146 – Information flows from top to bottom


capital of the empire.

The Golden City by name.

In other words, [Chrysos City].

Today was the day a huge banquet was held there.

Time for all nobles to gather.

It was also a banquet specially hosted by the emperor.

The justification was to commemorate the tragedy of the Great Forest of Viltite and to welcome those who remained as members of the Empire.

After the catastrophe, refugees from floods hoped to come under the Empire.

From the point of view of an empire that could secure the Great Forest, which was a neutral zone, it was an offer that had no reason to refuse.

“Your Majesty is here!”

Everyone stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads at someone’s words resounding in the vast battlefield.

emperor of the empire.

The one who is called the loser of the continent never entered with someone’s face.

His tall stature, his shaggy beard, his moist eyes, as if he was thinking a lot.

The aura that radiated from him had the power to make people’s heads go down.

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Just as every family has its own ability, the imperial family also had its own ability.

It’s an aura that dominates everyone.

“Raise your head.”

With every word he speaks, the heavens and the earth move.

In fact, if we combine the power of those gathered here, we will be able to change the heavens and the earth.

The Emperor was such a person.

A single man who reigns over the greats.

Emperor Bradley rolled his eyes from left to right.

The colorful light emitted by diamonds when exposed to light.

The dazzling brilliance looked straight into the eyes of those gathered.

‘Did all the people who will gather gather?’

monologue of the emperor.

My thoughts in it wriggled.

Unfortunately, the friend’s face was not visible.

Everyone will be busy in their respective places.

Instead, I saw a very happy face.

‘As expected, I knew you would be there. ma’am.’

She was a woman who stood out.

It should be natural.

She was a trendsetter on the continent and a traditional powerhouse in the fashion world.

A woman who was so strongly opposed by Caesar’s family, but managed to take the place of hostess.

Beninitas lowered his head slightly with a beautiful smile.

A smile crept across his lips.

Because he remembered the time when he sat down and had a drink with them before he became emperor.

I put aside my fleeting thoughts for a while and did what I had to do.

“Today will be one of the most important days in the Empire.”

Viltite Flood.

A strategic location and a treasure trove of huge resources came into the hands of the Empire.

“Tragedy happened, but it will be different now. The Empire will be with them.”

I could see people’s eyes twinkling.

In particular, those who came from Great Forest had tears in their eyes, as if they remembered what had happened at that time.

They were the only ones who survived.

They were also those who survived by fleeing to the south rather than the north.

Did you say Cheongsaja?

The Emperor pondered over the Countess of Acre, and continued.

“Today is a glorious day. Everyone, leave your worries to me for a while. The Empire will welcome you into its family.”

The emperor raised his cup.

Everyone followed his actions the same way.

The glass was filled with sparkling golden champagne.

“For a new family.”

For the family-!

Everyone shouted, and the hall roared.

Yes, this was the power of the emperor and the power of the empire.

However, the larger the organism, the more parasitic insects there are.

Now is the time to resolutely cut out the rotten parts, even if it reduces the size a little.

There was a long period of peace.

But, not anymore.

“Eat and drink, everyone. Today is a day for you.”

The emperor turned his head and signaled to the prepared orchestra.

The neatly dressed conductor waved the stick with a determined expression on his face.

Soon, upbeat music played and the banquet began.

The Emperor’s speech contained many things.

This was a declaration that the Empire would never give up on the Great Forest.

At the same time, it was a bluff that anyone who touched the tribesmen could not escape the punishment of the empire.

“Then, I hope you all have a good time.”

After saying that, the emperor turned around and disappeared from the banquet hall.

The quiet chairman became noisy again.

The woman in the center, who was receiving the attention of many people, smiled slightly.

A burgundy dress that looks like red wine has been poured into it.

It is not a bold costume, but a design that adds mystery by minimizing exposure.

With the luxurious color and elegance added, her appearance was definitely one of the best in the military.

“princess. His Majesty the Emperor has requested a private meeting for a while.”

“Oh, I see. I’ll be there soon.”

After handing the cup she was holding to the attendant, she stepped out of the banquet hall with graceful steps.

A cool wind blew outside.

A place where the calm wind blows all year round.

The blessed land was the capital of the empire.

The emperor was right behind the banquet hall, with an escort knight.

Lady, Beninitas took an example for the Emperor.

Watching her greet her elegantly, the escort knight turned his head slightly.

It was also a testament to how beautiful she was.

“Did you call? your majesty.”

“oh… … Long time no see. ma’am.”

“I’m glad you seem to be okay.”

