The All-League of Legends Starts From the Heavens

Chapter 317: Creature's wailing level is increasing (2 in 1

Starting from the heavens, the 317th chapter of the entire League of Legends is being interpreted. The level of mourning of creatures is increasing (two-in-one chapter)

"Professor Xavier said that I built a "Book of Weishandi" relay point in this universe?"

"Can you take me there?"

Strange put aside his thoughts and asked about business.

But Kristin didn't trust him: "I can't trust you."

"I know exactly what happened." Strange said sincerely: "It's a pity that I in this world did that, but you have to believe me, the Book of Weishandi is the only way."

Christine seemed to recall something: "Yes, your way... Your tone is exactly the same as his now."

"He insisted on going his own way and killed many, many people."

At this time, America next to her said, "This Stephen is different."

Afraid that Christine would not believe it, the girl also emphasized it:

"it is true!"

"The other Stephens are not important, he is different from them."

After speaking, America looked at Strange, her eyes full of trust.

Christine was also looking at him, as if hesitating.

Suddenly, an inexplicable gloomy wind blew in the corridor where the three were, and the lamps on the ceiling kept flickering.

You don't have to think about it to know that it should be a witch chasing after him.

So, Kristin no longer struggled, took out a circular plastic piece like a remote control, and opened the shackles on Strange's wrist.

"Don't let me down, Stephen."

"No." Strange moved his wrist and said, "Can we go?"

The whistling in his ears was getting louder and louder, proving that the witch was coming soon.

"Follow me!" Christine didn't talk too much, and immediately ran towards the relay point with the two of them.

Running out of the corridor, passing through seven or eight abandoned rooms, and then walking down a rusted staircase, the three came to a shelter-like place under the Illuminati headquarters.

Seeing that after running for so long and not arriving at the destination, Strange finally couldn't help but ask, "Where is the relay station?"

Kristin pulled down the switch on the wall and turned around and said, "The bottom of the river."

Immediately afterwards, a closed thick iron door slowly opened in front of the three of them, and inside was an archive room full of various paper materials.

However, because no one came for a long time, the surface of the materials was covered with a thick layer of dust.

On the other side of the archives, there is a dark and deep tunnel with mottled blue bricks exposed, which looks very old.

The three quickly ran in, Christine activated the switch on the wall, and a gate fell to close the tunnel entrance.

Because it is located at the bottom of the river, the tunnel is very humid, and there is a lot of water on the ground. As soon as you enter, you can hear the deafening sound of running water above your head.

Fortunately, there is enough ventilation inside, and there is no unpleasant smell.

Every time he ran a distance, Christine would activate a switch on the wall and let down blast doors strong enough to withstand a nuclear bomb explosion, in order to hinder the speed of the witch's progress.

In the end, after twisting and twisting and running for nearly a thousand meters, the three of them finally got out of the tunnel.

The vision suddenly opened up, and a room full of debris and iron-framed beds appeared in front of them, and the architectural style seemed to be left over from World War II.

At first Strange really thought it was abandoned, but later realized that it was a disguise set up to protect the relay station.


America bent over and asked breathlessly.

"Maybe." Strange looked back at the tunnel blocked by dozens of gates, not daring to jump to conclusions too early.

"What shall we do next?"

He asked about his unkempt, flushed ex-girlfriend.

Christine was also gasping for breath from the long run.

After a while, she pointed to an iron door full of mottled rust not far away, and said, "The Book of Emperor Weishan is inside, but only Stephen can open this door."

Strange heard it, and stepped forward to try it to see if he could open it.

As a result, just a few steps away, from a dark corner, a round object the size of a basketball rolled to his feet.

"Be careful!"

America immediately grabbed a corner of the magic cloak and pulled him back.

Strange staggered back a few steps, fearful for a while, but fortunately America responded quickly enough, if it was a bomb, they would have explained it here.

"Thank you, kid."

"You're welcome... ah!!" The girl just wanted to be humble, and inadvertently glanced at the round object on the ground, she screamed in fright.

"Yes... it's a human head!!"

Then, and Kristin, who was also taken aback, hid behind Strange.

Strange frowned and looked at the head without speaking for a long time.

Most of the skin on the head turned a terrifying purple-black, like a strange bruise, and more than a dozen tentacles swam between the mouth and nostrils, like maggots.

The two cloudy eyeballs opened to the widest, staring straight at the three of them, as if they had something to say.

After a while, Christine, who was hiding behind him, seemed to recognize the owner of the head and hesitated: "Mordo... Baron?"

"It's him." Strange slowly stepped back while protecting the two women, and looked around vigilantly.

"Apart from Mordo, someone else got here before us."

"Who is it?" America asked.

"Void..." Strange was thinking, whether to risk rushing to the opposite iron gate, or to return the same way.

Reason told him that there must be something hidden in the dark corner, and it might pounce on the three of them at any time.

But if you leave like this, let's not say whether you will meet the Scarlet Witch, it is impossible to get the "Book of Emperor Weishan" in this life.

"Come on, let's get out of here!"

America exclaimed in surprise, "Ah? Why?"

"We're about to get that book."

Christine didn't speak, but she also questioned Strange's decision.

"It's dangerous here, I don't have time to explain it to you!"

After Strange finished speaking, he took the hands of the two and forcibly took them away from here.

However, as soon as the three of them turned around, they heard a rustling sound coming from the tunnel. It sounded like some kind of object was flowing, and it seemed like many things were running.

"Is there any other way out?" Strange asked very eagerly.

Christine shook her head in despair, she was not stupid, of course she understood what the situation was now.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind, and the chances of the three of them surviving are slim.

When the two didn't know what to do, America made up her mind and slammed into the air beside her.

