The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Six hundred and forty-four the day that made historians lose their hair

"It's hard for me to imagine how people will describe this scene in a few decades." Lin Youde bit his thumb and muttered to himself.

Humanity has never seen a mutiny on this scale before.

After the Britt fleet arrived on the battlefield, the simple speech of the fleet commander Britt directly incited more than 70% of the Jetraty army to rebel.

Moreover, they beat their non-rebellious compatriots harder than the human side.

Not to mention Lin Youde, Li Ping, who thinks he has a lot of knowledge, is numb.

Because Li Ping himself couldn't understand what the situation was, the **** fleet summoned by Li Ping slowly put out several "?"

In Li Ping's prediction, the unreliable situation, or the situation that is in line with the local reliability, is because Lin Mingmei and Meiyun's singing reduced each other's combat effectiveness to one-third of the original, and then because of the Bolitai fleet The anti-water flickering of one-third of the enemy ships against the water, then, the human side will have a fight.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the fleet moved forward at full speed. Under its own path, it cut through the formation of the Jetrati army, and threw all the 120 BETA airborne capsules captured so far on the Portozan-class fortress of Jetrati, causing chaos. The chaotic MS troops entered the fortress and beheaded Dolgo Podolza.

Li Ping stayed in the same place for a long time before he reacted...

Are you going to play yourself?

Well, in fact, I still don't understand it because of this super-expansion.

It seemed that he had underestimated the Jetrati people's yearning for something like culture.

"So... according to plan?" Lin Youde was a little uncertain.

"Let's keep the BETA landing capsule, the whole army will keep up, and the war will be over after killing the boss of the other side." , the crimson forbidden Gundam drawn by the lottery was pulled out. After updating the IFF information, Li Ping drove the body to catch up with the army.

Behind Li Ping, the coalition fleet that took the opportunity to regroup, charged forward with arrows formed by the most powerful and thickest armored SDF-1.

The overwhelming Jetrati fleet surrounded the relatively small and pitiful combined army fleet and rushed towards the Potozan-class fortress twelve light seconds away. Along the way, the Jetrati ships that responded continuously merged into the huge fleet. .

"That's the song... no, the power of primitive culture?"

Li Ping seemed to hear Dolgo Podolza's whisper.

"Although I haven't understood what the situation is, I think this is the power of the Jetrati people's longing for life."


"You can also call it the instinct of creatures, but all creatures have the instinct to form a settlement and live a stable life, especially for your highly intelligent creatures." Li Ping and many carrier-based aircraft units marched forward together. "Although the Jetrati are a fighting race created by primitive culture, they are still creatures. As long as they are creatures, they will have instincts."

BETA's kind of thing that sees itself as a machine, Li Ping, refuses to admit that that kind of thing is a living thing.


"Probably, I'm just a soldier. I occasionally do other jobs. I'm not very good at this kind of biology, sociology, and probably a large part of psychology." Li Ping avoided the sporadic air defense beams. . Behind them, the three flagship-class jetladi battleships launched a weight quantum acceleration track that runs through nearly three-quarters of the hull. After a short charge, the weight quantum spewed out, and was accelerated by a three-kilometer-long acceleration track. After that, shoot at the Potozan-class fortress.

A huge hole with a diameter of three kilometers was blown out in the shell of the Potozan-class fortress. SDF-1 slowly transformed from a battleship into a human shape under the stunned gazes of the coalition personnel. While pouring artillery fire into the fortress, he rushed into the fortress along the hole.

"Really, if it is possible, I really want to know why the Jetrati people who were born to fight would go one after another into the embrace of culture..."

"This may be the research topic of human sociologists for half a century."

"In a sense, I really envy you humans... You are obviously weak, but you know everything." Dolgo Podolza's voice was full of emotion.

"..." Li Ping opened his mouth and wanted to stop, but he didn't know how to respond to this Versailles declaration.

"Forget it..." Dolgo Podolza chuckled lightly. "In this way, there is one more step, and this battle will be a success."

"???" Li Ping controlled the body to blast away the wall of the huge control room where Dolgo Podolza was located, and faced Dolgo Podolza, the giant whose body became so huge that he could control this huge fortress.

Strange to say, Li Ping actually saw the kindness and the smug look on the face of this super giant whose head was much bigger than his body.

"What are you planning?"



"After tens of thousands of years of thinking, I always feel that the life of the Jetrati people should not only be about fighting. However, the culture of weak civilizations will not be accepted by the Jetrati. According to the evaluation of some civilizations in the galaxy, we A barbarian, a high-tech barbarian whose heart is only fighting.

Although we have no culture, our people instinctively long for the strong. Then, as long as there is a civilization strong enough to accept us, the Jetra emperors will be able to find something beyond battle... life, that's what you call it.

Originally, we wanted to take the initiative to rely on the force of the wave artillery fleet and the Iskandar Empire, which was helping the indigenous people to develop their civilization. "


"But the speed of this empire's decline is faster than the speed of our fleet's transition. It can only be done, which makes us Jetrati wandering for another thousand years."


"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just think the description that pops up occasionally is really interesting." Li Ping shook his head.

"Then kill me, this battle is your victory."

"I think, let's talk about this."

"Even if you can be assured of my existence, your clan will not be at ease. As long as I, Dolgo Podolza, Commander of the 118th Elementary Fleet of the Jetrati, exist for one day, the Jetrati will not be integrated into you. in human culture.

Neither you humans nor we, the Jetrati, can feel at ease. "

"I see." Li Ping took out a beam Magnum from the space and aimed it at Dolgo Podolza's face. "Then, go all the way."

Then, Li Ping pulled the trigger, and the red beam directly burned through the head of this giant, which was probably 30 meters With the death of Dolgo Podolza, who was the center of the fortress, this has already suffered The Potozan-class fortress, which had been under too much artillery fire, began to crumble and disintegrate.

"Your life shouldn't end here. After all, it is shown from the words that this is a responsible leader. Li Pinggang wanted to capture Dolgo Podolza's soul and give him the same as his body. When pinching a body..."Get up and do...Worge? "

What about NTMD souls? Such a big giant, you tell me you have no soul? !

Li Ping opened his senses to the maximum, and instantly scanned a range of nearly a light second, and found a weak soul.

——In Blitai's flagship.

"Very good, we'll see later." Li Ping gritted his teeth. "I will always have you for overtime work in the future, and you will have your next life with extra wages!"

Dolgo Podolza, who had just stepped out of the regular giant clone pod, shuddered and looked around blankly.

"It's probably a little cold just out of the water..." Dolgo Podolza murmured to himself.

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