The girl realizes that how to clean her body is a problem.

She originally wanted to go directly into the stream to wash her body, but when she was stripped of her clothes, she saw the layer of cloth that almost tied her hands and feet into zongzi, but she remembered that the wounds had been treated and it was really hard to touch the water. , For a moment hesitated whether to skip the steps of the wound, and just apply medicine to the wound.

As a result, before she put it into action, as if she felt her thoughts, the voice of Qi Return to Origin came from somewhere in the forest.

“Dip those cloths with water and wipe them.” He shouted in a tone of “I just remembered.”

Is he peeping? Xiaoyu was taken aback, but did not cover his body. She observed the source of the sound for a while, and sure enough, from the distance between the trees, she saw a silhouette who was stooping to pick up firewood.

The other party’s sight did not fall on her.

After repeatedly confirming that the young man was not at all peeping, Xiaoyu took out a piece from the stack of cloth strips, tore off a small part of it, and began to clean the wound.

The wound on the waist is the deepest.

Only when the cloth towel touched it lightly, a burst of heart-wrenching pain spread from there, and it was full of limbs and skeletons, especially when medicine powder was poured on it, but the girl Can only grit his teeth and endure.

I don’t know if it was estimated. After the girl took care of all the wounds and put on the clothes again, Qi Return to Origin returned with a pile of dry wood.

“Everything is alright?” he asked, taking a look at the girl.

Little fish is nodded, and lightly replied “OK”.

“The medicine…I ran out.”

“I still have a lot of those things.”

Qi Return to Origin, put the firewood sticks on the ground. Lost, shook his left sleeve triumphantly.

I didn’t know what was put in it, but there was a series of clanging sounds along with his movements, and the number may be very large, so Xiaoyu was stunned for a while.

“Hey, do you like fish?”

Qi Return to Origin raises a new question.


The little fish who was still distracted asked rhetorically, pricked his ears. When she raised her head, she realized that Qi Return to Origin had already stood by the stream.

Qi Return to Origin, his shoulders collapsed, and he couldn’t bear to exhale as much.

“I was asking you just now–” he said helplessly, “Do you like fish?”

The little fish looked away, like Is thinking about certain things.

“I like it.”

A few seconds later, she gave an answer, her tone was flat, maintaining her proper pace.

However, the tail that suddenly swayed from side to side has already confessed the little excitement in her heart. After all, fish is the only thing a girl loves to eat before she meets dried fruit.

“I like it very much…” Qi Return to Origin said dumbfoundedly.

The little fish who had been guessed thoroughly, his cheeks immediately turned red. So it seems that Xiaoyu is still in a stage of lack of calmness.

After that, Qi Return to Origin began to build a campfire. He was obviously quite accustomed to sleeping outside, his movements were fluent, and soon he cleared the weeds to make a usable land, and he drew the firewood on it as if it were, and lit it with flint.

Originally, Return to Origin asked the girl to sit and wait, but she is not a person who likes to sit back and enjoy her achievements, so she volunteered to bring two rocks to sit on.

Now that the place is finally ready, the next step is to use it for cooking dinner.

Girls can’t touch the water, this part is naturally taken care of by Qi Return to Origin.

His method of fishing can only be described as “acrobatics”. He walked into the stream and drew his sword against the current. He set off a high curtain of water and staged a scene of drawing a knife and cutting off the water. , Immediately after the river water and the fish were sprinkled halfway, the sword was stabs swiftly. In just a few moments, about ten fishes were pierced into a string by the long sword.

“Am I good?”

“…Your sword will cry.”

Qi Return to Origin seems very complacent about this “Feat”, specially to show off to the girl, but only in exchange for her helpless complaints.

In fact, Xiaoyu knows that it is not easy to use the sword like an arm. Qi Return to Origin should have made a lot of effort to implement this fishing method.

“At least I can deal with it, slap a palm and so on…”

Qi Return to Origin muttered with difficulty, he flicked the long sword in his hand, those fish He drew a beautiful arc in file, and fell on a large rock by the stream to form a building. The technique was amazing.

Next, he took out a dagger from his sleeve and started processing the ingredients. Scrape the fish scales and take out the internal organs, and sprinkle salt and exotic flavored seasonings on the surface. After skewering them with wood sticks that have been cut off, they are brought to the campfire to start roasting.

