Late summer winds rush through forest roads.

The sound of sounding on it. That's a collision of swords and fangs. It was the tone of the battle, risking each other's lives.


Stop eating your jaw with your sword so that 'dog' doesn't bite your arm off a thousand times.

With a knife to return, he slashed off the head of the Dark Devil Dog (Black Dog).

But there is not one demon dog. Beasts are creatures that act in flocks.

One fierce demon after another emerges from behind the dark woods, even though it is daytime.

Let's stick those sharp fangs and nails to the black-haired swordsman Tet - as.


A high and clear voice riding a refreshing breeze refines the magic.

And the fierce wind that was born became countless blades, tearing apart the torso of the demon dogs from trees and grass flowers.

The demon carved into pieces of five bodies sinks into the earth without raising the terminal demon into a meat mass.

All the demon dogs left behind were also slashed and thrown away by Tet with a machete.

That way, in the dim forest, the original silence returns.


The wizard Makina exhaled her tenacious breath, intertwining Tet and her gaze and smiling at each other.

Exactly an extra victory.

Leaving Wells' Hot Springs District, the more powerful the demons were to get closer to the Wang Capital, the two let the demons kick their asses without bitterness.

"Looks like you're totally back on track, Mr. Tett!

"It's all thanks to the princess's dedication...... This life saved by the princess must be rewarded with the work of my sword...!

"Hi. Okay, so please also put the 'squire mode' to more (...), right?

"Ah...! also, sorry............ not sooo smart makina......"

I still haven't lost my standing behavior as a knight - rather, Tet, who was resurrected by Makina's digging dex ore, was increasing its loyalty.

I was able to mine a detoxifying ore in Volcano Wells and was taught about the 'Gerwes' horny print magic by Cortra, who was a worker.

Tet, who was poisoned by poison frogs and wandered the frontier of life and death, recovered by the time he could wield his sword safely.

Makina also has more magic (...) thanks to Cortra (...) and no enemies on her way. Nor does it take lag to the earliest extent of goblins or poison frogs.

"At this rate, it looks like you can safely get to the King's Capital...!

This is a smooth sail. The destination is the Great Magic Library of Wangdu.

My heart swells with anticipation for a future in which I'm likely to grasp clues to the ancient magic (Gerwes) and hence the hateful Wizard.

"... but"


Problems are always and in a realistic way poked at.

""... I don't have any holdings... "

They both leak big sighs at the same time.

And we were close, and the belly bug rang.

Yes. The current problem with Makina and the others was the golden measure.

Initially, when we arrived at Wells, we had some savings due to our quest earnings up to then.

However, the cost of treating Tet to a doctor who has been seeing him for a week is very high.

Further payments were made to the spa inn. Besides, the Napa man's tact left the damsel a 'twat', and because he escaped from Melissa and left the city, Makina and the others who were partying with him, albeit temporarily, were also to pay for the tact's accommodation.

I didn't even sell rare Dex ore and turned it all into an antidote.

And bad luck is overlapping.

All the other ore that Makina dug in during the 7th also transferred to the Alliance side. "I don't need anything other than Dex Ore, so let me go to the volcano quickly," because I stuck (...) the guild receptionist.

In the end, the money I've saved so far is almost gone.

The two, who were princesses and knights of one country, faced what could be described as the first 'poverty' in their lives.

"At least fill out the checklist at that time, other than Dex Ore, so that I can keep the jewels on hand..."

"I can't help but mourn the past... no, Makina"

That being said, Tet is also stuck with the carcass of a demon dog at the tip of his sword.

When you do that, the demon you defeated doesn't drop you money conveniently.

There are still a lot of bird-and-beast demons around here, even if it's goblins that take away human gear and possessions. You can't own human money or anything.

"... it looks like we're going to have to go straight to the 'liquor store' after all"

"Right...... We're in a hurry, and it's a waste of time doing our quest."

"No possession". The situation was not inherently so troubling for the adventurers.

Because Adventurer Alliance Request (Quest) reception openings are installed everywhere. With one skill of his own, it is the flavor of the adventurer who can earn whatever he wants.

But the Makinas couldn't stay in Hot Springs for long. Because now that I've got a clear destination called "The Royal Library," I have reason to head to the King's Capital as soon as possible.

"And what kind of place is it? The" Vanillanda Tavern "..."

"Come on...... Sounds like an easier place to make money than doing a quest, they say..."

'They', who taught me the name of a liquor store in Vanillanda, was about the veteran adventurers Tet rescued.

They had been transformed into crystals by poison frogs that housed 'tattoos'.

It was helped by the activity of Tet's abandonment, which had long been a missing treatment but for some reason was not crystallized.

Because of his benevolence, he also visited the spa inn during the treatment, and when Tet woke up, he rejoiced and said thank you to his mouth.

