“It’s really dirty…” Qi Qiqi cursed bitterly in a low voice.

Seeing that the two were chatting, they felt a little anxious. The moment they took off their pants and wanted to take them out between their thighs, they resolved it on the spot, and they were already full of foul language. Qi Qiqi, who was red, finally took action with shame and anger.

“You guys──!”

A girl is dragging her black hair dropping from the sky among the snow on the trees.

Her legs tightly wrapped in black socks have beautiful lines and tightness when they hit the ground, and when her black hair floats back down, there are circles of flames.

The girl who fell behind them was shaking with anger. She pulled out the long sword Tianli in her hand and pointed at the two men who looked back blankly.

“Look, I won’t cut what you said!”

The two thieves men who put their hands in their pants froze in place, completely confused. Where did this fairy-like girl come from, her eyes half-protruding, as if she would fall from her eyes at any time.

Before they reacted, they subconsciously clamped their legs.


The tall man spoke first and wanted to say something, but at this moment Shui Yuner and Gong Tianqing who jumped from the tree, and from The disciples of Lingyue Valley that appeared in the hiding place blocked his mouth.

The male disciplines of Lingyue Valley also clamped their legs, and they showed up in a rather awkward posture.

The two thieves glanced at each other, swallowed their saliva, and held their breath.

Qi Qiqi’s blushing face is full of terrifying anger. The long sword in her hand is dotted with a dazzling cold glow, which looks extremely sharp.

The inferior long sword hung around his waist may be cut in two at the moment it collides with the Tianli Sword, and the girl holding the sword is obviously a martial artist. More than a dozen people dressed up in Lingyuegu surrounded him.

The two thieves were quite wise in not doing the useless work of overestimate one’s capabilities.

They took their hands out of their trousers, quickly took off the long knives around their waists and threw them on the ground, raising their hands to express their willingness to surrender, apparently without blood on the spot.

I don’t even have the consciousness to remind other companions, it is indeed a mob… Shui Yuner thought to herself, but she didn’t dare to care, staring at every move of the two of them, her right hand held on the horizontal knife. On the scabbard.

As long as they have any unreasonable attempts, her knife will definitely kiss him instantly.

“It’s really unlucky…”

Looking at the crusade team gradually narrowing the encirclement net, Fat Dunzi pushed his comrade with his shoulder and said with a bitter face. .

His companion only rolled his eyes back, with a trace of regret hanging between the corners of his mouth.

Although the result of the conflict between the two sides will only be an overwhelming victory for the crusade team, a meaningless fight can be avoided in the end. Qi Qiqi relieved the strength focused on her wrist.


Qi Qiqi closed her eyes and sighed, and immediately after Hoan Kiem was sheathed, she turned her head and arched her hands to ask the brothers of Lingyue Valley:

“Can you please help tie the two together?”

“Hehe, Palace Master Qi is too polite.”

Ning Mengqi smiled back. , And then beckoned.

The two men dísciple of Lingyuegu who back of a tiger and waist of a bear immediately pushed the thieves to the ground, pressed their backs with one knee, and skillfully took out the rope to hold the two of them He tied his hands back and slashed them, warned them gloomily to “don’t think about messing around” and grinned with sharp teeth, before patted his hands and stood up again.

“Hmm!” Ning Mengqi nodded in satisfaction.

She showed two long canine teeth at the two thieves who were afraid that she would be swallowed by the martial demons. She was so frightened that they “噫──!” Then she turned to Qi Qiqi With a question of “Can you?”

“I’m going to trouble Ning younger sister.”

Qi Qiqi was ashamed of seeing something that shouldn’t be seen. Now I don’t have any idea of ​​communicating with thieves. I am happy to give it to Others do it for you.

“Good Le!”

Ning Mengqi happily replied, pulling out the dagger from her waist and leaning towards the thief who had just gotten up from the ground cross-legged.

The Sun Wheel is covered by dark clouds.

Holding the faint sunlight on her back, she worked hard to smile-especially the two pairs of small canine teeth, the crescent-shaped eyes squinted just right, so that her pleasing face was stained with a little brutality Color, on the contrary, makes people have one’s hair stand on end.

Looking up at the petite girl with wolf ears, the two thieves looked like a little bunny who accidentally met a beast, their eyes drifting in fear.

“Guess, what is my real body?”

