Seeing Jialan said that he is an orphan, Sue Kirin “Uh…” gave the other party an uncomfortable look.

“Why do you have to apologize?”

Jia Lan tilted her head slightly as if she really didn’t understand it, which was pitiful.

Since the other party doesn’t mind, you don’t have to make it clear… Sue Kirin turned around again and shook his head to indicate that it was nothing.

“Cang Rin seems to be the descendant of a big cannibal.” Without going into details, Jialan returned to the subject.

She is still laughing.

But the smile in his eyes gradually faded, and he continued in a rather ambiguous and smooth tone:

“A hundred years ago, the North Kingdom once occupied many Western Regions. Now the North Kingdom There are also many people who have the bloodline of the Western Regions, and there are not a few mixed races.”

“A little bit beyond imagination…”

Everything Jialan said is actually easy to understand— -Territory cession based on war and national integration and migration are common things. What Sue Kirin doesn’t understand is that in a world that advocates “non-self races can be punishable”, why North Kingdom and Secret Sect can tolerate People of the same race served as Imperial Teacher and Saintess for this.

In this regard, Jialan’s answer is very simple:

“Because we are Grandmaster.”

——Short and powerful.

Sue Kirin feels that such a short answer is enough to solve a complicated problem.

“It’s like Beiming Youyu is admired as a martial demon.” Jia Lan pursed her lips with lack of interest, as if she didn’t want to talk about this topic, “The truth is the same. To put it simply, it is a kind of’utilization’. People need the power of’Grandmaster’, so they pay some price for it. The establishment of Lingyue Valley, the position of Canglin’s Imperial Teacher at first is based on a kind of The’utilization’ of the power of Grandmaster.”

It almost reveals the cruel and ruthless reality of reality.

Someone once said that the relationship between people is nothing more than “utilization” and “being used”. People are using each other. At the thought of this, the silent Sue Kirin collapsed his shoulders, feeling so boring and sinking, but he couldn’t deny this reasonable argument.

As if it felt the same way, Jia Lan said softly, “It’s really boring.”

After that, she got up from the water, her body floating on the white background filled with smoke.

“Hey, please raise your voice early, don’t you understand!” Sue Kirin scolded severely, and opened his eyes in a panic.

However, that scene is still engraved in the eyes.

The skin that should have been ravaged by Imperial Capital’s hard work has no scars, it is still jade-like crystal clear and flawless, although it is childish but the obvious waist and abdomen curves present a transparent beauty, and the ankles are slim It’s like breaking and breaking.

How much suffering has such a human body experienced with the owner? Needless to say, there are fishes familiar with Beiming. From the statements of others, Cang Lin, who has not had much contact, seems to have experienced many misfortunes.

Perhaps, Grandmaster was born from the ashes in suffering.

——People pass away in death, or gain achievement.

It’s like being a hero or turning into a dead bone in troubled times.

People have to enter the Grandmaster realm after all the hardships, but in the end, do they gain more or lose more? The two may be equal. In this way, maybe it’s not bad to spend a life in an ordinary life.

During Sue Kirin’s cranky again, Jialan was already on the water. She accelerated the movement of True Qi within the body, and the heat generated instantly evaporates the moisture on the skin—the same goes for her hair, and then she rustles on her clothes.

“Hey, Xiaolan.”

Sue Kirin wanted to understand the other party’s future plans, so when she looked over, Jialan had just put on her top, and her lower body was just fitted tightly. Clothing. Jialan seems to be the first faction to put on tops.

“What’s the matter?”

After bending one leg into the skirt, Jia Lan asked.

Sue Kirin was in the water before then, waved his fingers and spelled to disperse the moisture on his body, picked up the poorly worn school uniform and began to wear it.

“What do you plan to do next?”

Sue Kirin asked while wearing it, and Jialan, who was already dressed, replied briskly:

“Return to the Western Regions.”

Unsurprisingly, Sue Kirin let out an “Oh”.

“That seems to be parting ways…Speaking of which, why didn’t you go with Canglin, but with us instead?”

Leave the Imperial Capital, Cang Rin took the North Kingdom envoy and left without acting with various martial arts sects. Instead, Jialan wanted to act with them all the time.

“Who knows why?”

Jia Lan turned to Sue Kirin, thinking with her fingers against her lips very troubled.

A few seconds later, when she thought of the answer, she held up her hands, leaned forward to the right, and said slightly smiled:

“Maybe I hate the wolf riding. “

“Oh, so you also hate small fish and blue?”

“Yes, they are very boring, so I hate them.” Jia Lan embarrassed. Drilling the big yang acupoint with his fingers, “If you want to talk about who you hate, maybe you hate Cang Rin more. She doesn’t speak, it’s too boring. Very boring.”

“I thought you were talking to her It’s a good relationship.”

Sue Kirin said unexpectedly after he stopped putting on the skirt.

Jia Lan closed one eye.

“Did you forget what I just said?”

——Use and be used.

Thinking that this statement is really lacking in human temperature, and it seems cold, Sue Kirin looks disgusted.

“That’s right, you said something wrong just now.”

Jia Lan raised one leg high and turned around in a circle. She did not put on her shoes, but instead held it with her hands and stepped barefoot on the dirt.