“Is Jim going to do anything else? At this time when everything is moving slowly.”

Emperor Bradley looked at the escort knight and said.

It was good that there were no ears to hear the story from now on.

“Go for a walk for a while.”

“… … .”

The escort knight hesitated and did not move.

The emperor smiled benevolently and opened his mouth again.

“Who do you think I will fall for? A drinking friend I met after a long time. Leave me alone.”


As the escort driver disappeared, Bradley and Beninitas shared a light hug.

The two of them who threw off their formality and returned to their old friends.

After a long time, we had a deep smile and chatted in an informal manner.

“Long time no see, Bradley.”

“Beninitas, you are still beautiful. The empress should have been here.”

“There will come a day when we will all meet. Have you checked the information I gave you?”

The emperor nodded.

I really regret it.

The Emperor is alive with his eyes wide open.

“The blue lions, they joined hands with the wicked. I heard that the Abrel family is also investigating the anomaly.”

“If it is an anomaly… … .”

“Nothing has been revealed yet. but… … Your son at the academy could be involved as well.”

“You mean Manus is getting involved?”

Bradley nodded.

Nothing has been revealed yet.

There were no casualties.

It was just a situation full of heartache.

“Nothing has been confirmed yet. That is why I did evil to your son.”

“If it was wrong, he would be very angry.”

“I’ll make sure to pay off the debt over and over again. The blue lion will be locked up in a cage soon. Those behind them, too, must be found.”

Beninitas nodded.

If there is something to be done first, you should focus on that.

The Avrel family was also focusing on the anomaly.

Beninitas’s head got complicated.

More than anything, I was worried that my son might be caught up in something strange and endangered.

The head of the house, Laveth, might be something to welcome with open arms, but the mother’s heart is not going anywhere.

“I will move separately.”

“Carefully. Because the secretive people can target you.”

“Do you dare touch Caesar? If I die, they won’t be able to live on the continent.”


Although he is a sleeping dragon now, he was the continent’s strongest wizard.

Wherever his wrath passes, there will never be any life that will survive.

A risk taken to achieve a certain purpose.

That would be a risk because of the huge gains you will get after that.

However, for Laves to move, it was a loss that could not be compensated by any gains.

“Be careful though. The imperial palace will help.”

“He sent me a gift not too long ago.”

“It wasn’t my intention, but… … I hope it helps.”

Beninitas nodded.

The first task is to clear the cheongsaja.

The second is to acquire the information that the Abrel family is investigating.

With the purpose clearly visible, it was time to move.

Perhaps rumors will circulate.

Since the best informant has moved, the enemy will either hesitate or make another move.

they will have to choose

“I’ll have to keep an eye on the academy.”

“Um, please.”

She looked into Bradley’s eyes.

The emperor turned his head and looked somewhere.

The depth of his eyes, which tried to move as if he saw a great fate, was not deep enough even for Beninitas to fathom.

That’s why he became emperor.

There are problems big and small, but the empire has prospered more than ever under his rule.

As the time came to end the short meeting, Emperor Bradley expressed regret.

“The allotted time has already expired. Say hello to Laves.”

“Good luck, Your Majesty. If you need help, you can always come to Caesar.”

The two returned to the relationship between the duchess and the emperor.

The two made a promise to the future.

At that time, the two of them said goodbye, hoping to be able to meet a little leisurely.

“Go carefully.”

“yes. your majesty.”

She lowered her head and turned around.

Bradley sighed lightly as he watched her walk away.

“Your son will become a brilliant star.”

And the process of becoming that star will never be easy.

I am really sorry for my son, but in the process of being refined, the emperor had no intention of staying still.

It will shine brilliantly only after going through countless trials, agony, conflicts and chaos.

The emperor smiled bitterly.

What is his fate… … .

What a damn prophecy… … .

Why did he have to play an emotionless emperor?

“It’s useless.”

However, for the peace and well-being of the continent at the end, he was ready to hear any amount of criticism and resentment.

Being the emperor of the continent also meant taking responsibility for everything.

Even if it is a blade of revenge against oneself.

Bradley was ready.

He has one thing to do.

To nurture warriors and create a brilliant light to protect this world.

In preparation for the disaster to come, even one could save as many subjects as possible.

“I’ll have to go see your face soon.”

There were midterm exams in early May.

It will be a fun stage.

I go by myself, but even if it’s not fun in the first place, I should make it that way.

I felt like I could relax for the first time in a while, so I started to get excited for no reason.

Although he is an emperor, he still seems to be a young man with a pure heart.

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