172 – To catch the lion living in the jungle


[I order in the name of Caesar’s head, Caesar Laves.

You, as a member of Caesar, participate in the battlefield to cultivate glory and raise your honor.

Respond to the call and plant a flag in enemy territory as a conqueror.]

convocation order.

In the letter sent by the head of household, there were writings alluding to war.

Maybe the negotiations with the Acre family didn’t go well.

If that wasn’t the case, negotiations would have been a card that was not even worth thinking about in the first place.

Manus looked at the letter and nodded.

The chairman was staring at Manus with a very dark expression.

The story with the family has already ended.

It was not difficult to admit all attendance except for the evaluation and exam in case of special circumstances for the estate or family.

However, isn’t the fact that that young student has to go to war itself is a huge risk?

“Be careful, please.”

“I will come back safely.”

“It’s a small-scale war, but the Earldom of Acre is a place where extremely talented people are lined up.”

Manus nodded.

His firm mindset was unwavering even though he was going to the scene of killing and killing.

I thought I was prepared enough to see what a terrible scene there would be.

However, the director who saw the appearance still did not let go of his worries.

No matter how good Manus is, he is also human.

A human with limited mana, low stamina, and fear.

It was a battlefield where you could die from blind attacks or be surrounded by countless enemies.

Is Yeongjijeon an exception?

“I know. I will say goodbye to the children and leave.”

“… … is it so. I will give Aden a special vacation, so please come along.”

Manus left the office and stood in front of Aden.

She also pursed her lips as she opened the letter Manus gave her.

He seemed to have something to say, but he couldn’t bring it out.

Manus spoke without waiting for her.

“Get ready and come. I will come and say hello to my colleagues.”

“… … All right.”

“We will return safely.”

Aden nodded slightly.


A person without a home or a country cannot be protected.

For Manus to enjoy a prosperous life like now, war is indispensable.

It was the first thing I started doing in a foreign country.

So I guess I’ll have to pay for it.

To Aden, the new home was too precious.

I was ready to devote myself to the point where nothing could replace it.

This time, too, she was ready to devote herself for the precious Confucius.


Manus went to the student council room, not the club room.

The Student Council, where the best students of the year are gathered.

A place where the students selected by the student council president gather, a place that ordinary students are reluctant to approach.

It gave no inspiration to Manus.

No, rather, it was also a place where you could see the most colleagues.

There were rumors that this semester’s midterm exam would be a fairly big stage.

The main figures in the preparation were all members of the student council.

It was a good choice to visit the student council room rather than the club room.

“uh? What are you doing here?”

“I have come to deliver the news. Everyone seems to be here.”

The first one we met was Alano.

She looked up at Manus, her face full of wonder.

Manus, who always had a calm face, didn’t know his intentions unless I asked him directly.

Manus calmly opened his mouth with the same face.

The matter was too big for only Alano to hear, so Nia and Anais should listen too.

“Anais and Nia-senpai, is Cale also there?”

“Yeah, I work there. Shall I call you?”

“It will take a while. Sorry to disturb you.”

Alano laughed softly.

Realizing that he had softened a lot, Alano turned around.

It must have been something urgent that you came all the way here, right?

“wait a minute.”

Beyond the back of Alano, who disappeared with quick steps, Manus’ gaze naturally turned to the inside of the student council room.

A bulletin board with various schedules.

Messages from professors. A document detailing what materials are needed for the class. Textbooks scattered about… … .

The elements that will evoke old nostalgia are packed.

I felt the eyes of the student council executives passing by.

What could be so strange?

After staring at him for a while, if he even made eye contact, he would turn his head away like a puppy caught doing something bad.

He used to do that too when he saw cool and pretty seniors.

‘What kind of reaction will he show when he hears the news of the war?’

I will live buried in worry again.

Because the scale of bickering at the academy and Yeongjijeon were different.

After waiting for a while, Anais, Nia, Cale, and Alano all arrived.

Nia, who already knew the news, was with a gloomy expression.

The puppy-like bright eyes made Manus feel down.

“Senior, did you call me?”

“This is the first time you’ve come to the student council room.”

“I came because I have something to tell you.”

All eyes gathered on Manus’ lips.

Meanwhile, Nia let out a small sigh.

Looking forward to what he will say and what news he will deliver.

“From today until the midterm exams, you will have to climb the tower without me.”

“Is this a family call?”

“okay. I will participate in the Battle of Yeongji and come.”

At the words Yeongjijeon, the faces of the children hardened as expected.

