The final choice of Chapter 307 of the League of Legends starts from the heavens (two-in-one chapter)

Kama Taj was originally just a small isolated village in the Himalayas.

With the rise of the ancient master, this place has become a holy place in the minds of countless magic and secret art lovers within a few hundred years.

But just today, Kama Taj's long-standing tranquility was broken.

When the war bell rang, all the occult mages stopped teaching and stood side by side with their students, guarding the temple on the top of the mountains.

Even the mages from the Hong Kong and London sanctuaries came out to support.

A chilling air filled the sky above the temple, and the entire Kama Taj was united, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Before long, as the sun overhead gradually tilted towards the west, a thick black cloud condensed in the distance and rolled towards Kama Taj.

The mages only felt that as soon as their eyes darkened, the sky above the temple was completely shrouded in black clouds.

Seeing this situation, many students couldn't help showing nervous expressions on their faces.

In the dense black cloud, the scarlet witch in a red dress slowly appeared.

She floated in mid-air, her chin raised slightly, revealing her delicate and fair neck, and she looked down at the group of overpowered mages on the ground, like a queen inspecting her territory.

In the open space in front of the temple, Wang said to Qi Qi next to him with a solemn expression:

"Pay attention to your words later, Strange."

"The fate of the multiverse may change as a result."

"Understood." Strange pursed his lips and comforted: "Don't be under pressure."

After speaking, he couldn't help sighing and flew towards the witch's position.

Whether from a personal or other point of view, he decided not to hand over the girl named America, so there must be a battle between Kama Taj and Wanda.

Facing the most powerful wizard on earth again, Strange was not afraid or nervous, but felt sorry for his old friend.

"Wanda, listen to me."

"I have nothing to say to you, Stephen!" The witch obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

She was parasitized by the void, and she had an inexplicable restlessness in her heart. After seeing the secret magician on the ground, this feeling was even stronger.

I can't wait to rush over now and bite them to death one by one, and then swallow them.

"Just for a child you just met yesterday, are you going to take the entire Kama Taj to be buried with you?"

Strange looked at the angry witch in the air and said slowly, "Wanda, you have the right to be angry, all of us remember your great sacrifice."

Speaking of this, endless sadness appeared between the witch's brows: "I blew a hole in my lover's head, but it turned out to be meaningless."

"Don't talk to me about sacrifice, Stephen Strange."

"You're not qualified to talk to me about this!"

Saying that, she slowly approached Qiqi and stared into his eyes: "If you give me what I want, I will send you to a world where you can be with Christine."

The huge temptation was in front of him, but Strange remained unmoved, and said coldly, "The mighty Kama Taj will unite against you."

Reading at zero

On the ground, Wang, who heard the conversation between the two, understood that the negotiation had broken down.

So he immediately ordered: "Everyone is ready to defend, right now!"

With the order of the current Supreme Mage, all the esoteric mages used the rings on their fingers to mobilize their magic power, and the "Raggador Seven Rings" with orange sparks were summoned.

With the support of many mages, Strange became more and more confident: "You can't enter the Holy Land and take this girl away!"

The witch tried her best to suppress her anger: "You don't know how reasonable I am."

"Yes!" Strange immediately sneered: "The Book of Darkness, calling himself a witch, summoning monsters to kidnap girls, I don't think that's unreasonable."

Wanda chuckled a few times: "Send those beasts to chase her, count me as kind."

"Despite your hypocrisy, you humiliated me time and time again and wore out my patience."

"But I really want you to understand that whether it's now or what's going to happen, it's me who is reasoning with you!"

When the last sentence came out, the witch was already gnashing her teeth.

She completely gave up on resolving the matter peacefully, raised her hand and released a red arc, slashing towards Doctor Strange opposite.

Due to the parasitism of the void, in just half a day, Wanda lost a circle, and the round cheeks were a little sunken at this time. Under the red light of Chaos Magic, it looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

But who knows, Strange will not dodge or evade in the face of the attack, but just stare at the witch quietly.

