Chapter 313 Illumination of League of Legends starting from the heavens?

In a parallel universe, Strange suddenly woke up from a coma. He had a nightmare just now.

I dreamed that all the Kama Taj masters, including Wang, were killed, and none of them survived.

Because the dream was so real, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Later, Strange wanted to use the Eye of Agamotto to verify the authenticity and see if he could still sense the existence of the king, but found that the artifact originally hanging around his neck had disappeared.

He jumped off the ground immediately, and then saw something worse.

At this time, he and America were locked in a square box made of some kind of transparent material, like a pet that everyone could watch.

Except for the clothes left, all his belongings were taken away, and there were two things like shackles on his wrists.

"This universe sucks!"

The girl who was locked in the other box could not help complaining loudly to him when he saw him awake.

Strange was more concerned about where his magic cloak went.

When he saw that there were several researchers wearing white coats outside the transparent box, he said directly, "Hey, Brother Baipao, what is this place!"

As a result, the researcher just looked up at him and continued to talk with another red-haired woman next to him.

Strange, who was left out in the cold, walked around the box anxiously, while chattering: "I don't know who you are and what you are trying to do."

"But this situation is obviously not in my favor."

As he spoke, he suddenly closed his mouth and looked at the red-haired woman who turned around in astonishment.


The ex-girlfriend of the parallel world sighed silently, seeing him as if he saw some big trouble.

"Hello, Stephen."

"And you, Miss Chavez."

The girl who knew something about the emotional entanglement between the two opened her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Christine did not continue to pay attention to her, but said to Strange: "I will be responsible for answering your questions."

"This is a high-alert research facility."

"You two, plus your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and inspection."

"Testing?" Strange looked puzzled, and he was actually going to be tested by the dignified Doctor Strange.

Christine continued: "Yes, you are visitors from another universe, and there may be radiation on your body."

"It may also carry diseases that we cannot treat."

"That's why these beautiful polycarbonate tanks are used to lock you in temporarily."

Strange raised his arm, showing the green shackles on his wrist, and said angrily, "So I should thank you?"

"You're welcome." The unsympathetic ex-girlfriend accepted his thanks: "The thing you have in your hand was developed by me using "Nishandi Sands". "

"That's what Mordo added to the tea, which can suppress any form of magic."

"One of Stephen's magical relics in 838."

"838 Stephen?" Strange questioned, "Is that my robot version, or..."

"838 is the number of our universe." Christine paused and continued to explain: "Your universe is 616."

Strange had an expression of sudden realization: "Then you must know the multiverse very well."

"Someone is in charge of helping each universe number."

The ex-girlfriend shrugged: "Yes, that person is me."

"I'm a senior fellow at the Baxter Foundation, specializing in the study of the multiverse."

After she finished speaking, she walked towards a scientific research machine next to her, and Strange's eyes followed: "Why did you come to work here?"

Christine replied, "I volunteered, at your funeral."

"Thank you for attending." Strange's expression was a little complicated. After hesitating for a few seconds, he couldn't help but ask the question he wanted to know most: "What is our relationship in this universe?"

Christine stopped the movement of his hand, looked at him after a while and said, "We haven't figured out this issue."

"Really?" Strange nodded. "That's what we have in common."

The ex-girlfriend didn't speak and didn't look at him again.

"Christine, you have to let us out."

After the private conversation was over, Strange was ready to talk about business.

"Now everyone is in crisis, I know you don't understand me..."

Before he finished speaking, Christine interrupted him: "I don't want to know you either. In your universe, it doesn't matter who I am to you."

She walked slowly to the fish tank: "Because you are dangerous, Stephen."

Strange squatted down so that his ex-girlfriend didn't have to look up at him again, and there was a hint of pleading in his tone: "Someone in my universe is going to catch that girl."

"For her, that person can do anything, even destroy this place."

"So I don't care if you're from the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D., I want you to..."

His words were interrupted again, and Modu, the supreme mage of universe 838, walked in with several robots that looked like Ultron.

"None of the above."

"What is that, Hydra?" Strange got up and stared at his dazed senior brother.

Mordo said solemnly, "The Illuminati wants to see you now."

"What will the light be?"

Before Strange got the answer to the question, the shackles on his wrist were automatically connected together, binding his hands.

Then, the fish tank was opened, and two Ultron soldiers stepped forward to monitor his movements.

Seeing that the situation is stronger than people, Strange had to say to his ex-girlfriend in the parallel world: "Don't let people hurt America."

Christine didn't agree, but didn't refuse either.

Then, he said to the girl again, "It'll be alright, wait for me to come back."

Although America was flustered, at this juncture, she could only listen to him.

In the end, Strange was taken out of the institute by four Ultron soldiers to another place with a serious style and high security.

He was pushed into a circular room with off-white walls behind him and a high platform in front of him with six chairs side by side.

Strange stood at the door in shackles, feeling like a prisoner about to be tried.

"Stephen Strange."

"You have been summoned to the Illuminati, I, Baron Karl Mordo, Supreme Mage, hereby..."

"Carl!" Strange finally learned to interrupt others.

In the end, a red, white and blue shield rubbed his head and flew over, hit the wall behind him, and bounced back to the high platform.

Strange looked at the woman with a shield on the stage in shock.

Seeing this scene, Mordo couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and introduced: "Captain America - Peggy Carter, the first Avenger."

Captain Carter, who was introduced, sat back in his chair with a stern expression, without saying hello to Strange at all.

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