Episode 151 – Doubt Blooms Like Mold


Elena couldn’t come to her senses.

She had heard such words in Eagle Class.

Sometimes, there will be times when you have to be more careful of your mages than your enemies.

The magic that a wizard decides to spread is a disaster itself.

That’s why I said to be especially careful and not to go where the wizard is looking.

she snorted.

How great must a wizard be.

‘what’s this?’


The completed magic burned the normal blood slime just by its presence.

It is a blood slime that divides from the queen and increases the number of individuals, but it emits heat that makes it impossible to divide itself.

I did something ignorant about 4th class magic.

She was no stranger to magic either, so I was able to recognize it.

[Altus] Because magic was the rope for students who couldn’t advance any further.

‘however… … .’

If you stack a few Altus magics, does that kind of power come out?

Manu’s sleeves were all burned.

His trembling arms let him know how great the magic he was holding was.

It seemed that if he didn’t raise his shield, he would melt from the heat.

The heat that filled the space made it difficult to breathe.

Aiden also blocked the heat with the determination to die.

“hey-! finish it quickly! I’m going to be retired like this!”

“-All right.”


[Altus] x 5

The magic I tried.

The result was high destructive power to the point of shuddering.

[Altus] I already knew through the original work that magic was really effective magic.

Three times it creates a special magic, and four times it reinforces that magic again.

So what about five times?

Manus’ test was successful.

As expected, magic was a study with infinite possibilities.

Manus released the miracle he had accomplished.

The message covered my eyes, so I read the text.

The magic had already left her hand, and at the same time, the entire Queen’s Nest became an inferno.

[Great achievement!]

[It has a strong effect on the world line.]

[The powerful use of Altus magic is formed as a new skill.]

[Skill: Create Yugosus]

[Effect: Has the effect of Altus Magic x 3.]

The magic circle changed into a new form, and a completely different magic circle was born.

Originally, [Ignis], which had plenty of strengthening magic added to the 4th class magic, was already comparable to the power of Altus in the 5th class.

It seemed that a fire-manipulating demon descended and burned everything.

The heat was so great that the safety barriers the three people were wearing were on the verge of disappearing.

It gave me more goosebumps because I hadn’t been shocked so far.

The Queen of Blood Slime?

All three cores have already been burned out, and nothing is left of them.

“Ugh-. Do you think it would be good to let go now?!”

“Don’t be afraid and hold on!”

Aiden gritted his teeth and endured.

Meanwhile, Manus, devoured by his own mana, was retired as it was.

The safety device was broken, and he was banished straight off the artificial island.

Elena looked at the end of Manus with amazement and pity in her eyes.


are you laughing

In any case, it flew away before it was judged that the dungeon had been completely conquered.

It must be a big deduction factor in terms of points.

Still smiling, do great families have a big heart?

They must be the aristocrats who don’t like to put even a speck of dust on their grades.

Education is scary, and it is a process that has a great influence on shaping one’s values.

I heard that you are a fool, but are you sure you have a free mind?


Elena looked ahead.

The flames died down, revealing a gruesome scene.

If you do something like this in a normal dungeon, you’ll get a lot of swearing.

One of the reasons for going to the dungeon was to obtain materials for monsters.

Especially in the case of blood slime, slime is used as a valuable alchemy and artifact material.

The queen’s slime and core were expensive and luxurious items worth calling.

Since they burned them without leaving any of them, how much did they blow?

“Whoa-. finished. I really thought I was going to die.”

“The ending is a bit uncomfortable, but what can I do? He said he had something to try… … . If it had been a real match, it would have been a mess.”

“You’ll figure it out. I ate this evaluation raw.”

Elena let out a laugh mixed with a sigh as if she had collapsed.

Aiden shook his head as he looked at his own melted shield.

The safety devices of the two people shined.

They were engulfed in light and summoned back to the academy.

We were looking at each other’s faces and smiling, but we didn’t know it.

What awaited them was not a welcoming applause, but a look of suspicion and suspicion.


The time when all of the first graders entered the dungeon.

Someone saw Manus’ performance and frowned.

Magic is a study that breaks common sense, but on the contrary, it is also a study that has a well-established discipline and system.

Isn’t that ironic?

It is a study that makes the impossible possible, but only by approaching it with a sophisticated theory can miracles unfold.

Magic was such a discipline, so stereotypes were also very strong.

“It’s a little strange.”

What someone said was the beginning.

“It is said that he inherited Caesar’s blood, but his growth rate and the magic he uses are abnormal.”