It turned out that he was delaying the time just now. When the two were talking, the secret magicians below had already constructed a complete defensive array.

A barrier composed of rotating orange rings appeared between the two of them, blocking the ferocious arc.

Listening to the king who kept shouting "Hold on" on the ground, Wanda felt that he was being tricked.

Her face was ashen, she frantically attacked the magic circle, surrounded by red fluorescent hands, and launched a series of magic missiles.

But the magic circle barrier has already covered the entire Kama Taj, and the missiles have become useless except for the ripples on it.

"Strengthen the protective shield!!"

"Strengthen the protective shield!!"

Under Wang's methodical command, more arcane mages joined the ranks of maintaining the magic circle.

No matter how the witch attacks, it is unbreakable.

In the end, she simply stopped, and swept the mage on the ground with a cold gaze, trying to find out the weak-willed ones, so as to discover the flaws of the magic circle.

Strange, who had returned to the temple and joined everyone, knew very well what this former teammate wanted to do, and immediately reminded: "She wants to interfere with their thoughts."

So, the king shouted again: "Masters, strengthen your will!"

When the mages heard this, they immediately emptied their minds and maintained the output of magic power wholeheartedly.

However, Wanda, who has been devastated by the "Dark God Book" and the Void, is now best at seducing others to fall.

Soon, a nervous young mage in the phalanx was discovered by her.

The reality was distorted by chaos, and the illusion of the witch slowly appeared behind the mage, and whispered in his ear: "Run, run—"

The young man who was full of fear in his heart began to sway, and the magic ring in his hand flickered like a power outage, and then with a bang, sparks scattered and completely burst.

But what the witch expected, the scene of the young mage turning around and running away did not appear.

I saw that he suddenly knelt on the ground with a face full of pain, and turned his arms back as hard as he could, trying to touch his back.

A few seconds later, along with his mournful wailing, a chilling scene appeared in front of everyone.

The young man's body split open from behind with a **** opening, like a butterfly pupating, and a pale thing dragged the segmented limbs and crawled out limply, bringing out lumps of mucus.

It staggered to the front, grabbed the ground with its dagger-long claws, and gradually spread a sharp tail behind it.

Beneath the pitch-black fangs and the protruding spine full of bone spurs is a thin, thin chest with a faint purple light.

Pieces of soft carapace wrapped and protected the slightly fragile heart in the chest cavity, and gradually began to harden.

The creature was pale and dull in color, and quickly turned black upon contact with air.

Its twelve pinhole-like eyes suddenly opened, exuding gentle purple light, and looked at three different positions, observing the world that had just given birth to itself.

Then he raised his head high, and let out the first scream of a new born from the throat.

The mages were stunned by this sudden scene, and the magic circles maintained in their hands showed signs of instability.

"Stop everyone, let's fix it!"

After shouting, Wang cooperated with Strange and rushed to the alien creature from left to right.

And Wanda, who was outside the barrier, stroked the purple crystal on his chest, showing a stern smile.

"Kill them!"

The witch uttered a seductive whisper again, and the creature, like her son, screamed strangely and flew in an instant.

There is malice in its sinuous movements, many sharp-edged limbs stabbed into the body of a nearby mage, and three clusters of glowing eyes are on fire.

Then, the upper and lower jaws clenched together, tearing the innocent mage's head off.

Just as the creature was about to continue attacking the others, Wang and Strange finally arrived.

"Look here, you ugly bastard!"

Strange shouted at the creature, attracting its attention, and Wang had quietly touched its back.

The creature in the intelligence underground really gave up on its intended goal and turned to Strange instead.

Strange had no choice but to tumble and dodge its scythe-like slash, and while getting up, the dagger in his hand slashed deeply into its side, punching out a mass of steaming internal organs.

Because he couldn't use magic for the time being, he took a dagger for self-defense in advance, and it really came in handy.

After the creature let out a shrill scream, the king's attacks followed.

