The Absolute Speed of a Comic

Chapter 82: ?? Skills of 2 dialing 0 catties

Seeing Jiang Li retreating backwards, the Kurashiki Tibetans suddenly felt an inch.


Under the strong wind, he kept chasing and attacking Jiang Li with high frequency.

He was obviously obedient. He knew that a slash from the front could easily be blocked by Jiang Li, so he kept using sweeping moves to launch furious attacks from the left and right sides.

His arms were too strong, and the white-boned sword he swung out caused a piercing sound of wind.

Jiang Li subconsciously felt that the attack must not be blocked from the front, otherwise the bones of the hand would likely be shattered within a single blow, so he kept retreating and dodging.

"What's the matter? Didn't you look so good before? Make me more excited!"

While the Kurashiki Tibetans kept attacking, they laughed domineeringly.

Judging from the scene, Jiang Li was obviously suppressed by him.

Under his extremely brutal fighting style, Jiang Li could only keep evading, as if he couldn't even fight back.

"Nanxiang classmate...!"

Ayatsuji Ayase looked anxious.

If it was really wiped by that white bone sword, it wouldn't be easy.

She just wanted to step forward to stop her, but as soon as she stepped out, she was stopped by Gui Deyuan, who was next to her.

"Don't worry, haven't you seen the fight between him and me? He's not in any danger now."



With the help of his intuition, Jiang Li was able to predict the opponent's actions in advance and avoid the opponent's attack first.

Although every dodging was like walking on a tightrope, every time he was almost hit by the opponent's slash, but every time he miraculously dodged, he remained unharmed from beginning to end.

"The first knife, the second knife, the third knife..."

Jiang Li was not provoked by the Kurashiki Tibetans, he just calculated silently.

At a certain moment, the Kurashiki Tibetans once again swept out the big bone sword in their hands in a manner like sweeping away a thousand troops.

The power is undiminished.

But while he swept from left to right, the posture of his feet shifted slightly.

"It's now!"

Jiang Li's eyes narrowed.

He twisted his body, stopped dodging constantly, and then suddenly launched a knife to meet this powerful blow from the front.

"Idiot! You can't catch this sword with your strength!"

The Kurashiki Tibetan people's eyes were frozen like a wild beast, and they let out a snarl as if they were winning.

"Nanxiang classmate!"

Ayatsuji Ayase watched this scene, her heart almost in her throat.


The silver gleaming blade and the serrated sword instantly touched each other.

Under the crisp sound, the silver sword that was supposed to collapse at a touch did not collapse as the Kurashiki Tibetans thought. The circle walked.


Kurashiki Tibetans do not understand this kind of swordsmanship, but they clearly feel that their rhythm has been lost again.

He immediately wanted to explode his power and pull his dagger back from the opponent's, but—


He subconsciously twisted his steps, and his expression suddenly changed.

He found that his footsteps were not in harmony with his body, and at this moment, his strength could not burst out.

There is a dynamic chain in the human body that uses power.

Usually, this kinetic chain starts with the feet, then condenses the strength of the legs, guides the power to the upper body through the waist and hips, and finally attacks with the swing of the arms and wrists.

In other words, in general, the foot is the starting point of the kinetic chain.

Once the posture of the feet is messed up, the strength of oneself will become unable to fully exert its own strength. The attack that was originally attacked with the strength of the whole body will become an attack that can only be attacked with the strength of the arm, and the strength is only about 20% or 30%.

When a person twists his body greatly, the posture of his feet is very easy to mess up.

The Kurashiki Tibetans continued to launch strong attacks with sweeping movements, but they didn't notice that their posture was getting messed up a little bit.

Jiang Li understood this, and used dodging to induce him to attack continuously, and at the moment when his legs were chaotic and he couldn't gather all his strength, he delivered a lightning-like strike.

"Using softness to overcome rigidity? Is it a judo skill?"

Ayatsuji Ayase couldn't help but get excited when she saw the name of this move.

For opponents with strange powers, the technique of overcoming rigidity with softness is the most effective.

in the field.

Jiang Li drew a circle with his sword and guided the White Bone Sword to fall to the ground, making a rumbling sound, causing the floor to burst instantly.

At the same time, Jiang Li held the knife in his hand, moving from bottom to top.

The knife was like a crescent moon, and cut the Kurashiki Tibetan people's throat.

The white-boned sword was embedded in the floor, and the Kurashiki Tibetan himself was unable to defend effectively because his posture was chaotic.

This knife can't be avoided either!

As long as it hits, the Bulling Knife can cut his throat!

But when Jiang Li made this judgment—

A white shadow flashed past.

The White Bone Taidao got off the ground at some point, and smashed Jiang Li's forehead.

The Kurashiki Tibetan also didn't know when to stabilize his body, a hideous smile appeared on his face, and his eyes hidden under the sunglasses were full of ridicule.

If this goes on, it will only hurt both.

Jiang Li's body first made a instinctively jumped to the side, dodging the sword that hit his forehead, but his own sword also failed.

"Oh? You can dodge the sword just now. It seems that your intuition is very sharp?"

Kurashiki Zangren swung his sword in the air, instead of being frustrated, his face became more and more excited.

"It's not bad, it's more meaningful to defeat a swordsman like you!"

The second round of confrontation is over.

The two stood three meters apart again.

The Kurashiki Tibetans did not attack casually any more, but just stared at Jiang Li like a poisonous snake.

He seemed to have understood that there was an overwhelming gap in swordsmanship between the two sides. Knowing that the strange power he was proud of could easily be suppressed, he became a little more cautious.

Jiang Li was also taking this opportunity to recover his strength.

"Let me correct me, this is not a judo technique, but a tai chi technique."

He even had time to spare, so he spoke to Ayatsuji Ayase next to him.

"Tai Chi... Chinese boxing?"

Ayatsuji Aase was stunned for a while, she had also heard of the name of this boxing technique.

In this extraordinary world with supernatural powers, the strength of the Chinese Federation is beyond imagination, especially in the aspects of knife cutters and martial arts, which have a profound heritage of crushing most of the world in an all-round way.

Boxing techniques such as Taijiquan, Bajiquan, and Sixiangquan are all real, and each type of boxing has extremely outrageous power.

Jiang Li once looked for information about boxing skills on the Internet, but what he found was only a few skins. The real essence of boxing skills could not be found on the Internet at all.

But even if it's just fur, after transforming it into swordsmanship, it has benefited him a lot, and he has the ability to overcome rigidity with softness and fortitude.

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