Ryota Huangse raised his head and grinned.

“I’m getting hot now!”

Huangse and Haizaki, who re-entered the court, had a lot of changes in their eyes.

Shogo Haizaki smiled grimly and said.

“I will accept your stuff unceremoniously.”

Ishida and Sakurai looked at each other, both a little confused.

“What is that guy talking about?”

Yoshihira Tachibana, who was sitting on the sidelines, reminded.

“Don’t be influenced by your opponents, just continue your way of playing.”

Hearing this, the corners of Seijuro Akaji’s mouth raised slightly, and he said to Tachibana Yoshihira with a light smile.

“Captain Orange , the game will be more and more exciting.”

Tachibana Yoshihira glanced at Akaji, his eyes slightly heavy.

Although Akaji had a smile in his eyes, it gave people a great sense of oppression.

The tacit understanding between Ryota Huangse and Shogo Haizaki improved greatly in the fourth game.



Outside the field, Shisha ori’s pupils suddenly dilated a lot.

“Well… Inoue senior, what do I think…”

“Those four people play exactly the same way?!”

Sure enough, both sides, whether it is ball skills or doubles formations, are exactly the same.

At first glance, if it is not different, it is like a mirror in the middle of the court.

Ishida and Sakurai fought very badly, and their physical strength was exhausted.

“Are they imitating the two of us!”

“Even if we are imitated, we can’t lose the game!!”


Twenty minutes later, the two sides were indistinguishable.

Mamoru Inoue’s gaze was a little surprised.

“It’s exactly the same.”

Kamio Akira nervously grasped the iron net and whispered.

“It’s endless, it’s just playing with yourself.”

Not far away, Buji Shusuke squinted his eyes and said very seriously.

“No, it’s not just an imitation.”

As soon as the words fell, the balance on the field was broken.

“Out of bounds, 15-0.” The referee’s tone was light and breezy.

Seijuro Akaji looked at the out-of-bounds tennis ball without surprise, his eyes moving slightly.

Ryota Huangse glanced at Shogo Haizaki behind him and secretly made up his mind.

“Aha, I have to score quickly!”


Ishida on the opposite side gasped, and his pupils instantly shrunk.

“That serve! Exactly the same as Sakurai’s posture!! ”

The ball came quickly head-on, and Ishida had not yet slowed down.

Bang bang!


Tachibana Yoshihira’s eyes were slightly heavy, and he lowered his head and pondered.

Not a simple imitation, although the movements are similar.

But I have to admit that the man in Teiko serves faster than Sakurai.

When he looked up again, Diguang had already won the fourth game.

Ishida and Sakurai’s self-confidence was worn out in this round, and some were unable to cheer.

Ibu Shenji began to break his thoughts again.

“Imitating other people’s playing styles is a little too despicable to say.”

“Imitating blindly is not a gentleman’s doing.”

“The style of the Diguang Middle School is not upright enough…”

However, in five minutes, Huangse and Haizaki easily won the fifth game.

“Come on, come on!”

“Diguang will win!”


The cheering sound of the fan group echoed, and Ryota Huangse’s smile became brighter.

He glanced at Akaji in the guidance area, and his expression instantly became serious again.

“Honestly, it’s not challenging to look at something at a glance.”

The inner village of Fudo Peak shouted very anxiously.

“Sakurai, hurry up and score with the volley you are good at!”

“They are just imitating you, how to say that they are all genuine!”

On the field, the two people who did not move the peak were indifferent.

Ishida’s eyes widened, feeling that he couldn’t lift his arms.

“Do you think I don’t want to give a tooth for a tooth.”

“However, after the same move was imitated by that silver-haired guy, it can no longer be played.”

“We don’t have a hard time today, and we definitely can’t lose in the regional competition!”

I remember being bullied by seniors in the first grade.

Remembering Captain Tangerine taking them to rebuild the tennis club.

Everyone has said that we want to march into the whole country together….

“Ishida!” Realizing what Ishida Tetsu was going to do, Masa Sakurai called out loudly.

Tachibana Yoshihira also stood up and looked at Ishida, who had raised his right arm.

The muscles in his arms stood up like a hill, firm and powerful.

The blood vessels on it are clearly visible, as if they are about to burst out a gurgling red stream.

The others at Fudongfeng were all excited, and shouted in unison through the iron net.

“Kami Ishida-”

“Swing ball!”

Shingda’s eyes widened, he aimed at the ball that flew towards him, and swung his racket violently.

“Can’t lose-”

He was sure that with the slender arm of the other party, he would definitely not be able to fight back his fluctuation ball.

Therefore, he is determined to win this point, but also to boost morale.

Ryota Huangse, who was in front of the net, felt the momentum of the incoming ball, and his eyes with eyeliner narrowed slightly.

Seijuro Akaji sat upright on the bench, and as far as his eyes could see, there were ashes.

His “Heavenly Emperor Eye” could see clearly.

Now Huangse, the counterattack was a little reluctant.

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