The Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 108: She is going to add fuel to the fire "Let's get up." Although Ji's heart is irritating, he can't send it to his always-behaved granddaughter. Seeing her forehead sweating slightly, she ordered the maid to get her veil. Xie Ruzhuo thanked Ji Clan before asking in surprise, "Why everyone looks so ugly, but what happened?" Lu Clan was worried that no one could jump up on this topic. At this time, I heard Xie Ruzhuo take the initiative. Speaking of it, he immediately said, "Zuo'er, you are a girl who hasn't come out of the pavilion. Logically speaking, you can't listen to this matter. But look at what your big sister has done, and you can even grab someone. My sister’s head is on!” As he said, Lu pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes, and said in tears, “For so many years, in our three rooms, I have never treated anyone wrongly, but why is it just us? Fang was bullied like this!" Seeing Lu clan's signs of crying, Ji clan stopped immediately, "Enough! Third wife, you are not proper to say this in front of a junior! Besides, Ruyun I’ve already explained it, it’s just a misunderstanding. As an aunt, do you want to force a little girl like that?" "Old lady, do you think I’m forcing her?" Lu stretched out a slightly bloated finger to Xie Ruyun , Almost roared, "If I really wronged her, then why would my future mother-in-law tell her son that she wants to put aside the relationship with Rulan and propose to Xie Ruyun instead!" As soon as the words came out, A rolling thunder was suddenly thrown into the house, and everyone was a bit stunned by the incident. Xie Ruyun was the first to react and murmured, "Impossible!" She has been very polite and respectful when she has spoken to Mrs. Xu in the past few days. There is no place to go too far. How could Mrs. Xu have such an idea? But she didn't know that it was her good-natured nature that made Mrs. Xu more satisfied and wanted to marry her home as a daughter-in-law regardless of etiquette. Hearing this, Lu sneered, "Impossible? Is it possible? You know it best in your own heart!" After that, she shouted outside, "Liu Lu, you come in for me!" As soon as she finished her voice, she said. A maid with her eyebrows came in, knelt to the ground, and saluted, "The slave maid greets the old lady and the three wives, and the young lady please hello." "Liu Lu, you are a personal maid waiting next to Mrs. Xu. Now. Tell everyone, what did Mrs. Xu and Xu Wenyuan say last night?!" Lu looked at the people in the room with an angry expression, but deep in his eyes, there was an uncontrollable contentment. She really wanted to make a fortune with this matter, but she didn't expect that the Xu family would actually have such an idea, but they sent the handle to the door by herself! "Mrs. Hui, last night, the slave-maid went to deliver tea to Mrs. Xu, but she didn't want to see the door closed tightly. Just as the slave-maid was about to knock on the door, she heard a voice coming from inside, and the slave-maid was frightened by a word, so she was busy. I went to the third wife's yard to report back." Liu Lu's face was panicked, but his face revealed a loyalty to the Lord. Ji's body straightened up, tightly grasping the crutches in his hands, and asked, "What did the Xu family say?" "Back to the old lady." Liu Lu stumbled a bit nervously, and she finally said it easily. "Ms. Xu said, the third lady is too squeamish, it's better to be the eldest, she looks pleasing to the eye, like a daughter-in-law. She also said, yes, we will withdraw from the third lady's marriage, and instead ask to marry our eldest "Naughty!" As soon as Liu Lu finished speaking, the Ji family stood up and said angrily, "My Xie family's daughters are also caused by their deeds? If you ask for marriage, ask for marriage, and if you want to quit your marriage. Retire!" "Grandma calms down, you two are uncomfortable in Japan, take care of your body." Xie Ruzhuo was angry at the broken mouth of willow, and hurriedly comforted Ji. She rolled her eyebrows and continued, "Hey, although the third sister did say something that shouldn't be said in front of her future husband's house, but the Xu family is not like that." Who is the Ji family and has been immersed in the back house for a lifetime. After listening to Xie Ruzhuo's words, she immediately grasped the point, squeezed Xie Ruzhuo's hand, and asked, "What shouldn't you say, Zhuo'er, what do you know?" "Ah? I, I don't know what. Xie Ruzhuo waved his hand hurriedly, smiled dryly, and said, "Grandma, I just talked casually." However, her eyes couldn't help but looked at Lu, with a guilty conscience. The more she was like this, the more he felt ghostly, and immediately said, "Zuo'er, if you know anything, just say it, lest we wrong the distinguished guests from afar!" When she heard this, Xie Ruzhuo's eyes flickered. Next, it seems to be struggling. Ji did not force her, but only glanced at the audience with a pair of eyes silently, and said with full anger, "I will definitely find out what is going on in this matter. The daughter of the Xie family will not call people casually. It’s a practice, but the daughter of the Xie family is never allowed to do anything that shouldn’t be done!” Xie Ruzhuo seemed to be agitated by Ji’s words, and suddenly knelt down and said, “Grandma, there’s something I really can’t do. Don’t say anything!” She said, she took another deep breath and said, “Actually, when Mrs. Xu fell that day, I just came out of my mother’s room and happened to pass the small garden. At that time, I didn’t count. Yuan was blocked by the vine, so the third sister did not see me. I did not intend to eavesdrop, but I also heard a few words to the effect that Mrs. Xu could not give birth to