Once the “zone” is turned on, you can reach 100% of your strength, bounce, speed, etc.

In a way, the zone state is similar to the selfless realm.

And Akaji has apparently found an opportunity to open the zone.

His physical skills improved drastically, and he won a round in less than five minutes.

“Teiko Akaji scores, 5-3.”

Immediately after Tezuka Kunimitsu’s serve, his arm was already red and swollen, and he looked shocking.

But for the victory of this set, he always looked grim and held on to send the ball out.

As the sound of hitting sounded, everyone’s eyes fell on Tezuka Kunimitsu.

And this ball had just been served through the net, and was quickly intercepted by Seijuro Akaji on the opposite side.

The speed and power of the return ball are optimal.

It was like a heavy cannon falling to the ground, almost smashing through the floor.

And it was this power that was transferred to Kunimitsu Tezuka’s racket.

Tezuka Kunimitsu raised his racket and hit the bouncing ball.

The moment the ball fell into the racket, Tezuka Kunimitsu’s arm was shaken dramatically.

The pain made his brow frown slightly, but it quickly flattened.

Then put your right hand on the throat, and then swing both hands vigorously together.

Streaming down!

The ball spins dramatically, almost breaking free of the racket.

As soon as Tezuka Kunimitsu stepped on his left foot, the center of gravity of his body quickly shifted downward, so that the power of the return attack increased a little.

But soon, the ball broke through the racket net and landed heavily on the ground.

Ryuzaki glanced at Tezuka Kunimitsu’s broken racket and was shocked.

That Chiji’s return ball was actually so fierce!

I really can’t imagine that besides Tezuka, there are people who can develop the same abilities as the selfless realm.

Echizen Nanjiro touched his chin, and his eyes were covered with a dark light.

Sure enough, Chiji’s talent was higher than he expected.

The score is undergoing a new, overwhelming crush.






Tezuka Kunimitsu’s selfless realm has long disappeared, and from the seventh inning, he has been completely strong.

The pain in the elbow has long been paralyzed, and the surface is congested and turned blue and purple.

Outside the court, the momentum of Qingxue was once sluggish.

Watching the light of victory shine towards the imperial light, everyone clenched their teeth and fell silent.

But everyone was more worried about Tezuka’s body than about his dedication to victory.

Fuji regretted a little at this time, if he had been able to give his all in the previous match, Tezuka would not have been forced to this point.

His arm was already overwhelmed.

In this situation, Tezuka may not be able to play tennis for the rest of his life.

Shuichiro Oishi’s eyes even had crystal tears in them.


Although victory is very important to Qingxue, you are even more important to us!

He wanted to rush in and stop Tezuka, but he also knew that he couldn’t stop him.

Ryuzaki Pansy in the courtside guidance area trembled a little, she could call a halt to the game at any time.

However, is this really in line with Tezuka’s wishes….

That kid was far more stubborn than she thought.


At this moment, the sound of hitting the ball sounded a nightmare to the young students, a magic sound from hell.

Because every ball is torturing Tezuka and torturing their hearts.

On the field, Tezuka Kunimitsu’s clothes were already wet.

And his flaxen hair, crystal beads of sweat are dripping from the ends of his hair.

But he never let go of the racket in his hand.

Seijuro Akaji’s eyes were cold and intimidating, and Tezuka didn’t have time to catch the ball he played.

After all, he didn’t want to ruin Tezuka either, and if there was one less strong man, he would have less fun.

It was also his last mercy for Tezuka.

But Tezuka’s persistence exceeded his expectations, much to his displeasure.

A ball soared high over Tezuka Kunimitsu’s head and flew towards the depths.

Seijuro Akaji warned coldly.

“Tezuka, are you going to sacrifice yourself for the sake of Seigaku’s victory?”

Tezuka Kunimitsu was silent, and he desperately tried to catch the rapidly falling ball.

Although the power of that goal was no longer something he could stop.


With a muffled sound, the ball quickly pierced Tezuka’s racket, leaving a well-sized hole in it.

Seijuro Akaji had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“It’s a shame to say goodbye to you, Tezuka!”

The red color in his eyes faded, and the last ball was not struck in the state of zone.

But the ball was just as fast as Tezuka’s could not intercept it.

Bang bang!

As the ball landed, Tezuka Kunimitsu flew out heavily with a racket.

The arm that was close to the ground was bruised, leaving impressive scratches.

“The game is over, Teiko Akaji wins…”

Outside the venue, thunderous applause and cheers rang out.

Not only for the victory of Temitsu, but also for Tezuka, who has always insisted on the game.

Satoshi Horio wiped the tear tracks on his face and was greatly moved.

“Although I lost, the captain is too great!”

Katsuro Kato and Katsuo Mizuno immediately echoed.

“That’s right!”

At the end of the match, Seijuro Akaji walked off the court, like an emperor who had retired.

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