The All-League of Legends Starts From the Heavens

Chapter 360: The Proud Stalker and the Iron-blooded Proving Ground

Another few months in the world of Suicide Squad, witnessing the resurrection of Superman and the failure of SteppenWolf once again.

But this time, Lu Wu didn't get involved. He just sent Rick, who had already accepted his fate, and the newly formed contingent to join in the fun and help the Justice League a little bit. It was a good relationship.

Then, before Darkseid came, he immediately chose to return.

After all, with the strength of the card master, even with the help of the witch, it is difficult to fight against the dark monarch.

And he has experienced it once, and there is nothing new in repeating it.

In general, the mission process was very easy, basically spent in fishing, without any effort at all.

Lu Wu himself was having fun, which also matched the card's slick and elegant tone.

Good good, good good.

In addition, the souvenir brought back from the mission is actually the doll in the movie that contains the witch's soul.

The system has hinted him more than once that he can try to open it, which may be helpful for future tasks.

Lu Wu turned against the system, put the puppet and the mantra lasso brought back from the previous world together, and didn't look at it again.

He's not stupid, and based on the system's reaction, this puppet is obviously a real guy.

The resurrection of the witch is to find a host, and he is the only one in the entire mysterious space, and its ending can be imagined.

The system has repeatedly explained that it will not harm the host, and with its suppression, the witch will only become a spirit behind Aphelios' sister to provide him with power.

Lu Wu finally refused, he had been with the witch for a while.

Turning an ex-girlfriend into a spirit behind you, it is estimated that every day you can feel what it is like to feel the cold on the back of the spine.

The system was rubbed hard for two days, and he found that he was unmoved, so he gradually gave up.

However, Lu Wu became more and more suspicious of what the system wanted to do. It had no interest in the loot it brought back before, but this time it was uncharacteristic.

Do you really want him to play Aphelios in the next world?

So, Lu Wu hurriedly went to choose the machine to verify his conjecture.

But the final result was slightly different from what he had guessed, and of course it could be the reason why he didn't use a doll.

[Mission World: "Alien vs. Predator 1"]

[Play object: Proud Stalker - Rengar]

Now that all the selections have been made, Lu Wu was too lazy to scoff, just as the time was almost up, he immediately chose to start a new task.


In 2004, an artificial satellite named PS12 under Wieland Corporation took a special image while scanning the Antarctic plate.

A few hundred meters below the surface of Bouvet Island, north of Antarctica, an eerie building is radiating heat to the outside world.

Wieland's scientific department soon carried out imaging studies of the heat source.

It turned out that it was a strange structure resembling a pyramid.

On the same day, this news was sent to the current president of Wieland Company, Charles Wieland.

The aging billionaire immediately decided to send a team to the field to investigate.

and led by him.

As a super-large multinational enterprise serving billions of people around the world, Wieland Corporation, relying on its strong financial resources, has assembled a group of the world's top explorers, scientists, engineers, and archaeologists in a short period of time. expedition team.

In addition to Wieland's own well-equipped security team, the group headed to Bouvet Island, which is about 1,600 kilometers north of the Antarctic continent.

At the same time, in outer space not far from the earth, a black spaceship with a strange shape aimed at Bouvet Island and launched a powerful blue beam.

The ice layer accumulated over thousands of years was melted in an instant, forming an extremely precise cylindrical passage between the ground and the mysterious pyramid deep underground.

These hundreds of meters of thick permafrost and ice layers, with the existing technology of mankind, combined with the top-notch drilling team, also took 7 days to get through, and the spacecraft took less than 7 seconds to complete the whole process.

When the Wieland expedition arrived at Bouvet Island on an icebreaker and went to great lengths to transport the drilling vehicle to the island, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The entrance to the passage is on a towering ice rock directly behind an abandoned whaling station.

The original target of the expedition was also this whaling station, because the pyramid is located below it.

This seems to be a gift from heaven, providing a great convenience for Charles Wieland, who is eager to enter the pyramid.

So, he immediately decided to send someone down to find out.

This decision was strongly opposed by the expedition director Chris Wood, who is a woman and a young woman, but is already an experienced old explorer.

Especially in polar exploration, there is no one better than her in the whole world.

At the same time, Kleis is also the soul and backbone of the entire team. Without her participation and guidance in this expedition, Wieland himself would not have dared to take risks.

But in fact, what Chris is against is not the entry channel, but should not rush into it without preparation.

At the very least, you should figure out what's going on and make plans.

Otherwise, in the depths of the underground where there is no rescue, if there is any danger, there is a high probability that the entire army will be wiped out.

Unfortunately, no matter how good she is, she is only a guide and can only make suggestions. The real decision is made by the boss, Charles Wieland, who has thrown money for the expedition.

However, Wieland still took care of Chris's emotions and told her.

"If we want to know what's going on, the only way is to find out."

It is not the first time that Chris has cooperated with Wieland and Wieland. She understands the old man's temper very well, and she is also a little persuaded.