a son because she did not eat meat. Moreover, the third sister forced Mrs. Xu to eat meat. When Mrs. Xu did not eat, the third sister became angry and said very aggressively. I didn't dare to listen at the time, so I hurried back to the Tingfeng Academy for several days. I didn't dare to come out again." As soon as her voice fell, Qian Bi who was listening to the side suddenly realized, "I said that the young lady came back that day, so she was panicked, it turned out to be like this." The master and servant answered each question. In fact, there is no such thing, but to say it like this, it seems that the two of them have really experienced it. Xie Ruzhuo smirked in his heart, Qianbi, this girl is very clever. In fact, the person who passed through the small garden that day was not himself, but Qianbi. After returning, Qian Bi told herself about the matter, and she knew that Xu's family would definitely retire. She wanted to use some means to get Xie Rulan to marry. But she didn't want to, and the words Xie Ruyun said before told her to change her mind. "What?!" After hearing this, Ji immediately furious and asked, "Rulan, I asked you, have you done this?" "I, I didn't! Xie Ruzhuo, you don't slander me!" Xie Rulanyi Xie Ruzhuo stared at Xie Ruzhuo with a hostile face, and then aggrieved, "Grandma, I have never said anything like this, Xie Ruzhuo is lying to you!" "Is it?" Ji's panicked Xie Rulan's eyes can be seen in his heart. With the answer, she closed her eyes and said, "Since you said your four sisters lied, then I will invite Mrs. Xu's family to come over and confront me on the spot!" "Grandma, no!" Xie Rulan's original hostility suddenly After disappearing, he changed his face and sobbed, "Grandma, didn't you make my face scandal if you did this? Just because I didn't do this, then Mrs. Xu's family wanted to retire, and now it's even worse. There is an excuse to retreat." Ji knew that she had always been high-minded, but did not expect Xie Rulan to do this. He sat in the position and thought for a long time, and said, "Well, this is a shame after all!" See Ji Xie Rulan didn't intend to let the Xu family come over, and Xie Rulan was slightly relieved, and then winked at Lu's family. When Lu received it, he immediately began to cry, "Mother, are you so partial, helping a concubine to bully the concubine! Only pity that my family Rulan doesn't have a father who is an official, so he was so humiliated. Ah!" Seeing that Lu clan started to slap and roll again, Ji clan's anger became more and more provoked, she snorted, and said, "Are you embarrassed to cry? A good marriage, but it has reached the point where it is now. The third wife, Ask yourself, don’t you have any responsibility at all!" "Yes! I have a responsibility, of course I have a responsibility!" Lu knelt on the ground with a puff and cried, "My biggest responsibility is not to have a good view of my daughter's future. Husband, let them fall in love with the second-hand concubine under their noses. They would rather marry a concubine than my family Rulan! In the final analysis, it’s just because she Xie Ruyun has an official father; compared to ours For small merchants, they are even more right!" "Lu, you are a mess!" Ji only felt that one head was two big, and her chest was jumping fast. She hurriedly supported the table and took a breath. Then he continued, "You always say that the third child is not an official. In your mind, you really think I don’t know! But you don’t look at him. Where is the youngest official? Besides, all these years, if there is any Good thing, when did I not stick to the Sanfang? You ask yourself, has the Xie family treated you badly, badly treated Rulan?!" "No?" When the Lu family saw this, he stood up and took out. The handkerchief wiped the tears on his face and said, "Old lady, then you also think about it for yourself, among these three sons, who has the most money for food and clothing these three sons! Uncle!" In the early years, we had to go up and down. It was the money from our Sanfang; when Zhuo'er and her mother went there, it was the golden nanmu coffin we bought by the Sanfang. As for the affairs, I paid for the work every time in the Sanfang. , But what? But the benefits are all divided by the other two rooms, and the bad things have been taken by the third room! Why is this?!" After speaking, she smiled coldly and said, "Let me say it, it is because of the three of us. The house is a business, and the second house is an official! I used to think that these three sons are all born to you, so there can be no partiality, right? But now I understand that everyone is partial, and the same is true for you. "You—" Ji Shi was agitated by the resentment in her words, and now he was a little short of breath. Lu Shi could not say a word with a pair of fingers. When Xie Ruzhuo saw this, he was too busy to step forward and follow the breath for her, and turned around, "San Auntie, what you said is too much? Since you are talking about my mother-in-law, then I will count it for you. Jin The nanmu coffin was transported by the Jiang family, and the third uncle did nothing but transport it back. Moreover, the Jiang family paid a lot of money back that time, and took the three-bedroom private account. If I remember correctly, ,It’s three thousand taels. After I was young, Fu did not know how to be a housekeeper. By being close to me, you only took away more than 3,760 taels every year from the accounts on my natal shop. . This doesn’t count the small bits and pieces you use in the shops. Auntie, am I right?” Lu Shi didn’t expect that she knew everything about these things, and she was taken aback by what she said at the moment. For a moment. This book is from l/32/32l

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