Episode 188 – I’ll have to catch the watchman alone




A mighty demon with a Roman numeral ‘3’ let out a bewildered cry.

The tentacles he wielded possessed destructive power that could shatter the outer walls of most buildings.

By the way, do you block the human subject with your bare hands?

It was unbelievable.

When the apostle created himself, he did not make him weak.

It must be powerful enough to wipe out humans in an instant.

[Kiyiyi… … .]

Watching Manus notice, the watchman wriggled his tentacles.

Seeing this, Manus prepared the magic.

A cadenza unfolds while grabbing the tentacles.

Powerful buff magic wrapped around Manus’ entire body.


Casting speed doubled, and power doubled.

In one breath, Manus, who waited until his mana filled up, concocted his magic again.

It’s a blow.

Indeed, it was time to test how much damage could be inflicted with one blow.

I was going to use class 6 magic, but it was not stable, so I passed.

Since I had to spare some energy, I decided on the 5th class Cadenza.

Cold magic to divine magic.

The recipe flashed into my mind.

[Pruna] – [Exodus]

[Double Spread]

An angel with frozen wings descended.

The snowflakes blooming from the wide open wings began to pile up on the flowers.

It happened in an instant, and the watchman freaked out and pulled out the tentacle.


A good chance to counterattack when the enemy casts.

The watchman blew a giant leaf and used it like a giant blade.

said Andrea, his master.

A human mage’s weakness is right before an attack, the moment of preparation.

It’s very painful when you get hit, but before that, you’re completely defenseless.

Andrea’s knowledge was whispering like that.

Then we must attack!

“These watchmen are all stupid.”

Maybe it would have been better if we quietly gathered and waited for our turn.

It seems that Andrea wasn’t as smart as he thought.

Manus leaned over as he proceeded to cast.

A cool breeze blew through the top of his head.

I don’t know, but if I had been hit directly, my body would have been cut in half.

But it was too obvious and too slow.

Could it be that the wizard attacked like that because he couldn’t move while casting?


Are wizards stupid these days?

The level was not low enough to not even compensate for basic weaknesses.

Casting while moving is basic among the basics.

Avoiding the enemy’s attack and counterattacking with casting was the most standard attack method.

Rather, the watchman who made a big attack fell into a big delay.

So, should I be right now?

[Scapula Flos]

Ice flowers scattered.

The petals flew and started to freeze everything.

Ice thorns bloomed wherever the petals touched.

Originally, it was a wide range of magic, but I tried to concentrate its power on one point.

[Kieek?! Kiehek!]

How does it feel to freeze every sweat?

Albion quickly took refuge behind Manus, avoiding the ground that was starting to freeze.

From the 5th class onwards, additional effects began to be attached to magic one by one.

The magic called [Scapula Flos] has the effect of hindering the enemy’s movement.

Sometimes there was a guy like a golden goblin who ran away, but the magic used to prevent that.

Now this watchman also caught the one trying to escape.

In addition, there is an effect that makes it impossible to do anything for one turn.

“Freeze to death.”

I squeezed up mana once again.

It might be a little tiring, but I was confident that I could finish it in one go.

Magic with strong physical power was needed.

If it’s class 5 physical magic, it’s powerful enough.

[Kiii… … Kiyiyi-!]

A watchman who lets out painful cries.

Like a watchman who couldn’t move, it was just a punching bag with a lot of stamina.

A huge blade fell from the sky.

It was class 5, physical magic.

[Grandis Ansys]

A huge sword pierced the mask with its substance.

A sword that might have belonged to a giant mercilessly pierced the center of the plant.

[Kee Ee eh-!]

What would it feel like to have a huge sword stuck in your face in a situation where you can’t even move?

I didn’t want to imagine it, but it must be a terrible pain.

Manus looked at the watchman while restoring mana through breathing.

Soon after, the watchman slowly turned to dust and began to disappear.

only twice.

Finishing off a watchman with two spells.

Manus laughed dejectedly.

A situation where you don’t know if you’re stronger than you think or if the other person is weak.

‘Than you think… … It’s stronger.’

It was rewarding to learn the skills used by the boss.

Because it was you who gathered only the strengths of all the characters.

The challenge was successful.

It has been proven that at the moment when children fall into a crisis, if he actively steps forward, he can be covered for sure.

If I can fend off the Sentinel alone, it will give me time to recover and regroup.

Feeling a bit proud, Manus smiled slightly.

Now that I’ve done all my business alone, it’s fine to join in moderation.

“If you become strong without me, you will be able to prepare for emergencies. is not it?”


Albion hit his head on his leg.

In a little while, Albion will also undergo the next evolution.

At that time, it would be impossible to walk together like this.

For the time being.

Manus stroked the head of his cute familiar, and then went hunting again.

