The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Six hundred and forty-eight repetitions of (different world) history

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"Has the authenticity of the information been confirmed?" Li Ping put down the report with a dazed expression, and looked up at the head of the Intelligence Department of the Fortress of Destiny.

"It has been confirmed that the Imperial Intelligence Bureau of the Holy Brittany Empire, as well as our country's Military Intelligence Bureau and MI2, have all received the same information.

Our operations team in the AEU has also found troop movements that can match this intelligence. The expression of Minister Dai of the Intelligence Department is also a little forced. "The other party did not even hide his intentions. "

"I understand. The Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Security will strengthen the protection of the staff and their families of the Fortress of Destiny and the Third New Tokyo City, as well as strengthen the screening of foreigners. The rest can be watched."

"Understood." Said me, and Minister Dai turned around and left.

"Have they thought about what they are doing?" Li Ping turned his head in pain and looked at Ikari Wei, who had just come in and started reading the report.

"It's all bullshitting." Ikari only read the report with ten lines of eyes, and was directly laughing. "There are already some signs of madness on the AEU side... Forget it, when I didn't say it, they were already stunned."

"I'm very doubtful about what's going on with the AEU..." Li Ping really didn't know what to say.

The report just now mainly said one thing, the AEU has a substantial alliance with the secular alliance, and is preparing to launch a holy war against the world.

Now, on the territory of the AEU and the Secular Alliance, there is a human supremacy extremist organization called "Blue Cosmos".

The composition of this organization, everyone has to call him a good guy.

Existing intelligence shows that the headquarters of this organization is located in the Vatican. The main members of the organization are members of the old monotheistic religion, old environmental protection organizations, old feminist organizations, old African warlords, old Middle Eastern royal families, anti-racial discrimination organizations, old chaebol groups in Europe, etc. Wait.

United against the Jetrati in other countries and suffered a major blow, and established diplomatic relations with the Iskandar and the Cryptoras, but the most important thing is to allow the Quartet to sit down and talk to solve the problem When the weight of force was temporarily maintained on Li Ping.

They are organizing a massive propaganda campaign to deport the inhuman Li Ping.

Their almost intact space fleet is assembling, preparing to attack the country of adjusters involving the "realm of the gods" that has long made them uncomfortable.

And their army and navy were assembled in West Asia, Eastern Europe and the Atlantic Ocean, preparing to attack the People's Revolutionary Union and the Holy Brittany Empire on two fronts.

Their intelligence agency agents are planning to go to Australia, where the city of Jetrati is being built, and the third new Tokyo city, where the city of fortress is being built, to assassinate the Jetrati people and Stacia Iskandar, so that these two This race and human beings are evil, so as to achieve the result of "let the monsters in the sky go back to the sky and do not pollute our blue earth".

... Haven't they thought about the consequences of the Jetrati's anger and burning glass balls?

"Then what are you going to do? Counterattack?" Ikari only raised an eyebrow.

"It's a waste of time for me to pay more attention to this kind of thing. Let UEG and solve it. Don't they have no reason to integrate now? The reason is here." Li Ping shook his head, when he saw a familiar When he became the first of the organization, Li Ping's sense of "seed, I was beaten for nothing" became stronger.

"What if the public and the UEG choose to dismantle your reputation and weaken your power?"

"Isn't this just right?" Li Ping was happy. "Then I can take advantage of the situation and start a reverse conquest. Now, whether it is the Human Revolutionary League or the Holy Brittany Empire, they are too cooperative for me, and I am too embarrassed to do it.

Now they are willing to coax me and change the world to my liking and needs by the way, and I am happy to relax.

It's not the first time I've conquered the world if they want to expel me.

Isn't it just a few more years of overtime work, and it will be over after working hard. "

"...Are you serious?" Ikari Yu frowned.

"Do you think that I can handle the work that requires more than a dozen work groups to handle just overtime and can handle it well simply because the brain's computing power is relatively fast? It is purely because I have done similar work before, no other , only familiar with Seoul.

Now I am just presiding over the construction of a fortress city and a fortress that takes into account the functions of scientific research, equipment production, and demigod suppression. Compared with the previous management of a global-level unified regime in the early 21st century, it is much easier.

Then, under the premise of ability, whether I get started personally, it is just a little more work. "

"As you like..."


Then, the war broke out sooner than Li Ping expected, and the war became intensified from the very beginning.

On the evening of December 30, 2299, the AEU fleet dispatched from the lunar surface and the AEU's space colonies, advancing toward the satellite constellation from three directions.

On December 31, 2299, the AEU 1st to 4th space fleets arrived in the combat space and began to attack the "Boaz" fortress head-on.

The 5th Fleet of the ZAFT Army and the 305th Fleet of the Allied Space Force launched a defensive operation based on the fortress.

Even if it relies on the fortress, and the personal qualities of the adjusters generally exceed the situation of natural people, the battle ratio of 1 to 4 makes ZAFT very uncomfortable.

The commander of the fortress garrison once applied to the Supreme Council for the support of Genesis, but the reply was that in the last war, all the four completed Genesis had to enter the state of overhaul because of shooting at the extreme rate of fire. And even if it can be used, it cannot be the first to use nuclear weapons at a time when the AEU army has not used nuclear weapons.

"It's terrible. In the face of the AEU, who dare not fight a civil war in a foreign war, do they still regard them as a human country?" The commander of the Boaz Fortress rubbed his aching temples.

"The people of Milas and Iskandar are still watching, and we have shown enough bravery against the Jetras to allow them to sit down and talk to us.

If we were still ruthless during the civil war, it would inevitably make the other party think that we were a brutal fighting race, and at that time, everyone would be unable to cooperate well. "The political commissar of the base said casually, the post of political commissar was a new post after the last war, because they found that although their own army was the strongest alone (don't compare it with the group of Li Abao and Li Ping) ~www But the one with the worst fighting spirit and team cohesion.

Political commissars in the People's Revolutionary Federation army, sergeants in the army of the Holy Brittany Empire, and noble officers in the army of the Principality of Zeon can play a very good role in boosting morale and taking the lead. Even if they die, they can make the armies of these three countries lose more than half of the casualties in the early stage of the battle and never retreat. If the casualties exceed 70%, they can organize an organized counterattack. The casualties approach 90% and they can persist on the battlefield.

On the other hand, the ZAFT army had faint signs of collapse when the casualties reached 30%. If it hadn't been for the fact that other brother units had resisted the front line, giving the ZAFT captains time to rearrange their formations, the ZAFT army's front line would have collapsed.

This caused the members of the council to think hard and set up the post of combat political commissar, imitating the system of the People's Revolutionary Federation.

"It's really tied up..." The commander sighed.

"The Gormley team was defeated, and a request for reinforcements was sent."

"Let the Shethard team go to reinforce, and the Dillent team and the Chesas team are also dispatched to curb the expansion of the enemy's left flank."


"Emergency call from the local garrison fleet!"

"What's wrong?"

"An unknown fleet was found in the Arctic orbit, and it is approaching the mainland at high speed."

"Polar orbit? The target is the group?" The commander's eyes widened. "Wait, are these four fleets all decoys?! What about the local garrison fleet?"

"Only the thirteenth independent fleet from the People's Revolutionary Federation came to support it. That fleet was equipped with a new type of Fold engine. It was found that the AEU fleet came to help in less than an hour."

"Love and righteousness are very important..." The commander straightened the hat that had just been shaken in shock.

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