The wolf-eared girl squatted down in front of the two with a smile, holding her face up and asking the question of unfathomable mystery. The wolf tail that stretched out from behind swept around vigorously.

Following the tail, their eyes all changed.

“It’s…It’s a martial demon…”

They should have noticed it a long time ago, but they just ignored it out of self-protection instinct.

However, at this moment, the tail is constantly sweeping the ground and making noises, to show its existence, and the two have to admit the facts before them.

It’s too dazzling, that is not what a person should have.

“Hey, do I ask you questions?”


The two reacted sluggishly, so Ning Mengqi paused again and again. Asked once.

The thieves were stunned and didn’t understand the special meaning of this question. They looked at each other and didn’t know if they should answer.

Seeing that the other party did not cooperate, Ning Mengqi shook the dagger in front of them.

Unexpectedly, she couldn’t hold her hands firmly for a while, and the dagger came out amidst the panic shout of “Hey Hey”, drew a beautiful arc, and poked the taller man’s legs. In time, he cut the trousers of his right thigh.

Some bright red oozes.

The man took a deep breath, and his companion on the side also held his breath as if he was deeply affected. In their eyes, the blade of the dagger and Ning Mengqi’s canine teeth flashed with the same cold light.

“It’s a dog!”

“It’s a cat!”

They yelled out the answers in their hearts one after another, answering rather eagerly, as if they were afraid of answering slowly. , The opponent’s canine teeth will sink into his neck.

If you were threatened, you might feel this way too, right?

Shui Yun’er has a complicated mood, after all, she still can’t completely treat the martial monster as a human being. She is getting used to it, but it will take some time.

Ning Mengqi, who had just pulled out the dagger, frowned dissatisfied, raised her head and stared at the duo and said:

“You are a cat, you are a dog! Really I am a cat and dog!”

She shook her short dagger and curled her mouth badly.

“It’s a wolf! It’s a wolf! The kind that eats meat!” Sure enough, when I heard that the charming little girl in front of me was a wolf, the two looked at each other again, swallowed saliva and said.

At this moment, they must have a strong illusion that they have become prey of wild beasts. The two thieves really felt that their bodies were filled with chill, and they could not help shaking.

They are just ordinary persons, not even martial artists, but there are a bunch of martial arts in front of them.

Those martial monsters who are rumored to be ominous symbols will swallow humans and tear people apart. They are the monsters in the stories they heard in their childhood. Deep-rooted concepts make them instinctively afraid of martial arts.

With dizzying eyes, their bodies flashed in their minds, bit by bit, gradually revealing the picture of bones and internal organs, and those who bite themselves were monsters in human skin.

The slender palm of the wolf-eared girl seems to be able to penetrate her body as easy as blowing off dust.

The intense fear that emerged spontaneously entangled the two men firmly like a big net. In fact, they were both scared and almost incontinent.

Those who are not afraid of martial demons are aliens. They – the world – must think so.

“I have a hobby, I especially like eating liar meat.”

Ning Mengqi pouted and said, suddenly “Yeah!” For apricot eyes. She acted cutely, but the two thieves were like lambs to be slaughtered, their teeth trembling.

The sound of “ge ge” clashing teeth seemed to please the girl.

The gradually deepened smile seemed to split to the corner of her cheeks, Ning Mengqi seemed to have become a monster, and her breath was heavy and fiery.

“You guys don’t like to withdraw lies, right?”

The two only squinted at each other this time and exchanged glances.

“Aunt… mother, we… know everything…”

It was the fat man who spoke, his voice was as dry as two dead trees rubbing against each other .

Under the intimidation of Ning Mengqi, this pair of fat and thin groups, who have suffered from the fear of being swallowed by the martial demon, acted very cooperatively. They have reached the “let them go east, they will go east”. To the point, as if they would agree to everything as long as they were not allowed to die.

There is nothing wrong with it.

They were reduced to thieves just to survive. They had no faith, no ideals, no dignity. They only lived to “survive”, they lived to satisfy their desire for food and clothing at the next moment.

I just don’t want to die, so I continue to live-what is more important in such a life than your own life and death?

So, they happily explained everything together, and they also took the initiative to say what Ning Mengqi didn’t ask about. The approximate number and realm of martial artists based on the number of people in the base, even The defense plan and loopholes were clearly explained, and finally they “enthusiastically” asked everyone in the crusade group if they didn’t understand anything.

