The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

47 First Day of School Life: Knights Section

Meanwhile, around that time. Tet, who belonged to the Knights family, was also questioned about his strength.

"All right, you guys, who wants to try this tet?"

in the middle of a large school yard (ground). An armored Dominic instructor places a martial bone hand on Tet's shoulder standing next to him.

Fifty young people, all with a tough, tough face, are ahead of Dominic's inquiry. Some of them are mixed with a few women. Everyone wore black inners up and down, with simple protective gear on their shoulders, elbows, etc.

Dressed from student clothes (blazers) and dressed in the same moveable light gear as them, Tet observes each boy and girl's face staring at herself. Everyone and he didn't seem to want to cross the blade with the unknown being: 'the adventurer who has suddenly transferred in'.

"What, no one has bones! Get down, both of you!

To the students who aligned him like an army, Dominic makes him curse like an army superior. It was natural to raise future Britannica soldiers.

"You have no choice... Hey, Sieg! First, you deal with him."


Zeke, who was behind the line, was called by his name and raised his bare voice.

"Just come forward, Usnoro!

"Ha, ha, instructor!

I'm not sure if it's a reply or a scream, Sieg running from the rear with his rubbed voice.

The students around them were laughing couscous at how Sieg was doing. It's not a watchful grin. Obviously, it was a mockery of the weak.

Sieg tried to stand in front of Dominic and Tet while he was being ridiculed - just a few moments later, Sieg fell with his legs and fell from his face to the ground without even being accepted.


I thought you were stuck in a pebble. But if Sieg looked up at his painful face, there stood a big blonde boy with no food on his face. He has an unfamiliar look, but as usual (...) Sieg guessed he'd gotten his legs out and hooked. I let myself fall on purpose.

"What are you doing! How dumb are you...!

"also, sorry......"

Standing up, Sieg stands in front of Tet with a relaxed foothold. After finishing 100 barebacks, they rolled over, and the atmosphere was already full of creativity before they matched.

Seeing him like that, Tet was remembering. A few minutes ago, he said he was a boy who ran into himself in the hallway. I can't forget that huge tumble.

"If you can't even seem to beat Sieg, you need to leave now. Well, do it freely."

Dominic gives Tet a wooden sword with a niggered look on his face.

And Zeke also holds a wooden sword, and the other students make a circle by making sure they surround the two.

"Come on, transferee!

"This guy is a sight to behold!

"Oi, once in a while, show me you're winning, Sieg!

"He's never beaten anyone."


Tet the outsider and Sieg, who belongs at the bottom of the hierarchy. A heartless jerk flies to both sides.

But Dominic, who was supposed to be a lecturer, was silently deciding what to look like.

"... what's the matter..."

Tet squeals small as he grips the wooden sword in his right hand. All I get is a sigh.

The silver-haired Sieg in front of you, however - is definitely 'the weak' rather than. The black inner, which emphasizes functionality and sticks perfectly to the skin, placed a special emphasis on Siege's body's fineness. He holds a sword with both arms with few muscles, but his hips are drawn and he is not 'standing'. I just 'have' my sword.

Above all. Even to students who laugh pointing at such a zeek as if it were a spectacle. Tet was disappointed.

- Now a 'knight' family is not funny to joke about.

"Begin. No!

Dominic's decree started Tet and Sieg's match.


Sieg shouts his temper in a tall voice. And with his trembling arms, he shook the wooden sword wide up. Trying to tap your opponent, Tet's left shoulder armor.


moment. A cut of wood sword jumped into Sieg's torso, which had been emptied.


The protective equipment that protects the chest and abdomen is not made of iron. However, because it is made of solid wood, it is well prevented by the same material of wooden sword.

But Sieg didn't understand. Severe pain running all over the place. Impact as if he was hit in the stomach with a hammer. What the hell kind of move is this?

