Episode 122 – Face the unknown in order to know the change


Early in the morning, Tyrannis was overcome with worry.

What is the psychology that people fear the most?

It was fear from the unknown.

The reason why people are afraid of the deep sea is because they don’t know what will come out.

The reason people are afraid of empty space is because they don’t know what will come out of it.


It was the cause of the most shrinking of human psychology.

Tyrannis, too, felt the fear of the unknown as he gazed at the rising sun.

Of course, when others saw it, I would have used the expression of worry rather than fear.

“Gongja. Ready.”

“How is Manus?”

“It looks very good.”

I turned my head to look at Manus, and I saw him closing his eyes and concentrating.

I still doubted if he was right.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Judging from what I’ve done so far, I don’t think it’s nonsense… … .

Anyway, the mission will continue.

The Solari decided to use up the parchment and leave a mark.

Even in the worst case, going back is possible.

Caesar had a fearless spirit.

“We will depart as soon as Manus is ready.”


Numerous eyes turned to the second Confucius, Manus.

This could be said to be the key to this mission.

Since it was declared confidently, what is the strangely trustworthy feeling?

Not long after, Manus, who glowed with blue light, opened his eyes.

“-I’m leaving.”


The light that illuminates the road along with the sunlight walked along.

The white light moves smoothly as if swimming in water.

Manus glanced back.

Half disbelief, half trust.

Various eyes stared at him.

Those eyes piled up on my shoulders, and it felt like a burden.

But these burdens no longer felt heavy.

‘Now that I have the ability to do well.’

Today is in stark contrast to the incompetent and mediocre past.

Grateful for the situation, Manus stepped forward.

Nothing can stop the overwhelming force.

You just have to move forward.

Nothing that could stop Caesar did not exist in this great forest.



“Are you really here?”

“-Isn’t it much faster than yesterday?”

Those who marched all morning and had time to rest.

After a quick lunch, they stopped walking in front of the village.

A second town engulfed in silence.

At a much faster journey than yesterday, the soldiers stuck out their tongues.

“… … It was real.”

Tyrannis also looked around in amazement.

Frankly, it was even better than the best guides.

Wherever he went, he was one of the best on the continent, hiding his identity.

What is it?

Can such a talent bloom in an instant?

At the academy, no matter who liked it, they even used it at a tremendous level.

If you deal purely in close combat, you can easily cook a beginner knight.

I had to slowly admit this.

‘He must have been Caesar too.’

blood of a great family.

My father and I have a good look.

A bizarre talent that is hard to explain.

Even if I tried to push it away, my instincts refused.

That guy is a genius who has inherited the bloodline of his family.

Was the gap just a stepping stone?

then… … Now, we should put aside our prejudices and treat them little by little as befitting Confucius.

‘In other words… … .’

As soon as this mission is over, Manus will become a competitor.

A field of competition to lead the next generation of Caesars.

Manus will proudly put his name on that cruel arena.

This was a separate matter from his will.

Recognition and reputation, father and family will make it that way.


A sigh came out.

“Gongja. I checked, but no one was there either.”

“Any signs of an attack?”

“The traces of the battle remained, but… … Should I say that it is somehow unnatural?”

“Guide me.”

Thoughts were broken.

Now, rather than trivial problems, I should check the things in front of me.

Tyrannis headed to where he found the trail.

Manus had already arrived there and was examining the traces.

I didn’t even expect an accurate analysis.

All you have to do is show the commander’s face.

‘surely… … It matches what was described in the original work.’

Traces of sparsely cut off battles.

Unnatural lines of movement and abruptly cut footsteps.

Several other factors proved that it was not a normal battle.


The natives here have strong vitality and strong bodies.

It was a village that even regular troops could not easily overcome, and there was only one battle pattern.

That means… … .

“The strong man slaughtered him. The pattern is coming down to one.”

“surely… … .”

“But there are too many awkward parts.”

It has to be.

The person who raided this village must be someone who can cross the erosion zone.

In addition, there were signs that a huge figure was trying to topple the building.

It is said that it happened in the erosion zone, but it was not without effect in reality.

One person comes to mind.

Days… … It was coming back strangely.

“What if you have a special ability or the ability to move through space?”

“oh… … then-.”

Common sense in this world is only talking about a very small part.

Because of the presence of mana, common sense has been reduced to one of the possibilities of being broken.

There have always been transcendental acts, and thanks to them, I was able to accumulate such diverse knowledge.

At Manus’s careless murder, the eyes of those who had been watching with cloudy eyes twinkled.