When they found out about Makina and the others, they told me about "A Place".

Borrowing money between adventurers only creates trouble. But instead, he gave us' information 'to the two new adventurers.

That was the name of the store - 'The Vanillanda Tavern'.

Through the forest road just after the sunset completely fell.

In the open flat ahead, there existed a tavern.

The surroundings are lit with demon-free holy fires, and dazzling lights leak from the window of a huge wooden house on three floors, each of them.

Just because there are no artifacts around, the warm light stretching out of dozens of windows catches my eye.

Floating brilliantly (like this) in the pitch-black darkness, its Night Castle was more of a small 'fortress' than an inn.

- There you are. One man and one woman at a time.

When I walked into the store, there was only a liquor store full of alcoholic air and the hustle and bustle of many humans.

And at that reception counter, a woman was waiting for me to think I was a demon for a moment.

She is still dressed in fat enough to be cut off, but dressed in gorgeous dresses and jewellery (accessories).

The hair was purple dyed, thick makeup applied to the face, a style reminiscent of the typical 'witch' in the story.

"Atashi is the owner's vanillanda. Welcome to Atashi's Castle."

But of course it is not a demon. Vanillanda bigger than those giants there, but she's a clean person.

"So, you're good for your stay today, right? The ground floor is a place to enjoy alcohol and meals, as you can see, and the second floor is a regular accommodation room. The third floor is a luxury service room..."

"Yes, no...... Um, we...!

"I heard you could make money if you came here."

Instead of luxury accommodation rooms, the two of them who are suspicious of the cost of accommodation and food this evening will try to ask whether they can earn money or not.

But neither - or the two bellies made a loud noise (...) and made Vanillanda laugh bitterly.

"Hi, you're a 'over there' customer. Just sit down and wait a minute. If you're hungry, there's nothing to talk about, is there?

He has a body that is likely to swallow the little kid whole in one bite, but from his voice and tone, inclusiveness seeped out like the mother of a large family.

Makina and Tet arrived at the table on the ground floor, as they were told.

Looking around, many guests buried their chairs at dinner.

And the way it looked, it was a thousand different things.

"Hey! Bring the booze! Add it. Add it! If you have money, you have tamari.

A young adventurer with a bright red face luxuriously pours meaty steaks and seafood into his stomach with a high brand of liquor.

In one corner of that table, Dex Ore was placed and handed to the waitress who brought the liquor, not for detoxification but as a precious metal instead of 'chip'.

"... oh, the... Water...... additionally"

In contrast, some channelled free water in a small voice.

He says his body is also a big veteran style middle-aged adventurer, but he has a tired face and counts to lick the rest of his fortune in his purse.

Of course, I had already finished eating qualitative foods, such as meals.

"... this is..."

"That's a huge disparity..."

Vanillanda liquor store, present at its midpoint, from Hot Springs Street Wells to Wangdu.

This is a place where those who have successfully mined in gorge quests and volcanoes and grabbed a great deal of money play.

But those who did not, in an attempt to seize their last chance in the King's Capital, were also places to rush in instead of shelters, overtaking rainstorms while 'Sukhumpin' remained.

And the Makinas, who cannot be viewed as other personnel - either, no, completely, were adventurers belonging to the side of the latter's "one-shot reversal aim".

To Makina and Tet, who are downhill in their lives like that, Vanillanda put soup with vegetables and beans on the table and bread with black wheat.

"If you eat that, come in from behind the counter and come to the office. I'll tell you the money story. Hey, just need a little help with this inn business (...). I'll work a few days in the lodging, and when I save up my travel expenses, I can go to Wangdu and do whatever I want. We all do that here."

The face of Vanillanda, who laughs at the nitwits, makes her look more like a large predatory carnivore than a goddess of mercy.

But still, for both of us, it was a help boat that we didn't even wish for.

"Oh, thank you......!

"To the best of my ability, I am in existence to do it!

I'm already willing to work, even though I haven't heard the details yet. Although there were no other options.

Such maquinas and tets poured warm soup into their empty stomachs and praised Vanillanda's personality with such expressions as pleasure.

"You introduced me to a good place!

"Yep...! It does look a lot easier than risking your life to take a quest...... right!

Whatever the appearance, the "good man" welcomes the needy adventurer as a guest without kicking him out, even giving him a working mouth.

I guess he's also impeccable as a proprietor because he cuts up all these big inns and taverns.

Dishwashing or customer service? Or is it cooking or cleaning?

While allegorically rigging about future work, Makina and Tet -.

"... there's Zuyven and the seemingly weak youngsters here... Well, they both look good, and they seem to expect it...!

- The two of you who grow up in a greenhouse and still leave the 'unknown' part while you run out as an adventurer.

Without imagining the severity and horror of society, he was getting his hands on a delicious meal.

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