But what Tet let go of was not 'moves'. Simply, he sprained his left foot, stepped in with his right foot, stretched his right arm straight out and stuck out a wooden sword. That's how it works. It's not a special attack or Grandell Stream Swordsmanship. There was no weirdness whatsoever, it was just a 'poke'.

But the spike blew Zeke's body up to his classmates (galleries).

"Damn, ha...!

Drop a wooden sword in too much pain. And I nodded to the brown earth with my belly. When a woman's labor pain may be this much pain, she tries to distract the severe pain by thinking that her brain has nothing to do with it.

"... hey, what..."

A middle-aged man squeaks watching from a little further away. He was Dominic, the weakest siege in the Knights family, but he had a cold sweat on his forehead.

I knew this would happen. But Tet's 'way of winning' was unexpected.

"Shh, that's awesome..."

"It's a blow..."

"I didn't see any movement."

"Who can stick it out so fast?

"I don't know if I can do this..."

I understand that Tet is not less than Siege's miscellaneous fish. But the students who felt a single scale of bottomless strength begin to boil deliberately to see how strong the hell it is. "Flow" was happening to praise that black-haired swordsman.

"So, someone else...!

Dominic is in a hurry. As it is, I have trouble getting on track with the adventurer style that is not a Britannican national either. Knowing the greatness of schools and kingdoms and taking adventurers into the Knights of Britannica is one of their tasks.

"As someone who belongs to the Knights Department of Square School, show him the difference with humans from other countries......!

Dominic orders the students he treats his men, but just seeing Tet's sharp blow was getting everyone butted in.

As Tet himself, who didn't sweat one after the Siege fight and lightly gripped the wooden sword, it didn't matter who he was dealing with. That's what the instructor (Dominic) is after.

"- Atashi will go. Doctor."

The arrowhead, Rin's voice rose, thinking that Tet would wish even in his arrangement with the instructor. The Lord of that voice was apparently one of the few female students.

"Ooh. All right, then you go next, 'Chemie'."

With permission, one girl walks out of the group. She was a seemingly vicious girl who stretched her flaming red hair to a semi-long that reached her shoulders.

The girl knight, called Chemie by Dominic, looked down chilly at Sieg, smothered by pain, as he headed to Tet.

"Ha... As always, I feel sorry for the man. You won't be a knight in 100 years."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sister Chemie..."

Unlike magicians, there should be no flying-class system based on merit. I wondered what a 'sister' was within the class I was supposed to only belong to the same age, but seeing Chemie's temper, Tet switched his mind.

Chemie is about the same height as her husband (Makina). The curved beauty drawn by the black inner is feminine rounded, and the chest guard is pushed up cramped by the 'contents'. Because it was a knighthood full of men, or its appearance as one of the few 'Hua' blossomed beautifully.

But Tet instantly understood that the flower had sharp thorns.

"... well, I didn't know our brother was jerked off..."

The ruby-colored eye and the tip of the wooden sword are pointed at Tet. Neither the intimidation nor the erection of the wooden sword compare to that of a fool's brother (Zeke).

"As a sister, don't shut up."

"... I didn't mean to be a jerk."

He was found guilty of not being there, but Tet rejoiced a little bit in the appearance of "The Sword Waving for Someone" and re-gripped the wooden sword.


At the same time Dominic proclaims, "Now it looks promising," the young men of the knighthood exalt.

"Go -! Chemie!"

"Come on -!

"Don't beat a woman, adventurer!

"Break him an oak woman's nose column!

"Who's the oak woman!

Someone flew it. In the wild. Chemie rages, but his gaze remains on Tet, gripping a shorter wooden sword and filling the distance.


A blow that had been slashed up from a low position plundered Tet's jaw. One more step, I would have eaten Moro if I had been late to retreat.

That's all, I understood Chemie's prowess. If you take a break, you'll stuck it with handsome feet, and if you step in reverse, the wooden sword will come for the steeple precisely. I wave down a loss and a sharp slaughter, but that gets tricky too.