He raised his ancestral monk's stick and slammed the monster on the back with all his might, but it bounced off its heavy shell.

Seeing this, Strange couldn't help scolding: "Damn, I can't use magic now, can't you?"

With agility beyond his size, Wang avoided the sharp tail of the monster's swipe. Not to be outdone, he said, "You should give a supreme mage the respect he deserves!"

Although the two were bickering, their cooperation was still very tacit.

The seemingly fragile but incomparably tough magic string was thrown out by Wang and Wang, and entangled in the creature, restricting its movements.

Strange swung a dagger, chopped off one of the creature's forelimbs, and made a deep cut in the side of its head.

But the creature's speed was unreasonable, and just as Strange was about to jump away, he dashed forward, piercing his forearm with another equally sharp forearm.

Strange gasped in pain, and the dagger fell from his hand.

Just when he was at a loss, Wang suddenly jumped onto the creature's body, mounted it on its back, and poked its short stick hard into its eyes.

The creature roared in pain, shook its body desperately, and finally threw the king out.

The king, who flew out several feet, knocked over several mages, and slammed his back on the steps in front of the temple.

"My back!!"

While the current Supreme Mage was rolling on the ground in pain, Strange took this opportunity to pick up the dagger on the ground and stabbed the creature's blinded eye socket.

The creature's huge mouth opened at an incredible angle, exposing rows of jagged fangs, screaming uncontrollably, and twisting its neck, trying to bite the person who had caused it harm.

And Strange drew his dagger and stabbed it into its eroded eye socket again.

After sending the entire dagger into the creature's head, he twisted it hard twice, completely stirring the creature's already unusable brain into a paste.

The hateful creature hit the ground and tried to stand up, but staggered like a drunk, and the purple light at its heart began to flicker.

Kill it while it's sick!

Strange roared, bent his elbow, and slammed the end of the dagger hard.

With a click, the tip of the dagger pierced out from the other side of the head.

The creature hissed, swung its limbs wildly, and then the heart dimmed, completely extinguished.

After the creature died, Strange finally relaxed his tense mind, his body softened, and he slumped on the ground, his injured arm drooping weakly beside him.

"As a mage, the last thing you should do is to take up arms and fight the enemy like a primitive man."

Even though his face was pale and his body was weak, the mage who was enjoying himself still did not forget to complain about himself.

Wang, who came over a little, squatted his neck, twisted his back, walked to Doctor Strange in a very strange posture, and pulled him up from the ground.

"Anyway, we won, didn't we?"

Strange shook his head and looked up at the sky: "We are far from victory."

Due to the chaos caused by the alien creatures, many mages were affected, and there was a gap in the magic circle that was originally impregnable.

Wanda had entered Kama Taj along the gap at this time.

"Good boy."

She looked down at the dead creature and muttered to herself.

Afterwards, the witch raised her arms, and the glowing palms gradually warmed up, shooting out countless dazzling magic missiles.

Where there are many people, the missile will land.

A large number of people who were bombed by the mages turned on their backs, and the rubble scattered everywhere and the craters all over the ground made the always peaceful Kama Taj appear extremely chaotic.

"The protective shield is invalid!!"

It was another shout from the king, and the barrier formed by the magic circle in mid-air was burnt out like flammable paper.

The mystic mages who lost their defensive ability turned to attack mode.

Arrows turned into magic power shot at the witch floating in the air, and several magic cannons carved with beast heads were sent to the front line.


The gunner, who was already ready, pulled the rope violently and shot a cannonball wrapped in flames straight at the witch.

Wanda smiled contemptuously, and a large amount of purple-black fluid instantly flowed out of the crystals in her chest, completely covering her head from head to toe.

The basketball-sized shell ended up hitting her carapace-protected head.

As a result, a violent fire exploded, but Wanda just tilted his head, unscathed.

Seeing this, Strange looked down at the blackened wound on his arm, and silently mobilized the power that represented the void in his body.

Kama Taj is now on the verge of life and death, and he seems to have no other choice. +Bookmark+

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