It may be a small battle.

The problem is that the level there is different from the academy?

“Senior, Hu, are you in the back?”

“that’s right. Since he’s a wizard, he should be in the back, right?”

Manus nodded.

In fact, it was unknown whether he would be in the rear or if he would investigate separately.

Concealing that fact, Manus told them they would be safe.

little consideration. The heart that I don’t want you to look at yourself. For the reason that I don’t like to spend my energy on something that I don’t have to worry about.

“do not worry. There are many people in my family who are better than me.”

“I can’t help it, but… … You must come without getting hurt.”

“that’s right. You can’t get hurt. We have things to do together.”

Manus nodded.

The longer the words, the moment of parting only seemed difficult, so I turned around right away.

I didn’t forget to throw out the last words.

“The mission has not been forgotten. So, build up your strength too.”

“yes. I will continue to climb the tower.”

“Allano. Nia senior. Please take good care of the juniors.”

“Trust us.”

Nia nodded and said.

Already, that child is involved in important family matters.

Even so, as if it were very natural, it seemed like seeing a real adult to deal with it calmly.

It’s really strange.

Is it that age doesn’t matter when it comes to being an adult?

Then I wanted to see myself as an adult.

At least I didn’t want to trouble Manus.

With Alano and myself, I will protect my comrades even without Manus.

I was confident in filling someone’s vacancy.

“Then, see you before midterms.”

“yes. Have a safe trip!”

Manus moves forward while being seen off by everyone.

When I simply packed my things and came out, Aden was waiting for me after packing my things.

He was carrying a Boston bag, which would contain combat uniforms and various tools.

Confirming that the preparations were complete, Manus opened his mouth.

“My father will not send me to a dangerous battlefield.”

“I’m worried that Confucius will go to a dangerous place on his own.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t happen.”

Aden nodded lightly.

Soon she was seeping into the shadows.

Seeing the two of them leave the academy at the same time, rumors could have spread.

Manus moved his steps and headed towards the manor.

As I was moving my steps, I heard a sound running towards me from behind.

A woman running with flowing blue hair.

No matter how much he ran, his well-groomed bobbed hair turned into a lion’s mane.

“Heo-eok, heo-eok, senior! I’m here to give you this.”

She stretched out her hand and gave Manus a small necklace.

An accessory that looks like an artifact that can feel mana.

When did this happen again, Manus accepted the necklace with a sense of wonder.

Before item information appeared, I decided to listen to Cale’s words first.

If you give something like this to a family member going to the battlefield, something bad will surely happen.

Memes that have been created in numerous media do not come out of nowhere.

Manus looked at Cale with a wry smile.

“What is this?”

“It’s a talisman. Mr. White gave it to me as a gift, I will give it to you.”

“Write it well and give it back.”

“You must come back safely.”

Manus nodded.

Now was the time to really go.

Examining the necklace, the description of the item flickered.

[Necklace of Blessing]

[Defense 5 fatal attacks]

[Destroys when used all]

It was a very useful necklace.

In addition, it was also an item that had never been seen in the game.

Manus put the necklace around his neck with his own hands.

Cale, who watched that, smiled bashfully.

“Then don’t go.”

“yes. Have a safe trip.”

Cale waved his hand.

Manus also raised his hand and moved towards the teleport transmitter.

[This is extremely sincere.]

‘They said they were going to war, so they must have been afraid.’

Yes, it is the way to the battlefield.

Cale lived outside for a long time, and went through a lot of things like war.

Knowing her past, Manus could understand her behavior naturally.

Aden spoke as if teasing in the shadows.

Could it be that the same woman seemed to have different meanings?

[It seems to me that Confucius has feelings for him. If it’s a Cale student, I agree.]

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

I headed to the family with Aden, who smiled and kept his mouth shut.

It’s a battlefield… … I wondered if I would be able to stand it.

Manus arrived at the place where the view was overturned and the red flag was flying.

Now I could smell the smell that definitely felt like home.

Someone who recognized him after appearing in the magic circle began to stride towards him.

Manus himself couldn’t remember the face, but the other side seemed to know this side very well.

“Princess Manus. Welcome. You have arrived safely.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Perr, belonging to the Magic Tower. Please feel free to call me. I have prepared a wagon.”

Manus was guided and headed to where his family was waiting.

The capital of the principality had a different vibe than usual.

It is probably the speculation spewed by those preparing for war.

“The Acre family has led an army here. It’s a bit of an odd situation.”

The reason was also clear.

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