Those who only looked at it with prejudice began to approach it from various angles and compositions.

In an instant, the battle scene turned into a heated debate.

“So this is-”

“Was there such a thing in black magic? It looks like a summoned beast to me.”

As the strands of the case were caught, the pace of progress accelerated terribly.

Caesar’s troops are drawing pictures little by little as they add flesh to the skeleton.

Unfortunately, no one came close to the truth, but Manus didn’t bother talking.

The answer was already drawn in his head.

‘If there’s an enemy that handles a summoned beast like this, there’s only one. Did you get it already?’

Also, should I have killed him then?

Manus let out a small sigh.

If other villages were in a similar situation, it wasn’t worth looking back.

He approached Tyrannis to reconcile.

First, Confucius folded his arms and silently listened to his subordinates.

It looked like he was sparing his words until a complete conclusion was reached.

“-What are you going to do here?”

“Let’s go further. With your skills, you should be able to explore deep enough.”

“We have already obtained useful information.”

“I go with a certain result to the given mission. It’s still a bit lacking.”

Manus nodded.

The family needed more data to properly launch the investigation.

The Church of Dire must be involved in some way.

No conclusive evidence has yet been found, so the investigation will continue.

And I didn’t know yet that that was the decisive flag for this scenario.

Regrets are always late.

It was the fate of one who hadn’t yet realized that his brother was a considerable chunk of flags.


the fifth day.

Surveying exactly one village per day, they gained considerable information.


A certain monster has been prowling around the Great Forest of Viltite and committing massacres.

It was terrible.

It was also something that shouldn’t have happened.

Ordinary people would think so, but only one place.

It would be a different story for those who regard death as sacred.

[Warning: This is the boss area.]

[Once you enter, you cannot come out until you kill the boss.]

[Enter carefully after final maintenance.]

‘ah… … I should have just gone.’

With the last village approaching, a frowning message appeared before Manus’ eyes.

Also, the game to catch the boss.

It was a very difficult situation that reflected the original setting as it was.

Looking back, I could see the exhausted troops from the continuous marching and repeated investigations.

I ran pretty hard for five days.

As a result of continuing the investigation through discussions all night long, they moved within an unreasonable schedule.

“Is this the last time?”

“Princess, ahead… … .”


There is something.

Something ominous plagued their senses.

Unseen dangers awaited them.

Tyrannis stood there, as if pondering for a moment.

An unknown enemy ahead.

The combat capability of the unit is somewhat reduced.

I’ve come too far to turn around like this.

In a situation where you may have to walk all night, what if you are pursued by the enemy?

“Here we repair and rush.”

“Use all the materials you have. I put myself in the best condition and go into battle.”


The unit became bustling in an instant with a loud sound.

Manus also took some potions.

The ominous aura grew every moment.

What the hell is going on inside?

What changes is the world going through right now?

To find out, you’ll have to expose yourself to an unknown enemy.

There is no fear.

From the moment you won Caesar’s heart, negative emotions have been buried deep in your heart.

“Are you ready?”

“-Everything is ready.”

“A fairly strong enemy will be waiting for you. Let everyone stay tight.”

The determined expression gave me a will.

Their faces reflected in Manus’ eyes were gradually becoming more like him.

It was because the eyes that resembled his reflection in their eyes.

There is no fear.

There is always only victory in front of Caesar.

I turned around and stood proudly in front.

“- Enter.”

As if to escort them, the guardians formed a camp.

The knight drew his sword so that he could jump out at any time.

The mana fluctuated and the wizards prepared powerful magic.

What is there to be afraid of with them?

[Enter the boss area.]


Ear cries rang.

The air changed and the view changed.

I saw a village that was horribly destroyed.

All the buildings collapsed and were enveloped in strange mana.

In the sight of black ash covering the village, a gigantic creature was breathing sluggishly.

A crouching creature.

The information he saw with his eyes, the atmosphere he felt with his skin, and the things he felt with his sixth sense were dangerous.

what the heck is that

‘I don’t think it’s a daemon… … Is it a demon?’

The shape was too grotesque to be called a devil.

Sniff, sniff, I smelled the strange creature that was breathing regularly.

The smell of the living.


With a grotesque sound, a monster creature stood up.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the creature that approached Manus directly was terrifying.

“that… … .”

“too bad-.”

“… … I asked where the villagers were.”

A life form made by randomly crumpling human bones, skin, and muscles into a single nucleus.

The one called the ‘corpse golem’ among the warlocks.

[Uh uh uh-.]

It did not wish the death of the living.

It was a specter that wished for its own salvation.

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