The dazzling white spot suddenly lit up, and the brilliant fragmented starlight opened up a passage to other universes.

"I succeeded, I succeeded!!"

America yelled excitedly and kept jumping in place.

A surprise flashed in Strange and Christine's eyes, they seemed to be saved this time!

"Come with me, I'll take you out!"

After the girl finished speaking, she was about to rush into the space channel of the five-pointed star, just like she did when she traveled through the universe before.

But at this moment, a fiery red tentacle like a chain broke through the darkness in the corner and stabbed into the girl's chest at lightning speed.

America's wheat-colored skin rippled, and the tentacles of the void wriggled into her body, greedily sucking up flesh and blood, while releasing vicious power.

She instantly lost her self-consciousness, her pupils dilated, her limbs spasmed, and her mouth opened slightly, making a ho-ho inhalation sound.

The space channel that lost its support disappeared, and the three people's retreat was cut off again.


Strange shouted anxiously and rushed forward to try to rescue the girl.

But the second tentacle had already stretched out from the darkness, heading straight for his back.

At the critical moment, Christine, who was just an ordinary person, had the courage from some unknown source, and awkwardly knocked Strange away with his shoulder.

The tentacles as sharp as knives easily penetrated her lower abdomen and lifted her into the air.

The extreme cold quickly approached the heart along Christine's wound, almost stopping it from beating. The evil purple light covered the whole body, which was the pulsation of void in the body.

She began to feel a horrific wave of disgust, her throat twitching, retching, and a mass of tar-like fluid coming out of her mouth.


Christine called Strange's name subconsciously, not wanting him to save herself, but wanting to see him again before dying.


Strange, who was knocked away, rushed to his ex-girlfriend and tried to straighten his arm to grab her hand, but was swept away by a sudden third tentacle.

In the end, it hit the iron gate full of rust.

"Damn, don't touch her!" Strange struggled to get up from the ground and roared into the dark corner.

The next second, the familiar golden one-eyed slowly emerged from the darkness.

Whispered softly: "The creatures seem to be seeking their female counterparts."

"She loves you deeply, and you love her too."

"Am I right, Stephen?"

Strange closed his eyes in despair, then quickly reopened them, trembling, "How are you going to let her go?"

The monster shook its tentacles and pulled the girl and Christine back in front of it, gigantic eyeballs staring at them unblinkingly, as if admiring some priceless work of art.

"She? I have two "shes" here, which one are you talking about? "

"I said them!" Strange gritted his teeth.

"You are too greedy, Stephen." The monster rolled his eyes: "I have given you many opportunities, but you have never cherished them."

"So, now you can only choose one."

It lifted Christine first, then America.

"Do you want this older person?"

"Or this young one?"

"Or you can follow my advice and choose the latter."

"I have already tasted it for you just now, this girl is a little more delicious."

Strange looked at the two ladies left and right, and made a decision in his heart: "After I choose, will you let us go?"

"Maybe I'll consider it." The monster slowly approached: "I'm looking forward to your choice, let's get started."

Strange knew that he did not have the capital to negotiate conditions, and he had to make a choice whether Void would let him or not.

So he said directly: "I choose that girl."

"Well... as expected." The monster lost interest.

"I thought love would break through all obstacles, but it turned out to be far less powerful than I imagined."

"Or, you don't actually love her that much."

Strange retorted firmly: "There is something far more important than love that is worth doing!"

"I love her a lot, but I also hope she understands my choice."

Unlike America, Christine's self-awareness still exists, so she heard both sides of the conversation throughout.

She fought back the pain and said with difficulty, " choice, Stephen."

"That important than me."

"Quick... get her out of here!"

Strange's expression flashed a trace of sadness, and then nodded slowly: "I will protect that girl, and your sacrifice will not be wasted in vain."

Obviously, this choice is far less easy than he has shown.

The one-eyed monster kept America's promise and let go of America, and when he retracted his tentacles, he skipped Kristin's face intentionally or unintentionally.

"Tears don't seem to provide any function."

"Even though you feel in your heart that he made the right choice, you are still disappointed."

"Am I right, Christine?"

Christine didn't answer, just closed her eyes and quietly waited for death to come.

From time to time, there are crystal tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

"According to my research, crying is a great way to vent your emotions."

"Aren't you going to try it?"

The monster's cross-shaped pupils clenched together, as if looking forward to Christine's reaction. UU Reading

"Hey, when are you going to let us go?" Strange helped the half-conscious girl and shouted at it.

The monster shook his tentacles in disappointment: "I never stopped you from leaving."

"It was she who never let you go."

As soon as the voice fell, the explosion-proof door that closed the tunnel suddenly burst open, and the whole body was wrapped in black chitin, with only his head exposed, Wanda walked out from the inside.

"I warned you, Stephen."

"You can't escape my palm!"

Strange hugged the girl and slowly backed away. At this time, there was no need to worry about whether the one-eyed monster was playing with him, it was meaningless.

The most urgent task is to find a way to escape from being surrounded by witches and monsters, or to enter the relay station and get the "Book of Emperor Weishan".

"Wanda—Daughter of the Void."

"I'll leave it to you here, I still have some research to do."

After the one-eyed monster finished speaking, it retreated into the darkness again, and Christine, who was controlled by the tentacles, disappeared with it.

Now there is good news and bad news for Strange.

The good news is that he didn't have to be besieged by monsters and witches, and his hope of escaping increased a little bit.

The bad news is that even if it's just Wanda, he can't beat it.

But that doesn't mean there's nothing Strange can do.

Just now, when he was about to save Christine, the girl he loved so much stuffed something into his hand.

The watch that he had always carried with him, but had already been damaged and stopped.

It is the key to open the relay station. +Bookmark+

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