The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: A Midsummer Night's Dream IV

"What's your name?" Under the control of an unknown ability, the hot iron sand dagger swiped lightly on his cheek.

Looking at the unknown servant who was over two and a half meters tall and squatted in front of him with a smile, through the playful eyes of the unknown servant.

The coyote realized that the person in front of him must know himself or even know himself. The way you address yourself will probably directly affect the other person's attitude towards you.

"I am the heroic spirit Emiya (EMIYA, Emiya), the guardian of human restraint. Because of a wrong call, I came as "Ruler" in this Holy Grail War."

"Well." Li Ping nodded, then pointed at Tohsaka Rin. "Do you know her?"

"Who is she?" The Heroic Spirit Coyote frowned slightly.

"Masta, introduce yourself." Li Ping was happy.

"...What accent is your strange pronunciation?" Tohsaka Rin cleared his throat. "My name is Tohsaka Rin, the contemporary head of the Tohsaka family, the manager of this Fuyuki City."

"Although I fell into an economic crisis where I could not afford to eat because of the messy management of the unreliable guardians." Li Ping made a shot.

"Hey! What do you mean when you can't afford to eat!" Tohsaka Rin's face flushed red as visible to the naked eye.

"Tohsaka...Rin...this name..." The Heroic Spirit Coyote's eyes were dazed for a while.

"Hey, Masa." Li Ping put a finger against the forehead of the poor lady who wanted to come and beat someone, but because of the huge disparity in strength, even if she strengthened her limbs with magic power, it was difficult to move forward one centimeter. "Do you prefer a more dramatic development or a more comedic development?"

"Which one will let me win this Holy Grail War?" Tohsaka Rin gasped with a blushing face.

"...Even if I can only play less than one-tenth of my strength now, but... I can let the two loli from the restraint go off in person, and then beat them up and scream, you Just say how you want to play."


"Oh, that's good." He vaguely heard the voice of gold and iron intersecting, and a scream, and the happiness in Li Ping's eyes almost overflowed. "First of all, this eldest brother is called Emiya Shirou, if it wasn't for me, it would be this eldest brother that you summoned without the help of the holy relic.

The reason is that the two of you have a good relationship. Even if you two are not married, it is your sister who married him.

So in a sense you are his relic.

Another unreliable speculation is that no matter what holy relic you get out, you will eventually be able to summon him, because the two of you are too closely related.

Ah yes, there is a personal question, how many people in the school were watching when this big brother practiced the high jump on the playground? I know of five people watching it. Why do you all describe it as "I watched Emiya-san practicing by myself somewhere in the school"?

Okay, I'm done, you can leave your comments. "Li Ping snapped his fingers, released the tie that bound the coyote, spread out his hands, stood up and sat back, sitting on the sofa just made of iron sand, paralyzed on the sofa and began to watch the play.

"...I me me me me me... he he he he he... Wei Weiwei..." Tohsaka Rin stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence. Wandering back and forth.

"Looks like you know us well..." The coyote sat cross-legged on the ground.

"It's not very good, I just know a little about the possible history." Seeing the poor young lady in a panic, Li Ping smiled and wanted to be satisfied. "Oh, by the way, big brother, you are going to die, you know?"

"Huh?" The coyote was startled, and immediately, a vague memory emerged in his mind, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the teaching building.

"By the way, Emiya-san was still in school just now, and Lancer went after him. Saber, go save..."

"He has been stabbed in the heart by the holy spear, and his heart has been stabbed in the opposite direction, and now he is hanging his life with half-baked magic skills and Avalon." Li Ping rolled his eyes obscurely. "Let's go and save people."

Li Ping stood up, and with Tohsaka Rin's dull expression, he clipped her under his elbow and jumped up. When he jumped up, Li Ping could vaguely see the blue silhouette of Lancer's passing away.

"It's really you..." Li Ping took Tohsaka Rin and flew directly to the position where Shirou Emiya (Youth Edition) fell to the ground. Tohsaka Rin looked a little sluggishly at the youth version of Shirou Emiya who was lying on the ground on his back. "...If you say it, how should I explain it to that child... But it's today... Wait a minute..."

Although the heartbeat stopped and the blood flowed all over the floor, the activity of the body was still there, the soul was firm in the body, and the fire of life was hung by two kinds of magic powers at the same time.

"Is this fate..." Tohsaka Rin took out a heart-shaped red gem with a pendant from his pocket. Lightly covered the sky above Emiya Shirou Youth Edition, then closed his eyes, activated the magic stored in the gem and began to treat Emiya Shirou Youth Edition.

Thinking that the white-haired black-skinned strong man is the future Emiya Shirou, that is to say, even if he is not reminded, Emiya Shirou (Youth Edition) is probably bound to be saved by himself.

"That's right, this is the starting point of everything. No matter what your future is, Shirou Emiya will always be stabbed by the lancer and lie here waiting for you to save." Leaning against the wall, Li Ping looked at this famous scene.

Behind Tohsaka Rin, the coyote did not know where to take out a red heart-shaped gem that was exactly the same as Tohsaka Rin's hand, and looked solemnly at the gem in his palm.

Using magic power to heal Emiya Shirou's fatal wound, Rin Tohsaka casually placed the gem that used up the magic power on the ground.

"It's feels disgusting." Tohsaka Rin frowned at the youth version of Emiya Shirou who looked like a sleeping beauty, and then a lion turned his head and looked at the coyote, who was looking solemnly at the jewel in the palm of his hand.

Tohsaka Rin saw the pendant chain hanging down from the coyote's palm, turned around and glanced at the gem pendant that he had placed on the ground at will because the magic power was completely consumed and had no recharge value, and his brows were even tighter.


"What's wrong."

"Does he have no memory?"

"Strictly speaking, yes, but, if I remember correctly, he should have made a wish to the world in order to save 500 people after the Holy Grail War, probably ten years later. A miracle that saved these 500 people.

Then he was tricked by the unscrupulous boss into signing a contract of prostitution, and fought countless battles on an infinite timeline. A life that can be called a happy life for Hero Emiya is probably only the five years he was adopted by Kiritsugu Emiya and the ten years after the war, and then, the normal life that has not yet It must have become a hellish life that only relies on faith and a strong heart of iron.

I am afraid that in his memory before he became a guardian, there are only a few pictures that changed his life and a few names that are engraved in the depths of his soul, even if the memory is erased. "Li Ping's tone was full of emotion.

In fact, I have also encountered the same problem as Emiya Shirou. The mission world cannot be opened in a short time, and the system has been unable to adjust the memory of the divine self. After the world of magic, when I see my family and lovers again, I will always There is a brief sense of alienation and strangeness.

"It sounds so pitiful..." Tohsaka Rin turned his eyes to the coyote who was deep in his memories.

"Well, I think he deserves the title of greatness. He implements his will to become a partner of justice. No matter whether he wins or loses, he can't shake his will. He fought until the last moment, and came to his own ending with a smile." Li Ping's tone was full of envy. "It's a machismo-romantic ending."

"And then, after the memory has been wiped out, I will return to my former lover or sister-in-law to protect them. In fact, it is quite romantic for a girl." Tohsaka Rin packed up his mood, and received a lot of information today, and now I feel The feeling of amazement is a bit numb...

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