“Well, I’m very satisfied.”

Ning Mengqi nodded approvingly, and stood up on her knees wrapped in white socks.

“You…you don’t eat us?”

The fat dunk man asked with a hoarse voice, coweringly.

He and his companion panted quickly, as if they had forgotten how to breathe. If the next answer is not as expected, they might be strangled to death by tension and fear.

“I don’t eat human flesh.”

With a very dissatisfied look, Ning Mengqi pouted and inserted the dagger back into place.

But at the next moment, her face overflowed with inexplicable sorrow, and her gaze suddenly turned away, as if she was gazing at the long past.

“…It’s been a long time since I had eaten it.” Her voice was blurred.

Have you ever eaten it? Shui Yuner sensed the unfinished meaning, but chose to ignore the past. She doesn’t like to be boring, so she won’t dwell on it.

Moreover, she, who has killed people, probably has no room to reprimand the other party.



The two thieves seem not at all to hear the girl’s mumbling clearly, and it’s probably worth it Fortunately.

Their voice prompted Ning Mengqi to return to her senses.

There was a little melancholy on her face, and she blinked her eyes, probably muttering what she said just now.

“It’s nothing.”

The well-proportioned soft body froze for an instant, Ning Mengqi bit her lower lip, and looked at the three people in Heavenly Jade Palace, seeing their faces As usual, only patted the chest and relaxed.

Then, she hummed cutely, pinched her waist and said to the two thieves:

“Also, one of you is too fat and the other is too thin, and the meat is definitely not tasty.”

The two were nodded like a chicken pecking rice, but Ning Mengqi’s conversation suddenly turned:

“However, no matter how unpalatable meat is, it is meat…”

Ning Mengqi squinted at the two of them, closing their mouths with great force. The two thieves were so frightened that they hugged each other and trembled before they were willing to give up. He asked several Lingyuegu dísciples to tie them to the tree.

The mouths of the two thieves were gagged by the cloth ball, and the annoying teeth chattering finally ceased.

Standing on the outside and watching Xihe so far, he suddenly walked to Ning Mengqi’s side, glanced at the two thieves whose crotches were wet for some time, and smiled bitterly, half love and half aversion Said:

“Mengqi, if you let Beiming’s elder sister know that you are naughty again, you might have to kneel on the washboard again.”

Ning Mengqi stuck out her little tongue. , Holding Xihe’s arm affectionately.

“I know that my sister and elder sister won’t tell the Master.”

“Ghost Spirit Essence.”

Xihe knocked on Ning like no other way. Meng Qi’s little head, the latter covered the place where it was knocked and smiled, and the wolf tail on the back of her waist was swaying from side to side.

“Qiqi, what’s next?”

Xi He turned to Qi Qiqi and asked seriously.

Qiqiqi frowned her pretty eyebrows and resolutely replied:

“Well, I’ll go talk to his leader, if they are willing to surrender, it would be better. .”

As Shui Yun’er thought, Qi Qiqi was not naive, she also prepared backup methods.

“But at the same time…can Xi and elder sister sneak into their base with the dísciple of Lingyue Valley? If they are not willing to surrender, we will…”

Obviously, it means courtesy first and then soldiers.

Xihe peeped into the red eyes that Qi Qiqi was looking at for a while, and then slowly scanned the disciples of Lingyue Valley, and after seeing that they had no objections, he asked coldly:


“Military force expelled?”

Qi Qiqi silently shook the head and said her intentions.

“No, this is not a temporary cure. Let them all be arrested and sent to the government.”

Xihe thought for a while, but did not object. Lingyue Valley’s dísciple didn’t show anything, so it was considered a default. Before the matter of Imperial Capital hasn’t faded, the government saw us sending a group of thieves, it must be quite complicated, right? Shui Yun’er thought so, feeling that his actions might make the Imperial Court feel disgusting, and inexplicably a little bit happy, she laughed unconsciously.

“Is there enough rope?” Qi Qiqi asked.

“I think it shouldn’t be enough.”

Gong Tianqing is very sensitive to numbers, and it is obviously not strange to have a general impression of the number of ropes.

“I think there should be more in it, we can draw on the spot.”

Ning Mengqi took the conversation and said.

Next, Qi Qiqi asked some questions about supplies, and after thinking about whether there were any omissions, she explained a few key points.

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