The era of war is not short of heroes. In fact, it is because of disaster that the name of heroes has been created. In the surviving cities of the last days, there are unique guardians. Among these people are heroes, bullies, and good generals. No matter how different their personalities are, one thing is that it is because of these people that ordinary people have a stable home.

Feng Zhiyong.

This is a legend. Unlike some other professionals, who control the overall situation with their proud power, Feng Zhiyong is just an ordinary person. He is a leader in J City. He has called for heroes based on his personal charm, and once became a tribute to the efforts of ordinary people. .

The awakening of professionals has polarized the human camp.

Some people think that they have more powerful power and should guard humanity more. There are also a few opponents. They feel that they are the darlings of this era. As for ordinary people, they are just the knockout of this disaster, a group of ants. Nothing more.

"Hello, I think we should say thank you, you saved my soldier."

Feng Zhiyong settled down. As the future leader of the city, he showed amazing calmness, and soon woke up from the kneeling of the dark elves.

Standing in front of him was a young man. Although there were a lot of awakened troops in the army, the professional performance was even more strange after having the power. He glanced twice more.

And behind the young man was the glamorous girl, with her glamorous long white hair that made her look quite eye-catching. At this moment, she was holding a long bow and looking at herself with her eyes of inspection. people.

Five meters.

This is a very ingenious distance.

At the speed of the Dark Elves now, this distance is enough for her to kill some people. Of course, her main target is Feng Zhiyong. If something happens, she is confident that she can control the other party within one second.

The soldier named Feng Zhiyong, with a heavy complexion and no high posture at all, was more like a shop owner who received guests.

Feng Zhiyong is certainly not a man of good faith. After all, this is a cold world. Without a deliberate leader, perhaps even the first rays of dawn cannot be seen.

Leopard peeping through the duct.

One has to lose more than 20 lives in order to kill the deformed beast, even if there is any great distress, but based on this ruthlessness, he is a character.

Chen Feng has no conspiracy, even if it is, it is just a bright and conspiracy.

Send charcoal in the snow.

In fact, Chen Feng has come here long ago. Originally, with his assistance, ghost ghost assassins and others could not need to die, but from beginning to end, he did not take any action to stop ...

Too many people can prove that the deformed beast is powerful.

Only by killing deformed beasts can we prove our worth.

This is a very shallow truth. The cast iron division and others are the stepping stones for deformed beasts, and the deformed beasts are Chen Feng's reputation. He needs a credit, a vision to save everyone in the fire and water, which may be somewhat high-profile. , But it is directly proportional to the harvest.

Not everyone can be treated like Feng Zhiyong.

"My name is Chen Feng."

A brief introduction, Chen Feng just stood on the ground in this way, and nodded in front of Feng Zhiyong.

"I am a summoner, my ability is to summon some other dimension creatures to fight, these few days I hid in a nearby police station, and only came here when I heard a voice."

"Dimensional creatures ..."

When I heard this, Feng Zhiyong's determined cheek couldn't help but twitched. He glanced at the dark elf. Sure enough, the other person's appearance was not the same as human's.

Although it is not very clear what is the dimension creature in Chen Feng's mouth, through the observations of these days, Feng Zhiyong discovered that the world today has already undergone earth-shaking changes, like the deformed beast in front of him. This is not a product of this world .

However, as a long-term leader, Feng Zhiyong soon returned to normal. He nodded and said gratefully, "In any case, I would like to thank you for your help. If not for you, some soldiers may fall forever. Along the way we have died too many people, I think ... "

Xu said here, Feng Zhiyong paused, glanced at the dark elf, and then turned to Chen Feng. If the other party said it was true, then this young man obviously controlled the choice of the archmaster.

"The disaster broke out. The city doesn't know what happened. If you can, I hope you can join us. In this way, the safety factor will be greatly improved ... Of course, I will not let you do particularly dangerous things ... "

I may be thinking of the experience of the cast iron division, Feng Zhiyong quickly changed his tone, and he hoped to make the other party think that he was just treating him as cannon fodder.

Feng Zhiyong was a little silent at the moment. Talking with a strong person who could control the presence of the strong was a very important step. The death of three professionals was a disaster for Feng Zhiyong.


He must gather nearby talents to protect the city and the people.

I watched Chen Feng silent, Feng Zhiyong didn't know what he was thinking, just when he wanted to explain further ...

"I agree."

Chen Feng's voice was not loud, but there was a hint of firmness in it.

"Ah ... what are you talking about? Really? This is really great!"

Originally Feng Zhiyong didn't hold much hope. After all, there were too many people dead on his own side, a dozen soldiers died tragically, and three professionals died. This **** scene will inevitably shrink when anyone sees it. What he didn't expect was that Chen Feng even agreed so simply.

Feeling the joy of Feng Zhiyong, Chen Feng slowly said: "I agree to join you, but I have some conditions, and my ability requires some monster corpses, so in the future battles, I hope to be able to share some powerful monsters. The corpse, and I need an identity, not an ordinary soldier, but a management ... "

I said here, Chen Feng was silent, he needed to give Feng Zhiyong some time to think.

"that's it?"

Feng Zhiyong's eyes widened, a surprised expression, want the body of the monster, not to mention some, all for you? It can't be eaten as food, and it is more troublesome to handle.

As for the management, this is easier to do. As a professional, Chen Feng was originally used by Feng Zhiyong to build a hero's flaunt. Without affecting his rights ~ ~ Give each other some military membership. This There is absolutely no problem.

In fact, Feng Zhiyong also saw some professionals during this time. These people gained power out of thin air and became unrecognized. Some people even claimed to be superhumans. They wanted to create their own power like in the movie. After his strong invitation The conditions of those people sounded like Feng Zhiyong wanted to give each other a shot.

Compared with those people, Chen Feng's request is nothing.

"Please believe my sincerity, I can assure you, because you have to clean the streets, you can choose the body of the monsters freely, and you can rest assured that I will give you a satisfactory explanation ..."

Feng Zhiyong is very sincere.

However, the reason why he is so generous now is that there are no professionals such as founders and enchanters in J city. These professionals can build some equipment with different abilities through monster corpses. In the future, bronze or more Monster corpses even became the currency of human transactions.

Chen Feng is not greedy.

He is not going to stay here for a lifetime. Unlike the Dark Elf, this pet with a charm can rely on sacrifice to get the blessing of the evil god, but the stupid guy, the bad demon, does not have this treatment, he needs a lot of Food has the opportunity to advance to the next level.

喂养 Feed the evil spirits with the power of the whole city. This is another plan that Chen Feng eagerly joined the army.

Even if an enchanter really appears in the future, the role of monster corpses will also be noticed, but at that time, the bad demon who devoured many monsters must have already completed the evolution ...

Ps: I owe two more, go to work at 2:30 in the afternoon, and get off at 10 o'clock. The plan is all disrupted, cool heart make up ... The owed chapters are remembered, and the day after tomorrow will try to make up for it.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ...

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