“It’s useless, because everything is already destined.”

The liberated Yuyao slowly fell to the ground, where countless rhizomes and vines were attached to the cracks in the ground and rolled out. Channeling, as if being lit, another floral scent, exuding a faint fragrance.

“God and godly guy, I think you are more suitable to be Secret Sect Saintess, full of fate and stars in ghosts!”

Jialan spit, kicking back quickly. Countless thorns rushed out from between the two, some of which stabbed Jialan, but she was unharmed, and the hard Vajra domain blocked all the attacks.

But Jialan obviously doesn’t like being controlled by others.

The golden handprints of palm after palm whizzed out towards Yuyao, where each palm fell was a detonation that shook the sky, and the formidable power contained in it was close to the full power attack of the sky. And the seemingly relaxed Jialan kept shifting her position, not staying anywhere. She was probably trying her best to avoid being trapped by rhizomes, vines, or dirt and rocks that would pour from the ground at some point.

Suddenly, the ground in front of Qi Qiqi swelled up without warning, and fierce thorns pierced through the soil. It is too late and then soon, Qi Qiqi gritted her teeth and was about to swing her sword to meet her. A golden rays of light swept from the side, sweeping away the thorns.

“Get in the way!”

Jia Lan flashed up and stood in front of Qi Qiqi.

She stomped her foot fiercely, and the ground split forward in a fan shape. Numerous vines lurking in the ground appeared among the cracks, and were swallowed by the golden light spreading through the cracks. .

“Don’t get in the way here, hurry up and take people away.”

Jia Lan glanced at Cangblue’s flower bud and reminded Qi Qiqi unexpectedly.

She is trying to help me—help us? Qi Qiqi was overjoyed, but it was not difficult to believe that she stood still in place.


Jia Lan spit out a word, and the ground suddenly vibrated up and down violently.

The two of them stood unsteadily for a while, their bodies slanted, and the twisted vines of numerous roots, thorns and vines simultaneously swept the whip and knocked Jialan away.


The girl crashed into a nearby building, and the building collapsed under unsupported force. The rubble was instantly dumped and buried under pressure like rain Got her silhouette.

“Ran Senior!” Qi Qiqi exclaimed in surprise.

“Okay, very good! Yuyao, it’s been a long, long, long, long, long time, not so embarrassed.”

With a strong True Qi voice, it stirred everywhere.

The building that had been turned into ruins suddenly exploded, and debris flew out, attacking indiscriminately in all directions. Yu Yao didn’t move, and the ground in front of him swelled and narrowed into a wall to block the fatal showers coming from Hengfei.

And Qi Qiqi is almost helpless with the rubble.

She swung her sword to block several pieces of debris. The strength contained in it shook her arms and saw more rubble coming one after another. She gave up the attack, turned and squatted down. Leaning on the flower bud behind, trying to protect the girl in the flower bud with his body.

However, the expected pain and even death did not come.

Qi Qiqi once suspected that she was dead, but the sound of fighting from not far away told her that this was not the case.

“Qiqi, are you okay?”

Hearing a little anxious voice in the cold, Qi Qiqi cautiously opened her eyes and turned her head to look away.

The Celestial Demon girl appeared before her eyes.

Behind Qi Qiqi, Xihe’s one-knee kneels, her violet eyes are full of worry, and the nine tails behind her spread out like a screen, blocking the misfortune that almost affected the pond fish.

“Why are you here alone?”

Xihe asked inexplicably, and at the same time confirmed Qi Qiqi’s situation, who was still in a daze.

Fortunately, no injuries.

A relaxed light flashed in her eyes, and then she inadvertently aimed at what Qi Qiqi was protecting.

“This is…” She hesitated, then startled: “This is Sue Kirin…?” She made this judgment based on the breath of the flower bud.

“Yes, Xixihe, you hurry up and think of a way!”

Qi Qiqi finally woke up and grabbed Xihe’s shoulder impatiently,

“She was like this all of a sudden, do you know anything? Hurry up and save her!” At the end of the talk, Qi Qiqi’s tears couldn’t help but flow again. “This…” Xi He was speechless for a moment, and his face was full of not knowing what to do. “I don’t know…” she said slightly disappointed.

At this time, another violent True Qi swayed from the other side, causing the two to shake.

“It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let’s go back to Xianyizhuang first…” Xihe glanced at the back from the gap in his tail, “Yiqi, you come first, I will take you away.”


