrinkled, there was a harsh and crisp sound.

Then, a self-deprecating sigh leaked from her lips.

“It turns out that you can also be full of beautiful words, always terrifying keenly where you shouldn’t be, did you deliberately?”

Xia Xue first gave Li Wanting a word of helplessness Sarcasm.

Without waiting for Li Wanting to make any answer, she stretched out her hand to open the letter, took out the letter paper and unfolded it, and read it quietly.

The charming lower case letters in the letter made Xia Xue sigh, and she tried not to show this feeling on her face.

The candlelight shook gently, telling the ebbing of time.

The letter is very thick, and she reads very slowly.

I don’t know how long it took, when the wick was over and the candlelight was dimming, she raised her eyebrows quickly, her eyes overflowing with incredible emotion.

“What’s wrong?”

Noting the change in Xia Xue’s expression, Li Wanting couldn’t help but take the initiative to take care of it, but the former did not respond, just continued to read the letter.

So, Li Wanting assumed the responsibility of the starting lamp and lit a new wick to replace it.

And when the room was bright again, Xia Xue also finished reading the letter.

She looked ugly, but she didn’t say anything, just handed the letter directly to Li Wanting.

“Can it be?”

Li Wanting asked suspiciously. After a long silence, Xia Xue was coldly snorted.

“Look, let’s see how stupid those idiots are, they just make you smile.”

Although I don’t know what was written in the letter, Li Wanting still Faintly feel that it is not a good thing.

She took the letter and started to read it.

However, Xia Xue left her seat and walked to the dressing table and began to wipe the hair that was still not dry with a cloth towel.

For a long time, only the rubbing of the letter paper echoed.

Li Wanting read a lot faster than Xia Xue, probably because she almost ignored some information and looked directly at the most critical part.


Putting down the letter paper, Li Wanting showed a surprised expression, speechless.

“How is it? It’s stupid.” Xia Xue asked with a faint smile.

“What are you going to do?”

Li Wanting didn’t answer but asked instead, her tone was rather urgent, with the charm of “the emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in hurry”.

When asked so directly by her, Xia Xue’s movement of wiping her hair suddenly stagnated.

“What can I do?”

A pair of sullen eyes appeared on the copper mirror of the dressing, and Xia Xue’s voice gradually rose.

“Do they treat me as a Divine Immortal or an omnipotent Deity? What’s the use of me going back in this situation? Can I make money?”

Angrily, the more I talked, the more I felt bored and uncomfortable, Xia Xue’s right hand swept everything on the dressing table to the ground, and a sound of debris falling to the ground sounded.

“It’s too late!”

She roared out these three words.

“Things have reached this point! Hopelessly.”

Furiously distorted, Xia Xue rushed to Li Wanting and snatched the letter. Tore it to pieces.

Wanting Li dumbstruck in the confetti dancing room.

“Waste, rice bucket! Can all the cash in a warehouse disappear out of thin air? And it is still not working well? Where is the emergency silver? Has it become the big fish on the official table? “

I was really mad. Xia Xue scolded and walked left and right. When she saw something, she knocked and knocked. Soon the whole room was devastated.

I picked up an antique vase and wanted to throw it to pieces, but Xia Xue was caught by Li Wanting who came back to his senses by her arm, so that the vase was saved from being broken.

“You calm down!” Li Wanting yelled.

That long-term sword-making exercise was much stronger than Xia Xue. She struggled for several times without breaking free, so she had to put the vase back into place angrily, and then threw away Li Wanting. Hand, quickly walked back to the table and sat down.

Finally, she calmed down a bit, and she did not continue to make a big noise.

The palm of Xia Xue’s hand on the table oozes a little bright red color, most likely it was accidentally injured when he hit the object just now.

“You are like a child!”

Li Wanting seriously reprimanded Xia Xue, and undoubtedly grabbed her palm and turned over to look at the wound, even though she repeatedly said it was okay. Did not let her withdraw the palm. Asking where to place the Jinchuang medicine, Li Wanting set out to take the medicine, prepared water and cloth, and started to help Xia Xue treat the wound.

The stinging pain caused by Jinchuang medicine powder sprinkled on the wound made Xia Xue frowned slightly.

“Is there really no way?”

When asked like this, Li Wanting did not look up.

Xia Xue sneered at first, but then she let out a deep sigh.

“The solution is not without…”

Things have not yet reached the desperate situation, and there is naturally a solution.

Xia Xue was just excited about that’s all just now, and now she calmed down a little bit. After her thoughts became clear, she also thought of several ways to deal with it.

The problem is that she is not at all very sure.


“I don’t want to hurt her, and I don’t want to hurt her…”

The eyes swayed slightly in the distance.

When the light is dark and dark, Xia Xue’s face is rarely stained with sadness.

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