Chapter 1427 Sanya Extra Story (6)

  Wu's father, Wu Zhengqing and Wu's mother had warned her one after another, and she no longer asked Sanya to work, and she had the same attitude towards the children. If there is food, it will be shared equally.

   Seeing this, Sanya felt that this tone was smooth in her heart. As for the Wu family's relatives who came to borrow money, Sanya refused. With a good attitude, she was more tactful, saying that now that business is not good, she is just earning some living expenses. Those with a bad attitude, like Aunt Wu, would directly attack her.

  Aunt Wu asked to borrow 3,000 yuan. The northwest is relatively poor. The monthly salary of ordinary workers is only one or two hundred, and the opening is three thousand. I don't know where she has such a big face.

   Sanya stopped making excuses, and just said that she had no money.

   Aunt Wu said: "How can there be no money. My Xiaoyu said that the business of the few stores you opened is very good, earning tens of thousands every month."

  Mother Wu was shocked, and everyone else looked at Sanya with green eyes.

Sanya sneered and said, "Sister-in-law, do you believe Jiang Yu's words? She told Zhengqing that she was dating the big boss, but when she found out, she was a reseller of second-hand tapes. She didn't even have a house, and all the places she lived in were rented. .”

Aunt Wu's face changed instantly, and she said angrily, "Tian Sanya, if you don't want to borrow money, just say it, why are you ruining my family's Xiao Yu's reputation. My family's Xiao Yu doesn't know anyone who resells tapes, and her targets are state officials. .”

Sanya smiled and said, "Sister, the national cadre you mentioned is the fourth person she has been with. Besides, this national cadre is not a big official, but a small section chief. He is 41 years old this year. , his wife died of illness two years ago, and he has four children, the oldest of whom is nineteen years old. If Jiang Yu marries him, he will become a mother directly, so that he will not have to endure the pain of childbirth in the future, which is very good."

  In Sijiu City, a section chief who is not an important department is nothing at all.

  Aunt Wu screamed: "Tian Sanya, don't spit blood on people."

   Sanya put back the smile on her face and said, "Except for the man who resold the tape, I also know the details of the other two men. If my sister wants to know, I can tell you right now."

  Sister-in-law Wu didn't dare to show off any more, and took her daughter-in-law away on the pretext of family affairs. Other relatives surrounded Sanya, asking if she really made that much money.

   Sanya smiled and said: "Jiang Yu is talking nonsense. If selling clothes can earn tens of thousands of yuan a month, then anyone in the forty-nine cities who is willing to go to work will rush to sell clothes."

  When the children's clothing store opened, the net profit in the best month of business was as high as 120,000. Of course, the main reason why her profit is so high is to purchase from Yangcheng manufacturers, saving a few hands in the middle. The profit of other wholesale clothing stores from Silk Street is less than one-third of hers.

  The relatives felt that what she said made sense, and one of them asked, "Is there not tens of thousands, but there are always thousands?"

  Sanya didn’t deny it this time, and said, “Last year, I made a total of more than 80,000 yuan. But I bought a shop last year and spent more than 90,000 yuan. I borrowed it from my elder sister.”

  Mother Wu couldn't help but said, "Why spend so much money on a store, just rent one."

  Sanya said: "After buying this storefront, you don't have to pay rent. And as the old saying goes, one shop will raise three generations. In the future, Miaomiao will have a house and shop, and it will be easy to recruit new relatives."

  Actually, she never thought of letting Miao Miao recruit a husband. Not everyone can be as lucky as the second sister and be able to recruit a man as good as the second brother-in-law. But Tian Shao told her that telling the Wu family about Miao Miao's future marriage will cut off some people's ideas.

   Tian Shao has experienced this kind of thing personally. Many people told her grandparents that the girl would marry sooner or later, and that it would be cheaper for others if the property were given to her, and it would be their own to leave to their children and grandchildren. Her grandpa was unmoved, but grandma was once shaken. Mother Wu favors sons over daughters, who knows if Sanya will plan for her grandchildren in the future when she is rich. Of course, I would rather be a villain than give them a chance to disgust themselves.

  Mother Wu asked unexpectedly: "Recruit? Do you want Miaomiao to recruit?"


  Mother Wu was very happy and praised Sanya for being thoughtful.

  Because Sanya didn't show mercy to Aunt Wu, no one came here to borrow money without looking too long. However, Uncle Wu Zhengqing begged Sanya, hoping that she could help his three sons find jobs in Sijiu City. The other party said, as long as you can make money, it doesn't matter how hard you work.

   Sanya knows that his family is too poor, and the three sons have not married wives until now, so the fare for this trip is borrowed. Seeing how difficult their life is, Sanya is willing to help them.

   Sanya told her that many factories have been opened in Sijiucheng and Yangcheng, especially in Yangcheng, where a lot of manpower is needed, and it is easy to find a job there.

  Tang Bo said: "Three young people in our village went to Yangcheng to work, but one was beaten to death by the bad guys, one came back with tuberculosis, and the other disappeared."

  In the past few years, Sanya has gone to Yangcheng to buy goods by herself, and she has a better understanding of there, and the law and order is really bad. She always brought bodyguards with her when she went to Yangcheng, so this cousin's concern was understandable.

Sanya said: "My cousin is working in Yangcheng, and he rented a house there. If you want to go there to find a job, you can stay with him temporarily. My cousin has stayed in Yangcheng for seven or eight years, and he is very familiar with it. , then you can ask him if you don’t understand.”

   Naturally, she will not be generous to others, the house belongs to her. Originally, she wanted to buy a house in Yangcheng, but it happened that Boyuan Real Estate was developed, so she could get an internal price from Sankui. But after Tian Shao knew about it, she asked her to buy a piece of land to build a house. The rooms are not only for personal use, but also can be rented out. Of course, the most important thing is that you can get a large amount of demolition fees in the future.

  Sanya always listened to Tian Shao, so she spent a sum of money to buy a piece of land, and only bought the ones that could be transferred with complete procedures. The first floor remains, and the upper three floors are rented out.

  Cousin’s eyes lit up when he heard someone he knew there, he hesitated and asked, “Then, can your cousin find us a job?”

   Sanya smiled and said: "Many factories over there are recruiting workers. If you are worried, you can ask my cousin to help you inquire. But if you don't have skills or education, you can only find some more difficult jobs."

  Tang Bo said that the three sons have nothing but strength, but he still has some concerns: "I heard that many people can't get paid for working there for a year."

   Sanya explained: "Those are black factories, you can't enter. However, some factories are afraid that you will run away after you learn the craft, and will deduct three months of wages, and you will pay them after you have worked for the time they stipulated."

   Tang Bo heard this and said that he wanted his three sons to go to Yangcheng for a break.

   Sanya wrote Tian Dali's name and address: "When the time comes, you can just find it here. I will say hello to my brother in advance, and I will arrange several brothers."

  Changbo is very grateful to Sanya. He heard that San Ya was very difficult to talk to, but life at home was really difficult, so this time he had the cheek to beg to come. After meeting them, he found that Zhengqing's daughter-in-law was not only kind but also willing to help them, and those snarky mothers-in-law almost misled him.

   Within the scope of ability, Sanya will not refuse if she can help. Of course, it is limited to those who are willing to be self-reliant and know how to be grateful. Those who want to get something for nothing will have nothing to do with the white-eyed wolf.

  (end of this chapter)

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