The type of knight who fills the reach and muscle strength differences of a weapon with speed and technique. Pure curiosity was driven by a different way of fighting than the Grandell knights, who had found virtue in a single blow special.

"... I guess I've had quite a bit of workout"

"Oh, that's Sotch too, isn't it, Tet the Adventurer? Most boys have fallen, but you're the best in this class."

As a Tet, I just came to look for a secret library, and I thought that kind of thing was my husband's (makina) specialty. Camouflage was the only one who moved into the Knights family.

But now. Even though I could have fought swordsmen like Chemie, I thought it might have been worth entering the Knights family.

"... hmm? Do you want me to (...) go this way, maybe..."

I told Makina, "Please be careful not to be brainwashed," and she had first found herself attracted to the transfer system and school life.

"Talk to yourself in front of the person you fight!? Naked stuff. Neh!

Chemie is attacked by Tet, who is born with a hand on his chin and untied.

Running through the ground sleigh so much that I thought I'd fall in, slashing it up again from an unlimited low position -.


- And show it to me. Pretending to slash up a wooden sword in his right hand, Chemie jumped up big on his right leg. He then switches the wooden sword to his left hand in the air, aiming straight at Tet's neck.

If you look at it from Tet, if you think it's coming up from the diagonal bottom to the left, it was a feint. Suddenly out of sight Chemie jumps up and waves her thin arm down from the top diagonal to the right.

Even if I try to prevent it with a wooden sword, Chemie's longer things are disastrous and I can't protect my neck instantly.

"Got it!

Shortcuts almost reach Tet's neck. Quite painful but not to death. When I can show my strength and the will of the Knights family while hostile to my brother (Sieg)...


The moment I was so sure. "Tet threw down the wooden sword," Chemie raised her voice low.

And Tett's free right arm, grabbing Chemie's left wrist. I twisted my hips intact, grabbed my two arms with feminine softness with my left hand, and with back-to-back throwing guidelines - I threw Chemie away.



Chemie's light body spun half way through the air and was slapped straight from her back into the schoolyard (ground).

Though it sounded fierce, contrary to the flashy fall, Chemie didn't feel much pain.

"Lost, I...? The Atashi...?

"... was brilliant, Lord Chemie"

Tet gently offers his hand to a girl knight who falls asleep in a big letter.

The unsurprising crowd (gallery) and Chemie herself. But when Ruby's eyes looking up at the blue sky understood the situation, he took Tet's hand with a dry grin.

"Ha... that's awesome, you. I can't believe you ditched your sword and dealt with Atashi's special attack with your bare hands. Which genre?

"Er... G, sword knife technique passed down from generation to generation to Griffos territory"

It was really a grandel-stream jujitsu, but you can't give it a name. Falsely deluded that Griffos, home of the Sayas taken care of in the giant tree forest, was where they came from.

"That transferee who is awesome......!

"It's real!

"Is that Griffos style swordsmanship......!

"But what country is Griffos? Never heard of it."

Turning away from the unwelcome mood, defeating Chemie made Tett's assessment definitive. I admire him mouth-to-mouth, stronger than anyone else, no, I'd lose, and I'd talk about that strength.

"... Gu, shit...!

Only Dominic, the chivalry teacher, looked like he had crushed a bitter bug.

Class attention is drawn to an adventurer named Tet who suddenly appears. Besides, it hurts that Chemie, who has more strength than a man, was defeated by every woman. Because the technology I've taught doesn't work for adventurers. That's all we have to avoid.

"As it is, well good...... Anyway, I'll be bored soon..."

Knightly students surrounding Tet and begging to speak and teach one after the other.

But Dominic summoned a few of the atmospheres that had yet to admit Tet, not trying to join the circle.

Some of them were boys who earlier caught Sieg's leg and let him fall. Standing next to that blonde, big student, and keeping Tet and the vast majority of students unnoticed, Dominic began the 'meeting' in a whisper.

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