“We are actually on the same road. Lingyue Valley is in the Kunlun Mountains, near the borders of the Western Regions and the Hua Dynasty.”

She took a few steps, stopped, and turned around. It seems.

“Are you going to send the fox back to Lingyue Valley?”

Yes, Sue Kirin answered casually.

In the Battle of the Imperial Capital, a fish in the North Ming was seriously injured. Although the visible wound has been healed under Sue Kirin’s treatment, the poison that invaded within the body has also been removed, but it was once eroded It is not that her body can be restored overnight, and it is urgent to return to Lingyue Valley-a safe place-to rest, but for safety reasons, Sue Kirin actively said to escort her back. Beiming Youyu was very dissatisfied with this at one time, but she couldn’t resist Sue Kirin’s combination of hard and soft. After the latter threatened to touch her ears, she gave in and invited the Heavenly Jade entire group to Lingyue Valley as a guest. It can also be regarded as contacting the relationship that was made before.

“So, we are on the same road.” She turned around completely.

As if feeling happy from the bottom of my heart for this incident, Jia Lan’s smile was radiant.

Then, regretfully, she suddenly remembered how her face was clouded.

“—would you hate it?”

Uneasy rippled in Jialan’s eyes.


For a while, Sue Kirin didn’t realize the meaning of the question.

She understands the meaning and meaning of the question, but still feels that she may have misheard it. How could Jialan show such an expression as if she was afraid of rejection?

Jia Lan also seemed to be surprised that she would show this expression. When she saw her reflection in the deep water, she was immediately stunned, showing a little shaky color. “Is this me?” She raised her hands and looked at it as if she was asking.

“I don’t hate it.”

The other party’s actions and expressions are really affectionate.

When consciousness came over, this sentence had already left his lips, and Sue Kirin followed along.

“It’s very annoying!” She used this as her opening remark.

Jia Lan’s expression changed a little without missing a word, Jiao Rong became a little sad.

“But, you saved me in Imperial Capital, and you saved Xiao Qi. This is a fact. I am a person who loves and hates clearly, so tentatively is a tie! What do you think?”

After Sue Kirin’s tone changed, Jia Lan’s expression instantly cleared after he added this sentence mischievously. Putting aside the twisted part, Jia Lan is just a girl with rich expression and has several points of grace.

“That…” Jialan walked to Sue Kirin, who had put on his clothes and stood up, took a step back, and then stretched out his hand, “Are you going to be my friend? Like? You, like a fox, become friends with me.”

The trembling voice tells a small wish.

That may be Jialan’s small wishes and expectations.

Unimaginable, her hands were shaking.

The girl who has inflicted malice on herself, her hands are shaking, shaking with anxiety and anxiety. Sue Kirin’s mood is very complicated. I don’t know what to do. I never thought that Jia Lan Union would extend the hand to myself and want to get a grip.

What is she looking forward to? What do you get from yourself to fill a vacancy somewhere in yourself?


Or is it something that makes her find interesting?

Sue Kirin didn’t know, but it didn’t prevent her from holding the white jade-like palm of Jialan.

She held it.

——Holding the girl who hurt herself and saved herself. Inexplicably affectionate girl.

Her palms are not as warm, cool and soft as imagined.

No wonder she hates cold water…Sue Kirin suddenly understands.

“Thank you, thank you.” Jialan’s smile is as dazzling as the Sun Wheel in the sky, and like a flower, with a wonderful tone entwining mysterious, “You are my first friend.”

The night breeze blows, and the golden hair rippling like waves, shining bright stars.

Jia Lan closed her eyes and clasped her hands in front of her chest, as if she had grasped something very important.

What did she catch? Sue Kirin has no way of knowing, but thinks it seems to be good.

Even if the opposition will come again someday, Sue Kirin cannot dispel the urge to hold that palm back. Do what you want to do now, and talk about the future things later! she thinks.

“——’Yin and Yang carp’.”

The meaning of longevity is filled in the words in the lips and in the eyes that are opened again, Jialan weaves mysterious words. Ancient and majestic words.


Jia Lan walked forward a few steps with her hands behind her back.

“This is a gift from me.”

“Wait, what kind of gift is this?” Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose.

“Whenever in the realm of Grandmaster, Xianyizhuang will set up a’biography’ on its behalf and obtain a corresponding official title. It is not a title taken in the market like’natural disasters’, but a real story. The title of the annals of history.”

Sue Kirin’s back Jia Lan said.

There is such a thing? Sue Kirin was a little surprised, he hadn’t heard anyone mention it.

“‘Yin-yang carp’.”

Jialan repeats it, as in Gao Ge.

“This is the title I think suits you best.” Jia Lan “I think the fox will give you the same advice.”

“…Yin and Yang carp.” Sue Kirin cudded blankly.

The three words seemed to contain some incredible power. She was in a trance, and the words kept echoing in her mind.

——”In the legend, at the moment when the yin and yang carp transformed into the Heavenly Dragon that controls the yin and yang, the fire of the sky and the thunder and the earth will be called, just like the forest is dragging under the sky of the Imperial Capital that day It’s like you are dancing.”

When Sue Kirin asked Beiming Youyu about the meaning of “yin and yang carp” soon, the pure white girl answered like this.

And she really realized the weight of “yin and yang carp”, but it was a long, long time later.

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