“But…Kirin, she…I…no, she…”

Qiqi Qi was so anxious that she was talking nonsense.

“You calm down!” Xi and loudly shouted.

Qiqi Qi was frightened by Celestial Demon, and her body froze instantly.

After she bit her eyes in a daze, Xihe softened her voice and persuaded:

“I understand how you feel, and I am also very worried. But It doesn’t help to stay here, Beiming’s elder sister might know something. It’s the best way to bring Xue-Kirin over and let her see. She is experienced and knowledgeable, and there should be a way.”

“I…I know.”

Qiqiqi lowered her head, ashamed of her humiliating reaction just now. It’s so useless, Qi Qiqi…she secretly scolded herself for disappointing.

“Don’t be depressed, if Beiming’s elder sister encounters this situation, my reaction will be more embarrassing than you.”

Xihe comforted Qi Qiqi thoughtfully, and then said The other party stood up with grateful gaze.

“Jia Lan Senior, Beiming’s elder sister wants me to tell you that she will break through with Canglin! Please come and meet as soon as possible!”

Xihe turned around, tentatively Bei Ming had Yu confessed to Jia Lan. In order to say this, she had been chasing Jialan, who was spinning frantically at Imperial Capital for a long time.

“That stinky fox really can call people!”

From the center of the battlefield, Jialan’s unconvinced reply came, but at least there was no obvious rejection. Xihe once again yelled out of the air: “Please focus on the overall situation!”


After tearing off the twisted vines, Jia Lan was unwilling Nodded.

Seeing that the other party finally agreed, Xihe felt relieved, and suddenly felt that most of the weight on his heart had been removed.

“Okay, Qiqi, let’s go. Hurry up and take Kirin back to meet Beiming’s elder sister. Time is running out, it’s sunset.” Xihe said, Qi Qiqi raised her eyes and looked up It’s getting dark. The clouds are still heavy and the snow is falling.

But the faint flaming red that leaked out between the clouds proved that the setting sun hidden behind was about to disappear behind Western Mountain.

When Qi Qiqi retracted her gaze, she found that Xi He had stripped off a piece of clothing, almost completely exposed to her gaze. “Xihe, you…” Qi Qiqi was puzzled, but Xihe gave her off her clothes instead.

“It will ruin the clothes.”

Xihe laughed in trouble, and her body burst out with a strong white light at the next moment. Accompanied by the tearing sound of her underwear being pulled apart, the white silver hair gushes from her body.

Qi Qiqi subconsciously blinked her eyes, and then she saw the huge alien beast filled with the picture in front of her.

──A beast like a cat and a tiger.

If it weren’t for the nine tails flicking behind the giant beast, she probably wouldn’t be able to immediately realize that the giant beast in front of her was Xihe himself.

“Come up, it’s faster.”

The warm, rough and low voice spit out from the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, returning to the real Xihe before stepping In one step, the sharp claws cut into the ground like mud. “Quick!” Nine Lives Cat fell to the ground.

Qi Qiqi didn’t doubt that he had him, she immediately moved the egg flower bud that was wrapped around the girl to Xihe’s back and rode it up, grabbing Xihe’s hair with one hand, and holding the flower bud with the other. With.

“I’m leaving.”

Nine Lives Cat got up, Qi Qiqi’s vision immediately doubled.

“It will be very shaken.” Xihe reminded.

Qiqi Qi instinctively lowered her figure, lay on the flower bud, and pressed it firmly.

Nine Lives Cat stopped speaking and ran out as if sliding on the ground.

Its steps are quite large, each step spans an unreasonable distance, and it leaves the street corner at once, and rushes to the direction of Xianyizhuang.

Just as the distance between Nine Lives Cat and Xianyizhuang was reduced by half, Xianyizhuang suddenly swung into the torrent of True Qi.

Shouts full of killing intents followed.

They have already begun to break through! Qi Qiqi was shocked and anxious. Xihe also quickened his pace immediately, not wanting to miss the opportunity to meet them.

And as if it were an appointment, there was a shocking sword energy in the direction of Tianju Street swaying high into the sky, cutting out a terrifying crack in the clouds.

The red light of the setting sun sprinkled from the cracks and dyed the entire Imperial Capital red.

Then, murderous intention stopped.

Countless crossbow arrows fell from the sky.

“Hurry up!”