“Do you know that statement is very dangerous?”

The professor who knows magic quite well nodded.

They are people with the title of ‘professor’.

The confidence in individual pride and knowledge was great.

Those who do not believe in the knowledge and experience they have could never become professors.

Even in the eyes of such people, Manus’ magic was somehow strange.

Even if he was a Caesar, he did everything he couldn’t show before.

It was just an irrational sight for those who had no idea about the system and passive skills.

“In my common sense, no human can use magic like that.”

“Then this could be the first case.”

“Magic is an extremely common sense science. But that… … It’s not a look that completely defies common sense. Similar-.”


Professor Shandler, the eldest, stopped the atmosphere from becoming overheated.

The expression that always smiled kindly disappeared, and the figure of an old man who had been protecting Mitos Academy for a long time appeared.

Barbaros’ eyes shone fiercely.

No one looked down on it for being a tiny creature.

If that little lizard grows big, Mythos Academy will have to make a big sacrifice.

That great Professor Jennifer was also a familiar who couldn’t guarantee victory or defeat if she faced that Shinsu head-on.

“If you doubt that, you should check it yourself. Let’s watch it. Since the birth of wizards, the most brilliant stars have always appeared.”

“-All right.”

Doubt blossomed from a simple word and began to spread like mold.

A thick malice gathered at the smell of musty smell.

The ill-wishers spread the rumor.


Confucius of that great family was unusual.

It happened the very next day.

It was when Manus terribly burned the blood slime.

“What is this?”

“It was found in Manus’ room. It is said that a cleaning maid found it this morning.”

“… … This.”

Professors gathered in one place for the evaluation, and it was the perfect place for Assistant Professor Chesthip to publicize.

Of course, Caesar wouldn’t collapse to this extent.

But the tag attached to Manus will follow him for the rest of his life.

That’s it.

Because he knew right away that he couldn’t destroy such a great family with his own power.

It might be possible to send it away without a rumor.

‘However, you’re going to have a lot of trouble at the academy from now on.’


Swallowing a laugh inwardly, he carefully showed the bottle handed to him by the maid.

[Black Rum]

Also known as mana booster.

As a banned drug, it was a strictly prohibited item because it had major side effects.

There was no way those skilled in magic would not recognize this.


At that moment, as if proving it, a tremendous magic filled the screen.


“That’s obvious… … .”

“No way, Caesar would have used this.”

Lamentation, disbelief, and a little pity.

Eyes full of confusion alternately stared at the screen and the black rum.

They watched the end of Manus without hiding their confusion.

Unfortunately, the scene where he was swept away because he couldn’t control his mana made many people convinced.

What are the basic qualities of a wizard?

To prevent the magic you spread from harming your allies.

Also, isn’t it to keep allies from getting involved as much as possible?

‘Manus. hello you… … .’

Professor Jennifer clenched her fists and stared at the screen.

She saw Manus’ brilliant talent.

Clearly, it was a talent that would reach the end of Matushak.

When it comes to learning, his will was much higher than others.

I didn’t know that the son of a nobleman would harbor such a vicious spirit.

But all of that… … .

‘I don’t think so. The guy I saw wasn’t a child with that look in his eyes.’

Several professors left in a hurry.

Manus will return.

A tyrant who was praised.

He became a criminal in an instant.

The disappointment grew to an indescribable extent.

If he really did use a forbidden drug to bloom his talent, he’d probably live with regret for the rest of his life.

At least I prided myself on being excellent at seeing people.

“I must go.”

“All the Bamban professors are leaving. The rest of the professors, please.”

“I will stay. I have to check the magic circle until the end.”

Professor Kai’Sa raised her hand and said.

Professor Trail nodded.

Watching the professors slip away, she said to her assistant, Chesthip.

“You go instead. I wonder what happened.”

“-all right.”

She remembered Manus, whom she had seen for the past week.

Overwhelming physical, overwhelming judgment, overwhelming magic skills.

Was it all artificially created?

‘I didn’t.’

It was not a level of talent that would bloom in just a few years.

It would be possible to simply increase the power and pour magic with something like that.

However, fighting like a seasoned warrior was not a problem solved by drugs.

Professor Kai’Sa clicked her tongue in pity.

There are certainly suspicions, but there may be a twist.

I thought it rather strange that all the circumstances pointed to Manus.

“… … Cheer up, great family.”

She groaned as she looked at the screen.

Whether Manus is truly a talent worthy of a great family will become clearer after seeing this response.

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