Chapter 1413 Bias
Late at night, in the kitchen of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

The dazed Mrs. Weasley was staring at the freshly cooked cup of hot cocoa, what was she thinking?
"What's the matter, Molly?"

Mr. Weasley draped the cloak in his hand over his wife's shoulders and asked with a frown.

Mrs. Weasley shook her shoulders slightly, looked sideways at her husband, and said in a low voice, "They really did that?"

Molly really couldn't accept her son doing such a thing.

"You should be very aware of the situation in the British wizarding world. If this wizarding war continues, they will have to face it sooner or later." Arthur knew what his wife was worried about, and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, they won't Something will happen, you should trust Albert, that kid is very stable and doesn't like taking risks."

"No, I just..."

Molly put down the cup in her hand and said with a trembling voice, "I just... think it's bad to do that, you know, I really don't want them to... kill people."

She knows exactly what her child looks like.

Although Fred and George are mischievous, they are still good people.

However, ever since they put forward that amazing plan, Molly felt deeply uneasy. She really couldn't understand why Fred and George became so radical. future will be affected by this.

"No one likes to kill, but...sometimes if you don't kill, others will. We are not Dumbledore after all, we can't be like him..."

Mr. Weasley twitched his lips slightly. He knew how ridiculous Molly's thoughts were, but he could only calm her down with soft words.

Who made Molly his wife?
Arthur knew very well that his wife was not a naive person, it was just involving her son, which made her lose her usual judgment.

No one likes to kill.

However, in this age, there is no harm in being ruthless.

"They got very close to Anderson, and it's normal to be affected to some extent. That guy is very hostile to dark wizards."

Moody, wearing a heavy cloak, came in from the door, holding a bottle in his hand, drinking strong liquor from it to keep out the cold.

Moody actually disliked what they did, but he couldn't find any reason to refute it, especially after seeing so many Muggles were brutally killed by dark wizards and made into ghost corpses, it was even harder to say anything.

In the final analysis, no matter whether it is Sirius, or Fred and George, the black hands against the dark wizard are only increasing their chances of winning a little bit.

It is really thanks to Albert that they are now able to grow to the point where they can stand up to the Death Eaters.

"If possible, no one would like to do that, but after all, someone needs to stand up against the mysterious man."

Kingsley took the hot cocoa from Molly, thanked him, took a sip, and sat down on the armchair next to Moody.

"Those guys are completely crazy. They recently destroyed a small village and turned all the residents there into corpses." Kingsley couldn't help but sighed deeply when talking about this incident, "The numb people killed by them There are more melons than you expected, those guys... all deserve to die."

Kingsley originally planned to do it himself. He had been in the Ministry of Magic for a long time and knew far more about the internal situation of the Ministry of Magic than Sirius, but Sirius declined this proposal because according to Albert's prophecy , he is likely to become the Minister of Magic in the future, and if that is the case, it is best not to leave a stain.

"This is what Anderson says is recycling!"

Moody stuffed the bottle inside his cloak, took a sniff of a hard meat pie, and handed it to Kingsley, who was drinking hot cocoa.

"Aren't you going to have some supper?"

After taking a bite of the meat pie, Kingsley knew the reason, and threw the remaining meat pie into the hot cocoa to soak.

"I'll get you two mashed potatoes. I say it's a quick meal that Fred and George bought from a Muggle. Arthur tasted it and said it was good."

After Mrs. Weasley helped boil the water, she scooped a few spoonfuls of mashed potato powder into the cup, rinsed it with boiling water, stirred it evenly, and sprinkled some black pepper powder on it.

"How does it taste?" Arthur asked curiously.

"It's not bad. It's much more delicious than the previous food called instant noodles, but it's a little monotonous, and it's not delicious." Kingsley took another spoonful into his mouth and commented.

"The taste is a bit bland."

Moody sprinkled more black pepper powder in it, which is undoubtedly more delicious than hard meat pies.

Although Moody did not like Albert, even he had to admit that Albert did give them new hope.

"It would be nice if that guy wasn't so ruthless."

Moody himself had killed many dark wizards, but he still felt that Albert was too ruthless and his mind was too terrifying.

Especially after he used Scrimgeour's hands to kill hundreds of dark wizards in one go, Moody realized that he was a guy more dangerous than Voldemort, and couldn't understand why Dumbledore was so relieved of him.

"Be tough, our enemy is the mysterious man after all." Kingsley took a deep look at Moody, shook his head and said, "That is never an opponent that can be easily defeated."

Moody stopped talking because Kingsley was right.

"If Anderson's prophecy is followed, those dark wizards will sooner or later become our enemies in the final battle. Instead of turning them into enemies who may harm everyone in the end, it is better to reduce the number of enemies first. I admit that his approach is a bit... But that is impossible.”

Kingsley put down the finished mashed potatoes and said with a self-deprecating expression.

"If the Ministry of Magic is not controlled by the mysterious people, they can catch those murderous dark wizards, and they can also receive a pretty good reward from the Ministry of Magic. The current situation is indeed quite special, but I don't think they will do that. There is a problem, in the final analysis, this matter is still a problem for us and the entire Ministry of Magic."

"They're just being forced to make the moral line a bit more flexible, thinking about the people in the shelters who get shelter."

Kingsley didn't want everyone to have any prejudice against Albert, after all, the hope of defeating the mysterious man was pinned on him.

As for Harry, Kingsley certainly believed in Harry, but... In short, he wanted everyone to recognize the reality.

Defeating the mysterious talent is the most important thing.

There was a brief silence in the living room.

At this time, footsteps were heard from outside the corridor, and the kitchen door was pushed open. Harry appeared at the door, looking at the people inside with a little surprise: "Are you all still asleep?"

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just can't sleep."

Harry looked complicated, and he overheard all the conversations here through his extended ears.

"Is hot cocoa okay?" Mrs. Weasley started boiling hot cocoa for Harry with freshly boiled water.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Harry."

Harry looked at Kingsley and Moody and said, "I heard that Sirius plans to get some Galleons from the Ministry of Magic's bounty to subsidize our expenses?"

"Sirius is already working on it, and it has achieved good results for the first time. I heard that they are planning how to get a lot of money from the Ministry of Magic." Kingsley nodded and said.

"Very good. I heard that those dark wizards have killed a large number of Muggles. It is good for everyone that such scum dies sooner." Harry said suddenly: "After all, being too kind to the enemy is sometimes being kind to yourself." The cruelty of people, if they don't kill them, God doesn't know how many Muggles will die at their hands."

(End of this chapter)

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