Xihe reacted quickly, and his nine tails swung around, smashing the crossbow arrow one after another.

However, even though it was she, she did not realize that the ghostly silhouette coming from the blind corner of the shadow caused the attacking tail to slow down a beat and passed by behind the black shadow.

“Sue Kirin, take your life!”

The pitch-black dagger tore through a corner of Qi Qiqi’s vision and pierced the flower bud under her.

That would be a fatal blow.

Qiqiqi’s body moved before her consciousness could react.

She stood up to the dagger.

──She had already made up her mind to spare her life.

Seeing that she has been hit hard, she is determined to take away Sue Kirin’s life without even caring about her own shadow. The shadow of Sue Kirin’s life approached, Qi Qiqi closed her eyes.

This may be another world.

There is no cloud in the sky, and the endless sky extends endlessly to the depths of the other end; a few blooming trees stand scattered in the field of view; the clear sea covers the earthy ground, as I do not know Where did the breeze come from with shallow ripples.

The Sun Wheel hanging high in the air is bright, but its light is exceptionally soft.

The sea shining with golden sunlight is not deep, only touching the ankles, it is just right to cool.

Sitting on a big rock, Sue Kirin looked around blankly.

She is naked, but because of this, the natural touch is more real.

Where is this place?

Sue Kirin is hazy and doesn’t know where he is. When she came back to his senses, she already found herself in this strange place-a place that made her feel cordial and comfortable.

“It’s your own choice.”

An extremely familiar voice came from behind.

No, it’s far beyond familiarity. That is Sue Kirin’s own voice. The original voice. It was a male voice, Sue Kirin’s voice before this World.


The consciousness gathered in an instant, and Sue Kirin quickly turned back.

In the fuzzy mottled light and shadow, the rapidly changing light outlines his outline, and then it gradually becomes clear.

“…How is it possible.”

When Sue Kirin finally saw the face of the incoming person, Sue Kirin was so surprised that she turned pale and left Dashi and stood up.

A ripple came from the foot of the person.

oh la la ──! The cool water lapped like waves on Sue Kirin’s bare feet. She stared straight at the visitor-the man with his own past face.


The man tilted his head, and his messy hair tied into a ponytail shook slightly.

“The world is full of probability, why is this impossible again?”

“Who are you…?”

Sue Kirin took a step back, The place where the foot fell was another ripple, spreading to where the man was. It’s simply connecting two people.

“I can be you or everything.”

“Fake a Profound Void!” Sue Kirin did not forget the danger Qi Qiqi faced, “Hurry up and let me go Get out.”

“Let it out? You can go out at any time by your own will, just as you come in by your own will.”

The man steps out and gets closer, Sue Kirin backed away again and again, feeling scared. It is also such is human nature to be afraid to see my past self suddenly appear in front of my eyes as an independent individual.

The ripples caused by the steps waved and collided between the two of them, and then wave after wave, spreading in all directions, as if reflecting the shaking in Sue Kirin’s heart at this moment.

“Do you want to save them?”

Although they did not specify, Sue Kirin knew that “they” was referring to Qi Qiqi Shuiyun’er or even Beiming had fish and the others-those she loves.


Sue Kirin couldn’t help stopping. The man came to her and looked down at him.

It should belong to my own face.

It should be my own voice.

It should be his own posture.

“Who are you?”

“It doesn’t matter. The important thing is, what do you want to do now?”

──”I must I will return to you.”

Sue Kirin remembered the promise with Qi Qiqi, so without the slightest hesitation, he replied:

“I want to return to her–their side “Then—” The man pointed to his left chest, where his heart was, “Kill me.”


He let me kill he? He let me kill myself? Sue Kirin lose one’s head out of fear. A sword made of light suddenly appeared in her hand.

That is an extremely deadly blade.

As long as you use it to pierce a man’s chest, you can surely kill it.

“Kill me, and I will take your past and disappear into nothing. You will no longer be confused, and you will be who you are now. You must abandon the past that cede you, and then Go and save them?”


Sue Kirin stared blankly at the sharp blade in his hand, tangled. She has a strong hunch that as long as she kills the man, she can return to Qi Qiqi’s side, but she will also lose something extremely important because of this.

Something called the past.

There is also the fetters with everyone in the past-her niece, her Master, and even Qi Return to Origin itself.

And after the loss, everything will become reasonable.

She may just as well become a person of this World, and she will no longer feel confused about her true or false.

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