“Why do you want to bake it?”

The little fish who has been sitting on the big stone with arms folded suddenly asked this question.

On the other side of the fire, Qi Return to Origin, who had just sat down, looked stagnant, and stopped wiping his hands.

“Uh…Did you eat it raw before?”

Little fish was nodded, and replied, “That’s fresher”, a pair of small canine teeth gleaming strangely under the firelight Light.

“Will it?” Qi Return to Origin touched his chin, “I haven’t tried it, and I don’t know whether it is fresh or not, but we generally don’t eat anything raw.”


“Yes, humans.”

Qi Return to Origin thought for a moment, then added:

“I used to I heard that some places have the habit of eating raw beef, but generally speaking, we don’t eat raw.”


Is it because Such a difference has kept human beings at odds with Wu Yao? Xiaoyu thought naively.

“Actually, it doesn’t have a flavor when it’s cooked.”

While talking, Qi Return to Origin took out a small bottle that didn’t know it contained and so on, and poured it on the dried Long sword Above the sword body. It should be something like grease, oily. After he smeared it evenly, the surface of the long sword seemed to be covered with a luminous film, and the peak of the sword blade suddenly became better than before.

“Is it a good sword?”

Although Qi Return to Origin is always working on the maintenance of the sword, he still notices Xiaoyu’s sight and is quite proud Asked.

“I don’t know, it looks very sharp.”

After staring at the white long sword again, Xiaoyu said what he felt in his heart.

“Cutting the iron like mud.”

Return to Origin, raise the long sword flatly, and gently wave it next to it.

The sharp wind sounded.

In the big tree not far away, a branch was cut cleanly by the sword energy, and fell to the ground feebly. The little fish once thought about the sword energy if the fruit fell on him What kind of consequences came, I couldn’t help but tremble. Is this the so-called “martial arts”? If you have learned it, will no one dare to bully yourself? Looking at the branches falling on the ground silently, Xiaoyu suddenly thought of learning martial arts.

“The sword was made by my Senior Brother.”

The youth used this as an opening remark to open the conversation.

“Our Sect’s sword-making room has been heard day by day. Although the weapon forged is not Divine Weapon, it is not bad, and this one in my hand is one of the best.”

“Is that’Sect’ a place where you can learn martial arts?”

When asked like this, Xiaoyu’s eyes were a little unnoticeable.

Noting the cryptic feeling, Qi Return to Origin was suddenly silent, as if he hadn’t heard her question.

He is probably evading the girl’s expectations.

“Would you like to see? My sword.”

Soon, the youth broke the silence and led the topic back to long sword. The girl more or less understood that he wanted to ignore the sensitive topic just now, and realized that he was also impossible to join those sects. Although she felt discouraged, she did not force it.

“Can it be?”

So, after thinking about it for a while, she decided to follow the direction of the topic led by the respondent.

“Of course.”

Qi Return to Origin smiled heartily, and answered quite simply, not knowing whether he was proud that his sword could be appreciated or satisfied The little fish can be so kind.

The two sat opposite each other, separated by a campfire.

In this way, Xiaoyu wanted to take the long sword to watch, so he had to get up and bypass the campfire.

But before that──

“Sit down.”

Qi Return to Origin got up first and walked towards the girl who just stood up Come, pass the long sword in front of her. The girl said “thank you” and reached out to take the youth’s sword.

That is a peculiar “Han sword”.

The sword has six faces. The flat spine of the sword is carved with a cloud-like pattern. The length is average and the weight is not as heavy as a normal Han sword. It has several points of lightness, but it is not a light sword. , Between the heavy and light swords, belongs to the category of relatively well-balanced performance.

And the inscription of the sword is──

“…the sky of the sky.”

Lightly touch the body of the sword and feel the coldness of the sword pattern With a bumpy touch, the little fish murmured the three words of flameboyant carved on the root of the sword.

“Is this the name of the sword?” She looked up and asked.

“strictly speaking, no.” Qi Return to Origin said to correct it, “its name only has the word’Sky’.”

“Sky sword……”

The little fish raised the long sword upright, and a cold glow flashed from the tip of the sword along the edge of the sword, making people think that those patterns had come to life.

I can only say that it is a beautiful sword.

Other than that, Xiaoyu doesn’t know how to describe it.

