Guan Yue wrapped the curls around his ears and complained leisurely.

“What, it’s just like that.”

As one of the protagonists of the previous game, Buji Shusuke smiled faintly, and it didn’t look like he had lost the game at all.

He extended his hand to Shintaro Midorima as a gesture of friendliness.

At the moment of shaking hands, Midorima Shintaro spoke.

“Although I don’t know for what purpose you deliberately lost the game.”

“But the result is everything. If you lose, don’t help in two weeks. ”

Buji Shusuke smiled slightly at Midorima and said softly.

“Well, I lost, thanks for the advice, you are very strong.”

Shintaro Midorima pushed his glasses, which were covered with a layer of white light.

This also shows that Cancer’s fortune is number one.

Anyway, as long as he does his best, everything else depends on the destiny of heaven.

With an indifferent expression, he walked off the court with his racket in hand.

At this time, Akaji handed his coat to Ryota Huangse and walked into the court with steady steps.

He walked face to face with Midorima, and as he passed by, he spoke lightly.

“Shintaro, I’m glad you won Buji Shusuke.”

Midorima Shintaro was slightly startled, didn’t Akaji know that Buji Shusuke deliberately lost the match.

Akaji’s eyes skimmed a sharp and cold light and added.

“Don’t care about the process. Didn’t I say that…”

“In this world, only victory is everything, the winner will be affirmed, and the loser will be negative.”

“In the future, they will only know that they have lost the game, and the facts will always be drowned out.”

Midorima Shintaro barely pulled out a smile, and he was a little relieved when Akaji said this.

“Akaji, Tezuka of Seigaku, is a master.”

Seijuro Akaji naturally hung his hands at his sides, and a confident and proud smile appeared at the corners of his lips.

“Wouldn’t it be boring if you weren’t a master.”

Saying that, he looked at the Qingxue rest area.

At this time, Tezuka Kunimitsu was preparing to appear.

Off the field, Satoshi Horio and others have very mixed emotions.

On the one hand, they are very confident in the strength of Tozuka.

On the other hand, so far, Diguang’s performance has been too strong, so they have to worry.


“Come on—”

“Qingxue! Qingxue!! ”

Takashi Kawamura held the racket and shouted with energy.

“come·on, baby~~ you just give me full attention on the ground, Tezuka-”

Shinobu picked up the phone and dialed the number of the traces.

“Hey… Is it a trace…”

Himawari asked curiously.

“Yushi, what are you doing?”

The Shinobu finished the phone call and replied very calmly.

“I reported the game here to the ministry, and he said he would come over in a moment.”

Several pounds immediately appeared on the forehead of the Himawari people, and they grabbed the clothes of the Shinobu Yue.

He shouted at the Shinobu Yuji.

“Stupid! Yushi, are you stupid! We escaped the club activities! ”

“You actually recruited the traces, then wouldn’t we be exposed!”

The Shinobu Yushi held up his glasses solemnly and said in a low voice.

“Let go of me.”

Mukatake huffed and let go of the Shinobu Yuji, thinking that he had better sneak away before the trail came.

Shinobu reminded coldly.

“I also reported to the Ministry of Traces about the activities of the club by the way.”

Hearing this, the mentality of the people of Xianghiyue collapsed.

“Let’s just say that anyway, if the Ministry of Traces will punish us at that time, it will also punish the two of us.”

There was a hint of black light in the eyes of the Shinobu Yushi, and he said leisurely.

“You don’t have to worry about this, I told the Ministry of Traces that you left without permission, and I came out to arrest you and go back.”

The face of the Himawari man twisted into a ball, and he couldn’t wait to twist the Shinobu Yushi in front of him into a twist.

“You guy, you actually gave me the lid of the pot! It’s so despicable!! ”

Which tendon did he hold on at that time, and actually brought out the goods of Shinobi.

Now that I think about it, even that guy in Birch Land is better than him.

“Ice Emperor, can you be quiet!” The person next to him reminded with some impatience.

Shinobu turned his head and caught a glimpse of the green uniform the man was wearing.

“The mountain is blowing.”

Minami Kentaro and others couldn’t bear it anymore before they gave a reminder.

Although they did not advance to the finals, they were quite concerned about the two schools of Diguang and Qingxue.

It was their regret that they could not compete with Diguang.

The atmosphere was unusually quiet, and Momojo Takeshi pushed Echizen Ryoma next to him and asked with a serious face.

“Echizen, which of those two do you think is stronger?”

Echizen Ryoma pressed the brim of his hat and said coolly.

“I don’t know.” Anyway, it is not as strong as him, and sooner or later it will be his defeated subordinates.

Takeshi Momojo let out a “hmm” and analyzed.

“The victory or defeat depends on the singles match.”

“Captain Tezuka’s words, I can’t imagine him losing the game.”

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