There are no signs of distress yet.

So I should go back at ease.

If Andrea, who was watching from somewhere, saw this, how upset she would be.

After all, the suffering of the enemy was my pleasure.



The pain swelled.

She, who had been watching the watchman from the far end of the garden, screamed and covered her face.

It was a terrible pain.

The limbs were frozen and nutrients could not be taken away, and the sword was stuck in the most important part of the magic stone.

The pain of having her skull split was not something even Andrea could endure with her sober mind.

After screaming for a while, she let out a heavy breath.


Andrea gritted her teeth and rose from her seat.

A huge soul was absorbed into itself.

“this… … Damn things!”


she realized

They are growing by absorbing plant cores and magic stones.

It becomes stronger with the ghosts and artifacts created in the process of transformation.

time is… … I realized that it was not on my side.


Memories she had plucked from the gardener, Chesthip, ran through her brain.

hatred for him.

I was full of resentment towards him.

“Manus… … My friend, I will go get you.”

I figured out who the mental support was.

Now was the time to break down that mental support.


I will inevitably lead them to destruction.

“so… … I will make you pretty ornaments for this garden.”


As she took her steps, blue streaks formed a path.

Like that, when she was about to head towards the garden in earnest, something blocked her path.

Andrea frowned.

“What are you?”

“It’s been a while. Andrea. It seems that noble hobbies are still there.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m not asking because I don’t know. An apostle is one who watches. Don’t go out on your own.”


Andrea’s fist made a bloody sound.

Although she had the form of a woman, she was not weak.

A tolerable golem would fall out with a single blow from her fist.

“Do you still say that when you see my garden being ruined?”

“The garden needs to be rearranged. but… … You must not disobey the order. Then the boundary collapses.”

“I have to kill them right now, so get out of here.”

Andrea’s anger level has already crossed the critical point.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Just because you’re an apostle, you have to sit still and wait?

Don’t be funny.

This is the home of the dead.

It was a place where the living should not be disturbed.

“Can not be done. Then the irreversible happened.”

“So, are the children in my garden okay to be trampled on?!”

“Watch the match on the 80th floor. By that time, cause and effect would have already been completed.”

Andrea let out a rough sigh.

Hearing the words of the person who came to me, I calmed down a bit.

Yes, they are apostles.

Divine beings sent by Him to do their appointed work.

Mattia has already been beaten, and Andrea’s garden has become a mess.

It was the mission given to them now to go as they were destined.

“sh*t… … It is on the 80th floor. I can’t stand it any longer.”

“okay. And if you’re a lost gardener, I’ll support you. There are many excellent warriors in the desert.”

“good. [Kantati]. I will consider it a satisfactory deal.”

“Then, I will go. never forget That we are beings born with a mission.”

Andrea nodded heavily.

A person called Cantati tapped her on the shoulder.

I could feel the emotions that were dotted with anger slowly softening.

this is his ability.

It was the ability of Kantati, who was nurturing warriors in the harsh desert.

It was time to go.

This must have consumed quite a bit of Kantati’s own strength.

“Don’t make me move again. Because I have to prepare my strength.”

“… … Get off immediately.”

Cantati did not answer and disappeared.

Beneath Andrea, who was slumped in her seat, stems grew and formed a throne.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I got.

She thought and thought.

How can we scold those who ruin the garden?

I thought and thought and thought.

Then, all of a sudden, I had a good idea.

“… … I would have said it was the 80th floor.”

Andrea closed her eyes and sent a command to the flowers in the garden.

Only the dead flowers in the garden could tell what she had ordered.


A couple in the middle of a battle.

Cale and Anais’s magic was rampant, and Melanie’s spirit was strong.

Alano cast a recovery spell on those with low stamina.

What I felt in this battle was that I felt the vacancy of Pearson more than I thought.

And it was that Trace fought quite well.

The addition of the avant-garde certainly eased the burden on Melanie.

“Whoa… … You blocked it well this time too.”

“Everyone suffered. How is your fitness?”

“are you okay. Trace has definitely made it easier for me.”

Trace scratched her head.

Evasion using chains, and precise strikes using daggers.

His swordsmanship was not standardized, but he had no choice but to acknowledge its practicality.

“I haven’t done much, hahahaha.”

“No, I didn’t do anything. Thanks to that, I was able to hunt comfortably without Pearson?”

“I will try harder.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard. Like Manus said, we still have to endure a lot.”

Trace nodded.

At that moment, another party called.

Nia’s voice rang through the communication bead.

“Allano? Can you hear me?”

“Yes, I can hear you.”

“Guys, did it suddenly get weird? Demons are running away.”

“… … yes?”

That was a rather odd thing.

At one time, they came as if to kill them, but now the demons suddenly run away.

I thought this guy’s garden was a really, unknown place.

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