After all, if you are always timid and look ahead, you cannot be regarded as a qualified explorer.

After she figured it out, she no longer objected, and began to prepare for going underground with the rest of the team.

Drill holes in the ice walls in the passage, drive in steel nails and lighting equipment, and build down ziplines.

After dozens of minutes, everything was ready. The experienced Chris took the lead, Wieland and the expedition team were in the middle, and the equipment needed for various expeditions was at the end.

The rest stayed on the ground, set up zero-hour bases, and monitored the expedition at all times to help if necessary.

While the group was in full swing, the previous spacecraft had already entered the atmosphere, and was silently monitoring the progress of the expedition over the whaling station.

Due to an impending storm, plus the stealth technology of the ship's height.

Humans don't know it, they are being targeted by a terrifying outer space life.

Waiting for the expedition to penetrate the passage, the spacecraft released four landing modules on the ice a few kilometers away from the whaling station.

There were only three in the original plan, but there was an uninvited guest inexplicably.

But neither the spacecraft nor the creatures in the landing capsule noticed anything unusual.

This special landing module was separated from the main force in mid-air and landed on the other side of the whaling station.

The slender cabin shaped like a missile plunged into the ice, splashing a lot of snow, and then the hatch opened slowly, and Lu Wu, who had been inside for a long time, squeezed out with great effort.

Compared with the Predator, who is similar in size to a human-scaled version, Lu Wu's stature is relatively strong now, so the landing capsule is a little narrow for him.

But Lu Wu thought to himself that his figure was very beautiful, at least stronger than the ugly Predator.

The generous flesh pad stepped on the snow, causing him to shiver involuntarily.

Between breaths, two strands of white cold breathed out from his nostrils.

Fortunately, the hair is thick enough to prevent him from being frozen to death.

Seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Lu Wu bent down, landed on all fours, determined the direction through his innate keen sense of smell, and then ran and jumped quickly in the snow, flexibly like a snow elf.

In just a few minutes, he was near the whaling station.

Occupying the commanding heights of the ice rock behind, Lu Wu crouched down and observed the movements of the humans below.

In the cold wind of the polar night, the hair on his head like a lion's mane is constantly fluttering, and the longer mane is braided into several thick braids, and the teeth and claws of some unknown creatures are tied to it. .

The ferocious fangs were exposed, and a azure blue eye was like a star.

The other eyeball was covered by a blindfold, revealing a ferocious red light.

His arms are as thick as pillars, and two armored stomachs with a clearly barbaric style are placed on his shoulders. When his claws are lightly scratched on the ground, the ice that has been frozen for many years as hard as iron is easily crushed.

While the white fur provided him with better concealment in the ice and snow, it also made his whole person (beast?) look majestic, revealing the wildness deep into the bone marrow.

There are many things hanging from the girdle around his waist, most of which are trophies, and the rest are hunting tools.

The triangular nose with obvious feline features twitched a few times, and Lu Wu smelled three scents that did not belong to humans.

"It seems that you are not slow."

When Lu Wu thought about it, his body gradually became transparent and he hid himself.

Unlike the Predator's optical stealth technology, he is a magical power and is better than Predator in terms of invisibility.

The only drawback is that when the distance is too close, the hunter breath he exudes from the inside out will be detected by the prey, thereby increasing the alertness in the heart.

But at that distance, it means that the prey is close to death.

The infiltration of the three Predators seemed casual, perhaps due to lack of sophistication, or perhaps with the pride of any creature's youth.

They clearly ignored the people left behind at the whaling station, even with guns in their hands.

As a result, when a Wieland security guard was patrolling, he clearly heard the voices of iron and blood communicating with each other.

This kind of "clicking" is like a clicking vibrato of colliding teeth. It is a language unique to the Jagged Race, and the security does not understand the meaning.

But it was enough to remind him that something was nearby.

He raised the gun in his hand, looked around vigilantly, and called out his friend's name several times to prevent it from being a prank among his companions.

In the end, I couldn't wait to respond, but waited for the hunter hiding in the dark.

One of the Jagged Blood stabbed the security guard's heart with the sharp wrist blade on his forearm. Before he died, the security guard saw two strange blade tips covered with blood but still as transparent as crystal.

The screams before his death alarmed many people, so the Jagged Bloods accelerated the slaughter.

Bouvet Island is a proving ground specially set up for young iron-blooded people. In order to prevent the leakage of information, every young man who comes here is obliged to kill all the creatures they see.

The humans at the whaling station were just appetizers, just right to warm up.

After killing all these people, the three Jagged Blood entered the passage after confirming that there was nothing left.

Soon after, Lu Wu also came to the entrance of the circular passage.

A hole drilled perfectly at a 30-degree angle will make most obsessive-compulsive patients feel addicted.

Lu Wu lightly jumped on the zip line with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters, and then stepped on it and ran down.

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