The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Six hundred and fifty-five Jetra emperor's vote

In March 2231, the main force of Jetrati's 118th Trunk Fleet, which had temporarily left the Solar System after the First Interstellar War, returned to the Solar System.

Returning with them were the four satellite factories seized by the Jetrati fleet.

The huge satellite factories with diameters ranging from 400 kilometers to 1110 kilometers are one of the important assets of the Jetrati people. The Ti people call it primitive culture) a semi-permanent self-discipline factory for the Jetrati people.

Self-maintenance and self-disciplined production, the original gene’s service period for this self-disciplined satellite factory is directly infinite, as long as it is not bombarded by massive battleship main guns to the point of death, and there are no material resources nearby that can be used. .

This self-disciplined satellite factory can continue to exist in the universe, and it can also provide the productivity of the daddy of the universe.

After some physical exchanges with humans, which led to human beings, or hoped for positive changes, the part of human beings who united human beings as soon as possible and took to the cosmic stage lost more than 90% of the cosmic fleet and combat readiness material reserves.

The loss of millions of people has made the feelings of the people of the earth very complicated for the Jetrati people.

On the one hand, it is the death of one's own relatives and friends, or simply the aftermath of the battle. On the other hand, at the end of the war, the Jetrati killed themselves more than humans. The Jetrati fleet itself inflicted casualties on itself several times more than the casualties caused by humans to the Jetrati people. Moreover, if it wasn't for the reversal of this part of the Jetrati fleet, even if Li Ping successfully launched the "projection fleet", the human casualties would have to be at least 0.

Faced with this situation, Commander Britt was ruthless, leaving behind a small number of garrison fleets and technical exchange personnel, pulling the remaining fleet and directly killing the three medium-sized Jetras wandering around the earth within a distance of 300 to 1500 light years. Ti fleet.

While playing songs on the public frequency, the hologram played the human romance and dog blood drama clips that the male and female protagonists gnawed and gnawed constantly. While causing a huge amount of spiritual shock to the illiterate compatriots, at the same time, they included a part, dismantled a part, and robbed two of them. A small Potozan-level fortress and three satellite factories of different sizes serve as a nomination for joining the circle of human civilization.

(One of the four satellite factories brought back is the 118th Trunk Fleet's own.)

(In addition, after watching the video of Lin Mingmei's album directly killing the uncultured Jetterati fleet, Lin Youde said that he also suffered a lot of mental shock.)

In the face of the Jetrati people's behavior of reciprocating and actively making up for human losses, coupled with the propaganda of the governments of various countries, the people can't hate the Jetrati people who are victims in the same sense. .

Moreover, the Jetrati people are also very bachelors, we still have countless illiterate compatriots running around in the universe, not necessarily when we have to meet this group of people who are likely to open fire without listening to a word. guy.

I am afraid that this remnant army can't even beat the normal full-scale medium-sized backbone fleet. UU Reading

Not all Jetrati people like to be influenced by culture, and everyone will not necessarily meet this group of uncultured Jetrati fleets and play together.

Commander Britt's speech was later dubbed the "cultural man" by the students...

In a short period of time, it exploded on video sites.

On the one hand, Commander Bullitt's speech is very open and aboveboard, and this attitude of not falsifying and never throwing the blame directly into the future is not necessarily better than not joining the circle of human civilization, which has attracted the favor of many people.

On the other hand, especially in the Chinese circle... Commander Britt's utter ignorance is too comical for young people.

And in this kind of whitewashing action that the government took the initiative to push the boat, everyone ignored one thing.

That is... Blitai took more than one million Getrati warships out, and after more than two years of fighting, more than seven million ships came back... Among them, nearly four million were Mertrandi, That is, the battleship of the female Jetrati.

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