Lu Wu waited for three full days in Qi'en Prison before they came to Star Lord.

Among them, Gamora, the adopted daughter of Thanos, was "warmly welcomed" by the prisoners as soon as she came in.

They were clamoring to let this so-called most dangerous woman in the universe die in this prison.

The reason why the prisoners are hostile to Gamora is very simple. She, who was the number one assassin under Thanos, and her sister Nebula, killed many people who opposed Thanos.

Among them, many are relatives or friends of these prisoners.

In Chien Prison, each prisoner's pants were printed with the crimes they committed, others had only four or five lines at most, and Gamora had half of her legs printed with words.

Such an outstanding feat aroused the anger of the prisoners. They picked up everything they could get, and smashed them at Gamora.

Facing the loud crusade, even Gamora, who had seen the big scene, looked a little unnatural.

It's not that I'm afraid, I just regret my actions.

"As I said, she's a big name!" Rocket Raccoon hugged the blanket he just received and looked at the excited prisoners around him.

"At least half of the people here have hatred for her."

"I bet she'll be torn to shreds if she can't last a day here."

After hearing this, Star-Lord couldn't help but feel compassion: "The guards will protect her, right?"

Rocket sneered: "They are preventing us from escaping, and they don't care if we kill each other inside."

Star-Lord shrugged helplessly, he was now in a prison and couldn't care about other people's business.

Gamora is very optimistic: "No matter how tragic the future is, it is nothing compared to my past."

It's a pity that neither Star-Lord nor Rocket took her words, but instead focused on a young man not far away.

The young man sat on a stool, and since they came in, he has been looking at them with a smile.

"Do you know that person?"

Star-Lord lowered his voice and asked the well-informed Rocket beside him.

Rocket shook his head: "I haven't seen him on the wanted list, but his metal prosthesis looks good, and I want to get it."

"Oh." Star-Lord responded clearly.

As a bounty hunter, Rocket doesn't know him, so he should be just a nobody.

However, as Rocket said, the man's metal arm looks really handsome, and it is likely to be worth a lot of money on the black market.

When the two creatures with eyes widened when they saw the money, were thinking about how to trick the youth, a huge alien who looked like the ogre in the game, bowed his body, and respectfully said a few words to the youth.

After the young man nodded, he took arrogant steps to the front of the Star Lord.

"Hey, new here!"

"You look so tender." The alien said, putting his hand on Star-Lord's face: "I'm going to smear your whole body with jam, and then explode your chrysanthemums."

Star-Lord avoided the oily, stench-filled hand in disgust. He had seen a pervert, but never such a pervert.

Just when the alien with a wicked smile was about to go even further, the tree Groot, who had always been taciturn, suddenly stood up and inserted two branches-like fingers into the alien's nostrils.

The alien was lifted up, and the branches that grew wantonly penetrated into the cranial cavity from the nostrils, and the severe pain made his face twist, and he kept crying.

At this time, Rocket changed his previous peace, bared his fangs, and said fiercely to the prisoners:

"Let's speak clearly!"

He stretched out his finger and pointed at the bewildered Star-Lord next to him: "This guy is our cash cow!"

"If you want to touch a single hair on him, you have to pass our level first!"

"Meaning, we'll kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Rocket glanced at Lu Wu next to him very vaguely, seeing that he had no intention of doing anything, and then continued to walk forward.

The prisoners fell silent again, and neither of the two new arrivals seemed to be able to provoke them.

But compared to Lu Wu's cruelty, Rocket finally let Groot let go of the aliens.

A few hours later, when the night came, Gamora was assigned to a separate cell because of her sins, and the Star-Lord and the rest of the prisoners were assigned together.

As a tree man, Groot didn't even need a bed, he fell asleep sitting by the wall.

Rocket did not know where to go.

Only Star-Lord was left, crowded with dozens of prisoners on a large bed.

Grinding teeth, farting, the smell of sweat, the smell of feet, tortured him to the point of death.

Suddenly he remembered that there seemed to be an empty cell next door, why didn't he go there?

Thinking of this, Star-Lord immediately got up and was about to leave with his own blanket in his arms, but a prisoner grabbed his wrist.

I saw the prisoner warn: "You can't go, that's Lord Kayin's room."

"Who will die!"

Star-Lord frowned: "Kayn? Who is he!"

"Siddha Kayn, he is a terrible devil, a murderous executioner, and every prisoner who provokes him is dead!"

Star-Lord still didn't understand what the old prisoner was talking about.

Just as the two were at a stalemate, Star-Lord suddenly heard Gamora's cry and turned around to see that she was being dragged by a group of prisoners towards the shower.

Although the two fought for the cosmic spirit ball before they were imprisoned, but now that they knew each other, he couldn't wait for help.

So, Star-Lord immediately broke free of the old prisoner and quietly touched the shower.

On the other side, several prisoners held daggers made from steel bars and kidnapped Gamora to a shower room where almost no one came at night.

"Gamora, your time to die is here!"

"Those who were killed by you can finally rest their eyes today!"

One of the prisoners excitedly raised a crude dagger and stabbed Gamora in the heart.

Gamora looked stunned, as if she had expected this ending.

"you dare!"

At this moment, a burly figure walked into the shower and scolded the prisoner who was doing it.

"You know who I am!"


The famous Destroyer Draxa among the prisoners stumbled to the ground as soon as he took a step before he finished speaking.

Lu Wu, who was leaning against the edge of the door frame, emerged from the shadows and retracted his feet.

"Lord Kayn!"

The few prisoners who had just had a ferocious look on their faces suddenly panicked and stepped back subconsciously.

Lu Wu ignored them, just smiled and said to Gamora, "Dear...Miss green skin."

"need any help?"

"I can help you kill them, of course for a fee."

Several prisoners immediately fell to their knees and begged bitterly: "Sir, please don't, let's go now!"

"Shut up!" Lu Wu glared at them and continued with a smile:

"However, since you look good, your skin is green and your chest is small, which doesn't fit my aesthetic."

" have to pay more."

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