“It’s lighter than expected.”

The little fish returned the sky dome to Qi Return to Origin.

He didn’t take it right away, instead he didn’t know what he was thinking.

“It’s actually heavier than you think.”

After a while of silence, he smiled bitterly and took the sword. The words that seemed unfathomable mystery were mixed with deep helplessness. And sorrow.

“Will it?” The girl tilted her head.

That sword is obviously not heavy, she can lift it up with one hand.

“Yes…” Qi Return to Origin lightly sighed, returned to the original position and sat down, “The things attached to it are very heavy. Expect responsibilities, obligations, and ideas.”

Xiaoyu doesn’t understand these things very well, because she doesn’t have them.

“It’s just a sword.”

Hearing Xiaoyu’s words, Qi Return to Origin showed a bitter expression of “You really can’t understand”.

He put the sword into its sheath and set it aside, began to turn the grilled fish, and then when he turned to the third fish, he answered profoundly:

“The sword is not It must be just a sword, just as oneself is not necessarily just oneself.”

I can’t understand it again.

“A sword is a sword, and it is used to kill people.”

Apart from this, what else can it be? Since Xiaoyu is sensible, he has witnessed his compatriots die under human weapons many times.

The sword is also a kind of weapon.

The girl’s overly correct argument deepens the bitterness on the youth’s face.

“Perhaps as you said, the essence of the sword is a tool used to kill people.”

Qi Return to Origin replied with a sigh, the refreshing voice highlighted the dryness.

“But people are not!”

After a short pause, he emphasized firmly and solemnly, finally raising his eyes to stare at the girl.

“We can give the’sword’ a different meaning, and it is no longer just a murder weapon.”

This sentence is a little bit serious, so the girl cast a curiosity The look in her eyes, even though she actually knew it from the bottom of her heart, no matter how righteous she was, the essence of the sword would not change.

“…For example?”

The young man bit the girl’s eyes, and there was a certain kind of intense light shining in the star-studded eyes.


That was the two words that filled these two spaces immediately after a long silence.

“…defend?” The girl regurgitated the word blankly.

Beautiful words.

It is also a hypocritical word.

“Defend what you love, defend your beliefs, and defend your happiness.”

Things spoken by young people are the most vulnerable luxury items.

And all this is too far away from the girl, even if she wants to care, she can’t care about it, because she has never had these things, let alone her only thoughts, just a A place to hide yourself-a warm place.

After thinking for a while, the girl couldn’t help but ask:

“Through killing?”

There is no sarcasm, it is purely a curious answer, even if she sends From the bottom of my heart, I think it’s just a hypocritical excuse.

“Yes, I don’t hesitate to get blood.”

His expression speaks of a firm belief in faith.

When the girl realized, the problem had already blurted out of her lips.

“If…If I have a sword like this, can I stop being squeezed and bullied, can I embrace the warmth?”

This question is simply to make myself weak To be honest, the girl immediately regretted asking.


Qi Return to Origin, who was originally firmly propagating his beliefs, suddenly lost his words after hearing this question, his face was dumb, not for a long time. Any action.

Xiaoyu pursed his lips, and because he looked away embarrassedly with his face, Qi Return to Origin also wanted to speak and stopped again, causing embarrassing silence to fill the space.

At this point, time passed away bit by bit. In silence, the grilled fish burned more and more fragrant, and the unique aroma came out, but it didn’t help resolve the embarrassment between the two, until Qi Return to Origin suddenly shouted excitedly, “Alright!” and handed one of the grilled fish to it. When Xiaoyu asked her to taste it, the silence was finally dispelled.

“Thank you.” Xiaoyu politely took the grilled fish with both hands.

While Qi Return to Origin replied “you are welcome”, she took a small bite of the grilled fish.

The fresh and tender grilled fish is loose in your mouth, and the unique rich flavor blended with the umami of the fish, charcoal fire, and spices immediately spreads in the mouth, making the girl surprised and can’t help it. Take the second and third bite.

Seeing the girl concentrating on the grilled fish, Qi Return to Origin was nodded with some satisfaction.

Then, as if he had begun to think about a difficult problem, he suddenly lost his mind, his eyes, which were reflected in the fire, lost focus, and he just tried to stuff the grilled fish in as much as possible. The girl in the belly not at all.

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