Chapter 1105 Star Real Estate

  After the matter of the foundation was settled, Tian Shao asked about the establishment of a real estate company. This is what she is most concerned about right now.

  Bao Huamao smiled and said, "It's very easy for this company to be listed, but the company's name is still well thought out. Do you have any good names?"

   "How is Star?"

   "Sitong is well developed, this name is too common."

   Tian Shao said: "It's not one, two, three, four, it's the world. I hope our real estate company's business can spread all over the world."

  Bao Huamao felt that her ambition was quite big, but he still poured cold water on it, saying: "The idea is good, but it is very difficult to realize it."

  Tian Shao also just casually said that her goal is the Hong Kong city and the mainland, but she said: "Who can say for sure about the future? Maybe our business can really go abroad!"

  Bao Huamao thought for a while and said: "Going abroad to do real estate business is better than investing in power, ore and other energy projects, which are more profitable."

  He does have this idea, but the investment is too big and he can only think about it.

   Tian Shao naturally knows that this is more profitable, but both electricity and ore are monopoly industries. If you want to do these businesses, you must have a good relationship with the government, and she can't do anything without showing her face. As for the prosthetic hand, since projects like this are measured in hundreds of millions, how could she be at ease.

   Tian Shao said: "It is more profitable, but do you think I can do this business with my status?"

  Bao Huamao immediately changed the subject and said, "I think the name Shida is quite good, so let's use it! I'll let someone do it in a few days."

   Tian Shao smiled and said: "We are not in a hurry to wait for the construction to start, and it will not be too late to list next year. By the way, how is Tang Zeyu doing recently?"

Bao Huamao shook his head and said: "The company's affairs have caused him a lot of trouble. We haven't had dinner together for a long time. If you want me to say, it's better to give up all the shares in hand and start a company by yourself. So many sit on the mountain and earn money. If you pay money, you will be nitpicking, and if you lose money, you will be scolded as a grandson.”

   "Can you come out and do it alone? You won't be hacked to death."

Bao Huamao glanced at her and said: "He just left the company to work alone, not the club, the two are not the same thing. But he invested all his wealth in it, and spent so much energy, trying to make him I would definitely be reluctant to give it up.”

   Then there is no other way, I can only endure it slowly.

Bao Huamao suddenly remembered something: "Tian Shao, brother Yu's wife called me last month and asked me for your contact information, but I refused. She didn't say anything when I asked her, I guess she I should be looking for you for something, if you are not in a hurry to go back, give her a call back."

  No one will give Tian Shao's contact information without Tian Shao's consent. There is no way, her identity is too special to give it to her at will.

   "My husband is on a business trip, so he can go back later."

  Bao Huamao heard the words, smiled and joked: "This means that you can only come to Hong Kong City if your husband is not at home on a business trip? Fortunately, I thought you were a woman in the new era, and you put your career first?"

  Tian Shao replied to him, saying: "Women in the new era want to focus on both career and family, instead of sacrificing family for career."

  Bao Huamao felt that she was thinking too well, and said: "A person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to take care of career and family. It is bound to sacrifice."

  Tian Shao didn't argue with him about this, and said: "I don't know if others can do it, but I won't give up anything. If you want a career, you have to balance your family."

  Bao Huamao laughed and said: "According to your consumption level, you just do nothing but put money in the bank and only eat interest. You will never run out of money in this lifetime."

   As far as the girlfriend he was looking for went shopping every now and then, Tian Shao's annual expenses were not as much as him.

   The two chatted for more than two hours, and they didn't separate until after dinner.

  Send her away on the front foot, and Xiao Rou comes in a taxi on the back foot. Seeing Tian Shao not only gave him a warm hug, but also kissed his cheek intimately: "Xiao Shao, you miss me so much."

   Tian Shao smiled and said: "I miss you too. How about it, what have you gained from staying in the Fashion Institute of the Romantic City for so long this time?"

  Because she felt that her knowledge reserve was not enough, Zhao Xiaorou wanted to further study, so she entered a fashion college in the Romantic City under the recommendation of a friend for a period of one year.

  Zhao Xiaorou nodded and said: "The harvest is great, and I got two more orders. By the way, one of the orders is from your third sister."

   It’s okay to earn money while studying.

  Tian Shao knew that it was hand-embroidered as soon as he heard it. Instead of asking, she asked Zhao Xiaorou to wash up first and then have dinner.

   After dinner, Tian Shao saw her tired face and pushed her back to the room to rest. It was not until the next day that Zhao Xiaorou told Tian Shao about the handkerchief.

  Zhao Xiaorou sells hand-embroidered handkerchiefs at the Fashion Institute, but none of her classmates are interested in it. Later, when I went out to play, a foreign old lady saw the handkerchief she was using, and she liked it very much.

  Zhao Xiaorou said with a smile: "The old lady likes to collect all kinds of novelty things. She ordered a hundred handkerchiefs with me. However, there is a requirement that each handkerchief must be embroidered in a different pattern."

   Tian Shao thinks this is not difficult, there are too many flowers and plants available: "How about the price?"

  Zhao Xiaorou smiled and said: "A handkerchief is twenty-five dollars, and I gave a deposit of one thousand dollars. But the other party requires delivery within three months, your sister should be fine, right?"

  She knew that it would take a lot of time to embroider a handkerchief, and Sanya would definitely not be able to do it by herself. But those who work in this line of work must know many colleagues, and it would be nice to find some skilled people to work together.

   After finishing speaking, she put a thousand dollars on the table.

Tian Shao didn't evade it either, and said: "She and her partner's money were used to buy a house and now they have no money on hand, and they will hold a wedding at the end of the year. I will hold the deposit first, and your commission will be directly from the balance buckle."

  Zhao Xiaorou said with a smile: "This order will not be drawn, it will be a wedding gift for Sanya."

  Tian Shao feels that one size is equal to one size and should not be confused: "Brothers will settle accounts clearly, and I will definitely give you the commission. As for the wedding gift, I can take it back after I buy it."

  Because the time dragged on for a long time, Sanya was a little worried that no one wanted her embroidery. If it wasn't for Tian Shao's request, she would have to take over the job of making clothes again. After getting this deposit, Sanya will be able to make embroidery with peace of mind in the future.

  Zhao Xiaorou was not polite to her, and said with a smile: "When do you have time, let's go shopping?"

  Tian Shao has almost dealt with the matter at hand: "There is no need to pick a date, just today. I haven't gone shopping for a long time, so I have to go shopping today."

  The two of them went out from half past nine and wandered around until ten o'clock in the evening before returning home. Xiaorou only bought three sets of clothes, but Tian Shao bought more than forty bags, and the trunks of the two cars couldn't fit.

  WISCO secretly complained to Gao Youliang: "Ms. Zhao used to complain of leg pain after walking for more than 20 minutes. Today, she is still full of energy after walking for 12 hours."

  So what kind of species is this woman, and why is she so excited about shopping.

  Gao Youliang didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder.

  (end of this chapter)

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